Contrario di acting superior


Opposite of being victorious in a contest


Opposite of larger in size


(of objects) Opposite of the best of its kind or class
bad inferior low-quality poor lousy shoddy substandard atrocious awful broken-down cheap execrable junk junky low-grade makeshift paltry second-rate tacky terrible trashy two-bit unsatisfactory pathetic rotten wretched vile mediocre dreadful appalling abysmal rubbish horrible dismal inadequate ordinary miserable deplorable subpar suboptimal dissatisfactory unacceptable worthless horrendous insignificant unexceptional incompetent middling deficient imperfect lamentable pitiful shabby ineffectual unpleasant unimportant horrid crude flawed second-class lame average contemptible rubbishy stupid unworthy useless disgusting repulsive disappointing unrefined shocking minor detestable despicable inept dire diabolical loathsome crummy poxy dull odious regular meager meagre humble subnormal sub-par slovenly insufficient crumby woeful spurious ugly low obscene empty futile inconsequential very bad ignorant noisome unproductive wasted meaningless bogus inutile pointless trivial valueless trifling hollow nugatory profitless barren counterproductive unusable unprofitable uninspired amateurish unranked bottom untidy unavailing unessential messy base least not good worst undesirable dodgy nasty unremarkable undistinguished chaotic confused unspectacular pedestrian shambolic repellent common unsophisticated horrifying drab foul sickening gross repugnant hateful indifferent run-of-the-mill third-rate half-pie piss-poor inexpert faulty bodger unskilled fair all-over-the-place weak icky offensive revolting nauseating small characterless ineligible effete fallible emasculated enfeebled craven faltering fickle feeble no great shakes hopeless gutless horibble inefficient second rate lacklustre irresolute insubstantial lackluster meek pusillanimous spineless spiritless timorous unassertive undetermined impotent subservient ineffective reserved modest abominable inproficient awkward disastrous cut-rate unspeakable less-than-stellar rough poor-quality green slipshod impaired cruddy sad garbage


Opposite of smugly superior or dismissive of perceived inferiors


Opposite of possessing supreme or ultimate power


Opposite of making a show of being morally better than others, especially hypocritically


Opposite of piously self-assured and smugly moralistic


Opposite of very fine in quality or luxurious


Opposite of showing favoritism or favorable treatment


Opposite of a victor in a contest


Opposite of a person who has the support of his peers to lead or direct

Sinonimo di acting superior

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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