Sinonimo di more rough and tumble


Comparative for crudely constructed, typically in a hasty or improvised manner
rougher cruder clumsier ruder coarser simpler rawer awkwarder plainer starker ruggeder austerer hastier quicker sketchier earlier ricketier flimsier shoddier shabbier klutzier crasser greener vulgarer uncouther impoliter grosser stiffer commoner lower unworldlier ungainlier baser gawkier louder gruffer ornerier wilder meaner ignoranter shier earthier stolider rowdier uptighter callower geekier denser nerdier harsher worse-tempered moroser brusquer ganglier nervier sullener surlier unkinder fresher grouchier touchier grumpier crustier curter snippier politer unpleasanter blunter dourer uglier wholer unseemlier raunchier more unrefined more artless more rough-and-ready more jury-rigged more primitive more basic more makeshift more rustic more roughhewn more rudimentary more unpolished more undeveloped more spartan more incomplete more unsophisticated more elementary more uncomplicated more inept more imperfect more rudimental more imprecise more inexact more native more inexpert more unprecise more natural more undressed more homemade more cursory more bungling more maladroit more inelegant more unskilled more preparative more inductive more ramshackle more slipshod more unstable more insubstantial more savage more graceless more ungraceful more uncultivated more unskilful more unskillful more heavy-handed more careless more amateurish more inartistic more approximate more uncultured more boorish more oafish more ill-bred more ill-mannered more uneducated more gauche more wooden more uncomfortable more uneasy more unmannerly more philistine more rustical more clownish more uncivilized more barbaric more stilted more tasteless more churlish more uncivilised more provincial more lowbred more uncivil more lowbrow more discourteous more illiberal more cloddish more classless more barbarous more clodhopping more bad-mannered more ungentlemanly more bearish more tactless more insensible more raffish more incult more improper more yobbish more indecorous more slobbish more offensive more indelicate more inconsiderate more cantankerous more plebeian more unladylike more ungallant more plebby more ungracious more unmannered more thoughtless more lumpish more thuggish more shameless more swinish more lubberly more parochial more brutish more inurbane more corrupt more outlandish more unnatural more uncoordinated more insensitive more unsavoury more troglodytic more agrestic more unpoised more ocker more countrified more inhospitable more unsavory more sheepish more doltish more unconfident more discomposed more uninhabitable more hoonish more self-conscious more embarrassed more ill at ease more crabbed more nervous more gawkish more ill-tempered more splay more gangling more bashful more mean-spirited more uncharitable more unchivalrous more unworked more unpurified more organic more untouched more unsociable more cussed more irritable more truculent more ill-natured more miserly more unneighborly more ill-humored more unwrought more unprepared more unmodified more ungenteel more impertinent more disrespectful more disgracious more foul-mouthed more uncalled-for


Comparative for serving as a temporary or short-term means or measure

Contrario di more rough and tumble

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