Sinonim dari codetermine

Kata kerja

To cooperate or determine jointly, especially in policymaking
cooperate collaborate work together act jointly act together coact liaise work side by side co-op partner be in collusion combine efforts coordinate with each other liaise with each other work hand in glove work jointly ally league associate conspire unite federate combine confederate team up concur cohere concert merge club connive join forces join conjoin coordinate amalgamate coalesce come together get together pull together collude form an alliance band together make common cause coadjute gang up stick together be in cahoots club together pool resources join together join up affiliate link band work closely hook up work in partnership act as a team align connect cofunction work with participate participate in a conspiracy throw in with get in bed with go into partnership complot rally interface cabal syndicate fraternize unify integrate consolidate play ball fraternise join up with do business with be in league consort go into league link up abet coproduce sympathize plot group interact sympathise tie in form an association team up with throw in together be in league with be hand in glove glue oneself to throw in one's lot contribute side machinate scheme team assemble attach enlist align with affiliate with ally with associate with remain unified cooperate with join forces with band together with make a pact with form an alliance with form a conspiracy work together with stay close work side by side with align oneself remain friendly remain loyal bond together join sides put in with close ranks aid and abet relate yoke go in with gather join in pitch in incorporate butty dovetail work pool mix bond go butties synthesize synthesise accompany run with go with gather together flock together round up side with unite with conduce tend collogue agree colleague integrate into socially join sign on with become associated with latch on to join to latch onto sign up with tag along with combine with be an accessory manoeuvre wangle maneuver contrive form a federation intrigue lay plans hatch a plot

Kata kerja

To formulate or come up with through join efforts, typically policy
formulate devise compose develop coin frame contrive draught draft hatch make originate concoct construct create produce cast conceive craft design evolve lay forge plan codify map draw up map out put together cook up get ready prepare invent work out dream up make up work think up vamp form arrange organize fabricate organise plot fashion scheme manufacture trump up outline come up with shape mastermind brainstorm project set up excogitate lay out build engineer sketch brew blueprint budget write throw together drum up set out chart imagine scheme out strategize about block out discover choreograph whip up assemble establish machinate think of vamp up sketch out calculate draw delineate model spark initiate institute orchestrate generate dope out turn out mold mould pioneer innovate improvise conceive of programme program compile work up envision rough out trace represent put up found inaugurate erect edit plan out spawn ready spitball figure cogitate ponder think out determine make ready conjure up bring about envisage put in place ad-lib hit on hammer out picture thrash out carve out plot out marshal illustrate conspire set list itemize describe author intrigue gather engender marshall dream figure out depict estimate detail cause line up join constitute mix fit make arrangements set down itemise pen prep prefab execute piece together run up fix groom head trip realise realize derive effect image fake it play it by ear lay on ruminate perform visualize speculate visualise make out throw up decide strategize spark off grind out cobble together conceptualize pattern conceptualise adumbrate skeleton rough feign work something out indite bring forth uncover moot stumble upon make up off the top of one's head order occasion induce find detect start launch introduce hew balance draw plans of fable begin compound batch mature premeditate slate stage-manage wangle write out trace out contemplate collate systemize systematize do conceit ideate forecast list out fudge together procure stir up mix up slap together ad lib cultivate think through think ahead connect anthologize accumulate combine collect sort out amass link bring start up work on elaborate purpose rig cause to happen handle becast move script scribe be the inventor of beget base achieve accomplish fulfill fulfil lay plans diagram quarterback meditate fix up steer chalk out carry out tailor crank out get obtain churn out hit upon parent instigate patent procreate fabulize improv bargain for figure on fix to rough in lay in provisions reckon on adjust equip supply adapt secure give birth to set in motion fictionalize wing it fictionalise storify cast about bring together systematise rustle up knock out furnish outfit accoutre perfect start off open up put in motion usher in cut comp endow appoint anticipate hash out confect mint be the mother of be the father of bear fangle raise piece dash off get up settle on build up fit out rear bring into being knock off jack up smooth the way fill in structure toss off deduce elevate portray infer make provision put in order reason render paint limn knock together fit together cobble up whomp up conclude understand profile caricature pencil judge etch extrapolate compute reckon arrive at elicit reach educe make a drawing of do drawings graph mark out make a diagram crayon make a drawing make a diagram of engrave mark copy record assess get off foot add count number tot total sum summate

Kata kerja

To make a determination through joint efforts

Antonim dari codetermine

codetermine Idiom

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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