Contrario di decidedly different


Opposite of exhibiting a difference or not being the same
same alike identical similar like matching resembling clone equal equivalent indistinguishable synonymous twin akin analogous comparable correspondent harmonious homogeneous homogenous selfsame carbon-copy homological homologous matched mimicking synonymic tantamount carbon copy recognisable recognizable standardised standardized undifferent copied consistent compatible congruous uniform agreeing congruent consonant concordant parallel accordant nonconflicting related kindred corresponding conformable to complementary undifferentiated kin correspondent to correspondent with exact single much the same undifferenced the same duplicate relatable agreeable unvaried almost identical close conformable interchangeable appropriate reconcilable resemblant in agreement one and the same commensurate noncontradictory suitable singular lone substitutable fitting on par connate proportionate even cognate congenial pure standard unchanging unvarying concurring conforming suited coherent linked coinciding undiverse necessary twinlike pertinent proper near simple alone indistinct united nondiscriminatory frictionless unanimous cooperating regular exchangeable identic corroborating repetitive related to relevant fit identifiable convergent normal salient apt unopposed coincidental connected correlated unmixed harmonized indefinite one sole constant changeless steady stable isolated harmonised flexible merciful friendly compromising loving balanced level ummixed separate uncombined impossible to tell apart of a piece much of a muchness cut from the same cloth like two peas in a pod like peas in a pod in tune like-minded well suited in harmony well matched en rapport well-matched in accord on the nose on point in point in context on the button dependent confirming reconciled vouching unopposing peaceful


Opposite of distinct or separate (used for emphasis after numbers or determiners of quantity)


(of two or more things) Opposite of contrasting or conflicting with each other


Opposite of strangely unique, typically in a striking or attractive way
familiar conventional nonexotic nonglamorous plain-Jane unexotic unglamorous unremarkable unromantic ordinary pedestrian plain run-of-the-mill unmemorable boring common dull normal regular standard uninteresting usual typical customary commonplace expected traditional average everyday general unexceptional predictable stock routine vanilla established banal undistinguished generic natural unoriginal stale mainstream habitual old mundane simple accustomed orthodox stereotyped time-honored trivial frequent wonted characteristic garden variety unimaginative bland unsurprising prosaic uninspiring mediocre universal unextraordinary prevalent humdrum widespread old-fashioned uninspired classic well-known prevailing workaday worn monotonous modest indifferent unvaried uncreative uninventive nondescript unpretentious like recognizable lacklustre lackluster clichéd similar known characterless uneventful unexciting stereotypical comfortable hackneyed homely recognisable classical tired outdated recurring recognized unnoteworthy trite warmed-over basic bog-standard prototypical tried-and-true a dime a dozen recognised amateur accepted settled fixed insignificant indistinctive prepared ready quotidian set archetypal archetypical anticipated typic bromidic noninnovative insipid unartistic ubiquitous prototypal bourgeois present derived tame predicted foreseen foreseeable untypical resembling unadventurous flat vapid white-bread indistinct popular nontypical homespun uncharacteristic tried conservative atypical old hat unceremonious unsophisticated antiquated mature dated well established nothing special widely held common place middle-of-the-road ancient obsolete timeworn inevitable logical daily outmoded widely used staple vintage old-style well-worn regulation obvious inferior paired matched persistent rampant constant out-of-date derivative imitative long-established used repeated recurrent rife nonspecific perpetual to be expected what one would expect not unexpected unspecific undefined indiscriminate broad blanket overall indefinite comprehensive global standardised standardized no-frills garden representative plain old garden-variety


Opposite of having been changed from an original form


Opposite of individually separate and distinct


Opposite of presenting a choice between two or more possibilities


Opposite of forming or viewed as a unit apart or by itself


Opposite of not consistent or in harmony with


Opposite of in reference to an alternative option


Opposite of separate or respective

Sinonimo di decidedly different

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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