Sinonim dari gross look

Kata kerja

To direct one's gaze
glance gaze stare gape peer focus peep peek take a look watch consider see observe view regard mark check out glimpse spot eye take in ogle eyeball behold fix one's gaze gawk get a load of glare pay attention to take note of catch sight of lay eyes on spy take a gander descry espy give something a once-over give the once-over have a squint size up look fixedly clock feast one's eyes gawp goggle recce rubberneck take a butcher's take a dekko take a dekko at take a gander at take a shufti blink scrutinize scrutinise squint contemplate scan look vacantly inspect bore eagle eye stare open-mouthed get an eyeful keek stare in wonder survey study admire sneak a look leer rivet gloat squinny snoop narrow your eyes glim have a peek look quickly have a look-see beam gawp at take a secret look take a sly look take a stealthy look cast a brief look have a dekko steal a look gaze open-mouthed gawk at look hard give the eye take a good look yawp take have a peep look hurriedly gander wonder stare stupidly snatch a glimpse rubberneck at fixate rubber outstare sneak a quick look concentrate glower leer at browse look intently skim focus on rivet one's eyes have a good look fix on rivet on watch closely pin one's eyes glint stare in amazement stare at eye up look askance rivet the eyes on dip check fix make eyes at lech squiz examine lech over lech after gaze at gape at make sheep's eyes at look at give the glad eye give someone the come-on perv on keep an eye on look closely have a quick look look briefly look earnestly try to see have a shufti take a quick look look through narrowed eyes have a butcher's Jack Nohi look surreptitiously look from hiding catch a glimpse of witness go over squint at screw up eyes run over glance one's eye spectate watch from a distance look on notice audit pierce pry take a good look at peruse penetrate probe look over explore peer at look suggestively look lasciviously distinguish discern sight perceive note see over drool over review catch be shown over oversee ponder have a gander at feast your eyes on flash believe dig canvass scope overlook check something out have a dekko at check over set eyes on assess take a shufti at have a look-see at pipe read clap eyes on remark have a squint at make eyes give sly looks to undress someone with one's eyes lour gloom frown scowl lower glunch glout look menacingly give a dirty look look threateningly stare angrily give someone a death stare do a slow burn look daggers stare icily

Kata kerja

(look at) To inspect or analyze
examine study inspect analyse analyze assess scrutinise scrutinize investigate review check evaluate explore go into go over go through scan check out contemplate delve into dissect look at look into look over pore over probe survey view consider discuss ponder read scope out scrutinate size up tackle take stock of search sift hunt dig delve seek inquire enquire look through rummage around skirr research pan dowse reconnoitre mine drill scout go reconnoiter prospect make enquiries snoop appraise wade query pry conduct an enquiry question go after make a survey of trawl suss out find out seek an answer subject to an examination dig into eyeball vet audit check over peruse case con canvass enquire into inquire into work over overlook chew over go over with a fine-tooth comb give the once-over recce oversee search into think through check into weigh up check up on sift through look at carefully read up on observe interpret assay scope follow up test interrogate make enquiries about inquisite think about pick at conduct an enquiry into look-see make inquiry run down cross-examine give the once over inquire about check up poke around pry into sound out probe into conduct an investigation into pick apart nose around eye watch enquire about browse skim find out about ask questions about determine deconstruct brainstorm bug tap poke spy frisk wade through excogitate skim through examine closely sift the evidence concerning cut do research into put questions to ask questions of put to the test read into leaf through give something a going-over mull over browse through try to get to the bottom of brood over deliberate on be all ears put under a microscope break down feel out listen in take a look at thumb through dive into stake out search the evidence concerning dip into glance through take apart make inquiries about conduct an inquiry into run your eye over search for flick through quest pursue surf spy on make an observation of make a recce of get back to make sure make enquiries into make inquiries into chase up screen glance over regard clock parse notice sweep winnow undersee discern perceive look see monitor fathom supervise superintend go through with a fine-tooth comb sort through turn over conduct investigations into estimate behold look up find information on catechize take a dekko at kick the tires subject to an inspection give something a look-see nitpick weigh esteem treat anatomize comb penetrate pierce perlustrate criticize unpack candle think of look upon look on stare balance peg smoke get a load of drill down examine carefully burn up take the measure of find fault criticise judge look closely pick holes verify identify resolve decompose decompound take stock give something a once-over report sit in get down to brass tacks ask about have a look at open up leave no stone unturned wade into kick around sort out try wiretap muckrake underseek follow plough through bury oneself in be absorbed in refer to devour flip through cast an eye over

Kata kerja

To have the appearance or give the impression of being
seem appear look to be act appear to be present as being seem to be come across as come off as give every appearance of being give every indication of being give the impression of being have the air of being have the appearance of being look as if one is look like one is show every sign of being strike as being make like one is sound exhibit make clear manifest strike as display feel look as though one is make resemble look like give the idea give the impression have the appearance look as if give impression of being strike you as strike you as being come over come across come off come across as being occur to one as come have signs of being have the hallmarks of being have the earmarks of being correspond to being be the very picture of being impress give an impression state give expound air voice vent express raise ventilate be take after pass for pretend to be strike someone that create the impression that give every indication that give the impression that create the impression of being correspond to have earmarks of make as if have hallmarks of make believe have signs of be similar to bear a resemblance to look a lot be the very picture of remind one of seem like give the idea of give the impression being sound like have the earmarks of have the qualities of give the feeling of have the look of being look like you are have the aspects of make a show of convey the impression being display signs of being have the look of exhibit being have the features of convey the impression look as if you are be suggestive of show signs of being manifest being make a show of being give the feeling of being show every sign of show signs of create the impression being have the appearance of give the idea of being give someone the feeling that one is sound as if you are create the impression feel like

Kata kerja

(look to or look at) To hope for, or aspire to, a goal or dream
aim aspire conspire contrive design endeavor endeavour plan scheme strive arrange calculate devise focus intend mean plot propose seek angle attempt orchestrate organise organize premeditate purport try be eager engineer essay hope meditate prepare purpose target want wish set your sights on zero in on zoom in on anticipate attend await expect reckon on take care contemplate go allow have in mind have in view resolve think of envisage foresee desire have every intention have the intention have plans be resolved consider determine mind set out covet insinuate project say to oneself tell oneself imagine visualize visualise think about aim at mean to give thought to expect to schedule earmark envision destine commit be looking be going be determined consign prearrange ordain designate decree be plotting indicate think dedicate appoint devote have resolved connote reserve set apart have set out mark out decide look forward add up hope to figure on aspire to set aside set up bargain for count on make plans have a mind ponder pursue have a mind to work towards make up your mind think to bid for make up one's mind commit oneself conceive fate predestine preordain predetermine foreordain doom undertake shape foredoom will prescribe start out suit make assign consecrate allot preform draft outline craft create budget develop concoct tailor frame strategize fashion make fitting adjust doom to choreograph blueprint adapt construct fit gear draught equip scheme out strategize about map out lay out orient choose plan ahead agree elect opt conclude figure settle on settle upon take a decision come to the conclusion settle on a plan of action remain firm reach a decision make a point of make a decision take a stand come to a decision

Kata kerja

(look for) To search for something that has been misplaced
search hunt seek forage fossick scour sift comb ferret probe rummage scavenge scout fine-tooth-comb seek out track down root about root around cast about cast around cast round ferret about ferret around rummage around rummage about explore delve look for look high and low rummage round scratch around nose around pursue rootle around fumble scrabble feel fish grope fish around fish about ransack poozle examine scratch about nose about scan chase scout out mudlark grabble finger flounder hunt around look round look about look around raid plunder scrounge dig around manipulate handle poke pry root pilfer nose round ravage grub beat rake feel blindly roust around scrounge around quest trace rootle prospect drag investigate winnow skirr chase down forage for shop for look up cast about for cast around for scour around rootle about search high heaven be on the prowl go after fish for grope around search out try to find look all over hell be on the lookout ferret out forage around forage about rifle search through look through browse go through fossick through turn upside down turn inside out poke through poke about in roust grub about search around dredge troll hunt through root through dig through sort through turn over scrabble around in ferret around in ferret about in rifle through ferret in fish about in root around in root about in sift through scrabble about in poke around in beat the bushes fumble through dig in poke around roust around in fish around in fiddle about in grub about in rootle around in leave no stone unturned delve in shake down

Kata kerja

To express a strong opinion or emotion
vent state voice express air raise communicate ventilate expound give reveal sound declare proclaim utter articulate assert verbalise verbalize give expression to make public give voice to bring into the open come out with give vent to find expression for make known discuss debate broadcast moot broach publish circulate publicize advertize advertise put publicise talk about talk of put into words go into put forth register lodge examine scrutinize sift bring up free scrutinise talk over introduce discourse deliberate give an airing to take up thresh out bring out into the open say divulge word table vocalize phrase propose disseminate mention affirm purport annunciate couch announce promulgate intimate suggest cite claim submit argue spread mouth pronounce profess advance opine testify speak allege disclose impart denote present frame convey enunciate maintain designate propound formulate deliver herald indicate blare tell advocate aver trumpet import avow inform asservate recount intonate confess stress intone bespeak mutter blazon insinuate hint avouch asseverate connote admit emphasize inflect reassert roar modulate pass shout clothe yell reaffirm allegate repeat render cry vocalise emphasise put across set forth get across attest to put in words testify to get over give utterance to spell out lay down pour out point out give out put over give testimony give expression make out pop off speak out give utterance shout from the rooftops bear witness bring forward give away put forward report recite narrate posit pitch enounce set out set down spiel exhibit offer expose display take the wraps off have your say spell intend blaze explain specify stand for add up to preach talk sound out show enumerate flash post placard release describe rehearse interpret relate elucidate bring out protest blaze abroad ostend stump blazon abroad blast call evidence shout from the housetops state publicly mark sound off decree get on a soapbox spread it around pass the word spout evince shout out illustrate shoot off one's mouth orate throw out give rundown chime in be specific about give blow-by-blow paraphrase quote declaim soliloquize restate read read out give a recitation read aloud say aloud say out loud reel off read out loud

Kata kerja

To be a portent of a particular outcome
promise augur bode portend bespeak betoken forbode forebode foreshadow herald presage suggest denote harbinger indicate signify foretoken omen hint imply insinuate hint at lead you to expect look like point to seem likely be a presage of be a sign of be evidence of give hope give hope of hold a probability of hold out hope hold probability lead to expect show signs of bring hope give every indication of show all the signs bid fair give an indication of give good grounds for expecting hold out hopes of foretell prophesy warn of predict spell signal foreshow adumbrate prognosticate be an omen of be a warning of forecast be a harbinger of threaten mean prefigure forewarn announce vaticinate divine be an indication of forerun add up to foresee call read give a warning of premonish anticipate soothsay crystal-ball represent express shadow have a hunch typify preindicate tell of symbolize symbolise amount to purport forewarn of auspicate previse spae offer stop message reveal proclaim sense feel intuit figure out call it psych out to foreshadow call the shots forespell warn sanction be an omen be the harbinger of have a feeling be symptomatic of give warning of give notice of indicate the coming of evidence manifest declare mark telegraph show demonstrate be in the wind assert betide note import witness evoke connote impart convey intimate evince infer allude conjure up call to mind lead to believe put someone in mind of remind you of call up bring to mind remind allude to occur put one in mind of get at put you in mind of summon up be redolent of point drive at advert smack of point in direction of make you think of refer remind one of refer to designate stand for prove attest exhibit display reflect illustrate testify to argue correspond to bear witness to tag be a symptom of bear out betray tab exemplify intend communicate confirm corroborate substantiate spell out distinguish identify characterize point toward disclose register characterise peg symbol emblematize pinpoint establish testify verify expose be equivalent to flag up pin down attest to constitute flag delineate embody ticket epitomize personify label flash equal approximate to make finger authenticate be tantamount to certify support substitute for affirm speak equate with signpost epitomise give away make known add up body forth come down to point at button down put one's finger on put down for be a symbol of vouch for be proof of witness to make evident point out comprise shew correspond advertise present advertize boil down to endorse say serve as evidence of gesture towards avouch name lead air feature unveil ostend make clear back up give credence to give evidence be a monument to bear witness subscribe draw attention to be an abbreviation of appear for count as underline notate record brand tick stamp exclaim address ask discuss stipulate cite arrange accost engage sign trace sticker docket qualify mark off show the position of check off be symptomatic wink carry bear mirror encapsulate depose swear involve predicate entail attach labels to put labels on be a mark of put stickers on hang sign on warrant mount appear cross heart sing stand up for give facts token give one's word say so swear up and down swear to have overtones of have undertones of give the impression have an aura of give a feeling of be associated with have an atmosphere of implicate impute ascribe broach presuppose angle model instantiate validate justify make out convey the impression give an inkling say indirectly give a clue give someone to understand give a hint give someone to believe allude to the fact say in passing portray stage perform produce ratify back uphold enact incorporate image incarnate check equate imitate reproduce factor copy steward body impersonate act as be symbolic of be the embodiment of give human form to be the incarnation of act in place of buy for serve as assume the role of be a typical sample of give human shape to substitute put on play the part of appear as sell for be representative of play the part give substance to demonstrate the truth of show clearly show beyond doubt

Kata benda

A visual appearance or feel
effect quality character facade impression property semblance aspect characteristic exterior façade feature flavor flavour guise affectation air ambience atmosphere aura complexion essence feel front mood tone trait attribute cast feeling image manifestation outline presence stamp smell spirit appearance ambiance vibe climate note temper vibrations odour odor countenance bearing mien tenor aroma manner undertone overtone environment background color suggestion element halo context emanation ambient colour subcurrent expression demeanour setting deportment demeanor backdrop karma nimbus patina vibes surroundings undercurrent mannerism ring veneer energy scene key vagary timbre milieu sense colouring frame perspective style echo taste light angle slant vista attitude regard features condition figure coloring conditions situation circumstances comportment address interpretation piece garb part form way of being idiosyncrasy peculiarity eccentricity distinction individualism quirk speciality individuality oddity bent curiosity foible way specialty individual trait personal trait habit unconventionality environs vein disposition contexture clime medium nature habitat terrain tinge hint tendency soul heart streak ethos surround surrounds trend touch glow strand whiff tincture framework vibration influences circumstance landscape set humour humor state of affairs mise en scene way of life frame of mind outlook scent force evocation regional detail sense of place ch'i chi ki space inclination movement leaning degree suspicion intonation inflection bag shade indication trace matrix inflexion representation scale zeitgeist mise en scène local color history connection time experience affair scenario relation surrounding factors position set-up lead-up frame of reference equation circs substance quintessence state of affair meaning intention morale cheer feather mode core purpose standard principle gist belief lifeblood ethic personality purport intent constitution motivating force state of mind fundamental nature animating principle prevailing tendency dominating characteristic make-up temperament persona attributes traits psychology identity mentality psyche make mould calibre particularity qualities fingerprint grain hallmark colors mettle makeup distinctiveness caliber uniqueness shape essential quality properties complex badge clay marked traits mold crasis colours mystique mark turn of mind sum and substance selfhood kidney kind estimation affection self-identity singularity

Kata benda

A style or fashion
style fashion trend mode vogue fad craze rage mania design form genre buzz sensation flavor flavour go enthusiasm chic latest dernier cri hot ticket latest thing last word thing furor furore custom convention practice ton current style general tendency tonne in thing latest taste latest style newest wrinkle latest wrinkle in-thing cry mainstream now new look hip thing the last word the latest fad the latest cry the newest fashion taste ritual way fancy practise wont bandwagon trick cultus cultism habit habitude passing fancy faddism prevailing taste passion obsession modishness popularity fashionableness voguishness hotness fixation fashionability infatuation preoccupation favor fascination kick favour stylishness fetish approval compulsion love coolness trendiness novelty interest whim hip weakness wrinkle hobby in monomania meme fever movement cult cool bug panache classiness elegance prominent thing important thing buzzword pattern jag crotchet flair hit idea concept hipsterism hipness air du temps second nature impact in-spot hot spot flash wonder currency prevalence big thing penchant snazziness affectation caprice inclination predilection the thing usage use the latest whimsy humour innovation eccentricity humor conceit vagary kink amusement quirk frivolity sport talking point preference the rage fantasy recreation pastime pursuit impulse latest word fool notion entertainment hobbyhorse leisure pursuit leisure activity craving desire urge prepossession fetich partiality yen idée fixe cacoethes fashionable popular in fashion bug in ear tiger grabber fixed idea craziness bee hang-up tiger by the tail bee in your bonnet campaign ax to grind something on the brain disorder with it trendy in vogue big all the rage drive crusade push le dernier cri cause juggernaut blitz lobby

Kata benda

A manner or expression that hides one's true character or feelings
put-on front facade pretence guise pretense show façade masquerade charade act pose semblance disguise airs mask veneer veil playacting cloak simulation face cover fakery exterior gloss colour color disguisement phoniness beard colouring coloring fakeness frontage false front window-dressing false colors window dressing appearance illusion affectation false display impression posture public image sham fake bluff expression display air bearing showing aspect mien simulacrum layer presentation smokescreen shell outside camouflage manner image figure form feel outward appearance similitude seeming approximation resemblance likeness feeling name affinity mood aura similarity alikeness demeanour countenance outward show demeanor carriage pretension deception make-believe dissimulation pretext posturing feigning false show artifice imitation pretentiousness cover-up trick hoax con screen play-acting ostentation subterfuge feint faking posing fig leaf ruse deceit stall schtick affectedness falsification humbug hokum insincerity impersonation false appearance smoke screen counterfeit false pretense superciliousness pretensions parody travesty pageant role fabrication trickery shamming blind put-up job dumb act arrogance mannerism artificiality excuse scheme misrepresentation attitude snobbery inflation grandiosity invention lie routine shuffling red herring airs and graces double-dealing stunt imposture going Hollywood dissembling garb exaggeration snivel evasion acting snootiness showing off side masking suggestion assumed manners dress false colours claim uppishness unnatural imitation effect curtain covering putting on airs performance smoke and mirrors falsehood profession light shroud visage a scene an act pomposity attitudinizing character stand personation mummery revel costume haughtiness hauteur manoeuvre jive forgery snow job flimflam burlesque sell spoof fiction smoke stratagem smoke-screen disguising closeting chaser sweet talk soft soap ploy a put-up job a put-on shuck and jive hamming dissemblance phoney phony dissimilation stance personality identity part maneuver farce pantomime machination portrayal swank persona personage self public face person assumed role fraud mockery delusion codology kidology mimicry jiving snow mere show

Kata benda

The shape, size, and presentation of a book or periodical
format arrangement design form configuration plan composition layout presentation style appearance make-up scheme shape size conformation constellation formation getup makeup ordonnance pattern setout setup structure type construction set-up dimensions figure formula organisation organization system outline fashion disposition cut lines mode draft geography sketch lay blueprint draught purpose diagram chart physical arrangement display cast profile silhouette model constitution exterior contours geometry mould packaging exposition outward appearance essentials mold articulation outward form characteristics contour fit tailoring manner framework build frame delineation line shadow architecture make fabric order anatomy image motif figuration representation physique motive character features drawing map lineament content device depiction likeness kind body ordering prototype weave habit treatment curves lineation quality illustration picture ornamentation decoration contents portrait components constituents nature parts idea lineaments sort description notion assembly emblem symmetry archetype paradigm stamp surface alignment array patterning feel face method trim fiber finish ornament countenance project physiognomy visage consistency being texture balance matrix tracing cliche cliché woof warp rough concept schema phiz distinctive features theme fibre feeling leitmotif truism distinguishing characteristics trope touch scale drawing fineness nap template guise habitus phenotype spread proportions sequence brand mechanisms context sorting ranging grouping marshalling positioning pile variety repetition orderliness building complex edifice erection impression chassis circumscription simulacrum rendering marshaling Gestalt etching shade portraiture summary synopsis report side view tessellation program programme logo unifying idea recurrent image contexture sense foundation web symbolism view effigy monogram blob mien looks curve relief mug shot mock-up rough sketch preliminary sketch mug keynote architectural plan blurred outline warp and woof graphic facial features facial characteristics schematic plat perspective meaning prospectus projection platform rough draft road map floor plan time line ground plan traits trait hallmarks properties tracery conception dummy comp study doodle strategy anvil schemat grain image of a person human representation skeleton circumference paste-up embellishment game plan last perimeter visual vignette hobbing boot hobbing foot decorative design geometric design preliminary form thumbnail sketch outline sketch stiffness essence roughness intermixture essentiality flexibility coarseness smoothness

Kata benda

A representation of the external form of a person or thing in art
image likeness figure icon depiction effigy picture portrayal representation resemblance statue bust carving doll fetish figurine idol ikon illustration painting sculpture statuette avatar drawing portrait sketch talisman air aspect aura semblance artist's impression model portraiture diagram rendering delineation impression reproduction artwork vignette visual photograph design simulacrum canvas art plate oil chart profile visual aid graphic rendition head cartoon watercolour piece composition study engraving watercolor oil painting still life work of art etching copy dummy print interpretation presentment silhouette linocut guy canvass cast outline inscription mural landscape photo form tableau graven image draft acrylics frontispiece plan oils blueprint map draught photogravure engraved design art work graphic design fine art water color replica counterpart facsimile figurehead embodiment exemplification emblem demonstration puppet montage symbol monument graph artistic work characterization sign logo lookalike bronze facade façade statuary duotone halftone tailpiece imagery panorama doodle scarecrow manikin adaptation impersonation duplicate personification imitation adumbration ivory marble opus work old master execution delivery line drawing slant realization human representation film video image of a person torso realisation effigy of Guy Fawkes block woodcut miniature self-portrait kit-cat portrait spitting image cut shape contour configuration dry point mezzotint scratch chiselling blocking rotogravure enchasing chiseling lithograph intaglio photoengraving tracing plaster cast plaster of Paris cityscape watercolours watercolors seascape framework frame layout circumference skeleton line shadow perimeter rough abstract design conformation lineaments lineament figuration lines contours outline sketch preliminary form thumbnail sketch

Kata benda

A distinct treatment or approach towards something
take view interpretation perception perspective slant understanding apprehension approach assimilation concept conception grasp insight outlook persuasion point of view account analysis assessment awareness belief comprehension consideration conviction discernment notion opinion picture vision way of thinking attitude construal deduction elucidation impression judgement judgment reading contemplation observation representation sentiment thought version aspect glimpse grip prospect translation riff variation viewpoint estimation sense appreciation idea cognizance evaluation standpoint knowledge angle position stance consciousness explanation realization percipience hold characterization realisation recognition appraisal stand feeling apperception side conceit image vantage point treatment construing construction eye view command reasoning examination perceptivity perceptiveness determination direction intuition thinking mindset standing way of looking philosophy light disposition inclination frame of mind shoes ken cognition verdict inspection imagination depiction portrayal mood rendition portrait rendering conclusion posture mind-set spin portraiture policy feelings thoughts ideas sentiments colour leaning proclivity predilection color eye mind inference two cents worth broad view overview value judgment context twist say so where one is at intelligence personal approach way of looking at something ability to understand aha capacity ability double take prehension slow take attention intellection sensation vista acknowledgement study panorama experience apprehending scenery landscape realizing taste realising acknowledgment expertise know-how proficiency in absorption expertise in knowingness mastery digestion visualization discrimination skill familiarity with skill in tuition education proficiency knowing familiarity enlightenment firm grasp acquaintance visualisation uptake insight into acquaintance with decipherment grapple schooling scene sweep bird's-eye view lookout overlook scenic view spectacle survey aerial perspective sight aerial view mindfulness regard notice sensibility observance heed conceptualization hypothesis abstraction theory supposition conceptualisation cogitation concern responsiveness presumption ear postulation note alertness attentiveness advertence advertency sensitivity mind's eye feel heedfulness cognisance assumption inkling wariness fancy sentience generalization mental picture conjecture orientation bias scrutiny premise generalisation information suggestion vigilance sympathy noticing identification musing suspicion detection dream stereotype generality deliberation care reaction convictions discovery prejudice construct bent headset interest distinguishing respect presentiment learning valuation fantasy esteem sensitiveness surveillance excogitation preconception vagary caprice clarification mentality presupposition clue speculation signification hunch model accepted wisdom predisposition inspiration sensitivity to perceiving plan imagining enjoyment fool notion cogitating envisaging mental image mental vision mental visualization prognosis reflection frame of reference thoughtfulness expectation aesthetic sense temperament receptivity school of thought way of looking at things mental representation turn of mind acumen wit meaning anticipation indication penetration evidence handle perspicacity bearing spotting hint atmosphere aura self-understanding knowledgeableness self-awareness wakefulness acquaintanceship connotation diagnosis focus curiosity formula wisdom rumination notions theorem finding definition contention reverie pondering phantasm noting sensibility to vibe intimation thanks appreciativeness gratefulness gratitude vein partiality sapience sageness sagaciousness erudition resolution awakening achievement inquisitiveness line of thinking carefulness witfulness thesis smelling sensing tasting acceptance brainchild big idea wrinkle brain wave rationality greater understanding better understanding enhanced understanding superior understanding comprehensive understanding improved understanding intellect message engrossment enthrallment immersion tune watchfulness instruction admiration liking relish attraction commendation love affection theme admission consensus premonition faculty reason teaching mental acquisitiveness inquiring mind nosiness mark mulling over need concession light bulb moment aha moment tingle hallucination dreaming illusion nightmare conscious thought edification compassion personal feeling prediction principle recollection tickle prickle function recognizance affinity rapport aspiration rationalization rationalisation idée fixe objective intention thing worry motivation contrivance intent thankfulness manner way guess trust ideology commiseration emotion kinesthesia granting allowance conceding communion concord pity revelation vibes semblance fashion monitoring review illumination identifying differentiation establishing acknowledging confession acuity projection estimate forecast calculation surmise surmising acceptation faith receptiveness empathy warmth indulgence funny feeling sneaking suspicion setting framework gut reaction an aha moment watching high regard sensory faculty fellow feeling paradigm situation being on same wavelength awareness of the feelings of others cottoning to avowal verifying recognisance investigation out-of-body experience sequence of images sixth sense scope hue guise complexion appearance psychology psyche viewing scrutinization head trip sweven temper surveying perusal apprehension of persona personality character understanding of grasp of comprehension of command of awareness of realization of cognizance of knowledge of perception of conception of state of mind supervision mind set recognising cast of mind probe makeup ascertainment mental attitude cast make-up recognizing way someone's mind works mastery of ken of touch once-over design meditation taction tactility philosophizing fancying meditating considering exposition philosophising contact mental grasp reflex sensuality titillation innervation pleasure activity motility excitability pain excitation tangibility excitement motor response sense of touch tactile sense


Look, see, behold (in an imperative sense)


Used in speech to fill gaps

Antonim dari gross look

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