Sinonim dari to peach

Kata benda

The soft juicy stone fruit of the peach tree

Kata benda

A person or thing regarded as precious or special
gem jewel treasure prize cream paragon flower best pearl ideal pride finest nonpareil choice epitome model exemplar masterpiece tops elect star embodiment standard prototype archetype apotheosis glory quintessence pick wonder personification acme paradigm catch elite plum prime taonga trump humdinger godsend jewel in the crown something else outstanding example shining example leading light one in a million perfect example of its kind chef-d'oeuvre nonesuch norm good example angel eidolon cynosure criterion idea pattern perfect example classic beauty champ ultimate champion love essence sublimation lovely original crackerjack perfection beau ideal patron saint example type exemplification representation illustration symbol blueprint byword height specimen stereotype crème de la crème avatar soul top mirror instance template ne plus ultra incarnation cream of the crop last word precedent saint manifestation yardstick benchmark icon sample gauge definitive example darling gage copy textbook example dream typical example image royalty choicest fat illuminati aristocracy beau idéal pick of the bunch the bee's knees upper crust A-list guide design typification classic example find expression prodigy actualization case representative instantiation ikon masterwork showpiece picture mould role model rarity objectification touchstone genius charm representative case mold portrayal trophy pink crown jewel core magnum opus nobility gentry standard of perfection stroke of genius greatest thing since sliced bread corps d'elite best thing since sliced bread one of a kind tour de force top drawer upper class piece de resistance pride and joy appreciation oner zenith idol framework emblem classic case ensample peak of perfection hero source of envy envy object of envy most select crown acme of perfection perfect specimen idealism basis version archetypal setup style essentiality spirit favourite lifeblood heart guideline formula lodestar substance favorite first stuff canon triumph dear marvel game plan scale authority coup beatified soul tutelary saint canonized mortal guardian angel specification lead masterstroke hit good person brick kind person the best paragon of virtue saint and martyr representative example knockout occasion occurrence boast exhibit collector's item a star point of reference parallel case finest example honour honor credit finest specimen demonstration exposition exponent exhibition landmark great work counterpart clone double valuable object objet of virtu work of art objet d'art torchbearer pioneer trailblazer best example best specimen choicest specimen choicest example case history sampling detail variety situation evidence portrait proof item case in point typical case established work twin semblance replica specialty phenomenon speciality phoenix someone worth their weight in gold something worth their weight in gold ringer characterization pièce de résistance quality priesthood facsimile duplicate doppelganger likeness match duplication look-alike first class select few carbon copy re-creation mirror image alter ego spitting image dead ringer living image living example realization reification collection concretization symbolization externalization embodier integration personifier abstract organization combination inclusion concentration comprehension consolidation codification systematization prosopopoeia organisation encompassment form conformation cast systematisation formation matter realisation externalisation embracement bringing together structure

Kata benda

A tree that produces peaches

Kata kerja

To inform the authorities of someone's criminal activities or plans

Kata kerja

To identify or select something from a range of options
finger identify distinguish recognise recognize select determine spot name pinpoint choose locate nominate designate ID specify indicate make tap pick out single out pin down point out place tag put one's finger on diagnose peg know establish decide on mention settle on button down diagnosticate determinate ascertain get a fix on make out flag tab decide describe remember recall separate label recollect verify pick put a name to call to mind detect isolate elect notice refer to favour favor analyze plump for individuate figure out quote cite discern fix discover mark validate confirm settle deduce divine intuit substantiate find analyse list note individualize give define drop instance individualise know again know by sight work out suss out appoint set handpick prefer ordain advert to allude to bring up call attention to draw attention to touch on touch upon go for opt for hand-pick settle upon vote for bring to mind estimate extricate signalize characterize differentiate demarcate collate divide judge singularize sift qualify classify part discriminate categorize associate set in context track down espy assign nail down run to earth zero in on home in on nail agnize ken descry tell apart tell from set off mark off sort out tell between set apart depute ring a bell flash on be familiar constitute commission delegate earmark induct opt categorise signalise characterise deputise charge co-opt deputize put down for adduce advance invoke highlight spotlight emphasize offer namedrop namecheck propose present make reference to point to refer show advert reveal denote put forward give as an example underline point at remind of show us tell us emphasise learn corroborate certify take put the finger on make certain of find out ferret out formal mark out key make up your mind on card key out make certain adopt accept predestine embrace fancy fix on discriminate between cherry-pick set aside take up make choice call for come down in favour of sift out make up one's mind detail state enumerate stipulate itemize particularize catalogue require prescribe postulate order agree slot condition limit specificate specificize inventory frame command specialize explicitize precise blueprint particularise itemise catalog explicitise specialise set out spell out draw a picture put down show clearly draw up be specific about get to the point come to the point tick off lay down set down insist on get down to brass tacks be specific go into detail lay out recount relate recite set forth delineate tell report declare rehearse disclose chronicle make known communicate impart narrate numerate record run through depict introduce display reel off divulge chart portray impose illustrate give an account of outline tell of comment on recapitulate say speak about convey arrange announce speak of explain represent exhibit discuss brand demand intimate paint express raise moot promise guarantee contract pledge rattle off provide picture decree signal bound insist upon run down talk about remark on make mention of delimit reference stamp tabulate suggest register circumscribe feature document repeat evidence acknowledge utter broach figure relay unfold recap instruct verbalise verbalize hint at engage covenant bargain pronounce elaborate promulgate summarize style signify read demonstrate typify publish demark expound uncover circumstantiate symbolize tally number summarise give details of exemplify class terminate epitomize symbolise render notify evoke retail propound proclaim speak share treat bill make a point lay finger on authorize authorise epitomise show off check off make distinctive run off remark track go into deal with break a story let out personalise give an account let anyone know of personalize throw out put it on record let on about breathe a word of direct attention to account for star state clearly count devote schedule allege give details make a condition of asterisk enter admit let someone know of speak briefly of illustrate with appeal to ensure make it a condition underwrite have as a condition initial address explore publicize make a precondition of make a proviso of give as example give particulars of enroll restrict delimitate measure cover pigeonhole model personify draw character typecast reply count down rehash echo unload sign watermark image lay bare manifest bare publicise pervade permeate inform suffuse gesture towards tell the story of run by again play back say again give a report give verbal account hold forth air canvass argue canvas come out with make it known interpret sketch reproduce call write alphabetize poll ventilate set the limits spin map out emblematize embody instantiate peculiarize realise realize enrol minute reiterate calender review dictate term embellish spread retell sling spill transmit break down keep count make a list of note down write down allude produce dub din act chime iterate restate ready lay it on the line spin a yarn shoot the breeze clue in give the word spill the beans get off your chest let your hair down elucidate deliberate about exchange views about talk through converse about exchange views on bring in talk over confer about point install put into words conjure up go over christen entitle ascribe broadcast recommend rule direct enjoin report on allot interpolate enunciate paint in words articulate assert give a description of reenact test hone experiment resolve employ denominate formulate sum give a rundown of give a account of talk of insert instal conclude pass on provide details of give the facts on put in words testify to give details on inform of advise of paint a word picture of quote chapter and verse trot out title baptize study fly speck sweat details count noses keep tabs go through guide showcase expose brandish make clear evince point toward clepe take account of make allusions to write about treat of customize proffer use cognominate nickname baptise vote in sign up take on localise localize make provision for write prescription attest to write a prescription for implement apply modify change give a personal touch to be attentive make to order customise initiate find exactly execute launch run turn to resort to enforce difference secern evaluate assess have recourse to put into effect call into use call in narrow down put into use compare contrast tell the difference segregate discern a difference recognize a distinction know what's what separate the sheep from the goats sever discrepate separate the wheat from the chaff contradistinguish severalize split hairs perceive draw a distinction compass confine border envelop encompass enclose encircle rim belt surround verge edge curb flank gird girdle fence in stake out wall in set the boundaries of set the limits of set bounds to

Kata kerja

To engage in (typically meaningless or unimportant) conversation
blab babble chatter gab gabble jabber prattle cackle chaffer chat chin converse gas jaw kibbitz kibitz natter palaver patter prate rap rattle schmooze shmooze talk twitter visit run on blather mouth snitch squeal yak yakkety-yak go on spread rumors tell on tell tales shoot the breeze talk out of turn talk through one's hat run off at the mouth whistle in the dark whistle Dixie gossip yap witter waffle yatter blether chunter yackety-yak drivel rabbit yabber clack twaddle mag jibber-jabber rattle on yammer twattle chinwag tittle-tattle tattle gibber chitchat blabber slabber chew the fat maunder burble confabulate ramble communicate rabbit on blither speak have a conversation drool bumble sputter chitter-chatter powwow shoot the bull engage in conversation rant chew the rag have a chinwag earbash have a confab claver rattle away go on and on talk nineteen to the dozen gush spout chit-chat gabber talk incoherently talk idly footle mumble mutter dialog dialogue dish rumor rumour witter on shoot one's mouth off have a chat talk a blue streak discourse tell tales out of school buzz murmur clatter talk rapidly splutter talk unintelligibly utter rave blubber discuss wag orate blow smoke talk foolishly spill the beans circulate rumours spread rumours spread stories leak noise spread gossip have a talk socialise banter socialize blah spit bark spiel blah-blah list yakety-yak patter on and on hold forth inform piffle talk at length carry on talking confer twiddle swap gossip gaggle tongue yack runon talk a mile a minute wander run off at mouth parley talk ten to the dozen palter talk on and on brag boast talk the hind leg off a donkey talk the hind legs off a donkey yakkety yak talk nonsensically talk trivially talk aimlessly run through reel off have a tête-à-tête chat idly discuss things speak to each other tell conversate commune korero talk someone's ear off have a discussion exchange use consult with each other exchange views articulate whisper skinder wiggle-waggle bruit about intimate tell secrets cut up hint cut to pieces suggest report bend one's ear bad-mouth insinuate imply repeat schmoose spread divulge drawl describe drone chant rhapsodise notify break intone broach soliloquize rhapsodize ventriloquize give voice express oneself grass spill sneak comment on turn over flap one's tongue talk one's leg off give voice to have a tete-a-tete give the show away spread rumor blow the whistle tell tale dish the dirt have a big mouth rat on give away flannel bleat blurt talk gibberish consult debate network interact interface touch base deliberate liaise confab connect reach out be in contact negotiate argue groupthink meet contact have negotiations counsel link keep in touch reason intercommunicate have a word thrash out hold discussion have dealings make contact discuss matters be in touch be in communication get in contact establish contact stumble talk rubbish talk nonsense hesitate stutter deal blethe engage babble on talk a lot talk incessantly slabber on talk tete-a-tete renew communication have a friendly chat brainstorm get in touch engage in communication treat advise make conversation collaborate rack brains share ideas put heads together cooperate discuss terms make a deal discuss a settlement consult together make terms hammer out a deal try to reach a compromise treat with someone hold talks work out a deal correspond interconnect interview vent huddle canvass collogue relate confide meet up chin-wag consult each other compare notes acquaint reply bicker have a meet carry on conversation join in conversation telephone e-mail text write phone moot go into a huddle commune with ring up kick about talk game toss around hash over bandy words bump heads wrangle over talk over bat around kick around have at it bat back and forth bat about have discussions lock horns hash out cross swords be close to drop a line drop a note get on the horn give a call be near give a ring associate with hear from

Kata sifat

Pleasing to the mind or senses
agreeable pleasant pleasing enjoyable pleasurable satisfying delightful nice gratifying congenial acceptable appealing blessed blest darling delectable delicious delightsome dreamy dulcet engaging felicitous fine good grateful heavenly jolly luscious palatable pretty savory savoury sweet tasty welcome charming likeable likable comfortable dandy fair mild peachy pleasureful pussycat ready spiffy suitable swell to one's liking to one's taste to your liking lovely great wonderful splendid favorable entertaining favourable glorious marvelous divine marvellous beautiful magnificent enchanting neat refreshing superb amusing fabulous fantastic rewarding fun terrific captivating grand super excellent satisfactory attractive sublime brilliant genial magical capital cheering choice fab cool groovy tasteful adorable desirable prime sterling superior boss joyous heartening thrilling diverting fascinating sensational rapturous cheery exciting alluring smashing exquisite happy magic appreciated valuable out of this world first-class first-rate amiable cordial amazing stupendous ravishing commendable cheerful comely comforting exhilarating heartwarming bonny fetching scrumptious fine and dandy cracking corking topping wizard ripping supercalifragilisticexpialidocious exceptional positive hospitable worthy precious sound winning stunning gorgeous rad honourable ace honorable reputable admirable spanking copacetic soothing tempting seductive super-eminent shipshape select super-excellent deluxe gnarly recherche bully tip-top elegant encouraging dainty hunky-dory fulfilling bad knockout drop-dead inviting propitious opportune blissful perfect slick pulchritudinous presentable titillating timely gladdening glad stellar yummy hot euphoric keen superlative noble spectacular supreme cute awesome well-favored intoxicating brill ducky lekker mooi beaut festive much needed champion spiffing recreative relishable heaven-sent bonzer ambrosial lush beezer frabjous solid outrageous colossal greatest joyful irie top-hole gladly received par excellence very pleasant very agreeable solid gold sapid unblemished relaxing snug suited welcoming silvery soft golden fit adapted appropriate beguiling promising easy to take sensual crack entire unbroken up to snuff unimpaired undamaged flawless uninjured whole intact unharmed unhurt extremely enjoyable extremely pleasant enticing sexy well suited welcomed wanted bodacious babelicious adorbs bootylicious consoling long-awaited longed-for desired contenting extremely attractive merry couthy rare goodly restful renewing rejuvenating restorative solacing ineffable appetizing unmarred gay gladsome celebratory constructive productive worthwhile convivial balmy very attractive greatly to one's liking very pleasurable very nice bright beneficial restoring jovial interesting fantastical sustaining sufficient substantial nourishing satiating adequate happiness-inducing heart-warming light-hearted flattering astonishing distracting clubbable succulent fantabulous hitting the spot delish mouthwatering stylish dynamite phat out-of-sight gangbusters jim-dandy brag down topflight prizewinning gone blue-chip primo high-class brave bonnie top famous top-notch bang-up bumper boffo radical top-shelf quality frontline prize righteous crackerjack classic first-string immense four-star A-OK hype blue-ribbon five-star gilt-edge top-of-the-line unsurpassed gangbuster gilt-edged banner dope nifty mean supernal handsome flavorsome mouth-watering toothy flavorful chic enhancing finger-licking yummo moreish yum-yum scrummy fashionable graceful replayable rich flavoursome appetising toothsome nectarous peachy keen number one numero uno becoming on fleek well-chosen enviable lovesome flashy affable glamorous photogenic sunny hunky clear resplendent A1 dollish glossy snazzy flamboyant taking aesthetic statuesque foxy showstopping OK cunning splashy eye-catching good-looking beauteous zingy delicate glamourous showy sightly arresting in order dishy radiant prettyish relief unspoilt not bad paradisiacal passable telegenic paradisal paradisaical calming paradisaic elating splendorous copasetic paradisiac ecstatic esthetic

Antonim dari to peach

Music ♫

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