Sinonimo di most clapped out


Superlative for damaged or shabby to the point of being no longer usable
shabbiest holiest scruffiest seediest shoddiest sorriest tattiest grottiest raggediest rattiest oldest faultiest duffest ricketiest tackiest meanest mangiest grungiest dumpiest miserablest scrubbiest sleaziest dingiest poorest wretchedest crummiest untidiest scraggiest squalidest pitifullest shaggiest slummiest scuzziest shakiest creakiest wonkiest meagerest barest meagrest frowziest ruggedest messiest ancientest sordidest trashiest infirmest best-read uncouthest raunchiest crumbliest shackiest crudest baddest basest tawdriest paltriest lousiest saddest fragilest flimsiest uselessest feeblest weakest dirtiest dowdiest grubbiest most worn out most threadbare most worn most dilapidated most faded most frayed most moth-eaten most ragged most broken-down most decrepit most tumbledown most battered most ramshackle most beat up most damaged most busted most used most overworked most overused most wizened most ruined most lined most well-worn most dog-eared most defective most broken most unsound most finished most knackered most rumpty most worn-out most beat-up most tatterdemalion most neglected most decayed most timeworn most bombed-out most bedraggled most unkempt most deteriorating most weather-beaten most ripped most derelict most exhausted most ruinous most antiquated most superannuated most ragtag most desolate most tired most slipshod most wrecked most untended most out of whack most frazzled most done most old-fashioned most poverty-stricken most shot most uncared-for most unmaintained most shredded most historic most yellowed most tottering most outworn most outmoded most inoperational most disreputable most dateless most démodé most shattered most peaked most well-thumbed most distressed most insalubrious most depressed most deprived most underprivileged most unkept most dismal most disheveled most inactive most unserviceable most incapacitated most dishevelled most beat most unimproved most shambly most marred most contemptible most expended most desultory most mediocre most substandard most ordinary most middling most menial most low-grade most second-rate most effete most insubstantial most haggard most anile most imperfect most disabled most used up most screwed up most haywire most unsatisfactory most stopped


Superlative for having no power or energy left
weariest limpest bleariest deadest logiest sleepiest drowsiest lowest weakest flattest droopiest sickest faintest emptiest peakiest gauntest unhealthiest wannest tensest palest ropiest crummiest sluggishest seediest queerest groggiest sallowest uptightest feeblest infirmest grimmest doziest queasiest unfittest funniest lousiest roughest tautest heaviest grottiest sickliest most exhausted most drained most tired most fatigued most knackered most whacked most worn out most beat most enervated most pooped most shattered most weakened most frazzled most aweary most beaten most done most fried most jaded most jiggered most loggy most stonkered most tuckered out most wabbit most whipped most worn most worn-out most fagged out most fordone most played out most rooted most toilworn most zonked most effete most shot most tapped out most used most wasted most shagged out most done up most puffed most breathless most drooping most listless most asleep most languid most puffed out most lackluster most lacklustre most bored most overworked most taxed most dog-weary most somnolent most weariful most languorous most bedraggled most blasé most disabled most washed out most haggard most finished most overused most narcoleptic most broken-down most bleary-eyed most dead on one's feet most careworn most drawn most strained most hollow-eyed most unwell most stressed most stressed out most lethargic most raddled most blanched most ashen most used up most off most ill most peaked most torpid most crook most wrinkled most disinterested most fraught most uninterested most spiritless most fed up most out of sorts most sick and tired most etiolated most lackadaisical most faded most indisposed most ailing most slumberous most liverish most nauseous most withered most apathetic most peculiar most tiring most inattentive most dilapidated most unkempt most exasperated most overburdened most overloaded most lumbering most debauched most disheveled most dishevelled most heavy-lidded most deteriorating most inert most wooden most inactive most indolent most browned-off most brassed off most satiated most sagging most dwindling most slumping most diminishing most leaden most peakish

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