の同義語 lines of work


Plural for an activity by which one earns money
professions occupation jobs trade lines employment work business vocation callings careers fields pursuit departments practice walks of life life's works craft rackets day jobs things positions posts game livelihood spheres avocations functions roles areas provinces engagement dodges employs specialties activity walks gigs offices specialities niches art situations handicraft skill fortes realms domains arenas undertakings discipline capacity ways rat race lay living lifeworks mission circles bailiwicks specialization services elements grips sectors slots specialisations fronts concern tasks assignment expertise jurisdictions baronies demesnes bags dos competence responsibility fiefdoms berths places fiefs firmaments experience enterprises stints skillsets zones daily grinds contracts metiers interest competencies duty play dominion terrain appointments stations spots billets industry precincts world handcrafts spheres of influence topics subjects purviews compasses kingdoms hangs swindles branches specialism orbits purpose grinds openings territory scopes moonlight affairs schticks labor labour setups tiers handiwork goes customs patronage parts long suits strong suits recruitment obligations commitment hirings themes subfields study regions margins environments scenes pigeons pales confines turfs proceedings bubbles sections sport mobs connection placement vacancy postings means faculties tracts preserve patches division expanses land stretches belts districts quarter property milieux plots clearings parcels ranges ground class sweeps counties lots states manors blocks charge allotments bands plats acreage necks of the woods locality ambits extents necks worry subdivision categories space corridors groups estates segments universes pieces courses neighborhood subject matter neighbourhoods spread corners authority classification brackets portions countries babies compartments vicinities enclaves colonies empires onus society spans curricula shires locales theatre stratums aspects forums circuits burdens sides theater fields of study wards stages knowledge lookouts systems sets groupings information townships casts family order matter remits problems categorization footprints variety life genres types holdings media areas of influence culture turfdom beats seigniory breadth operations pigeonholes markets moral obligations layers rights arms prerogatives privilege champaigns prefectures rank statuses questions stamping grounds wings plottages real estate frontage shares ends supervision commissions discretion squares community cities principality parishes mastery exercises methods stands erfs yards homesites locations entanglement involvement care strip swathes swaths amplitude subsets tillage spans of control enclosure incumbencies administration grades soil nations pitch protectorates towns mandates exclaves dependencies possession frames sites backdrops context suburbs boroughs settings background stomping grounds environs ghettos inner cities constituencies jungle data goings-on ventures transactions dealings funerals headaches doings dissertations focal points theses majors foci core knacks gifts leanings ability bents geniuses inclination dispositions talents aptitudes flair fate circumstance ways of life conditions routine lifestyles daily life standards of living existence regimes science scholarship wisdom education technique lore learning erudition sorts brands breeds form schools kinds species genera likes lists head nature ilks stripes character models styles listings makes fashion feathers description headings manners strain kidneys stamps

の反対語 lines of work

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