Sinonimo di most pissant


Superlative for used for emphasis, especially to express anger or frustration
damnedest bloodiest rottenest wretchedest lostest ruddiest shittiest unhappiest hatefullest baddest lousiest fullest miserablest horriblest vilest curstest disgustingest peskiest foulest awfullest nastiest horridest obscenest ghastliest terriblest beastliest loathliest completest unpleasantest scurviest yuckiest evillest bitterest grossest orneriest sordidest abjectest dirtiest shabbiest cruddiest lamest measliest uselessest stupidest most confounded most accursed most blessed most blooming most flaming most infernal most pestilential most precious most abhorred most chickenshit most cursed most damnable most despicable most detestable most doomed most infamous most revolting most abominable most loathsome most reprobate most afflicted most banned most blighted most cussed most execrable most unwelcome most contemptible most footling most misbegotten most odious most accurst most annoying most irritating most unspeakable most heinous most abhorrent most hellish most exasperating most infuriating most obnoxious most offensive most pestiferous most repellent most repugnant most repulsive most villainous most total most dashed most dreadful most insufferable most disagreeable most objectionable most forbidding most distasteful most God-awful most appalling most disgustful most intolerable most invidious most uncool most shuddersome most resentful most undesirable most unbearable most deplorable most pathetic most reprehensible most disgraceful most worthless most degenerate most low-down

Contrario di most pissant

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