Sinonim dari surprisingly quick

Kata sifat

Occurring immediately or suddenly within a short time or period
immediate instant instantaneous meteoric sudden abrupt overnight prompt breakneck expeditious headlong precipitate sharp speedy express swift rapid fast hasty hurried alacritous lightning snappy rathe timely ready brisk unexpected unforeseen fleet unanticipated accelerated whirlwind direct split-second precipitous willing rapid-fire violent rushed on-the-spot precipitant without warning nimble surprising rushing straightaway expeditive unhesitating rash without delay punctual active unceremonious fast-track responsive mercurial impulsive zippy high-speed startling on the spot fast-tracked unlooked-for impetuous alert PDQ staccato jerky prevenient anticipatory fleeting nippy brief dynamic early crash machine-gun spur-of-the-moment snap promptly given urgent spontaneous spasmodic impromptu acute quickened blistering spirited now or never not to be delayed cursory harefooted explosive steep speeded unusual momentary transitory without notice quick-fire hair-trigger fast-moving short-lived in a flash double time fleet-footed out of the blue not bargained for nasty unpleasant harsh disagreeable crude brutal unpredicted awful rude brusque unforgiving shocking summary whistle-stop marked dramatic perfunctory pronto on the double in nothing flat very fast sheer extreme intense forthwith arbitrary foolhardy peremptory rocketing accelerating escalating snowballing mushrooming thoughtless careless unpredictable without formality without hesitation heedless unconsidered astonishing brash without discussion extraordinary capricious amazing remarkable astounding undignified uncivil impolite discourteous off dismissive unmannerly offhand crazy hot frenzied forceful fiery flying paroxysmal uncontrollable charged fitful sporadic convulsive irregular rampant electric dashing

Kata sifat

Fast or responsive in one's thinking
sharp bright intelligent clever smart alert quick-witted able astute perceptive sharp-witted acute brilliant receptive brainy keen quick-thinking ready gifted savvy apt canny deft delicate discerning exceptional fast fine hyperintelligent nimble observant sensitive shrewd supersmart ultrasmart adept adroit capable competent dextrous dexterous effective effectual genius knowing nimble-witted quick off the mark skilful slick whip-smart wise active curt mercurial on the ball perspicacious skillful vigorous whiz wired wide awake all there quick on the draw quick on the trigger sharp as a tack smart as a whip quick on the uptake penetrating ingenious insightful incisive percipient intuitive discriminating sagacious subtle judicious piercing expert masterly accomplished talented proficient profound sapient argute knowledgeable skilled artful precocious crack resourceful cunning virtuoso razor-sharp intellectual heads-up inventive agile rational handy sage polished experienced long-headed efficient clear good nifty precise wily suss calculating clear-sighted clear-eyed deep rapier-like understanding critical masterful ace penetrative erudite responsive practised practiced pawky thoughtful cerebral crafty consummate mean prompt streetwise accurate heady foxy educated aware master workmanlike cute finely honed learned sly smooth wizard versed scholarly tuned in prudent creative crackerjack sharp-sighted seasoned first-rate sensible tasty trenchant exact professional bravura habile wicked neat enlightened trained farsighted witty hardheaded hard-boiled veteran sophisticated topflight imaginative elite proper cagey not born yesterday with it exquisite razor-edged knife-like refined gnostic lively politic qualified crisp facile alive sharpened original downy brisk thinking effortless keen-witted highbrow analytical far-seeing forward open-eyed impressive nobody's fool razor-like extraordinary mature nimble-fingered excellent street-smart slippery street smart nippy superior well-informed great awake conscious eggheaded discreet choice whip finely judged complete versant pro professed first-class very intelligent knows what's what hotshot ear to the ground Einstein compleat worldly-wise a dab hand at whiz kid wised up practical there well-versed ahead of one's peers old well versed old beyond one's years cool a hand at vet superintelligent media-savvy einstein straight decisive powerful spirited strong fastidious swift PDQ razor sharp teachable sprightly minute searching probing steely quick to learn acuminous concise strict express categorical academic beady hawklike heightened succinct punchy pithy bookish not missing a trick no dummy cagy mentally keen careful inch-perfect clean having smarts finely tuned studious cautious innovative visionary complex analytic intriguing exacting ratiocinative detailed vigilant certified circumspect appreciative prescient insighted sophic useful suitable multitalented satisfactory reliable very well multiskilled logical smart as a tack knowing how many beans make five star Machiavellian devious cultured fly with all one's wits about one having the know-how bright-eyed and bushy-tailed well-developed well-honed swotty instructed responsible together comprehending inspired enterprising wise to to the point sussed shady sneaky underhanded shifty dodgy scheming balanced deadly worldly very smart urbane unprovincial innovational elaborate trailblazing innovatory fertile originative Promethean well read as sharp as a tack frugal having fancy footwork watchful wary hep book smart beguiling designing guileful tricky pioneering sentient conversant cognizant right on errorless sure-handed dead-on taught serviceable tutored well sporting on-target trustworthy schooled spot-on thorough fitted well-rounded suited sure-fire all-round au fait all-around stringent artistic deviceful know how many beans make five having been around clued-up well informed with-it tuned-in phenomenal plotting having a good head on one's shoulders having no flies on hot remarkable thinking outside the box hardy top-notch top-drawer have the goods top-hole class act out of the ordinary have smarts got it shining at advanced for one's age advanced developed ahead early premature fleet having know-how having good hands prematurely developed rathe-ripe ahead of time exceptionally smart deceitful conniving informed sound chary dishonest deceptive heedful slim insidious underhand unscrupulous duplicitous attentive reasonable considerate manipulative disingenuous vulpine guarded double-dealing carny safe gingerly crooked sane sober provident foresighted treacherous commonsensical pragmatic leery untrustworthy conservative well-advised contemplative astucious realistic desirable reflective tactful philosophical down-to-earth tactical cheating matter-of-fact strategic cluey dishonorable fiendish well-reasoned reasoned full of insight well-founded no-nonsense Janus-faced dishonourable on guard advisable expedient on the lookout on the qui vive fraudulent forethoughtful hardened furtive roguish stealthy arch forehanded mindful apprehensive seemly with great knowledge scrupulous showing great knowledge solid justified well judged well advised diplomatic well-thought-out businesslike level-headed in the know suspicious reluctant dissembling elusive captious delusive bluffing illusory traitorous hip levelheaded commonsense well thought out shonky evasive just restrained grounded hesitant all ears thrifty crazy like a fox on the alert sparing self-aware contriving premeditating complicitous joined-up forearmed concerned dirty greasy secret considered covert hard-headed appropriate pragmatical deliberated unbelieving been around battle-scarred malicious impish mischievous secretive beneficial advantageous profitable recommended hard-nosed tricksy gainful worthwhile cogitative genial well-read well educated with one's feet on the ground with both feet on the ground crazy like fox judgmatical judgmatic reserved reticent sly like a fox sneaking fitting efficacious conspiring no fool seasonable judicial deliberate complicit craft intractable tough unsentimental resolute hard-bitten defrauding misleading exploitative lying deceiving swindling insincere hoodwinking immoral corrupt rascally unprincipled common-sense shark calculated inside well reasoned a good idea well-judged non-committal wide-awake bent rogue vague unrevealing moderate controlled valid walking on eggs thinking twice handling with kid gloves keeping on one's toes doubting unwasteful watching one's step saving watching out foreseeing punctilious hard coherent firm consequent well-grounded serious-minded commonsensible on the inside noncommittal farseeing on top of up on overcautious with eyes peeled overcareful with reservations softly-softly full of common sense proactive stand pat locked in tough nut hang tough salty ornery hostile two-faced illicit unethical illegal snaky au courant having all one's marbles steady-going in one's right mind playing your cards close to your chest prophetic clairvoyant forward-looking uneasy dynamic ultraefficient prepared killer useable tentie working tenty realizable realisable hyperefficient usable practicable feasible loath sceptical dubious shy doubtful distrustful mistrustful keeping a weather eye on psyched up on your toes keeping a weather eye open paying attention switched on keeping one's eyes open keeping one's eyes peeled on the job on one's toes fast on the draw on the watch Argus-eyed averse afraid nervous disinclined parsimonious stingy iffy inhibited constrained skeptical miserly economical particular

Kata sifat

Easily excited or aroused
passionate abrupt curt excitable hasty impatient irritable touchy chippy irascible petulant testy nervous temperamental sensitive emotional volatile mercurial skittish edgy jumpy tense unstable neurotic fiery tempestuous uptight unsettled brittle moody twitchy jittery snappy hyperexcitable spooky hyperkinetic spasmodic fluttery skittery adrenalized flighty violent stressy hyper wired hyperactive uneasy restless peevish vehement impulsive uncontrolled fierce inflammable fiddle-footed agitable easily agitated galvanic impetuous susceptible enthusiastic short fused hot-tempered overzealous quick-tempered hot-headed reckless easily frightened easily upset hysterical demonstrative high-strung rash alarmable blowing hot and cold highly strung fidgety intolerant volcanic anxious nervy agitated intense hot-blooded antsy impassioned overstrung ardent stressed on edge hotheaded insecure excited upset feverish fervent spirited apprehensive fervid worried queazy keyed up bad-tempered perturbed ill-tempered passional dithery queasy torrid charged choleric burning short-tempered warm tetchy overwrought heated blazing prickly waspish incandescent perfervid crotchety troubled flaming restive lively red-hot panicky unquiet warm-blooded taut on a short fuse grumpy angry ratty crabbed crabby fearful pettish cross ill at ease snappish superheated religious splenetic huffy crusty cranky toey peppery scared het up frightened distressed shaky ill-humored ill-humoured stormy animated oversensitive worked up glowing wild on tenterhooks hinky strung out aflutter fractious goosey atwitter quarrelsome timid cantankerous furious strung up bothered brusque snarling hung up explosive spooked grouchy liverish bilious dyspeptic concerned on pins and needles raspy timorous narky peckish eggy snippety disturbed snippy snarky stuffy soreheaded miffy snaky in a tizzy afraid ill-natured like a bear with a sore head short-fused manic febrile frenzied strained melodramatic overexcited querulous sulky squirrelly erratic overactive frantic sullen zealous uncontrollable morose dithyrambic inflamed distracted critical in a state stirred beside oneself shrewish perverse mardy acrimonious in a twitter tooshie wound up hot like a cat on a hot tin roof all shook up like a cat on hot bricks out of sorts out of humor easily provoked annoyed ruffled weak eccentric flustered keen hesitant fussy highly-strung capricious energetic amorous stiff aggressive unpredictable on fire earnest captious vigorous effusive red-blooded stilted prim unbalanced spiteful feeling excessively active sultry vivacious unnerved nutty forceful sentimental on the edge nerve-racking nervous wreck stressful nail-biting in suspense feeling anxious overanxious ferocious unruly headstrong gung-ho fanatical expressive bundle of nerves distraught wriggly raging rabid nerves on edge squirmy shaking trembling quaking thrilling wiggly fevered wrought up turbulent rough tumultuous exciting loving tender heartwarming overcharged roused responsive spookish irresponsible light-headed harebrained skitterish whimsical combustible flappable volative undependable zippy giddy lightheaded peppy scatterbrained wary dizzy frivolous unreliable in a state of agitation in a state of nerves windy hypersensitive easily offended desperate paroxysmal cyclonic savage convulsive sentient verklempt ecstatic in a stew in a flap in a cold sweat in a sweat bricking oneself having kittens in a tizz a bundle of nerves shy angsty all wound up knock-down-and-drag-out blood-and-guts hammer and tongs aroused bang-bang touchy-feely all of a dither in a twit all of a lather incensed trepidatious disquieted hectic wrought-up very nervous all of a doodah fretful swivel-eyed dramatic flurried freaked-out steamed up overwhelmed flipped out wound-up throwing a wobbly under a strain crazy high keyed-up affected fired-up hot-and-bothered hot under collar beside yourself weary strung-out at the end of your tether worn worked-up unstrung tired out of your mind spent shaken infuriated fuming steamed-up raving enraged hottempered mean careful unglued offended disagreeable frowning saturnine sour glum miserable moping mopish shivery discomposed mousy uncomfortable stroppy shirty dour ornery unpleasant surly curmudgeonly dejected piqued mopey broody bearish waxy huffish blue mumpish wounded kittle mopy thin-skinned bloody-minded as cross as two sticks in a mood out of temper cross-grained in a bad mood short-fuse

Kata sifat

(of writing) Relatively brief in extent
short brief concise succinct terse little pointed rapid hasty hurried aphoristic compendious crisp decreased incisive apothegmatic clipped compact small compressed diminished summarised summarized summary condensed ephemeral epigrammatic lessened sententious unprolonged compendiary curtailed shortened swift truncated contracted decurtate economical precise sparing abbreviate breviloquent laconic synoptic curt curtate pithy thumbnail abbreviated abridged bare perfunctory transient boiled down cut short not protracted in few words short and sweet to the point cut to the bone in a few well-chosen words in a nutshell outline capsule elliptical monosyllabic telegraphic elliptic potted gnomic snappy lapidary brusque abstracted cut reduced blunt trenchant abrupt tart gruff sharp tight edited trimmed witty pruned shrunk meaningful shorter cursory neat taut cropped meaty precised economic cut down close lean synopsized bare-bones finely honed concentrated snippety pared down recapped precipitate compacted rehashed run-down comprehensive limited epigrammatical summarizing cut-down uncommunicative marrowy short and to the point summarising clever amusing piquant quick-witted epitomized epitomised snippy fast run-through shortened form pungent ingenious axiomatic making a long story short slimmed-down encapsulated forceful expressive skeleton apophthegmatic censorious judgmental pretentious critical disapproving judgemental abounding digest essential censored sketch well tuned telling significant cogent slimmed down bowdlerized stripped down expurgated in well-chosen words cutting short-and-sweet acute honed effective bowdlerised rude snappish down to brass tacks exact cryptic edited down clear-cut

Kata sifat

Funny and clever
witty funny humorous amusing comical droll comic jocular facetious chucklesome entertaining waggish diverting whimsical jocose ridiculous clever lively bright gay slapstick brilliant smart joshing sparkling screaming scintillating crazy sharp campy fanciful intelligent keen original penetrating ingenious epigrammatic piquant piercing sharp-witted quick-witted flippant highbrowed mischievous smart-alecky smart-aleck tongue-in-cheek snappy nimble-witted cheeky pointed glib tactful sassy adept smooth incisive sarcastic quick on the draw mirthful teasing quick on the uptake spirited risible playful snazzy cutting saucy apt nimble bold agile highbrow bantering brazen flip nifty fresh insolent jesting cute ready cool profound ironic racy smarty-pants hilarious laughable merry farcical jolly ludicrous sidesplitting uproarious humoristic comedic light-hearted hysteric wacky side-splitting rib-tickling hysterical riotous cheerful killing priceless jokey joking antic blithe sportive pleasant silly zany absurd jovial camp lighthearted fun vivacious good-humored jocund frolicsome good-humoured engaging frivolous roguish gelastic animated high-spirited sunny enjoyable gleeful blithesome delightful pleasing beguiling impish fascinating puckish goofy eccentric rich festive charming interesting exciting ebullient stimulating effervescent ludic joyous riot pleasurable bubbly captivating agreeable appealing boffo rollicking laughing wry preposterous a scream odd flaky light hysterically funny in jest in fun for grins sprightly slaphappy flakey unusual fantastic dazzling scream bizarre inane happy arch cheery vibrant scampish leprechaunish rascally knavish boisterous coruscating exhilarating enchanting jaunty cheering invigorating genial clownish recreative daffy quaint satirical compelling absorbing enticing intriguing riveting wisecracking unserious congenial killingly funny quirky fun-filled too funny for words a hoot a laugh envigorating dry relaxing nutty tongue in cheek gagged up off-the-wall derisory flighty quizzical not serious putting one on pulling one's leg har-har mocking noisy rowdy lightweight madcap stupid pixieish tricksy pixy pixie prankish sly devilish wicked elvish irreverent ribald custard-pie foolish kittenish clowning gamesome carefree glad screamingly funny childish trivial trifling joyful upbeat radiant comedical escapist fantasy distracting joculous knee-slapper chirpy happy-go-lucky untroubled derisible recreational oddball perky a barrel of laughs nonsensical derisive asinine chipper crack-up laffer bouncy buoyant breezy optimistic easy-going insouciant positive capering loony jerky fool dippy fool-headed batty gump dizzy screwy goofus a card a caution charismatic unsatisfactory inadequate embarrassing pitiful unimpressive daft fool around crazy shtick Mickey Mouse laugh-a-minute off the wall funny ha-ha ha-ha funny fetching in good spirits free and easy suave curious glittering peculiar queer extroverted weird glimmering glinting nice freakish flamboyant larger than life singular strong in character moving inspiring stirring enthralling provocative engrossing gas restorative rousing poignant striking entrancing thrilling affecting impressive offbeat idiosyncratic capricious unconventional outlandish full of personality bombastic personable sociable gregarious chimerical dotty fantastical crotchety freaky likable friendly be a ball dicey uncertain kinky old-fashioned imaginative random creative chancy arbitrary talkative social extraverted likeable unreserved cordial gratifying novel gladdening fabulous gassy gut-busting cut up

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Alert and vigilant
open-eyed alert watchful awake observant attentive vigilant tentie tenty heedful careful wakeful wary circumspect perceptive ready sharp wired cagey wise active bright hip intelligent clever spirited jazzed Argus-eyed wide-awake on guard on the lookout on tiptoe on the alert on the qui vive on one's toes all ears on the ball on the job heads up switched on good hands psyched up with it fast on the draw sharp-eyed hawk-eyed eagle-eyed keen aware keen-eyed regardful beady-eyed clear-sighted on your toes not missing a trick acute mindful alive concentrating bright-eyed and bushy-tailed leery gimlet-eyed sharp-sighted with eyes like a hawk lynx-eyed quick-witted agile wide awake astute responsive all there whip-smart lively sensible apprehensive clued up quick off the mark vital quick on the uptake clued-in keen-sighted with one's eyes open having eyes in the back of your head with one's eyes skinned with one's eyes opened on top of on the stick with your wits about you with weather eye open keeping a weather eye on things wide-eyed anxious perky keeping one's eyes peeled fully awake looking to chary paying attention agog with eyes peeled on alert on the watch prepared waiting on cautious guarded prudent looking for perspicacious X-ray eye not missing much focused contemplating surveying understanding considering sensitive questioning advertent focussed discovering comprehending discerning deducing intentive correct eager penetrating observative detecting discriminating searching interested observing noticing conscious considerate conversant cognizant canny knowing sentient knowledgeable witting thoughtful gingerly ware safe intent perceiving seeing acquainted respectful heeding informed familiar apprised savvy watching versed abreast percipient rapt conservative suspicious judicious listening carefully unsleeping conscientious au courant alive to wise to alert to in the know acquainted with sensible of on to plugged in tuned in hip to attending concerned dutiful appraised privy cluey clued recognizant measured hooked glued taking notice deferent deferential protective unhurried apperceptive keeping one's eyes skinned certain deliberate sure noting duteous arrect defensive expectant playing safe studious keeping a weather eye on keeping a weather eye open keeping one's eyes open listening diligent committed earnest deep scrupulous rigorous regarding assiduous reckful upon one's guard sussed grounded in on switched-on well versed in knowledgeable about au courant with clued in on in the know about on the beam clued-up familiar with well informed about sensitive to sensible to up to date with up to date no stranger to conversant with up on well up on genned up on ware of au fait with in the picture up with hep to down with solicitous awake to cognizant of aware of conscious of chary of wary of regardful of recognizant of be up on know ins and outs careful of watchful of know all the answers heedful of

Kata sifat

Needing very little effort
easy effortless simple straightforward painless unchallenging uncomplicated unproblematic breezy elementary obvious rudimental attainable facile mindless smooth uninvolved untroublesome basic cheap fluid perspicuous undemanding downhill evident light palpable piece of cake unambiguous unmistakable weightless workable a bludge a breeze accessible a cinch a doddle a piece of cake a piece of old tackle a pushover as easy as ABC as easy as falling off a log a snap a snip cinch clear clear-cut distinct duck soup easy as pie easy-breezy easy-peasy idiot-proof kids' stuff money for jam money for old rope not difficult ready slight snap transparent trivial trouble-free unequivocal user friendly user-friendly apparent bed of roses hands-down idiotproof no muss no fuss open-and-shut patent child's play easily done inconsiderable little manageable manifest no bother no problem no sweat not burdensome nothing to it no trouble paltry picnic plain plain sailing pushover royal simple as ABC wieldy yielding soft unexacting as easy as pie comfortable fluent fast efficient untroubled easygoing well-ordered leisurely stress-free uneventful a cakewalk a picnic a gift well ordered a walk in the park intuitive natural routine practical cushy a five-finger exercise rudimentary comprehensible handy easy to use a doss convenient intelligible a snack casual useful feasible flowing graceful fundamental essential elemental introductory underlying beginning abecedarian easily operated easy to understand meat-and-potatoes not hard nothing initial foolproof basal manipulable ergonomic adaptable straight short carefree elegant easeful necessary basilar lowest simplistic lax unburdensome relaxed parsimonious uninhibited safe spontaneous instinctive unsophisticated easy-going cursive unforced running offhand laid-back unlabored easy to do unfussy easy going smooth sailing easy progress straight sailing easy ride cream puff direct easily accomplished without a hitch untaxing moderate easy to learn low-maintenance easily understood easily grasped down-to-earth easy as ABC bearable tolerable endurable low impact lazy cool minimal superficial cavalier benign mellow soothing bland tender nonabrasive balmy middle-of-the-road ordinary precise non-complex specific runaway functional usable practicable applicable working useable applicative serviceable applied actionable ultrapractical easily won exploitable breeze primary foundational primitive preliminary original ABCs primo prefatory substratal uncomplex simplest simplified simplex meat and potatoes

Kata sifat

Full of life and energy
lively animated active spirited energetic dynamic cheerful vivacious frisky outgoing perky sparkling sprightly bubbly brisk chirpy spry alert bouncy buoyant chipper effervescent peppy sparky zippy exuberant gay merry nimble upbeat vibrant agile skittish youthful zestful zesty airy animate blithe blithesome bouncing frolicsome full of life mettlesome pert jaunty jazzy peart pizazzy pizzazzy racy snappy springy vital zappy bright dashing happy hyper industrious jocund kinetic high-spirited fun go-go fun-loving full of vim and vigour full of pep bright-eyed and bushy-tailed full of beans alive and kicking vigorous eager alive strong fiery enthusiastic vivid ebullient busy bustling spanking forceful bright and breezy on the go striking powerful storming flamboyant expressive excited passionate ardent fervent sporty mobile occupied impassioned heated enlivened elated zealous eventful dexterous dextrous deedful jumping fresh awake flourishing abuzz humming happening stirring hopping buzzing astir thriving rousing energised vitalized zingy energized activated abubble aboil on the move full of get-up-and-go full of zip going strong still going strong functional healthy operating functioning handy operative diligent efficient occupational operational serviceable working utile practicable effective utilitarian well-oiled playful sportive jolly gamesome rollicking exciting boisterous witty breezy frolic bold stimulating coltish spunky kittenish scintillating entertaining light-hearted wild colourful rowdy keen ludic joyous jovial noisy lusty sunny full of fun colorful carefree feisty impish tireless mirthful riotous gingery cheery unruly spicy in high spirits joyful lighthearted romping loud rumbustious mischievous hardy sparkly crank roguish smart wick festive wanton sharp full of the joys of spring rambunctious prankish dazzling robust antic showy forcible knockabout piquant driving swinging uproarious gutsy brilliant bubbling indefatigable game good unrestrained daring irrepressible jocular gleeful uninhibited roisterous as lively as a grig raucous rough as merry as a grig peppery fay sportful elfish larky salty tough robustious hearty frolicky barnstorming happy-go-lucky emphatic frivolous invigorated potent larkish gritty enterprising invigorating amusing full of energy exhilarating untiring waggish funny red-blooded tart high-powered rip-roaring coruscating clever light hilarious humorous social genial confident sexy swashbuckling plucky puckish envigorating punchy devil-may-care naughty gallant tumultuous vehement courageous aggressive rocking determined refreshed coarse fearless devilish hell-raising coquettish go-getting elvish eye-catching rested restored fair unflagging revived relaxed flirtatious wicked pungent excitable full-blooded unwearied droll gregarious lurid like new rehabilitated bright-eyed bushy-tailed interesting convivial flirty disorderly poignant tangy theatrical clubby fascinating lightsome bawdy sociable ostentatious festal welcoming abandoned venturesome friendly exhilarated biting dramatic ball of fire rapid arch moving cordial arresting dapper jocose extravagant perk ribald flippant teasing sassy jokey raunchy glad blue vulgar juicy brash valiant brave rugged flush fast intrepid outstanding remarkable broad turbulent salacious fancy dynamical flip joking audacious flashy vibrating radiant comical ballsy compelling lewd intense saucy in fine fettle whimsical high-octane strenuous tricksy rascally espiègle raring to go stalwart sturdy gaudy splashy rough-and-tumble rude have-a-go full of spirit garish crude influential feeling one's oats full of joie de vivre neat wacky ambulatory frolicking capering party conversible companionable pleasant hospitable orgiastic boon savory savoury provocative intriguing jazzlike psychedelic glitzy diverting fairylike grooving refreshing aware unused young rosy undimmed stimulated verdant relieved clear florid glowing ruddy unfaded wholesome dewy creamy unwithered blooming fluid avid pulsating heady stylish breathless burning hot depraved debauched gruff debonair high rich tasty distinctive demoniac motive locomotive kinematic motile partyish enjoyable coy side-splitting saturnalian adventurous hale and hearty electrifying lucrative hectic money-making paying rewarding harsh excellent swift magnificent new marvellous whopping wonderful marvelous exceptional glittering jumpy overexcited jesting facetious holiday virile remunerative gainful fruitful comic inharmonious glimmering glinting full of vim and vigor romantic attractive raffish cute resounding clamorous undisciplined uncontrolled wayward full of the joy of living rakish termagant pixieish scampish bantering knavish pixy tongue-in-cheek risible glib pixie sly leprechaunish chucklesome swish venturous free-swinging elegant nervy emboldened adventuresome nerved impetuous wilful roistering gentlemanly sportsmanlike heroic steely tenacious valorous jarring shallow superficial cheeky trivial camp fancy-pants conspicuous resolved steadfast resolute indomitable mettled revitalized reinvigorated in jest clowning in fun clangorous obstreperous urbane wild and woolly all-out trim easy natty silly pronounced empty-headed demure giddy prominent scatterbrained dizzy feather-brained good-humoured good-humored sweeping extroverted spruce peaches-and-cream hard-hitting strident vociferous vociferant over-the-top brawling revivified rejuvenated renewed exclusive swank contemporary sophisticated modern hip in good spirits generous considerate sportsmanly decent childish charged revitalised reenergized snazzy electric magnetic as game as Ned Kelly bright-coloured imaginative galvanic honorable square honest honourable evenhanded just reasonable cavorting go-ahead glaring brightly coloured graphic up-to-date trendy satirical inspirited strengthened fortified pepped up freshened reanimated motivated perked up suggestive bombastic personable effectual positive over the top bling indecent kenspeckle obvious exhibitionistic marked bodacious noticeable spectacular grabby commanding glittery catchy distinct combative up-tempo frenetic pushing argumentative rollicksome thumping ripping belligerent earthy gross over the top OTT likable quarrelsome assertive unfatigued fresh as a daisy like a new person untired quickened sporting bellicose salient risqué smutty indelicate pugnacious contentious confrontational immodest truculent talkative congenial extraverted militant charismatic activating productive self-motivated highpowered energising energizing hyped-up go-getter vitalizing manifest definite well marked evident plain disputatious parodic irreverent gamy indecorous warlike like a new man scrappy straight shooting square shooting square dealing looking like an explosion in a paint factory like an explosion in a paint factory agonistic likeable unreserved dirty chippy gladiatorial discordant assaultive off-color off-colored fruity off gamey violent motivating impellent major urging propulsive disrespectful brawly play hard ball play for keeps coming on strong fabulous gassy ornery adult touchy difficult shocking shady erotic purple off colour improper lascivious slapstick sensitive Rabelaisian near the bone employed farcical near the knuckle close to the bone gutty raw casual nasty mean crass thin-skinned on the warpath high-strung hot-blooded harum-scarum at work hard-pressed busy as a bee hard at work engrossed in wrapped up at work on rushed off one's feet with preoccupied with absorbed in hard at it on the hop on the job immersed in

Kata sifat

Carried out without real interest, feeling, or concern
perfunctory cursory indifferent casual offhand sketchy superficial uninterested unthinking desultory unconcerned brief fleeting hasty hurried inattentive lackadaisical mechanical passing summary token apathetic careless complacent disinterested insensible insouciant negligent nonchalant pococurante uncurious dismissive heedless incurious rapid slipshod slovenly wooden cool half-hearted laid-back phoning it in walking through it going through the motions slapdash rushed incidental precipitous irresponsible rash unconsidered speedy haphazard unfussy purposeless fast inadequate trite nodding trifling slight insincere inconsequential imperfect light partial flash feigning flimsy paltry uncritical depthless drive-by hit-or-miss surface-level half-baked detached dispassionate impassive uncaring blasé distant withdrawn aloof stolid remote uninvolved cold unemotional reserved unfeeling listless unresponsive carefree lukewarm impersonal bored staid unpassioned abstract spacey spaced-out poker-faced out of it unsociable frosty antisocial unaroused not interested standoffish offish unclubbable unbending asocial standoff unenthusiastic unmoved clinical passive unperturbed unimpressible unexcited disimpassioned emotionless negative outside breezy dry flippant slack easygoing airy lax cavalier relaxed blithe informal cold-eyed buttoned-up just watching the clock not giving a damn free and easy loose easy-going devil-may-care stoic stoical passionless phlegmatic impassible affectless undemonstrative weary apathetic towards numb cold-blooded offhand about uninvolved with aloof from unconcerned about bored stiff going through motions could care less lukewarm about turned off detached from indifferent to uninvolved in bored by unenthusiastic about incurious about nonchalant about unmoved by distant from hard-hearted phlegmatic about unresponsive to uninquiring objective unprejudiced uncommitted impartial removed unbiased

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Firmly determined, resolute

Kata sifat

Acting or done surreptitiously, unofficially, or without warning
sneak secret furtive stealth stealthy clandestine surprise surreptitious covert private undercover backstairs sly sneaking sneaky underground underhand underhanded privy hush-hush behind-the-scenes hole-and-corner hugger-mugger cloak-and-dagger hidden secretive black under wraps closet concealed under-the-table sub-rosa conspiratorial cunning veiled wily skulking shifty slinking on the QT shrouded crafty back-alley backstair confidential under the table slippery indirect disguised cloaked incognito devious artful shady foxy dissembled backdoor hole-in-the-corner masked dark top-secret behind someone's back guileful tricky scheming classified inside discreet camouflaged restricted in ambush evasive catlike silent enigmatic catty noiseless feline under-the-counter fraudulent cautious buried obscured unseen on the sly on the quiet in secret intelligence duplicitous subversive shorthanded dirty unethical unscrupulous unfair designing unauthorized mean quiet close cryptic unauthorised dissimulated murky clever spy subtle shonky slinky contemptible two-faced snide fly slim underneath creep carny cowardly illegal yellow low-down illicit illegitimate unsuspected huggermugger QT ulterior incog unbowed in holes and corners sub rosa ambiguous enigmatical clouded mystic occult unintelligible out-of-the-way strange obscure covered unenlightened deep mystical unofficial protected closed privileged esoteric unknown hushed intimate undisclosed nonpublic backstage offstage inconspicuous unpublished untold censored unrevealed not open behind the scenes close to one's chest under one's hat tête-à-tête non-public not for circulation not for publication off the record in camera one-on-one not to be disclosed strictly confidential not to be made public top secret not in the public domain insidious circumspect calculating elusive creepy cloak and dagger hole and corner screened invisible underlying hidden away dishonest deceitful conniving covered up dishonourable crooked undeclared dodgy guarded unapparent double-dealing dishonorable not visible out of sight mysterious under cover imperceptible unrecognizable undetectable shadowy indistinct undivulged dubious treacherous unexpressed disreputable unrecognisable personal enshrouded unnoticeable oblique cheating unexposed innermost deepest intriguing Machiavellian deceptive shrewd beguiling cute slick cagey cagy unspoken inward individual darkest unvoiced latent perdu reserved inner inmost tucked away deep-seated with a lid on tight-lipped uncommunicated nefarious secondary unprofessed sideways bootleg unlawful implied kept concealed buttoned up kept secret under the counter larvate cabalistic mum suppressed anonymous mom unsaid dirty-dealing disingenuous astute unidentified untrustworthy manipulative nameless unnamed hinted at ill-defined canny skillful bluffing dissembling ingenious illusory plotting captious smart sharp skilful smooth nifty delusive traitorous vague unclear immoral unprincipled pretend false assumed unspecified faceless Janus-faced shielded hooded roundabout unsporting unsportsmanlike two-timing artificial sham fake forged mock imitation unsung below the belt bottled up fishy bent snidey pseudo feigned counterfeit phoney indiscernible insincere secreted mystery unseeable erring errant obliquitous gimmicky unnoticed indistinguishable imperceivable unobserved masquerading changed phony in disguise unobtrusive planted stashed cached recondite nonexistent unperceivable inappreciable undetected eclipsed playing politics put on playing games not straightforward faking one out intangible unobservable ghostly insensible impalpable ethereal vaporous imaginary not in view not in sight unviewable imponderable gaseous in the dark out of view impossible to detect sailing under false colours hushed up holed up put in the hole

Kata sifat

(of assets) Held in cash or easily converted into cash

Kata keterangan

At a very fast speed
fast promptly soon posthaste post-haste quickly rapidly snappily speedily swiftly apace briskly fleetly hastily presto pronto chop-chop swift double-quick full tilt hot lickety-split hell-for-leather on the double as soon as possible ASAP expeditiously hurriedly at full tilt at full speed in a hurry at speed hell for leather like greased lightning flat-out at a rate of knots like the wind immediately in haste like the clappers at the speed of light like a bat out of hell like a shot like a bomb like wildfire like billy-o a mile a minute at warp speed PDQ without delay straightaway instantaneously at a fast pace double quick at a gallop directly at breakneck speed like lightning at high speed very fast at full throttle early in short order hotfoot in double quick time instantly now like mad like crazy at the double like the deuce by leaps and bounds like gangbusters like a scalded cat right off at once right now right away nippily punctually seasonably first like blazes at a lick with all speed summarily forthwith unhesitatingly without hesitation within a short time straight away straight off on time in a jiffy by and by precipitately abruptly in a flash as fast as possible with all possible haste with dispatch like an arrow from a bow like a whirlwind like a flash very quickly like a madwoman like a madman like nobody's business swith fast-paced in a rush shortly madly fast and furious like a streak tantivy with great speed ventre à terre at full pelt dangerously fast sooner without losing time as swift as an arrow as fast as your legs can carry you in less than no time like a bullet out of a gun as fast as one's legs can carry one vigorously hurried without any delay without more ado this minute before you can say Jack Robinson pretty soon by when in no time in an instant any second now any moment now open throttle full steam ahead at maximum speed full throttle full sail hammer and tongs at top speed full speed ahead full speed chop chop in high gear double-time in double time suddenly heedlessly agilely nimbly unpremeditatedly subito on spur of the moment at a run too quickly headlong helter-skelter hurry-scurry precipitously cursorily pell-mell rashly straightway readily in a trice in no time at all in nothing flat at short notice on the spot on the spur of the moment furiously soon afterward busily express almost immediately with alacrity with urgency meteorically very soon in a jiff in the wink of an eye before you can say knife now or never tout de suite with all haste without further ado in a wink without a second thought there and then on the dot this instant like now urgently in the blink of an eye peremptorily arbitrarily instanter without notice without formality without discussion without due process without warning presently incontinently right plumb smartly bang momentarily actively efficiently brusquely sharp firmly enthusiastically energetically decisively incisively with little delay by return in a lively manner

Kata benda

The essential part of something
marrow core heart essence soul spirit substance gist kernel pith quintessence cream nucleus centre meat stuff bottom center essentiality middle nitty-gritty nub quintessential virtuality sum and substance nuts and bolts root crux pivot bottom line focus hub base point seat keynote sum net polestar focal point meat and potatoes basis keystone centerpiece foundation cornerstone axis fundamental basic bosom infrastructure bedrock lynchpin groundwork crown centrepiece nubbin bull's-eye coal and ice omphalos fundamental principle fundamental point chief ingredient principal element locus nexus inside belly gut bones heartstrings gravamen essential part navel intrinsic nature midpoint cynosure hotbed inner space ground zero principle footing backbone underpinning ground warp grounding guiding principle first principle warp and woof burden fundamentals essentials significance thrust heart of the matter matter quiddity basics import brass tacks nature being meaning sense upshot reality short main point salient point main idea drift theme life tenor animus lifeblood topic ABC idea interior importance force depths midst guts internals rudiments name of the game principles elements grammar subject alphabet ethos foundations conscience psyche persona subconscious identity anima entity personality individuality signification mind central point standard score mainspring esse Zen consciousness ABCs pneuma linchpin direction self innards life force recesses consequence material fiber sine qua non staple punch line essentia fibre within axiom inner being bowels inner self timber hard fact pulp inner parts inner part inner area intrinsicality lining piece bit morsel atom part premise most important point intuitive approach making simple approach crucial point text question filling layer main ingredient principal constituent inwardness intention implication thesis purport essential point proposition distillation embodiment zest circumstance moral case relevance message purpose ultimate extract view statement viewpoint opinion motif kicker moment meaningfulness basic idea defining characteristic essential feature policy line essential element heart and soul the long and the short of it vital part validity content power soundness aim effect subject matter clout concreteness rudiment character line of reasoning most important fact prominence magnitude constitution preliminary element grain actuality structure ropes sum total summary vein quality aspect form details bearing value attribute caliber property calibre germ rule fundamental nature basic quality central part inspiration constituent fundamental quality basic characteristic chief constituent be-all and end-all name of game thick code long and short modus operandi tenet doctrine main theme central idea central theme stimulus chief thing the name of the game chief part essential details the facts cold fact important matter crux of the matter important point contents criterion general picture eye deep depth nature of the beast ego presence breast facts dogma ethic practicalities determinant preliminaries realities fact practicality stipulation viscera necessities ground rule golden rule bullseye organism creature ABC's animating spirit vital fluid vital spark essential constituent essential component moving force dynamic force reason humanity will law precept essential principium regulation disposition texture animating force blood driving force sap first principles thought intellect ardor intelligence fervor fervour ardour hard facts first steps vital signs spark of life spiritual being elan vital innermost self essential nature inner man true being recesses of heart inner ego inner woman make-up ka secret self wairua vital force atman animating principle breath of life the three R's body basic principles main ingredients

Kata benda

The area underneath a nail in a human or other mammal

Antonim dari surprisingly quick

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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