Contrario di extremely educated


Opposite of displaying outstanding skill, knowledge, or experience in a given field
inexperienced amateur amateurish unprofessional unqualified unseasoned incompetent inexpert inadequate jackleg rookie uninitiated unproven unskilled unskillful clumsy ignorant unaccustomed unskilful untrained blundering bumbling uninformed unpracticed unpractised unversed cack-handed second-rate unacquainted inept incapable green unable untalented artless raw rude useless ineffectual awkward new maladroit unproficient unschooled inferior hopeless bungling inefficient untutored unaccomplished inapt bad unprepared ham-fisted ungifted unapt talentless ineffective novice untaught unhandy unfit untried unfitted unreliable crude poor rough stupid heavy-handed substandard not up to scratch weak floundering cowboy unpolished would-be unequipped untested inadept unfledged primitive beginning mediocre unsuitable bush-league undependable unco ham-handed non-professional lacking ability skill-less no good not good enough not up to snuff not up to it callow deficient ill-informed apprentice unexperienced imperfect immature tenderfoot unknowledgeable undisciplined pathetic uncultivated verdant unfamiliar nescient lower minor worst slapdash dilettante fresh unresourceful lousy insignificant unknown undexterous uncreative powerless uneducated dim incapacitated gauche wild unambitious inaccurate improper terrible unacceptable ungraceful fumbled non-technical not trained wanting unworkmanlike butterfingered uninventive faulty inexact off klutzy wooden butterfingers unimaginative slow lazy coarse indefinite unintelligent slow-witted misbehaving immoral detestable rotten unpleasant tainted unvirtuous unreal disagreeable fake forged inconsequential sinful vicious noxious evil inconsiderable wicked mean graceless helpless ineligible insufficient unadapted disqualified less capable not cut out for not equal to not have it out to lunch


(of a decision or judgement) Opposite of based on an understanding of the facts of the situation


Opposite of to have given advice and instruction


Opposite of to have explained or demonstrated something


Opposite of past tense for to teach, train or educate in a given field

Sinonimo di extremely educated

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