Sinonim dari most Punic

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Superlative for dishonest, insincere, and full of deceit
falsest trickiest sliest craftiest shiftiest shadiest wiliest sneakiest slipperiest foxiest slickest subtlest bentest sharpest astutest stealthiest slimmest ficklest phoniest lowest basest fastest snakiest snidest bummest fishiest catchiest obliquest fakest backstabbiest dodgiest cagiest shrewdest smoothest shonkiest dirtiest canniest cleverest hollowest unfairest fliest cutest meanest smartest glibbest mealiest iffiest wickedest oiliest jiviest ignoblest pawkiest deepest scurviest flakiest shabbiest sordidest vilest wretchedest cheapest abjectest scummiest slimiest diciest trickest flimsiest weakest nastiest blandest rockiest riskiest shakiest chanciest archest greasiest unpleasantest adroitest savviest vulgarest sleaziest foulest lamest lousiest rottenest grubbiest scabbiest rattiest crassest sorriest evillest acutest sketchiest seediest wriest keenest deftest orneriest saltiest murkiest niftiest cruddiest shoddiest baddest beggarliest cowardliest squalidest disgustingest tawdriest dastardliest beastliest paltriest scungiest primmest most deceitful most dishonest most treacherous most duplicitous most devious most deceptive most untrustworthy most cunning most crooked most unscrupulous most guileful most fraudulent most underhand most scheming most unprincipled most artful most insincere most perfidious most underhanded most designing most faithless most cheating most hypocritical most disingenuous most calculating most untruthful most conniving most mendacious most Machiavellian most insidious most furtive most knavish most roguish most clandestine most indirect most fallacious most truthless most astucious most Janus-faced most false-hearted most hollow-hearted most traitorous most unfaithful most disloyal most untrue most unreliable most recreant most inconstant most unloyal most double-crossing most treasonable most subversive most seditious most undependable most misleading most back-stabbing most sham most bogus most rogue most dissident most adulterous most wormlike most unpatriotic most plausible most spurious most imposturous most off most rascal most serpentine most seeming most rebellious most mutinous most dishonourable most dishonorable most corrupt most beguiling most unethical most specious most disreputable most unctuous most artificial most delusive most dubious most backhanded most Pecksniffian most illegal most immoral most criminal most delusory most unlawful most nefarious most evasive most phony-baloney most villainous most rascally most pretentious most affected most questionable most ingenious most skilful most skillful most despicable most contemptible most pharisaical most unnatural most manipulative most pharisaic most intriguing most captious most wrong most vulpine most sharp-witted most malicious most equivocal most suspect most unjust most doubtful most knowing most smooth-tongued most secretive most unsound most scoundrelly most amoral most malfeasant most ambidextrous most illusory most secret most shameless most venal most fiendish most elusive most illicit most intelligent most streetwise most depraved most shameful most detestable most deplorable most ignominious most perjurious most implausible most unconvincing most reprobate most suspicious most inaccurate most surreptitious most fallible most unregenerate most corruptible most tenuous most sinister most mischievous most unsavoury most covert most unsporting most unsubstantiated most unsupported most unsportsmanlike most execrable most snidey most dangerous most imaginative most falsified most inventive most abhorrent most reprehensible most uncertain most mistaken most incorrect most erroneous most defective most disgraceful most malevolent most dexterous most abominable most degenerate most unsavory most assumed most inauthentic most dextrous most odious most unstable most indecent most graceless most off-target most iniquitous most exploitative most bribable most irresponsible most hypocritic most under the counter most lawless most unveracious most appalling most thoughtless most deviant most alert most wayward most ruthless most raffish most masterly most adept most scandalous most irregular most errant most perilous most despisable most disagreeable most hostile most experienced most proficient most politic most inglorious most unhonest most collusive most leading most falsehearted most disrespectful most meanspirited most loathsome most sagacious most unconscionable most distasteful most disdainable most malignant most slipshod most loaded most impish most overdone most exaggerated most cynical most heads-up most street-smart most street smart most no-account most backbiting most untrusted most ungentlemanly most low-down most devilish most afraid most reticent most mincing most hesitant most euphemistic most worthless most illegitimate most unsportsmanly most currish most overdelicate most restrained most diffident most off-color most mealy-mouthed most diversionary

Antonim dari most Punic

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