Sinonim dari lived in the lap of luxury

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Past tense for to lead a very comfortable life
lived high on the hog lived the life of Riley lived extravagantly overindulged reveled caroused revelled lived in clover partied celebrated enjoyed oneself made whoopee roistered had a ball painted the town red lived it up pushed the boat out lived high off the hog made a pig of oneself wassailed had fun had a good time enjoyed life went on a spree gone on a spree went overboard gone overboard let your hair down let loose made merry had a party whooped it up feasted rejoiced cut loose raved larged it binged indulged stepped out had a wild time got down rollicked put the flags out kicked up one's heels let go had a fling jubilated had a night on the tiles put the flag out grooved frolicked birled enjoyed savoured savored wallowed delighted painted the town thrived luxuriated rolled raised hell basked spreed rioted enjoyed yourself socialized romped socialised gone out on the town went out on the town relished junketted junketed gloated had a binge crowed commemorated occasion killed the fatted calf larked lapped up gorged run around beat the drum overindulged oneself went on a bender fooled around carried on splurged let off steam raised the roof gone on a bender had the time of your life kidded around jolled lived up thriven blown off steam went on a binge gone on a binge blew off steam throve overdone overdid boozed lived large kicked over the traces raised Cain drunk flourished caroled overdid it knew not when to stop gone to excess clinked glasses went to town imbibed appreciated increased lived high on hog honoured lived in luxury had a night on the town marked with a red letter prospered bevvied gone to town revered applauded beaten the drum ran around went to excess indulged oneself blessed overdone it pledged loved raised one's glass to drank feted saluted had a great time crew quaffed bloomed blest exulted gloried raved it up extolled carolled abounded pub-crawled honored not known when to stop gotten drunk got drunk played burgeoned gone out went out gotten it on got it on taken satisfaction taken pride took satisfaction took pride drunk to drank to gotten a thrill out of got a thrill out of got a kick out of took it easy grew gotten a charge out of ate up took pleasure grown taken it easy gotten a kick out of got a charge out of taken pleasure eaten up went on a pub crawl went on the piss gone on the town drank heavily went on a drinking bout bent the elbow drank freely drunk freely drank and make merry drunk heavily went on the town gone on a pub crawl went boozing went on the bevvy gone on a drinking bout gone boozing gone on the piss drunk and make merry gone on the bevvy

Antonim dari lived in the lap of luxury

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