の同義語 a surf


To examine carefully or at length
peruse read examine inspect scan scrutinise scrutinize study browse check eyeball look through analyse analyze con skim browse through glance through leaf through pore over wade through dip into flick through glance over skim through thumb through work over run your eye over run through survey glance flick flip leaf thumb look riffle glance at give something a once-over give something the once-over riffle through look over flip through have a quick look run one's eye over read quickly glint peek dip glimpse run speed-read look round cruise riff through inspect loosely have a look at check over skip through thumb through wander examine cursorily once over lightly get the cream search sweep pass an eye over read here and there give the once over hit the high spots eye scour contemplate regard clock rake oversee review audit watch recce view investigate overlook look at check out glass scope riff take a dekko at inquire flash stare at enquire run over size up have a look-see get a load of consider look into gaze at give the once-over rumble take stock of take a gander cast an eye over look something up and down look up and down observe go over probe explore see assess vet behold appraise research go through note monitor evaluate notice follow spy witness sift case stare rubberneck gaze go over with a fine-tooth comb spot perceive take in test dissect canvass peer screen discern descry enquire into espy remark sight gape distinguish catch weigh up slang pay attention to have a gander at have a squint at gawp at take a shufti at scrutinate read through heed delve into take a look at give something a going-over dig surveil take a gander at go into track leer supervise have a dekko at ogle pry peep goggle gawp keep an eye on superintend keep watch on keep a tab on keep under surveillance keep under observation keep tabs on catch sight of gawk lay eyes on inquire into blink keep a beady eye on glare discuss examine closely sift through eagle eye subject to an examination scope out put under a microscope look something over take notice of check up on frisk gaze upon comb prospect assay reconnoiter mark snoop pierce penetrate have a shufti at estimate candle squint reconnoitre watch like a hawk record keep a weather eye on gage gauge parse clap eyes on give the eye peer at question judge ponder anatomize set eyes on have a butcher's at read over verify rubberneck at take note of traverse mind focus look around glim search into admire eye up look on keep track of find out give something a look-see keep a check on dig into look see focus on feast your eyes on take stock be absorbed in take a good look get an eyeful look vacantly cast one's eye over look fixedly revise rehearse practice repeat reiterate revisit look through something interpret make out balance tackle pay heed to earmark adjudicate diagnose grade practise redact censor check into delve peg examine carefully perlustrate weigh smoke pass through give attention to gawk at report keep in sight range over make enquiries take a good look at feast one's eyes see over scout catechize interrogate sum up make enquiries into conduct investigations into pore sit in be shown over spectate bone up establish cover beware ogle at gape at eagle-eye check something out pipe believe beam burn up seek query conduct an enquiry subject to an inspection make inquiries into hunt through read intently kick the tires leer at concentrate on rummage around hunt pass under review certify confirm ascertain have a look-see at make eyes at not take one's eyes off take a butcher's at suss out leave no stone unturned in go through with a fine-tooth comb delve in triangulate feast eyes on have a tour of have a look round go on a tour of tour have a look around devour size graph plot valuate summarise chart summarize go tell take the measure of listen to outstare mine ransack compare prove correct count quiz ensure glower seek an answer refer to enquire about look closely look intently stare in wonder stare open-mouthed have a good look fix on look hard rivet on watch closely wade test out try out scout out look earnestly plough through bury oneself in make sure of keep account keek rake through get a bird's-eye view of look upon stake out check up map out squinny trawl swing gloat try to see pin bore winnow undersee squiz appropriate sample cast your eye over take try taste play at have a quick look at rifle through seize get dabble look through narrowed eyes sneak a look look quickly move look briefly have a shufti glance one's eye take a quick look catch a glimpse of take a dekko squint at narrow your eyes screw up eyes look at carefully turn circle spy on take a look keep under scrutiny swing round pan separate wash twig have take a glance at have a look keep eagle eye on


To use a remote control to repeatedly change channels on a television

の反対語 a surf

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