Sinonimo di complete equipment


The necessary items for a particular purpose
apparatus stuff tackle gear kit paraphernalia supplies accoutrements baggage rig tools appurtenances equipage gadgetry implements instruments material materiel outfit stock amenities hardware provisions resources accouterments appliances articles fittings furnishings furniture gadgets impedimenta materials regalia things trappings utensils accessories accompaniments attachments belongings clobber contraptions contrivances devices facilities fixtures gubbins habiliments machinery miscellaneous provisioning setup shebang store traps armamentarium bits and bobs bits and pieces odds and ends box of tricks kit and kaboodle odds and sods appliance contraption instrument tool device implement gadget machine gizmo utensil mechanism effects contrivance goods accouterment accoutrement possessions junk accessory plant personal effects gimmick rubbish movables dunnage widget machines doohickey means necessary whatchamacallit rigging agent aid chattels doodad property appointments encumbrances stores convenience wares piece of equipment goods and chattels turnout thingamajig invention set medium thingamabob jigger system luggage collection whatsit miscellaneous articles gimcrack whatsis harness labour-saving device necessaries personal belongings waldo mod con valuables worldly goods personal property munitions arms armory items impediments matériel fitment enginery technology appurtenance trapping trimming doodads furnishing armoury facility obstruction works supply habiliment structure hook line wherewithal vehicle agency ware bits aids weapon staple trimmings adornments ornamentation appendages bag pack selection suitcase container satchel assortment personal possessions dingus doobry gismo doodah ironmongery clubber entities array incidentals conveniences extras additions adjuncts set of tools tools of the trade thingo bitzer doojigger plumbing kitchenware ironware metalware housewares fasteners engine household goods fixture unit holdings tool of the trade household furnishings duds plunder moveables installation personalty bells and whistles dingbat black box assets article amenity wealth trek tangibles bags and baggage possession tricks whatnot construction creation resource makeshift piece of apparatus piece of hardware Rube Goldberg invention range stock-in-trade merchandise thing thingummy thingy thingumajig thingumabob object thingummyjig what's-its-name item piece artifact commodity artefact element component matter trinket something oojamaflip oojah knickknack nicknack doo-dah whatdoyoucallit what-d'you-call-it what's-it hickey dojigger minutia bit accompaniment jiggambob curio thingamajigger body objects belonging personal possession personal effect chattel asset packages mess sucker novelty gaud bauble gewgaw geegaw so-and-so thingmabob thingummabob dohickey whaddayacallit kajigger doofer thingummajig thingmajig doings hootenanny whatever it is whatever it is called da kine fandango movable moveable effect holding Heath Robinson device Rube Goldberg device product module substance member entity part fragment piece of merchandise


The act of equipping, or the state of being equipped


The way in which a person or thing is equipped or dressed


(usually in plural form "supplies") Food and equipment needed for a trip or military campaign

Contrario di complete equipment

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