の同義語 given it one's best shot


Past participle for to strive in pursuit of a goal
struggled striven strived endeavoured endeavored labored toiled sought tried undertaken aspired assayed attempted laboured pushed strained worked wrought aimed essayed moiled tried hard applied battled driven druv drudged ground grinded hustled pegged away plugged away scrambled slogged sweated sweat ventured exerted oneself gone all out grafted knocked oneself out knuckled down left no stone unturned made an effort made every effort pulled out all the stops pushed oneself slaved away worked hard banged away beavered away broken one's back broken your neck busted a gut done all one can done one's best done your utmost gone for broke gone for it hammered away had a crack at had a shot at had a swing at had one's nose to grindstone kept your head down made a great effort made a run at put one's back into it put yourself out spared no effort taken on tried one's hardest worked like a dog done your damnedest set out slaved travailed plowed made an all-out effort given it your all ruptured yourself moved heaven and earth given your all had a crack applied oneself slogged away plodded dug deep dug deeper exerted yourself leaned over backwards leant over backwards jumped through hoops had a stab made an attempt done your best had a go had a shot put your back into dug away killed oneself worked like a Trojan borne down had a whack gone for the doctor made a pass at taken a crack at taken a stab at given something a go given something a try taken a run at given something a whirl given something the old college try given it all you've got fought foughten grubbed humped plugged tugged exerted bullocked purposed tackled kept at it pushed yourself put up a fight against ground away plodded away bid shot for made a supreme effort had a go at done all you can worked your fingers to the bone grubbed away worked day and night made effort had a stab at taken pains shot the works poured it on taken it on oneself put one's heart and soul into it given something a stab used elbow grease put pedal to the metal given it a burl given best shot buckled down given it a whirl given it a fly worked at gone the limit worked hard to sweated blood competed contended taxed jockeyed grafted away offered scrabbled oppressed overtaxed punished overexerted given a shot flogged tried for fallen over backwards broken sweat kept your nose to the grindstone driven oneself worked one's socks off given all one's got busted chops hammered tolled endured gone for the jugular campaigned withstood pursued tried as hard as one can trudged experimented attacked stood up to solicited used every muscle fallen to emptied the tank gone hard dug in gone hammer and tongs gone all-out driven oneself to the limit tried very hard gone to war tried out embarked on done your best to given it a try taken best shot taken the bit between your teeth given a fling given old college try given it a go done level best tried one's hand at strained every nerve pushed oneself to the limit gone for driven for vied for lifted a finger gone after made a bid had a bash fronted up chipped away at strove ploughed went all out bent over backwards went for broke went for it did your utmost took pains did your best gave it your all gave it your best shot did your damnedest broke your neck did one's best persevered put one's back into something did all one can drave drove bore down undertook persisted worked oneself to the bone went for the doctor fell over backwards broke one's back gave your all lumbered staggered overworked overwrought skivvied grappled mucked schlepped studied hard dug buckled to committed oneself devoted yourself soldiered on set one's sights pegged along worked your guts out carried on burned the candle at both ends worked like a slave plugged along used some elbow grease put one's back in it put one's shoulder to the wheel ploughed through hit the ball burnt the candle at both ends sweated away dragged oneself did all you can banged on devoted committed vied suffered trawled soldiered dedicated trailed waded pegged tended addrest paid attention concentrated addressed shown dedication shown commitment showed dedication showed commitment took on pounded performed entreated directed bended bent studied got stuck in gotten stuck in headed-down took it on oneself gave it a fly gave it a burl ground out worked fingers to bone pulled out all stops broke sweat moved mountains plodded along worked very hard made a special effort tried your best gave all one's got kept nose to grindstone dived in kept going overworked oneself pressed on drove oneself pitched in had designs had in view pegged away at worked one's butt off proceeded laboriously gave best shot taken care took care taken great pains took great pains given gave acquited oneself applied oneself to drove oneself to the limit went to war aspired to applied to gave old college try went for drove for went out of the way taken special pains took special pains gone out of the way went for the jugular gave it a whirl went the limit went after took a crack at gave it all one has given it all one has gone all-out for went all-out for went all-out went hard went the whole nine yards gone the whole nine yards went ham gone ham went hammer and tongs

の反対語 given it one's best shot

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