Sinonimo di complete history


A continuous, typically chronological, record
chronicle record story account narrative report saga annals autobiography biography narration archive chronology commentaries commentary memoir relation study annal description log memoirs recapitulation recital tale diary epic journal version prehistory public records recountal register portrayal legend rehearsal blog telling sketch romance detailing anecdote yarn adventure recounting logbook myth minutes folk tale life bio portrait life story calendar dossier note statement daybook catalogue detail list chronicling information rendering recitation reading vlog weblog yearbook fable catalog moblog notebook daily record day-by-day account run through archives chronicon enumeration roman-fleuve day-to-day account written account explanation storytelling listing specification itemizing litany traditional story voice-over lay unfolding relating describing fairy tale fairy story performance depiction story telling soap opera presentation musicale musical itemising profile historical account monograph essay ledger long poem heroic poem long story folk story notes treatise vita dissertation recollection article memory discourse tractate thesis reminiscence transactions confessions paper commonplace book recount adventures letter self-portrayal letters experience reminiscences confession exposition opus lowdown plot personal history sequence of events life history internal life personal life write-up story line play by play run-down blow by blow document file documentation evidence fiction transcript novel info tidings news advices item intelligence novelette word gen novella spiel transcripts transaction testimony almanac instrument deed registry transcription script data memorandum inventory memo proceedings writing entry apologue tragedy fantasy book conte potboiler sequel nonfiction allegory cliffhanger beat comedy short story parable drama serial act directory memorial certificate trace manuscript urban legend fictional account urban myth scorecard muniment scroll casebook inscription old saw case study case history written material long and short of it swindle sheet paper trail procès-verbal


An account of a matter from a particular person's point of view
version account description report story record statement narrative rendition side tale analysis chronicle rendering understanding characterization depiction explanation representation take view construal impression narration perspective portrayal treatment performance delivery paraphrase presentation sketch clarification condensation restatement rewording take on interpretation exposition delineation detail commentary telling explication elucidation relation definition illustration recounting recountal brief expounding chronicling summary chronology detailing information elaboration demonstration construction illumination describing relating news enlightenment breakdown specification lowdown note example simplification exegesis recital run-down blow by blow play by play recitation communiqué storytelling rehearsal make yarn the picture the whole picture teaching translation resolution annotation expression display comment evidence deciphering solution meaning decoding gloss answer sense talking writing showing road map mansplaining womansplanation womansplaining why and wherefore mansplanation portrait portraiture assessment outline vignette summarization picture reading slant rundown details appreciation comprehension apprehension spin evaluation conception viewpoint variation presentment assimilation writeup monograph examination point of view profile inference cameo analogy enactment visualisation visualization declaration potted biography rationale evocation setting down confession study judgement observation opinion judgment appraisal word picture ABCs drift image exposé


A person's family tree
genealogy ancestry lineage descent line stock extraction pedigree parentage blood family birth bloodline origin strain race background heritage breeding derivation house roots breed stirps forebears ancestors dynasty filiation heredity descendants paternity stemma generation genetics progeniture whakapapa family tree line of descent blood line clan family background ancestor predecessor forebear progenitor forefather past foregoer precursor granddaddy forerunner grandaddy prototype daddy archetype record forefathers progenitors tupuna antecedent originator ascendent ascendant precedent origins kindred antecedents folk succession people tribe progeny beginnings primogenitor kinfolks relationship kin relations group relatives kind species foremother antecessor source kinfolk folks kinsfolk family history culture ethnicity type ethnic group upbringing rearing seed subspecies birthplace siblings children issue system genre in-laws household generations inheritance brood network subdivision class maternity offspring heritance legacy predecessors kinship ancestral line foremothers family line antecessors nurture raising development training consanguinity tree phratry sept genealogical chart ancestral tree genealogical tree heirs and assigns ménage kith and kin beginning variety cultivation reproduction early years menage color colour community racial type cultural group ethnic origin population civilization populace citizenry life lifestyle nation way of life empire civilisation state style of living region society way of living land environment realm


A place, person, or thing from which something originates
source origin derivation root birthplace cause fount author beginning provenance rise begetter etymology father genesis originator pedigree start architect cradle creator initiator inventor provenience seedbed commencement radix antecedent authorship basis dawn dawning determinant foundation home inception mother onset opening origination parent paternity place of origin specialist maternity rising starting point upwelling horse's mouth starting place background etymon roots attribution wellspring spring development fountainhead fountain birth well seed launch outset germ alpha font incipience incipiency kickoff nascence base nascency baseline mainspring threshold nucleus creation day one inauguration morning inspiration initiation get-go git-go conception principle emergence fons et origo motive progenitor embryo ancestry infancy rudiment introduction beginnings generator ancestor egg heart seat causality causation stock occasion inducement kernel core parentage forerunner essence precursor reason opener institution descent agent producer connection square one extraction origins point of departure nub fundamental formation genealogy bottom arrival forebear head debut takeoff induction installation strain preface prelude predecessor presentation blastoff top leadoff well head kick-off motivation element impulse influence prototype generation wellhead line lineage basics potential center family seeds ground bedrock nativity spark carrier rootstock blood bloodline centre advent early stages potential for appearance stem theory heritage race founding breeding stirps authority house breed filiation kindred starting word go forefather foregoer primogenitor foremother antecessor family tree stimulus mine reasons engendering propagation supply prime bud substratum rudiments instigator founder principium innovation discovery natural spring constitution commencing builder maker leader administrator naissance establishment sprig sprout well spring first evolution rock bottom causer organism incipient rudimentary version first appearance line of descent setting up early days folks sire ingress outbreak embarkation entrance entry forging matrix early stage make whence it came front backbone forefront blast off rationale genus species fore concept conceit essential medium vehicle organization git go key organisation infrastructure principal important part chief constituent primary element cornerstone coming crux nitty-gritty key component groundwork vanguard breeding place keystone underpinning unfolding ultimate cause foremost position leading position cutting edge footing outstart warp first place premise thrust keynote axiom dynasty postulate law forebears ancestors nexus heredity forefathers explanation progenitors dictum antecedents fundamental principle fundamental point main ingredient warp and woof principal element principal constituent chief ingredient homeland motherland fatherland hometown Godzone whenua native land mother country one's country place of birth native home country of origin


Subjects, or the study of subjects, related to social-science


(of abstract or inanimate objects) The period during which something continues to exist, function or be valid
life duration course span length period time cycle era lifetime longevity active life days epoch extent interval life span stretch tenure term age continuance date run season validity functioning period period of effectiveness period of usefulness spell standing continuation existence prolongation passage endurance experience length of time progress patch career round fullness perpetuation flow continuity timeline tide full length swing life expectancy time span time frame journey way time scale timescale stint while natural life shift sequence session snap period of efficacy period of validity life cycle bit sith progression tour of duty passing path lapse sweep process times advance day generation phase onrush march century stage procession transit elapsing movement interim millennium milestone stage of development time of life moment period of time time period time interval timespan space bout interval of time point turn tour spot amount of time juncture incumbency instant term of office period of office occasion years go eon aeon moment in time point in time point in history period in office time in office chapter snatch hitch dynasty watch administration occupation occupancy regime tenancy reign fit minute second window piece lapse of time mandate zero hour episode interlude measure working time half inning quarter stretch of time spell of work scheduled time work period go around managership presidency empire stay rule time in power period as champion period of influence


The indefinite progression of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole


Moot, passed, irrelevant, forgotten

Contrario di complete history

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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