Sinonim dari the wretched

Kata sifat

Feeling, deserving of, or characterized by, severe unhappiness or sadness
unhappy gloomy depressed disconsolate dejected downcast forlorn sorry distressed melancholy pathetic pitiful sad heartbroken pitiable sorrowful woeful crestfallen doleful down glum abject cheerless downhearted inconsolable poor woebegone worthless anguished grieving melancholic morose mournful mourning sorrowing sullen blue despairing devastated hopeless piteous rueful somber sombre brokenhearted comfortless saddened solemn spiritless bleak choked depressive despondent dolorous drear dreary droopy elegiacal hangdog heartsick heartsore heavyhearted joyless lonely lonesome gutted heartbreaking heartrending low afflicted bummed calamitous dispirited downtrodden hapless helpless hurting mirthless powerless sour tragic broken-hearted cast down down-and-out grief-stricken cut up down in the mouth in the pits long-faced low-spirited chap-fallen down in the dumps miserable dismal desolate bad discouraged disheartened heavy-hearted lugubrious lamentable distressing plaintive tearful grievous harrowing pessimistic heart-rending fed up regretful weeping agonized upset bitter disappointed dolesome in low spirits plangent in pain agonised crushed moody suffering demoralized dragged wailing painful bewailing bemoaning moving deplorable aching unfortunate bummed out grim oppressed troubled funeral demoralised deploring distressful affecting depressing chapfallen distraught in the doldrums tormented brassed off defeatist cheesed off touching sick as a parrot agonizing saddening poignant funereal upsetting agonising disturbing lachrymose down and out in the dumps destroyed shot down stirring in despair dire gut-wrenching tortured tear-jerking bleeding anxious all torn up out of sorts weighed down unlucky desperate regrettable lamenting wistful pained angst-ridden dismayed pensive awful black ruthful ripped traumatic dolent cast-down heavy weary ill-fated dreadful ill-starred base catastrophic paltry mean terrible in a blue funk as sick as a parrot to be pitied disastrous singing the blues grieved wounded unconsolable devastating bereaved fatal traumatized dull shocking saturnine resigned teary daunted ruinous discouraging dour elegiac crummy sick at heart nostalgic mopey traumatised dispiriting heavy with grief disquieting destructive downbeat grumpy sunk sunk in gloom torn up taken down shamefaced defeated scurvy vile commiserable broken agitated compassionate commiserative arousing shabby cataclysmic uncomfortable abashed overwhelmed beggarly perturbed harrowed disheartening disappointing sheepish suicidal shaken mortifying bothered appalling overcome discombobulated harassed concerned wrecked meagre meager dark crushing unpleasant spooked bugged shook racked tender derisible dysphoric vexatious weepy adverse uptight sapped overcome with sorrow down-in-the-mouth cynical jumpy antsy unglued fateful sepulchral shattered bereft mopish broody bummed-out strung out shook up sorry for yourself subdued deadly Eeyorish enervated crabbed very sad flat surly sulky adust negative racked with suffering racked with pain morbid in a stew in a tizzy troubling down-hearted long-suffering on a downer in sorrow in mourning low-down let down full of sorrow ugly in the toilet at the end of your tether low in spirits feel-bad merciful cheap inadequate despicable contemptible insignificant lousy prostrated luckless lame heart-sick lovesick prostrate with grief undermined melting mortified remorseful drab demoralizing difficult demoralising cringing browbeaten guilty cowed unable to be comforted unable to be consoled beseeching ruined entreating supplicating imploring dolorific afflictive dirgeful unsatisfied torn-up discontent detrimental excruciating troublesome dejecting oppressive pining misfortunate guilty-looking furtive beside oneself with grief worried distracted humourless humorless in distress cataclysmal harmful untoward direful apathetic useless petty puny discomposing cold brooding listless ashamed intimidated embarrassed sneaking afflicting fraught lowered bowed lost grousing cranky bellyaching cantankerous crabby beefing bearish godforsaken disillusioned taken aback deflated threnodic dirge-like aggrieved jittery shaky miffed unpropitious off sluggish forgotten homeless forsaken abandoned doomed horrific frightful dingy horrifying heart-wrenching emo cowering humiliated conscience-stricken griefstricken damp depressant in anguish bowed down moping churlish friendless destitute uncared-for frantic unmitigable without energy disgraceful small ill-humoured huffy peeved exercised wired let-down not happy emotional impactful intense impressive hurt ill-humored dragging solitary defenseless defenceless fruitless alone have the blahs in a funk no-win strabilious vexed unnerved discomposed disconcerted ruffled disquieted with a long face ticked off teed off browned off peed off up the wall bundle of nerves basket case distrait hyper fidgety feeling down full of gloom blue funk looking as if one had lost a pound and found a penny up the creek without hope at wits' end irked discountenanced flustered aflutter plagued tristful sentimental perturbing passionate agitating expressive can't win galling haunted not a prayer in the soup horrendous gruesome persecuted at end of one's rope lethal mortal dashed atrabilious clouded dampened drooping sagging deathly grave tragical serious cruel feeble worrying dangerous weighty severe earnest forbidding sobering sedate urgent strenuous sober unamusing acute critical far-reaching cross glowering irritable bad-tempered ill-tempered pouting pouty peevish angry unsociable petulant testy frowning scowling grouchy disgruntled discontented unresponsive uncommunicative gruff mumpish mardy in tears displeased touchy resentful sourpussed piqued sulking stroppy crusty querulous crotchety waspish in grief in doldrums out of humour tenebrous in a bad mood indignant uncivil disturbed unenthusiastic disenchanted chippy taciturn annoyed unfriendly embittered unmannerly sick snappish colorless unsmiling put out splenetic dissatisfied lacklustre deep lackluster dim shadowy colourless boring monotonous lifeless down in dumps languorous triste unexciting blah uninteresting uninspiring gray macabre grey languid humdrum unamused sore burned contused drained empty devitalized brusque harsh tenebrific thrown acrimonious choleric narky grum fractious uneasy down in mouth crying put off deterred perverse aloof strained unenthused unconfident ill-natured sobbing shot-down withdrawn uncooperative fretful ornery obstinate languished having the blahs having blue devils ailing whimpering snivelling temperamental beat-down come-apart caved-in down-in-mouth beat close to tears frustrated discomfited fatalistic blubbering maudlin offended lacking in confidence lacking in enthusiasm having lost heart bored chagrined larmoyant at tired curt irascible jaded aghast beaten sniveling on the verge of tears foreboding wearied sensitive tetchy with cold feet lost momentum in a huff having a fit of the sulks in a mood in the sulks in a strop suspicious distrustful worsted vanquished baulked objecting balked blasé doubting excitable agitable impatient irritated alarmist easily moved in blue funk gone to pieces misanthropic fiery huffish fierce tooshie neurotic kittle mopy skittish in floods of tears with tears in your eyes doubtful exasperated gloom-ridden sob story given to looking on the black side satiated narked short-tempered surfeited sated high-strung easily frightened easily upset hot-tempered easily agitated quick-tempered hot-headed hacked off not best pleased up to here sick and tired

Kata sifat

Having a somber or dismal atmosphere or nature
dismal bleak miserable dark dreary depressing desolate gloomy sombre cheerless comfortless funereal solemn somber forlorn morose depressive glum sullen cold dire disconsolate drear godforsaken gray morbid black chill darkening grey lugubrious murky plutonian saturnine sepulchral tenebrific tenebrous cloudy dreich elegiac lonely lonesome sunless Cimmerian elegiacal grim joyless sad melancholy mournful doleful unhappy drab disheartening blue dispiriting depressed sorrowful woeful uninviting dolorous dejected dull melancholic dour hopeless sorry woebegone despondent discouraging pathetic unwelcoming heartbreaking abject downcast heartrending crestfallen oppressive grave saddening down down in the dumps austere dingy stark inhospitable pessimistic distressed down in the mouth distressing teary tearful unpromising dim uncomfortable piteous downhearted mourning tragic bare serious humorless humourless clinical rueful impersonal dispirited institutional dejecting low-spirited cast down bad in the dumps terrible in low spirits broken-hearted inconsolable grief-stricken lamentable grieving devastated despairing severe anguished unfavourable unfavorable unpleasant drearisome deplorable harrowing grievous spiritless mirthless dirgelike long-faced low bland hurting sober draggy mopey wintery afflicted wintry jarring poor squalid pitiable sordid down-and-out unfortunate dreadful awful shameful pitiful upsetting ominous execrable inferior lousy disagreeable foreboding heartbroken indigent scungy impoverished displeasing detestable scurvy sorrowing rotten horrible distressful forbidding appalling earnest sedate stern lamenting atrocious heavy-hearted inauspicious weighty moody disappointing dirge-like unpropitious unsmiling staid acheronian moping sourpuss muted subdued chap-fallen stony-faced no-nonsense poker-faced in a blue funk uncaring unimpassioned solitary tragical Eeyorish unmoved spartan overcast sinister daunting intolerable poignant plaintive downbeat nostalgic in the pits maudlin painful defeatist gut-wrenching obscure deathly hollow Stygian threnodic threnodial brooding demoralizing heart-rending exequial funebrial deathlike taciturn troubled sunk in gloom moving touching disenchanting oppressed weary dragged crabbed mopish surly chapfallen broody ugly sulky lachrymose acherontic sick at heart demoralising disadvantageous given to looking on the black side in the doldrums portentous looking on the black side blue funk bereft disastrous calamitous catastrophic cataclysmic ruinous devastating crushed lorn upset ghastly companionless horrific cut up hideous horrendous despicable contemptible foul frightful disgraceful vile abominable abhorrent trashy shoddy filthy gruesome destitute derisory grisly monstrous nightmarish heinous direful cataclysmal adverse destructive poverty-stricken demoralized harsh demoralised cynical negative gloom-ridden fatalistic worrying bitter horrid unfriendly distrustful doubting unenthusiastic suspicious chilly alarmist sour gruff disappointed disheartened frowning uncommunicative heavyhearted down in dumps hurt crummy broken emotional destroyed heartsick aggrieved cast-down down and out heartsore languorous in pain saddened triste tristful listless agonized down-hearted languid discouraged bummed out brokenhearted agonised uneasy flinty steely rough lowering fierce intimidating ungentle mean-looking rugged louring stony unsympathetic disapproving hard-faced hard stringent

Kata sifat

In harsh or grievous circumstances
distressing bad disconcerting horrendous horrible troublesome troubling unpleasant awful discomforting disquieting dreadful horrid horrific irksome objectionable terrible worrisome agonising agonizing appalling daunting distasteful forbidding grim horrifying loathsome miserable perturbing revolting rotten severe stressful torturous traumatic unpalatable unsettling woeful abominable agitating atrocious bitter difficult dismal distressful disturbing doleful execrable foul frightful ghastly gruesome harsh lousy nasty poor uncomfortable vile fraught frightening grave grisly hairy macabre nightmarish painful tormenting troublous cruel hellacious mean monstrous tragical bleak brutal excruciating galling grievous hard hostile hurtful impoverished merciless oppressed pitiless ruthless savage stark vicious poverty-stricken disagreeable harrowing dire trying tough onerous rough rugged comfortless gloomy burdensome sombre somber oppressive austere depressing cheerless inhospitable searing heavy solemn inhuman unfortunate murderous stiff dreary unfavorable unfavourable joyless disheartening hopeless tortuous ominous abhorrent drab offensive upsetting foreboding sickening funereal heartbreaking sober worrying tragic unnerving direful unhappy sad lamentable hardhanded heartrending unbearable unendurable unwelcome heart-rending gut-wrenching rigorous threatening sullen morose repulsive shocking odious pathetic inauspicious anguished dour insufferable perilous spartan stringent gross inopportune regrettable taxing wicked grinding unfriendly hideous adverse obnoxious humourless humorless unlucky uninviting crushing unsavory vexatious mortifying displeasing backbreaking serious lurid annoying icky yukky yucky afflicting sour wearing ugly uncongenial unlovely unpleasing afflictive formidable exacting inconvenient dangerous unsavoury relentless extreme unrelenting heart-breaking disastrous calamitous pained dingy stony unkind barbarous glum sorry unenviable jinxed cursed gray grey mirthless dark intolerable discouraging drear poignant God-awful rueful abject Spartan bare-bones overwhelming barren desolate fierce ill-timed chilling ferocious forlorn thankless remorseless great sore straitened biting inexorable scabrous stern black inclement intemperate provoking intense hard-hearted too bad disadvantageous sinister desperate dread terrifying unspeakable hateful untimely unpropitious menacing despicable reprehensible heinous untoward unsuited dreaded alarming egregious infelicitous redoubtable fearsome terrific weighty obscene injurious scandalous scary punk petrifying intimidating excessive morbid unpromising inapt unsuitable inappropriate unseasonable crummy repellent detestable irritating repugnant discomposing evil spine-chilling hair-raising malevolent spiteful parlous unsatisfactory stinking disgusting nauseating unacceptable sedate deplorable abysmal undesirable diabolical treacherous ill-suited noisome hefty unappealing repellant uncool awkward grotty godawful saddening grody affecting nauseous fulsome rough going ill-fated dishonourable sorrowful beastly concerning slimy laborious nerve-racking off-putting nail-biting extremely bad nerve-wracking tedious dishonorable arduous strenuous challenging gruelling ponderous tiresome draining bruising wearisome wearying dogged labored punishing tall grueling unremitting testing uphill debilitating tiring toilsome demanding hellish slow exhausting herculean exigent moiling slavish Augean knackering toilful boring sweaty back-breaking energy-consuming difficile laboured sapping enervating tough going exerting Herculean fatiguing effortful

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Low, or very bad, in condition or quality
atrocious awful terrible bad dismal inferior mediocre miserable poor sleazy substandard unsatisfactory abject dilapidated dire dreadful lousy pathetic punk trashy unspeakable abominable bush crumby crummy deficient deplorable dissatisfactory execrable horrible junky lame lamentable paltry rotten rubbishy shabby sorry suboptimal subpar sucky unacceptable wanting wrong beastly cheap common grotty pants schlock shoddy yucky bum calamitous cheapjack cheesy coarse cruddy dirty disastrous faulty flimsy ghastly gimcrack godforsaken gross grubby gruesome hideous horrendous inadequate mean nasty off pitiful ratty repulsive scabby schlocky scummy scurvy seedy shlock shlocky sordid trumpery unsightly wack weak woeful God-awful bush-league low-quality run down a load of pants low-grade second-rate bargain-basement low-rent cut-rate el cheapo down at heel contemptible appalling despicable pitiable abysmal rubbish base worthless sad frightful diabolical vile useless duff poxy sour disagreeable unpleasant below par ropy third-rate odious ill tawdry sneaking offensive hopeless loathsome imperfect disgraceful chronic tatty detestable two-bit tacky shocking insufficient second-class abhorrent obnoxious meagre below standard low insignificant disgusting squalid direful reprehensible egregious ordinary meager defective foul middling crude grungy junk shameful disappointing dingy trifling distressing revolting not up to snuff measly horrid lemon distasteful sickening repugnant negligible average poor-quality scruffy trivial good-for-nothing laughable piddling very bad hateful stinking ignoble unfortunate under par objectionable poorer below average petty dime-a-dozen scandalous neglected regrettable indifferent displeasing sub-par hack ignominious dishonorable dishonourable godawful repellent tinny inconsequential dodgy ramshackle rundown unsound obscene tumbledown valueless noisome déclassé grievous not up to much run-down nauseous subnormal not up to scratch malicious jerry-built ugly unimportant heinous wicked derisory cruel disreputable tenth-rate the pits intolerable footling pits unsavoury nauseating slummy flawed no-account unfair grim noxious not up to par piffling from hunger tattered unsavory scrubby bedraggled rancid feeble bodger low-down desperate fulsome repellant evil accursed no-good discreditable insalubrious beggarly downmarket tinhorn threadbare low-end puny hellish dinky pedestrian unexceptional skanky not much cop filthy vulgar unsuitable scuzzy unwelcome minor broken-down heartbreaking leaving much to be desired cursed damnable ineffectual unkind beat-up mingy degenerate spiteful inconsiderable mangy twopenny-halfpenny icky shacky inexcusable grave stinky malevolent uncared-for vicious decayed uncharitable undesirable hurtful malignant rickety dumpy tatterdemalion decaying outrageous slipshod insubstantial unworthy monstrous horrifying timeworn unpalatable catastrophic scant scanty inglorious confounded mean-spirited naff cheapo infernal insufferable bitter uncongenial tragic less-than-stellar uninviting unmaintained worn-out moth-eaten ineffective slight down-at-the-heels bombed-out down-at-heel poor quality small loathly no good mournful disgustful ungodly cheap and nasty no great shakes degrading alarming shambly picayune immoral nothing exiguous afflictive niggling chicken minute peanut nominal piddly pimping a dime a dozen decrepit poisonous poverty-stricken rough unimpressive commonplace inappreciable amateurish incompetent nefarious little nickel-and-dime meretricious undistinguished ragged catty blithering lacking inappropriate unappetizing de minimis Mickey Mouse worse damaged piss-poor piteous flaming malodorous garbage god-awful villainous pointless futile second rate Brummagem smelly unavailing meaningless dog-eared indefensible hellacious half-pie putrid fetid rank acrid polluted mephitic seamy unproductive nugatory cheapie pongy whiffy melancholy smudged befouled smutty miasmal sullied bemired dusty unclean uncleanly black draggled grimy funky unlovely unpleasing harsh muddy illegal stained mucky besmirched yukky blackened niffy unsportsmanlike begrimed soiled minor-league festy yucko olid unusable out of order despisable unlucky grody inutile poison unholy foetid bogus sterile unprofitable profitless barren unessential waste counterproductive abandoned two a penny of a sort unfavourable upsetting entry-level sick-making bottom-rung not good enough off-putting on the nose unscrupulous unfavorable unprincipled critical underhanded disdainable harrowing subsidiary lowly shameless blameworthy unethical deceitful unwarranted poorly dislikable menial ungenerous mere harmful in disrepair hostile worn slovenly unbearable opprobrious unkempt unfriendly crumbling fair careless rude exceptionable unsatisfying crying inconsiderate surly slumlike sneaky deceptive depraved indecent crass graceless downer bummer churlish minimal deteriorated gaudy unseemly unpretentious abusive malign ruinous vindictive reduced senseless wanky plebeian makeshift cantankerous humble deteriorating limited ruined slimy desolate improper inept unforgivable cataclysmic brummagem hairy brutal insupportable venomous impermissible inadmissible stupid parlous low-ranking wounding serious degenerated empty amiss foul-smelling evil-smelling ridiculous reject slum-like ruthless not up to standard humdrum uncalled for dirty rotten dud weak sauce ill-humored strictly for the birds silly cheap-jack for the birds scurrilous irremediable below the belt minor league low-born low-minded kitsch scroungy bad-tempered low-life gone to rack and ruin unfit pinchbeck brassy small potatoes gone to seed evil-minded drossy all the worse for wear ill-tempered ill-natured ill-humoured rinky-dink dime-store not satisfying lower-class worse for wear forlorn overcrowded depressed ne'er-do-well stark outcast wet peripheral misbegotten off-colour crook off colour out of sorts sick unhappy scungy garbagy corny cheeseball well below par unpopular undesired showy dislikeable uncomfortable bungling sloppy dissatisfying dicey pettifogging skimpy of little account tasteless garish dishonest worst overwhelming dolorous inexpert unskilful inefficient ropey tremendous dishevelled disheveled untoward brackish throwaway preposterous end-of-the-pier impaired tinpot impotent unpardonable unconscionable sinful foolish twopenny ill-advised unstable impoverished destitute thoughtless iniquitous restricted sparing disturbing disconcerting disquieting thin too bad second-best plastic pretentious tough depressing needy from hell poopy craptacular unjustifiable revulsive crooked shady underhand extremely bad off-color rebarbative so-so blah criminal second class monumental belligerent aggressive antagonistic rueful affecting absurd ludicrous foolish-looking meanspirited disrespectful under-strength not good erroneous not the best raunchy diddly bad news fallacious unsought unwanted leaving a lot to be desired badly built penniless beggared indigent negligent thrown together run-of-the-mine passable medium run-of-the-mill run-of-mine inhospitable wrathful confrontational bellicose vitriolic combative pugnacious lowest of the low rock-bottom the dumps beyond contempt penurious impecunious dubious unreasonable questionable simple outclassed uninspiring bog-standard uninspired rancorous joyless angry unsociable militant unsympathetic condemnable out frayed proletarian inacceptable unappealing needful broke down-and-out famished skint pauperized dirt-poor necessitous distressed viperous scrappy furious cringe-making modest faded baseborn underprivileged fair to middling horrific not cricket beyond the pale won't do half-baked of low quality not on of poor quality over the fence not quite the done thing hard up unrefined severe unremarkable unwashed lesser tired good-for-naught no-count meritless unbefitting lowborn obscure prole disfigured bare pot cure lumpen plebby uncouth untidy savage pressing crucial fearful of low birth working-class of low rank unbecoming secondary subordinate urgent extreme incongruous inconsistent unfitting incompatible inhuman gloomy drastic junior subservient unassuming second-string snide despiteful annoying currish virulent heartrending fruitless no use forbidding terrifying dread hair-raising spine-chilling scary fearsome crippling intimidating devastating frightening redoubtable formidable ominous irretrievable beneath undeserving hollow barbarous portentous bodeful exigent ancillary second-fiddle smaller demeaning bottom distressful ineligible sarcastic ornery sorrowful chaffy vain null banal satanic barbaric oppressing fierce terrific scowling of no benefit bootless unfructuous to no avail tragical unfitting to blamable out of place unmerited out of character with out of keeping unsuitable for out of character not deserving not worth recreant improper to out of place with unbecoming to not fit inappropriate to slighter servile lower lower-ranking heartless brutish devilish black-hearted lower in status undersized lower in rank small-fry small-time third-string subjacent bloodthirsty demonic pitiless murderous merciless ferocious not worth a hill of beans a dead loss hurting gut-wrenching unfeeling implacable brute sadistic wanton inhumane butcherly truculent toytown second-banana beneath someone under someone's heel not very important back seat less important below someone not so important demoniac Mephistophelian dastardly fiendish narrow unconsequential set

Kata sifat

Showing a lack of honor or decency
despicable vile contemptible detestable ignoble reprehensible shameful base debased disreputable ignominious loathsome odious shabby abominable depraved dirty dishonourable dishonorable execrable hateful infamous filthy low mean nasty rotten snide sordid villainous worthless beastly currish lousy paltry scurvy poxy low-minded beyond contempt low-down no-good dirty rotten abject disgraceful disgusting degenerate discreditable corrupt heinous abhorrent offensive unprincipled unworthy foul cheap immoral wicked sorry degraded bad wrong unsavoury dishonest deplorable scandalous undignified unsavory repugnant vicious unscrupulous servile shocking degrading improper evil sinful shoddy uncharitable dissolute squalid treacherous nefarious dastardly petty poor menial unbecoming pitiful obscene sleazy distasteful miserable scummy vulgar grubby cowardly lame ratty scabby unseemly humiliating tawdry debauched coarse appalling iniquitous reprobate perverted monstrous underhand crooked lamentable mortifying impure obnoxious louche revolting cruel horrible inglorious unlawful inelegant shady indecorous sneaking scungy unfair off-color unsuitable abandoned repulsive lewd unpleasant gross seedy seamy diabolical ungentlemanly diabolic blameworthy demeaning ugly unrefined unrighteous illegal shaming pitiable indecent stinking deceitful unethical awful repellent horrid unbefitting common inappropriate dark sleazoid venal criminal debasing flagitious atrocious underhanded mercenary outrageous notorious bent unrespectable pathetic cruddy sad indelicate beggarly nauseating horrifying illegitimate inequitable warped illicit caitiff beyond the pale not cricket doggish good-for-nothing callous useless rude crude meanspirited untrustworthy uncouth dissipated embarrassing perverse amoral shiftless base-minded smutty groveling unspeakable disdainable despisable unladylike hard-hearted narrow-minded slavish humble unconscionable undesirable shy opprobrious unfitting cheapening feckless no-account incompetent vitiated wanton hateworthy measly humiliatory grovelling crass inferior swinish outcast trashy plebeian lowly unheroic unsuccessful detested execrated infra dig belittling lowering perfidious objectionable scurrilous faithless out of place despised discomfiting bribable ungodly wrongful damnable failed untoward unceremonious out of keeping sick accursed loathed godawful abominated hated abhorred sacrilegious profane impious unholy blasphemous irreligious fraudulent erring fallen grody hateable in poor taste dreadful decadent beneath you lacking dignity unsporting crafty murderous black fiendish godless barbarous yucky yucko maggot double-dealing avaricious skanky slimy cunning devious sly wily egregious sullied tainted lawless roguish shameless shifty conniving designing calculating guileful Machiavellian sneaky cheating calculated covetous scoundrelly rascally malfeasant shrewd unsportsmanlike deceiving deceptive unsportsmanly peccable slick scheming knavish beneath one's dignity below contempt beneath contempt craven black-hearted unchivalrous low-life reproachful morally wrong ill-gotten against the rules below the belt Janus-faced out of order self-seeking miscreant profligate loose rakish dodgy unclean felonious corrupted unwholesome libertine demoralized jackleg rakehell rakehelly demoralised devilish indictable culpable unjust licentious malicious fast sinister infernal promiscuous deleterious lascivious baneful lecherous maleficent lustful pervy wayward defiled hellish intemperate guilty unhealthy under-the-table vice-ridden corruptible terrible abased malevolent blackguardly grafting swindling buyable deviant unchaste boorish dishonored aberrant twisted transgressing irreverent cutthroat libidinous tricky satanic delinquent lawbreaking hollow-hearted pernicious injurious traitorous dishonoured sicko harmful peccant no good kinky unnatural naughty blamable censurable against the law open gone to the dogs two-faced fast and loose retrograde inhuman suspect demonic ruffianly thievish retrogressive intolerable flagrant glaring putrid immodest facinorous condemnable sharp duplicitous rogue distorted abnormal unkind mean-spirited risqué praetorian rancorous wrathful spiteful shadowy salacious ungenerous unprofessional bad-hearted profiteering unforgivable slippery unfaithful errant demeritorious blameful amiss sinning unregenerate extortionate suborned exceptionable ill-famed deviate ill-reputed questionable on the take negligent selfish stingy natty miserly thoughtless inconsiderate disrespectful grotesque impaired vitiate sadistic contorted hedonic dangerous flimflam fishy scam damaging hurtful prejudicial incorrigible nocuous adverse noxious mischievous baleful heartless detrimental ill concupiscent riotous prurient unrestrained dirty-dealing double-crossing two-timing fly-by-night misguided demeaned flatitious indulgent flagitous brutal raffish wild unconstrained sybaritic swinging voluptuary violated easy in the fast lane self-indulgent gone bad pleasure-seeking dirty-minded night owl drunken deteriorated lacking restraint in the gutter fast-living high living bad news malignant unvirtuous graceless pornographic whorish bawdy saturnalian X-rated of easy virtue hideous prohibited unlicensed disorderly clandestine contraband anarchic furtive forbidden terrorist unruly outlawed punishable unsanctioned unauthorized impermissible actionable banned disruptive unacceptable insurgent insurrectionary anarchical rebellious unofficial interdicted seditious mutinying proscribed insubordinate mutinous noncompliant unwarranted nonconformist savage anarchistic verboten taboo adulterous under-the-counter uncivilised disobedient under the table violating turbulent violent off base contrary to law tapu in violation of law heavy haram warlike contumacious criminogenic not acceptable bootleg off limits ungoverned black-market not permitted out of line unregulated unpeaceful under the counter uncivilized nihilistic disordered racketeering smoking gun excessive recusant uncultivated without law and order ruled out infringing wildcat not allowed unauthorised piratical

Kata sifat

Feeling sick or ill
sick ill unwell sickly ailing crook poorly below par off colour out of sorts under the weather infirm unhealthy indisposed debilitated unsound diseased weak rickety invalid bedridden infected disordered pale frail declining feeble sickened bad suffering down impaired tottering incurable rocky feverish peaked off grim delicate not so hot under medication broken down imperfect off-color defective hospitalised sick as a dog peaky laid-up run down on the sick list confined in a bad way hospitalized in poor health not healthy laid up not oneself run-down under par wobbly queasy nauseous lousy nauseated funny crummy liverish grotty rough wabbit seedy ropy rotten punk peculiar green about the gills not up to par queer washed out terrible awful not well dreadful peely-wally not very well peakish faint not in good shape giddy off-colour dizzy afflicted not up to snuff valetudinarian lightheaded light-headed laid low out of action unfit like death warmed up invalided iffy bummed woozy groggy septic pallid mean qualmish wan at death's door tired anaemic disabled incapacitated unstable sickly-looking drawn emaciated injured thin shaky ill-looking out of commission anemic haggard confined to bed enfeebled sickish the worse for wear down with in poor shape squeamish feeling awful feeling rotten on sick list green slightly unwell rundown horrible fatigued not up to the mark bilious housebound immobilized ugly strange failing low unsightly ghastly pasty pasty-faced drained dying languishing unwholesome ill in bed ashen whey-faced gray colourless bloodless ashy grey ashen-faced off form in bed in pain ropey corpse-like cadaverous sallow festering gangrenous putrefying wasting not feeling well not yourself pinched immobilised in bad health valetudinary handicapped weakly contaminated tainted blighted hors de combat deathly pale miserable got a bug peccant abnormal off one's feed etiolated peelie-wally in bad shape achy hypochondriacal decrepit sick as a parrot infectious not a hundred percent as white as a ghost as white as a sheet colorless dragging in ill health out of shape in poor condition out of condition unsteady poisoned in a decline infested plague-ridden disease-ridden flimsy tottery bockety queerish queazy inconstant insecure wavering ticklish quaking staggering doubtful tricky a wreck off one's feet feeling terrible running temperature got the bug

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Disturbing in nature due to references to death or dying
macabre gruesome ghastly grim morbid grisly hideous dreadful frightening frightful horrid horrific lurid unearthly gloomy horrifying shocking bleak dark eerie nightmarish terrifying cold fearsome funereal monstrous revolting sepulchral loathsome shadowy chilling gory grewsome grotesque offensive scary shady sickening spookish spooky weird horrible miserable horrendous somber sombre melancholic glum melancholy dispirited desolate morose dismal depressive ghostly solemn appalling depressing dreary distressing cheerless disheartening tenebrous sad sullen drab mirthless dingy murky pitiless terrible repulsive repugnant nightmare terrific drear lugubrious gray dire mournful grave grey awful black atrocious sick unhealthy God-awful death-obsessed fearful ghoulish disgusting harrowing creepy unspeakable alarming spine-chilling hair-raising direful obscene sinister disturbing Kafkaesque hellish unreal unnerving traumatic petrifying ominous disquieting nightmarey phantasmagorical sensational grievous graphic exaggerated explicit melodramatic dread abominable redoubtable formidable forbidding intimidating startling lamentable terribly bad very bad trashy colourful sensationalist extravagant rubbishy overdramatized unrestrained bad bloodcurdling strange sublime shuddersome overwhelming abysmal baleful tremendous astounding pulp tasteless ribald kitschy cheap salacious prurient dirty violent suggestive filthy savage shock-horror vivid tacky juicy yellow full-frontal unpleasant objectionable distasteful repellent displeasing disagreeable nasty fiery off-color raunchy salty purple extreme sanguine deep rough racy bloody striking colorful distinct garish low-down unacceptable foul off-putting abhorrent obnoxious undesirable odious detestable vile hateful intolerable despicable contemptible nauseating deplorable insufferable reprehensible unpalatable unsavoury noxious sick-making beastly nauseous exceptionable disgustful rebarbative godawful loathly corpselike uncanny unnatural dim faint from hell anemic mortuary haggard wraithlike unsavory weak unbearable upsetting supernatural deathlike beyond the pale anaemic

Kata sifat

Causing or tending to cause annoyance, frustration, or worry
vexatious aggravating annoying bothersome vexing exasperating galling irritating displeasing distressing grating infuriating irksome maddening objectionable provoking rankling traumatic troublesome unsettling harassing infernal irking painful repugnant thorny tiresome troubling trying unpleasant upsetting worrisome worrying abrasive antagonising antagonizing challenging deplorable discouraging enraging forbidding harrying inconvenient jarring knotty lamentable niggling perturbing pesky problematic puzzling riling taxing tedious troublous unwelcome wearisome afflicting awkward burdensome carking chafing concerning confounded difficult disagreeable disappointing disturbing frustrating incommodious mean nagging nettlesome nettling peeving tormenting tricky antipathetic demanding festering pestiferous pestilent pestilential plaguy teasing ugly wearing wicked cussed impossible pesty plaguey rebarbative unattractive unsatisfying enough to drive you up the wall enough to try the patience of a saint disquieting alarming harrowing discomforting dismaying discomposing nerve-racking daunting grave prickly sticky hairy nasty scary anxious-making nerve-wracking gnawing agonizing dreadful agonising dire offensive provocative instigative inflaming affronting charged inflammatory goading exciting insulting instigating inciting agitational piquing stimulating incendiary agitative edgy threatening discommoding uncertain foreboding gloomy ominous perplexing consequential laborious onerous frightening severe startling pessimistic sinister intrusive impeding embarrassing distressful disruptive hard depressing toilsome agitating disconcerting prophetic creepy controversial in-your-face obstructive

Kata sifat

Demeaning or characterized by humiliation
degrading disparaging slighting denigratory derogatory contemptuous disdainful scornful belittling demeaning deprecatory pejorative derisory uncomplimentary depreciatory depreciative derogative denigrative decrying detractive shameful mortifying humiliating shaming undignified ignominious debasing lowering inglorious disgraceful abject discrediting unworthy cheapening contemptible dishonorable dishonourable menial corrupting downgrading unbecoming infra dig bringing shame derisive sneering embarrassing disapproving deprecating deprecative mocking snide condescending scoffing critical jeering discreditable insulting chastening scathing contumelious opprobrious humbling crushing blush-making patronizing depreciating supercilious unsuitable barro cringe-making dishonoring toe-curling patronising haughty unseemly jibing detracting deflating unladylike ungentlemanly arrogant unbefitting improper unfitting snooty withering insolent indecorous taunting dismissive unrefined dishonouring unceremonious negative sniffy unflattering ignoble snotty sarcastic untoward inappropriate scandalous abhorrent sardonic indecent beneath one's dignity denigrating full of contempt ridiculing pillorying teasing diminishing inelegant lampooning caustic satirical rude low sorry appalling snidey sarky damning beneath you lacking dignity base defiant superior hypercritical overbearing egotistic cynical despicable malicious abusive unworthy of one infra indignitatem beneath one inexpedient indelicate indiscreet tasteless outrageous disgracing crass offensive unacceptable squashing discomfiting quashing snobbish imperious proud uppity humiliatory cringeworthy cavalier vain in bad taste audacious disrespectful bringing down bringing low cool snippy bold cheeky temperamental upstage hard high and mighty cold-shoulder on your high horse hard-nosed high hat dog it

Antonim dari the wretched

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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