Sinonimo di being withheld


Kept from the possession or knowledge of another


That has been moved out of sight
hidden concealed covered veiled buried camouflaged shrouded cloaked imperceivable indiscernible invisible latent surreptitious unexposed unseen clouded disguised eclipsed masked not obvious screened sheltered undercover unrevealed snug tect underground undetected undisclosed not visible out of sight not on view under wraps in the dark out of view hard to see obscured inconspicuous unnoticeable covert obscure secret imperceptible undetectable covered up incognito tucked away masquerading secreted impalpable unobtrusive indistinct private under cover unapparent dark indistinguishable unobserved entombed unnoticed sequestered inappreciable undivulged unrecognizable enshrouded privy perdu imaginary incog unrecognisable hidden away not in sight impossible to detect hidden from sight hidden from view difficult to see larvate cryptic cabalistic unexpressed secluded hard to find lurking unperceived implied imagined impenetrable occult unsuspected curtained undiscovered lost to view suppressed deep indirect far-off faraway far-removed low-key low-profile unrecognized underlying ill-defined hinted at interred unseeable beneath below sunk blurry blurred vague unclear discreet oblique shielded hooded roundabout shadowy nonexistent unperceivable inhumed intangible unobservable ghostly insensible unviewable imponderable gaseous ethereal vaporous coffined cloistered dug in negligible tiny microscopic nanoscopic minuscule inconsequential infinitesimal minute subtle fine faint undiscernible slight barely perceptible unidentified unknown pretend assumed false not in view unfathomable laid to rest sly sham fake forged mock imitation artificial isolated unrecognised bearded consigned to the grave back-alley pseudo furtive counterfeit feigned underhand sneaky phoney pixelated on the QT stashed cached ulterior recondite hush-hush planted guarded changed phony in disguise hushed up holed up put in the hole sailing under false colours


Not disclosed
unannounced unexpected unheralded impromptu spontaneous undisclosed unpublished surprise unanticipated unforeseen sudden abrupt without warning without notice out of the blue unplanned unpredicted blindsiding not in the cards unimagined unsuspected surprising not bargained for unlooked-for unusual uncommon impetuous unpredictable impulsive unlooked for from left field without prior notice inconceivable atypical out of character out of the ordinary unenvisaged instantaneous unthought of unplanned for unhoped for premature precocious untimely unseasonable advanced abnormal inopportune staggering before time in advance too early early bird too soon without delay ahead of time bright and early on short notice early with time to spare chance accidental fluky random fortuitous coincidental unintentional inadvertent casual unintended serendipitous unpremeditated incidental unwitting quick lucky hurried rapid flukey swift precipitate unforeseeable adventitious undreamed-of startling odd unsought headlong hasty speedy violent precipitous haphazard aleatory precipitant astonishing contingent unhoped-for occurring by chance occurring by accident meteoric uncertain unimaginable fast rushing breakneck immediate uncalculated involuntary unthinking unmeant fortunate incredible unthought-of chancy incalculable sharp rash unceremonious unknowing unconscious subconscious variable miraculous jerky undreamt-of unheard-of circumstantial uncanny offhand possible hidden extemporaneous unknown well timed at random unknowable capricious changeable by chance arbitrary fluke lucky-dog providential heaven-sent instant expedient propitious timely opportune felicitous convenient auspicious better than expected unthinkable remarkable unbelievable luck out luck in depending liable probable probably provisional likely subject reliant lightning nasty improbable inconceived unprecedented apt happy accelerated expeditious fleet spasmodic acute quickened unpleasant jammy explosive steep speeded harsh disagreeable undreamed of uninvited unprompted unsolicited crude at the mercy of events mistaken misguided brutal occasional awful rude brusque shocking unforgiving like a dream come true beyond one's wildest dreams happening unexpectedly rushed


Out of action
in abeyance suspended pending inoperative withdrawn on ice in limbo in remission out of action unresolved undetermined incomplete unfinished unattended to ongoing outstanding awaiting action hanging fire up in the air on the back burner deferred postponed put off undecided in cold storage unsettled betwixt and between open uncertain unconcluded in a state of uncertainty in a state of suspension awaiting decision still open in the air awaiting attention in the balance put to one side in no man's land in suspension undone remaining left indeterminate in line awaiting around the corner dependent to be done ominous in the works on board continuing pensile in reserve not done on line pendent hanging forgotten abandoned neglected left out on hold unsure unknown debatable doubtful in doubt unconfirmed ambiguous open to question iffy vague indefinite moot equivocal unclear yet to be decided unanswered open to debate questionable irresolute dodgy dubious problematic unestablished unascertained inconclusive speculative to be decided tentative up for grabs hairy unsolved arguable chancy incalculable unpredictable confused undependable dubitable dicey omitted disputed borderline unperformed disputable untrustworthy unreliable unforeseeable controversial unfulfilled hesitant vexed unspecified wavering vacillating ignored indecisive undefined unfixed clouded passed over in question in a state of limbo not completed in hand insecure uncommitted at risk unquestioned unnoticed unrefuted unchallenged inexact suspect of two minds doubtable not fixed not settled hazy contingent open for discussion not yet settled not definite touch-and-go yet to be settled up for discussion risky pendant waffling precarious sketchy indistinct conjectural open-ended half-done not decided unaccomplished unexecuted hanging by a thread touch and go on thin ice secret disregarded unrevealed to be won or lost not started dark undisclosed hidden concealed uncompleted half-finished untold undivulged unidentified abeyant faltering hesitating unproven undiscovered unfamiliar mysterious obscure unapprehended unexplained unrecognized unheard of unnoted unrecognised unperceived noteless sitting on the fence open to doubt


Past tense for to refuse or be unwilling to allow or grant
rejected declined refused disapproved disallowed negatived denied reprobated nixed vetoed turned down dismissed ruled out prohibited interdicted spurned forbid repudiated passed deselected passed up precluded gave the thumbs down to given the thumbs down to discountenanced rebuffed negated blocked prevented knocked back opposed shut out put an end to put the chill on shut down put a stop to put the kibosh on set aside forbidden forbade abjured disacknowledged disavowed given the red light to threw out thrown out threw over thrown over balked at gave the red light to proscribed banned outlawed excluded repulsed debarred hindered inhibited begrudged barred enjoined made illegal criminalized restrained stopped forfended forestalled deprived canceled cancelled stymied impeded spiked embargoed checked halted obstructed censored obviated tabooed restricted revoked declared taboo criminalised passed on said no to held up locked up said no said ‘no’ to declared illegal ruled against shot down frozen froze gave the brush-off to given the brush-off to given thumbs down to gave something a miss gave thumbs down to given something a miss withholden turned back on ignored scorned abandoned renounced snubbed missed shunned disregarded cast shed cut off demurred let pass not accepted baulked at turned away let go by disowned deserted withwent withgone forgone forwent discarded waived outvoted neglected recanted retracted reversed rescinded discounted given up gave up disdained stonewalled disprofessed casted off overlooked skipped repelled apostatized flushed dishonoured dishonored laid aside turned defected disinherited tergiversated ousted banished defaulted ratted protested stoppered desisted brushed aside desisted from brushed off blackballed fettered demurred at held off refrained from withheld from jibbed at missed out on not bought turned deaf ear to defeated had nothing more to do with washed your hands of dispensed with held back protested at steered clear of not heeded passed by failed to take advantage of denied oneself turned from sent off refused to receive shied from held out not cared for had no more truck with turned your back on not heared of overthrew overthrown forsook forsaken forswore forsworn withdrawn withdrew abstained from dumped shaken one's head drawn the line at drew the line at shook one's head broke with broken with flown in the face of flew in the face of given the thumbs down gave the thumbs down


Past tense for to keep something secret
hid hidden concealed disguised masked suppressed veiled camouflaged buried cloaked dissembled stifled belied repressed sheltered adumbrated ditched harbored harboured protected reserved bottled up covered up hushed up kept secret blotted out held back kept dark kept unknown not given away kept a lid on kept back kept quiet about kept the lid on not told papered over hid from view hidden from view kept cover put out of the way salted away tucked away drew a veil over drawn a veil over kept mum about kept under your hat screened secreted shrouded covered obscured occulted shielded censored curtained guarded redacted kept hidden blanketed enshrouded gagged muzzled smothered banned swept under the carpet put up a smokescreen swept under the rug ensconced planted cached squirreled eclipsed smuggled shadowed burked muted stonewalled stashed dressed up proscribed outlawed obfuscated whitewashed muffled masqueraded holed up made up kept silent about made inconspicuous withheld from kept from hidden something from hid something from withholden enveloped mantled put up a front wrapped blocked out clouded surrounded befogged overlayed overlaid overspread swathed misrepresented falsified shaded obstructed veneered overlay glossed over kept out of sight cocooned canopied separated enwrapped enfolded coated bearded clad clothed draped blocked minimized dissimulated airbrushed shuttered palliated wallpapered sugarcoated minimised obliterated beclouded dimmed varnished sheathed secluded blinded put a spin on shut off overcast blocked off blanked out shut out stowed shut in put up a smoke screen put on a false front put on an act cast a shadow over put on a front kept under wraps put out of sight put in a hole distorted isolated warped invested lapped enswathed enclosed bowered involved embraced circumfused embowered encompassed inclosed bosomed embosomed coloured misinterpreted fronted pretended miscolored twisted perverted misled misstated colored garbled finessed laundered forcovered overshadowed carpeted palled submerged downplayed closed girt hemmed umbraged girded trumped up crowned capped topped bluffed feigned simulated extenuated hazed fogged misted blurred paved walled off passed off made a pretense of encased bleared sequestered darkened overclouded bedimmed faked shammed affected bushed up boarded up pettifogged hindered obnubilated dislimned murked benighted blackened bemisted falsely represented extended over secured varnished over stopped something being overheard soft-pedalled stashed away squirreled away de-emphasized stowed away soft-pedaled sat on kept quiet kept in the dark overlain gave a false account of gave a false idea of given a false idea of given a false account of done on the sly did on the sly thrown on makeup threw on makeup hid away hid out hidden away hidden out given a false identity to gave a false identity to


Past tense for stop oneself from doing something
refrained abstained avoided desisted eschewed forbore forborne renounced stopped ceased forwent forgone abjured forswore forsworn held back quit quitted shunned discontinued dispensed with did without done without dropped finished kicked rejected stopped oneself forsook forsaken gave up given up left alone arrested broke off broken off checked curbed fought shy of halted inhibited interrupted kept not touched passed resisted resisted the temptation to restrained steered clear of jacked in left off swore off sworn off avoided doing something gave a wide berth to given a wide berth to had nothing to do with not done passed up sat out took the cure taken the cure took the pledge taken the pledge went on the wagon gone on the wagon declined cut out evaded kept from refused abandoned relinquished fence-sat fasted starved constrained escaped omitted bridled belaid belayed packed in had done with sacrificed steered clear stayed neutral laid off refrained from not taken sides withheld from sat on one's hands declined to restrained yourself gone without went without storven starf foregone forewent lay off abstained from gave the go by given the go by gone easy gave over went easy given over withholden repudiated disavowed spurned waived abnegated denied skipped disclaimed disaffirmed desisted from passed on reneged on let well enough alone left out suspended ended concluded yielded resigned paused surceased eluded knocked off packed up recanted retracted shirked disdained ducked dodged abdicated called a halt to called a stop to gainsaid disowned repealed reneged unsaid finessed scaped shied shuffled out of had no truck with missed out on gave something a miss shied away from kept clear of washed your hands of weaselled out of weaseled out of stayed clear of given something a miss turned your back on yold yolden shaken shook gotten around got around withdrawn withdrew foreswore foresworn threw off thrown off took back taken back did away with done away with


Past tense for to prevent or delay (from doing something)
kept hindered restrained delayed blocked constrained detained impeded inhibited retarded hampered obstructed prevented hamstrung hamstringed limited stalled stopped arrested deterred held up kept back kept waiting shackled averted caused to stay caused to wait made late slowed down slowed up held back set back checked curbed repressed stifled put a brake on restricted suppressed contained bridled held reined in controlled halted governed frustrated thwarted regulated barred tamed trammeled trammelled held in held down cramped reined ruled measured moderated smothered stymied foiled fettered interfered with pulled in hog-tied kept in check stemmed the flow of kept a lid on holden confined subdued baulked curtailed stayed muffled stilled discouraged circumvented slowed shut in paused cut short interrupted hobbled kept under control balked caught reduced handcuffed clogged encumbered put a limit on fought back kept lid on put off put the brakes on put a spoke in someone's wheel brought to screeching halt put half nelson on kept a tight rein on bottled up kept the lid on put back shut off nipped in the bud shut down put on brakes put an stop to cut back braked cooled off put an end to tied up pulled up choked stood in the way of choked back bitten back bit back chained mastered constricted incarcerated imprisoned interned stemmed strangled muzzled countered straitened postponed gagged pegged disciplined intercepted neutralized derailed entrammeled entrammelled necessitated corked gaoled hemmed in fenced in jailed bound closed in locked in deprived cooped up disallowed banned immured shotgunned concussed denied protracted crippled swallowed reined back deferred squelched terminated short-circuited manacled quashed dissuaded embarrassed handicapped locked up staunched bottlenecked prorogued cumbered counteracted shelved remitted crimped debarred prohibited forbid kept control of kept within bounds slackened pace staved off hung up checkmated intermitted fazed backed off choked off cooled down warded buttoned up brake enjoined rebuffed kept on a string outlawed bitted tabooed repulsed bogged down bit neutralised thrown a spanner in the works of threw a spanner in the works of kept in closed off sandbagged prolonged kept tight rein on stove off held over played for time fetched up held off on boxed in interdicted brought to a standstill frozen froze bounden retardated forbidden forbade drawn up drew up taken down thrown a monkey wrench in the works of got in the way of threw a monkey wrench in the works of gotten in the way of took down

Contrario di being withheld

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