Sinonimo di drink something in


To acquire new information or skill
learn attain grasp master receive absorb acquire gain get imbibe assimilate comprehend digest pursue calculate note observe perceive take determine enrol enroll pick up read review swot understand acquire a knowledge of acquire skill in apply oneself to apprentice become competent in become expert in become proficient in become skilled at con cram familiarize oneself with familiarize yourself with gain an understanding of gather get across get clued up about get the point of glean grind have lessons in hit the books know backwards know inside out mug up peruse prepare read up on work at become able become versed be taught be trained brush up on burn midnight oil check crack the books get down pat get the hang of get the knack of improve mind major in minor in pore over soak up specialize in take course take in train in wade through watch larn discern apprehend appreciate register cognize intuit decipher savvy know sense recognize compass seize see recognise realize realise process conceive catch dig decode twig absorb mentally soak in tumble to take up make out cotton on to cotton to catch on to incorporate behold ingest grok make follow integrate latch onto get into make of fathom figure out get the picture suss out make sense of work out get the message suss interpret get the drift of make head or tail of deduce get to the bottom of puzzle out latch on to ascertain take on board divine identify be aware of unravel accept piece together construe penetrate catch on get the drift get a fix on get it distinguish cotton on develop conceive of crack pick up on discover envisage become cognizant of see the light get to know keep up with get the idea get one's head around feel untangle form translate think cultivate establish have notice believe become aware of become conscious of infer take on be cognizant of latch on have knowledge of get your head round have an aha moment conclude evolve foster explain disentangle track tell detect suspect imagine find fathom out come by get wise to achieve pierce guess find out feel in one's bones be conscious of deem come to know reckon consider sort out get the point get the message about assume get the picture about catch the drift get the idea of be with it remember take something on board hear acknowledge concede admit solve grant break allow confess be wise to get the gist own get one's mind around decrypt define be informed of figure something out hit on respect see the point of explicate see through search out ferret out resolve demystify tap into ken pick up what someone is putting down see daylight make sense see the light about wrap one's mind around see into get a grip be aware be familiar with be au fait with take meaning pinpoint measure gage gauge devise contrive unriddle unfold envision scent throw light on take to mean break down flash feature copy pin catch the drift of think through concoct materialize taste apperceive smell perceive the meaning of dope out hold credit anticipate see what's what get to the bottom have a handle on click with wrap one's mind round just know make intelligible materialise have a hunch get the impression get the impression of get vibes have a funny feeling feel in gut have a feeling get vibrations derive estimate surmise adopt embrace breed reach take to nurture engage in undertake sustain philosophise opine venture weigh up presuppose esteem size up speculate sum up view suppose hypothesize figure appraise theorize fancy conjecture adjudge evaluate philosophize suggest postulate expect assess regard hypothesise presume ween theorise obtain originate elicit extract stem formulate spring procure try to develop try to acquire be given


Greatly enjoy
devour enjoy absorb appreciate relish go through imbibe delight in feast on gloat over partake of read compulsively rejoice in revel in take in be engrossed by be preoccupied with love adore fancy savor favour favor cherish dig savour treasure value jubilate take joy in get a kick out of embrace take great pleasure in have a predilection for get a charge out of bask in find pleasure in have a penchant for have a passion for care for be partial to immerse yourself in find appealing have a thing for delight take to take satisfaction in go for thoroughly enjoy get a buzz out of have a proclivity for lap up get a thrill out of have a soft spot for find satisfaction in really like have a taste for get off on have a weakness for enjoy greatly go in for hanker for take an interest in take a thrill to be taken with take a fancy to really enjoy have a great liking for take pleasure in have a thing about like to indulge in luxuriate revel wallow exult rejoice indulge joy glory exuberate revere venerate choose adulate get a charge from of have an affection for derive satisfaction from amuse oneself with get pleasure from get a buzz from have a liking for get a thrill from like very much kvell find agreeable get a bang out of rate highly regard highly triumph have fun with crow about enjoy to the full have a fondness for have a preference for derive great pleasure from drool over find joy in be wild about very much like be passionate about be wild for take great pleasure have regard for feel satisfaction with take great delight find enjoyable find great pleasure like have fun get high on be sweet on hold dear glory in nuts about stuck on be keen on be gratified by live a little wallow in live it up mad about be amused by luxuriate in have a ball exult in prize amuse oneself cotton to have a good time derive pleasure from be content have affection for indulge in be entertained by groove on eat up be pleased by be entertained take delight in dote on get a buzz from of find irresistible be pleased with take great delight in be pleased be fond of go a bundle on get a kick from of be crazy about admire prefer be mad about be hooked on feel self-satisfied about be potty about be mad for rate crow vaunt be devoted to esteem be addicted to be attracted to be smitten with be nuts about feel satisfaction at long for be shook on be nutso about be attached to feel proud of be proud of think the world of be enamored of fall for feel proud about boast about brag about flatter oneself on preen oneself on congratulate oneself on approve of pique oneself in pique oneself on be proud of oneself for give oneself a pat on the back for make the most of pat oneself on the back for celebrate cheer be enamoured of be mad on triumph over mind wish to want to love to like to lap something up be nutso over be biased toward be nutty about cannot resist take pride in think well of be into respect find attractive take a shine to hold in esteem dote soak up be very fond of be very partial to be very keen on regale rollick doting roll about in lie in feel deep affection for worship idolize desire have a high regard for lean toward be stuck on be gone on be serious about feel affection toward hold very dear be besotted with be infatuated with overindulge feel affection have a pash on care very much for carry a torch for leaning feel affection for want taste to the full love dearly be in love with be enchanted by bewitched by thrive with entranced by carrying a torch for potty about fall head over heels in love with consumed with desire for crazy about twitterpated by besotted with doting on wild for bowled over by be swept off one's feet by enamoured of put on pedestal wild about passionate about smitten with give one's heart to develop a crush on become smitten with gone on be fascinated with love-struck by with a passion for become infatuated with infatuated with be captivated by captivated by have it bad enthralled by devoted to lose one's heart to look out for number one take part smack your lips over smack one's chops over crave enamored of spoil pet pamper appreciate greatly desiderate wuv covet rejoice at idolise dote upon lavish affection on brag boast sanction endorse wish for taunt luv gloat drool dream of feel like yearn for think very highly of bully pine for be desirous of hanker after have a craving for set one's heart on thirst for sigh for hunger for itch for have a yen for bluster take a liking to have a yearning for show off


To consume food hungrily or in a gluttonous manner
devour bolt gulp swallow gobble wolf consume guzzle scoff stuff bolt down cram demolish eat greedily eat heartily eat hungrily eat quickly eat up gorge inhale scarf cram down dispatch eat feast on gobble down gobble up gulp down guzzle down ingurgitate sink wolf down dispose of glut gollop gorb gormandise gormandize hoover pack away raven scoff down shift slop gorge oneself on polish off scarf down shovel down snarf stuff down Hoover ingest pig oneself on put away scarf up stuff oneself with take tuck away get outside of make short work of snarf down snarf up chow down delight in feed on pig out pig out on down tuck into munch partake of nosh chomp swill gorge on drink feed finish off champ murder imbibe take in tuck in sup englut toss down slosh snack on overindulge partake finish chew cram in overeat gluttonize swig put down dine stuff your face neck nibble quaff eat like a horse graze on gourmandize get one's laughing gear round masticate banquet bite get stuck into belt engorge feast binge satiate drop chugalug dispose manducate regale absorb sip ruminate lap up make a pig of oneself swallow hurriedly stuff one's face with fill gnaw taste lunch fare victual grind binge-eat refresh sate pack choke breakfast snack crunch junket get down have surfeit blimp out chumble choke down chaw digest drink up have dinner feast upon graze munch on toss off stuff oneself chomp on have supper dine on mow down wine and dine eat to excess gorge oneself pig oneself devour greedily hork gorge oneself with chow suck up wash up clean out put jam cloy congest jade swallow whole pig lap eat voraciously kill indulge beat assimilate chow on scarf out dive in pork out load up on gourmandize on cram oneself with stuff oneself to the gills toss destroy engulf slug down slurp knock back hoist meal on chew noisily attack gasp chug shovel it in feed one's face dig in indulge in take over swallow up pound down swill down slug pour belt down peck at pork out on eat one's fill of fare sumptuously make a pig of oneself on binge on eat sumptuously eat to your heart's content overindulge in eat your fill wash down drain one's glass consume food supper take nourishment drink milk partake of food have a meal devour food bevvy bib bevy break bread fall to eat out do lunch subsist have breakfast have tea lunch on have lunch breakfast on tuck on pick at eat between meals fare on subsist on exist on prey on rely on for nourishment take as nourishment live on sustain oneself of triturate tear gnaw on crunch on crush rip rend scrunch gum chavel squash bite on chew up


To consume a liquid
sip drink sup sample taste gulp guzzle hoist imbibe quaff slurp swig swill belt down drink slowly extract knock back nurse partake pound down savour savor slug down swallow toss toss down toss off down neck chug gulp down consume drain slug suck put away lap sink scarf down scarf snarf ingurgitate drink up partake of kill polish off tipple drink down snarf down take slosh belt finish off ingest inhale scarf up snarf up bib booze indulge swill down glug nip absorb get down dispose of gargle dissipate thirst irrigate sop have wash down shift wet one's whistle hit the bottle bolt bend the elbow eat devour hoover get one's laughing gear round sponge toast attack tope empty carouse hit soak up liquor up murder bevvy skol gobble bevy pull on wolf feed gorge tank up get outside get outside of lap up take a drop wolf down take in draw finish lick up siphon spoon knock off wash something down with take a drink draft swash draught sway dine pour down your gullet digest raise a few fare victual put back toss back syphon suction suckle choke gasp chugalug dispatch dispose drop pour englut refresh drain one's glass choke down lush up munch scoff gorb gollop nibble chomp manducate snack eat up tuck into pig oneself on chow down feast on stuff your face graze on tuck in feed on tuck away mow down cram in put down meal on gorge oneself on snack on scoff down gobble up stuff down stuff one's face with overdrink overindulge sot force down take alcohol crack a bottle drink like a fish take to the bottle get tanked up throw back swallow down stuff wassail drink alcohol demolish knock a few back knock something back chow gormandize engorge slop wash up clean out assimilate ram down glut cram destroy engulf bolt down take over swallow up raven gormandise take strong drink soak have a drink go on the piss get plastered get drunk go on a binge hit the booze get soused


(welcome in) To officially celebrate the coming or arrival of
welcome celebrate hail cheer salute toast commemorate fete flag applaud usher in drink to lap up eat up pay homage to pay tribute to drink a toast to praise honour lionize honor lionise extol commend make much of acclaim laud eulogize glorify compliment tout accredit sing the praises of speak highly of eulogise crack up big up exalt admire approve congratulate panegyrize emblazon hymn rave about boost recommend express approval of express admiration for cry up hear it for clap recognize entertain ballyhoo magnify flatter treat vaunt stroke approve of rave root big something up praise to the skies kudize pat on the back recognise wine and dine give it up for hand it to festival holiday feast adore revere venerate encourage favour favor carol extoll bless idolize resound rhapsodize over rhapsodize about plug support idolise worship reverence sing paeans to roll out the red carpet hold reception for show appreciation give ovation give a round of applause put your hands together give a hand give a standing ovation express respect for give a big hand look on with favour adulate build up put on a pedestal wax lyrical wax lyrical about heap praise on speak well of push go into raptures over say nice things about throw bouquets at go into raptures about crack someone up blow horn puff up give kudos give approval give a bouquet give a posy fête bring out the red carpet for someone kill the fatted calf for hold a reception for hurrah hurray affirm uphold root for appreciate aggrandize take one's hat off to respect dignify esteem distinguish proclaim value ennoble acknowledge sing give recognition to show appreciation of credit look up to endorse prize enthuse about immortalize erect uprear sublime immortalise pay respects to promote praise enthusiastically gush about enthuse over hero-worship hallow sanctify memorialize gush over sanction decorate felicitate rave over show gratitude to be grateful for observe sing praises apotheosize go on about express delight over go wild about be mad about signalize hats off to give accolades to give credit to gold star signalise memorialise sound the praises of hold in high regard hold in high esteem pat on back give glad hand think highly of give bouquet give key to city roll out red carpet express admiration of herald rhapsodize crack-up countenance mention build rhapsodise mob show appreciation for advocate publicize solemnize celebritize give credit for bestow honour on pay respects deify cite belaud solemnise publicise sing praises of take off hat to make famous halo lift intensify transfigure give someone a pat on the back notice make a fuss of show respect make a fuss over hold in awe brag about givea bouquet cherish reward bring the house down set on pedestal set on a pedestal exaggerate regard consider enhance elevate give a boost to rate highly give it up strike gently augment applaud someone to the echo glamorize increase like be thankful for attach importance to have appreciation for clap one's hands canonize romanticize idealize brag boast overstate adorn add dignity to express approval for enshrine glamourize hold in respect raise glamour up lift up hug advance overvalue add distinction to heroize embrace hike romanticise glamorise idealise canonise add lustre to think well of put up love hold in regard be in favour of take kindly to hold in esteem be pleased with regard highly be big on wish one well wish happy returns give regards give a big cigar wish joy to rejoice with

Contrario di drink something in

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