Sinonim dari more stoney

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Comparative for without pity or compassion
harder crueler harsher stonier severer fiercer viciouser colder grimmer sterner meaner bloodthirstier feller steelier surlier thicker-skinned unkinder tougher unfriendlier wantoner austerer stricter wickeder eviller rigider beastlier dastardlier obtuser frigider hatefuller stolider intenser sourer greedier bloodier world-wearier unpleasanter crotchetier deader stingier unfairer gruffer stiffer crasser stubborner firmer rougher spitefuller bleaker grayer greyer violenter viler horribler nastier bitterer ruggeder baser terribler heavier badder awfuller fouler ghastlier darker wilder cruder coarser horrider blacker direr disgustinger flintier lower fearfuller uncouther grosser vulgarer wretcheder rottener perverser dirtier starker ruder dourer unrulier madder ignobler gruesomer cooler blanker shabbier unholier frostier snider lewder obscener steeper extremer rabider cattier grislier shadier benter greater ignoranter gorier wilfuller deadlier faultier icier barrener scummier chillier stormier deathlier flatter sharper stronger number sordider angrier slipperier slier shiftier duller squalider dodgier craftier robuster hollower brusquer curter impoliter blunter painfuller ornerier glassier profaner bluffer bawdier filthier graver soberer staider seriouser stiller yukkier sadder miserabler unhappier yuckier unlovelier starchier sorer ickier weightier louder commoner fleshlier crazier straighter candider fleshier earthier earthlier more ruthless more merciless more callous more pitiless more heartless more unfeeling more inhuman more unsympathetic more unmerciful more insensitive more uncharitable more unsparing more inhumane more brutal more obdurate more savage more indurate more uncaring more affectless more soulless more ironhearted more stonyhearted more pachydermatous more barbarous more relentless more insensate more unforgiving more ferocious more unrelenting more inflexible more unbending more barbaric more implacable more sadistic more unpitying more hardhearted more unyielding more inexorable more adamant more malevolent more unappeasable more mortal more cutthroat more vindictive more inclement more rancorous more unremitting more revengeful more ironfisted more feral more killer more cold-blooded more hard-boiled more cold-hearted more stony-hearted more uncompassionate more hardened more unmoved more unemotional more indifferent more inconsiderate more uncompromising more unconcerned more intolerant more apathetic more coldhearted more bestial more monstrous more sanguinary more unresponsive more thoughtless more unsusceptible more mean-spirited more fiendish more diabolical more heinous more atrocious more truculent more rigorous more brute more butcherly more insensible more illiberal more stone-hearted more dispassionate more egregious more flagitious more exacting more imperturbable more spiritless more selfish more hurtful more tyrannical more matter-of-fact more unloving more impervious more unaffected more bloodless more inattentive more brutish more draconian more satanic more coldblooded more cynical more solid more punishing more excessive more malign more malicious more cannibalistic more wolfish more malignant more tyrannous more punitive more vengeful more constant more ungenerous more unsentimental more heedless more unempathetic more uncordial more avaricious more murderous more unrepenting more uncontrite more unregenerate more forbidding more indefatigable more iron-fisted more authoritarian more unamiable more uncalled-for more self-centred more cantankerous more churlish more impassive more ungracious more hostile more heavy-handed more oppressive more no-nonsense more careless more lifeless more untouched more seasoned more benumbed more unchristian more censorious more torpid more mechanical more unimpressionable more insentient more obstinate more headstrong more disinterested more aversive more halfhearted more repugnant more repellent more self-centered more hellish more imperceptive more tactless more depraved more subhuman more utilitarian more faceless more inexpressive more appalling more incurious more unsensitive more oblivious more aloof more nefarious more infernal more devilish more abominable more grievous more onerous more trying more odious more villainous more dreadful more excruciating more burdensome more execrable more loathsome more hardhanded more detestable more demonic more black-hearted more outrageous more diabolic more despicable more offensive more infamous more demoniac more immoral more ungodly more contemptible more unspeakable more iniquitous more abhorrent more sinful more insufferable more disagreeable more frightful more obnoxious more hideous more demonical more scandalous more Mephistophelian more calamitous more revolting more low-down more corrupt more criminal more uncultured more degenerate more alarming more maleficent more frightening more reprobate more demoniacal more unutterable more horrifying more shameful more intolerable more accursed more horrendous more repulsive more inhospitable more unprincipled more uncivil more unrefined more disgraceful more indescribable more emotionless more untamed more intemperate more ghoulish more satanical more reprehensible more dangerous more abusive more harrowing more uncivilized more destructive more aggressive more demonian more Luciferian more perverted more horrific more uncultivated more unlawful more damnable more primitive more stringent more boorish more unethical more unrighteous more crazed more profligate more natural more virulent more hellacious more dishonourable more unsavory more unsavoury more deplorable more dishonorable more uncivilised more spartan more wooden more deadpan more sanguine more sanguineous more baleful more upsetting more unsophisticated more flagrant more facinorous more desperate more forceful more detached more bearish more disreputable more comfortless more miscreant more putrid more indecent more pernicious more opprobrious more ill-natured more tormenting more torturous more nightmarish more wrong more overwhelming more unwelcoming more ogreish more abandoned more unrestrained more wrathful more immoderate more knavish more maniacal more amoral more felonious more lawless more unscrupulous more distressing more unbearable more sickening more oafish more bloody-minded more furious more sinister more unhallowed more unendurable more exorbitant more ill-bred more unpolished more crooked more dishonest more frenetic more threatening more poker-faced more fiery more serpentine more intimidating more ill-mannered more scoundrelly more dissolute more underhanded more thuggish more extravagant more licentious more ungentle more unconscionable more impetuous more delirious more heathenish more uncongenial more lowbrow more improper more lowering more frantic more inexpressible more despiteful more ogry more ogrish more domineering more ravening more straitened more brutelike more tortuous more stonehearted more unnatural more reptilian more taxing more Stygian more warlike more possessed more bellicose more worthless more degraded more terrific more lurid more macabre more grewsome more philistine more expressionless more uncomfortable more uneducated more arbitrary more deliberate more contaminated more libidinous more impious more impure more insubordinate more dictatorial more despotic more drastic more undescribable more lethal more menacing more illiterate more ill more suppressive more Spartan more bare-bones more crushing more desolate more ominous more aberrant more morbid more currish more ignominious more unbelievable more inconceivable more biting more benighted more graceless more fixed more abysmal more unimaginable more tempestuous more turbulent more gratuitous more adamantine more debauched more critical more Rhadamanthine more fearsome more undue more inordinate more crippling more yobbish more unmannered more tumultuous more illicit more illegal more unreasonable more wearing more convulsive more raging more shameless more illegitimate more nauseating more incessive more undomesticated more uncontrollable more raving more enraged more towering more swingeing more overweening more devious more deceitful more indictable more infuriated more rapacious more insupportable more willed more remote more undefinable more preternatural more terrifying more hard-shell more venomous more tigerish more scheming more delinquent more defiled more unconscientious more hardheaded more overextravagant more overdue more intractable more plethoric more baroque more insane more unwarranted more exasperating more maddening more impossible more preposterous more ruffianly more blackguardly more roguish more underhand more inert more pestilent more aimless more godawful more extortionate more devastating more distant more warped more stinking more thievish more rascally more malfeasant more disdainful more exploitative more libertine more questionable more scrofulous more contemptuous more decadent more self-indulgent more disparaging more errant more objectionable more scornful more self-seeking more conscienceless more corrupted more killing more asleep more scurrilous more contumelious more notorious more vital more double-crossing more undisciplined more unjust more wayward more contrary more insolent more ruinous more businesslike more reserved more withdrawn more formal more galling more discourteous more undesirable more peccant more culpable more poignant more senseless more vacant more insipid more anesthetized more over the top more indelicate more unmannerly more indecorous more ribald more heartbreaking more agonizing more disturbing more passionless more vexatious more disquieting more berserk more inelegant more vulgarian more humorless more sedate more sobersided more repressive more humourless more solemn more toneless more traumatic more chilling more unpalatable more heartrending more displeasing more unwelcome more tragic more unpleasing more distasteful more frenzied more bad-mannered more neutral more restrained more self-controlled more stilted more mortifying more distressful more pugnacious more cursed more godless more uncomic more astringent more physical more annoying more afflictive more unceremonious more artless more foul-mouthed more tasteless more lowbred more bodily more carnal more clinical more bureaucratic more gelid more incult more raffish more unladylike more ungentlemanly more gut-wrenching more assertive more explosive more hotheaded more treacherous more po-faced more potent more hysterical more fuming more agitated more forcible more feverish more radge more impassioned more disgustful more colorless more anonymous more equal more impartial more measured more monolithic more careful more featureless more impersonal more abstract more colourless more sensual more visceral more intuitive more corporeal more mammalian more organic more instinctual more subconscious more instinctive more animalistic more appetitive more material more beastlike

Antonim dari more stoney

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