Sinonimo di pot of gold at the end of the rainbow


A large amount of money that is won or received unexpectedly
windfall godsend bonanza jackpot find benediction benefit blessing boon felicity good manna bonus dividend fortune gravy handout manna from heaven payout profit win stroke of luck lucky find pennies from heaven unexpected gain money from heaven gift from the gods piece of good luck stroke of good luck advantage gift perk asset gain help perquisite good fortune benison plus prize plus point gratuity piece of good fortune privilege good thing break present aid pro luxury favor extra reward favour bounty premium virtue miracle additional benefit added extra run of luck sweetener donation grant lucky break delicacy lifesaver honour honor benefaction largess compliment boom fluke wealth coup triumph fate strike achievement feat masterstroke freebie contribution convenience service attainment accomplishment success treasure kindness luck winning streak treasure trove cash cow gold mine added attraction upside good break offering lucky strike one in a million merit crock of gold pot of gold result discovery fringe benefit value prezzie free sample good luck piece of luck usefulness amenity indulgence strength mileage good point strong point lucky thing free meal giveaway free gift helpfulness use cream worth advantageousness egg in one's beer commission tip honorarium lagniappe throw-in incentive donative percentage inducement cumshaw hand-out cut extra payment addition gravy train special compensation goody ice additional compensation boot money frosting signing bonus sign-on bonus unexpected extra golden parachute pay supplement resource utility attraction opportunity appanage award beauty consideration edge expediency prerogative feather in cap entitlement interest right claim compensation perks due return facility support expedience assistance start recompense payment meed carrot desert repayment garland goodies crown feature accolade avail liberty freedom guerdon authority leverage winnings licence birthright authorization license sanction lead head start chance gratification remuneration advisability charter franchise appliance solution comfort apanage improvement provision excellence system ascendancy acquisition allowance nicety leg up quality authorisation selling point vantage creature comfort golden hello saving grace enrichment mod con betterment extravagance cue deserts need rate appreciation merits rights grease plum reason prem just deserts advancement relief behoof positive pull lure draw refuge availment valuation account icing on the cake worthiness excellent importance inspiration prequisite perquisites benefits allowances solatium proceeds net added advantage frill attractive feature compensation package employee benefit appeal income earnings inheritance concession benefit in kind superiority accessory nonessential winning redemption riches requital price deal decoration fortuity profitability recommendation venture buy acquirement power supremacy treat option superfluity leg-up leeway steal pay-off purse payoff expedient recourse means favorable aspect favourable aspect good feature preference foredeal eminence desirability influence pre-eminence bargain purchase permission medium appealing aspect thing in its favour investment accretion possession procuration holding freelage consent odds handicap foot in the door way in warrant title device machination artifice mode tool ascendency helping hand ace in the hole ace up your sleeve good buy good deal business leave dispensation prize money arrangement accommodation potential exemption call droit immunity indemnity boost lift carte blanche independence priority pretension pretence pretense dibs justification solutions equipment course of action upper hand kick-start flying start push dominance opening enhancement advantageous beginning forestart advantageous position encouragement pleasant thing sponsorship backing

Contrario di pot of gold at the end of the rainbow

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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