Sinonimo di an injunction


The act of directing, commanding, or prohibiting
command dictate instruction order ruling admonition decree exhortation mandate precept direction directive edict prescription behest charge commandment demand dictum do enjoinment fiat imperative ordainment ultimatum word ban bar bidding decretal embargo enjoinder firman irade monition prohibition restriction sanction ukase writ rule ordinance canon regulation law statute requirement rescript pronunciamento pronouncement diktat interdiction proscription interdict veto act proclamation summons stipulation court order prescript warrant promulgation call say-so restraining order guideline request boycott advice disallowance taboo warning moratorium caution enactment decretum refusal will notice bull gagging order no-no bill principle imposition authorization code authorisation reg counsel recommendation guidance don't off limits banning briefing hest subpoena out of bounds barring adjuration caveat standard tenet declaration forbiddance outlawing disqualification criterion constraint guide mitzvah exclusion order censorship exclusion bylaw lecture appeal ruling out by-law statement desire admonishment wish suggestion invitation manifesto lesson penalty notification resolution obligation constitution information forbidding barrier announcement judgement judgment covenant prohibiting suppression stoppage doctrine permission piece of advice interdicting sentence maxim deterrent legal ruling proscribing enjoining gag prevention formula axiom okay go-ahead limitation fundamental making illegal obstruction repudiation temperance negation precedent measure assize green light action thou-shalt-not coercive measure inhibition punitive measure gag order assertion insistence memorandum memo entreaty affirmation prompting solicitation message communication beck threat sermon rap charging say commission procedure expressed desire saying harangue obtestation protreptic instrument the word agreement approval endorsement propriety decorum brocard etiquette plea beck and call curb working principle motto byword the riot act forewarning avoidance shunning rejection dogma preception teaching official sanction cue signal prompt requisition calling bell invocation cry authority ground rule Bible numbers book no-nos parameter instigation preaching punishment knock-back accreditation licence license empowerment delegation disallowing vetoing embargoing chapter and verse standing order high sign tip-off thumbs up discipline retribution penalization correction ordering exaction dictation devoir tabooing input consent support precaution counselling tariff ipse dixit urging encouragement pressure persuasion counseling coercive measures punitive action red light thumbs down carte blanche blank check stay motion apprisal ratification decalogue credo belief creed ethic institute convention practice foundation postulate cause a word to the wise a shot across the bows a warning shot across the bows word to the wise reason equity divestiture proposal garnishment generalization decision generalisation principium truth base exigency ground proposition kaupapa due process document arraignment indictment block process rahui citation TRO paper replevin official forbiddance subpoena ad testificandum temporary restraining order claim form habeas corpus claim application petition bid imploration supplication want importunity indent condition provision purchase order dun legislation drive choice permit clearance allowance leave sufferance concurrence granting right credentials verification written order dispensation protocol task nomination appointment rule of order assignment recall asking script recipe intimation hint ask publication broadcast comment cautionary advice supervision order piece of legislation verdict amendment Act of Parliament clause legislative document commitment public statement need clamour info tattoo enquiry pursuit question must-have impetration clamor prayer counterclaim arrogation suit entreatment detail proviso petitioning intention interrogation inquiry interest pleading beseech security particular big ask papers pledge warranty official document instructions inheritance estate directions legacy bestowal device heritage specification description delineation testimonial passport certificate guarantee credential authentication assent acceptance acquiescence access countenance blessing backing approbation privilege freedom power entitlement exemption prerogative validation confirmation tolerance discretion admission avowal concession liberty acknowledgment condonance impunity blank cheque pass acknowledgement endorsation green-light stamp of approval charter all clear free rein condonation seal OK admittance sanctification rubber stamp latitude run nod seal of approval free hand toleration O.K. say so imprimatur passage


A judgment or verdict arrived at after consideration
decision finding ruling verdict judgment sentence arbitration conclusion decree determination judgement order adjudication pronouncement recommendation adjudgement deliverance diagnosis result rule settlement arbitrament findings outcome resolve results accommodation accord adjudicature adjustment agreement arrangement assessment declaration evaluation end resolution doom holding commandment call edict award precept law opinion conviction deduction punishment confirmation inference condemnation assumption presumption sequitur interpretation mediation negotiation prognosis eduction induction intercession establishment solution compromise penalty completion compensation say choice refereeing umpiring judging selection option answer adjudgment conciliation mediatorship intervention reasoning supposition conjecture surmise interceding peacemaking interposition illation ratiocination divination consequence calculation verification discernment analysis scrutiny examination summary investigation measurement discovery ascertainment perception fixing purpose visualisation visualization condemning imprisonment finalization finalisation check determining guilt pronouncement of guilt declaration of guilt sanction retribution reparation redress recompense punition deal bargain understanding damages amends fine pact disposition contract covenant compact convention rap forfeiture justice penance punitive action sleep fall dictum vacation term getup clock jolt knock book censure trick hitch termination reimbursement working out trade-off payoff expenditure pay showdown remuneration quietus disbursement considered opinion sending up the river happy medium


A restriction or controlling of quantity, quality, or achievement
limitation restriction check curb constraint restraint control block impediment obstruction bar circumscription inhibition barrier clampdown condition confinement deterrent fetter hindrance obstacle rein stint stricture brake damper circumspection cramp definition inadequacy modification qualification reservation snag taboo handicap limit trammel encumbrance hurdle catch stop stumbling block interference drag crimp chain drawback balk hitch baulk manacle clog holdback shackles difficulty provision proviso rider prevention disadvantage embarrassment let reduction stipulation specification complication bridle requirement blockage setback regulation stoppage hiccup fly in the ointment problem spanner in the works burden hazard facer monkey wrench in the works discouragement straitjacket contingency prohibition curtailment constriction millstone ceiling cumber boundary demarcation hampering suppression ball and chain caveat clause impedance prerequisite binding boycott catch-22 barricade embargo sticking point shackle contraction no-no bound road block line restrainer term strings inconvenience interdict disincentive ban glitch string determent defect weakness albatross interruption proscription repression article holdup delay baggage hang-up joker agreement detriment hamper interdiction fine print monkey wrench preventive compression squeezing wall hold threshold crackdown moderation obligation don't captivity thou-shalt-not harness rule bondage exception tightening shrinking choking cap if exemption constrainment extent retardant bounds pitfall containment demand dissuasion lock deterrence disqualification tie fetters kicker cumbrance issue veto gridlock excess baggage wet blanket restraining order upper limit load leash retardation retardment jam-up rub censorship small print disallowance sanction millstone around your neck out of bounds off limits refusal stopping commitment stuckness curbing deadweight shortcoming detention arrest termination bind bond complaint disbenefit suppressant buttress confines deadline ration separation nonproliferation time limit squelching shutdown stumbling stone break reversal reverse blow maximum disclaimer but pale end astringency weary load bonds safeguard hangup injury chill circumvention blockade hardship diminution cutback cut roadblock depressant cloud outline prearrangement rebuff whammy stone in one's path disablement bottleneck impairment flaw disorder fault railing traverse fence strap bit governor lead halter bump uphill slowing blocking psychological baggage defence defensive measures defense preventative cinchers anchor binders gloom pall blank wall stamping out millstone round someone's neck dead weight red tape obviation preemption intimidation preclusion check in time narrowing pressure stenosis tightness border perimeter depression strait waistcoat prohibiting forbidding barring proscribing enjoining outlawing banning interdicting custody limits anathema booby trap mountain to climb handicapping margin confine scaling down retarding device disapproval requisite essential necessity tops small difficulty congestion squeeze telescoping contracting compacting condensing constricting condensation compaction cold water ring-fence curfew rationing precondition terms non-acceptance tapu allowance postulate straitening strangulation framework paragraph heading item passage section part point religious convention forbiddance social convention law superstition arrangement line of demarcation cutoff point cut-off point rope order instruction deprivation pinions weight decrease manacles chains abridgment abridgement command need must criterion guideline constant variable tempering lessening chapter subsection note must-have sine qua non softening mitigation interference with hedge codicil division ultimatum delineation limiting factor consideration factor parameter moratorium rahui string attached to something official forbiddance court order allocation marking out delimitation distinguishing feature sabotage intervention foot dragging deal-breaker irons cord tether bracelet cuffs handcuffs ligature band handcuff iron precaution trammels jam cuff bracelets link protection leg irons thwarting lyam elimination halt security checking caution fastening precautionary measure hobble remedy bilboes wire gyves darbies restraints preventive measure protective measure stay hawser cable connection clogging discipline opposition immobilization immobilisation put down damp trouble bridling warning nuisance coupling shackling fettering holding back frustration baulking cramping stifling smothering deterring factor edge occlusion halting quashing foiling tethers ropes mountain checkmate palladium fail-safe protective shield hold-up saddle debt guilt cross duty balking sublimation verge compass frontier neutralizer prophylactic headstall hackamore collar noose leg-iron yoke gyve pendant lavaliere locket rackle clinker truss picket monkey on back thorn in one's side putting an end to putting an stop to nipping in the bud avoidance forestallment anticipation averting forestalling precluding snaffle electronic ankle bracelet extremity circumference anticipatory measure restraining device interception prophylaxis deterence inhibitor eradication crushing abolition ambit linkage tie-in stickum hookup nexus gunk network stern measures strike getting tough crush severe measures arrestment close cutoff finish discontinuation expiration surcease closure closedown cessation shutoff conclusion lapse cease offset ending discontinuance lace guy lacing choker staying restraining suspension stalling coaxial piece of cordage boom topping lift wire rope

Contrario di an injunction

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