の同義語 more cabbalistic


Comparative for mysterious or difficult to understand
obscurer abstruser deeper darker difficulter harder heavier uncannier murkier unclearer obliquer vaguer stranger shadowier hazier blacker weirder subtler odder bizarrer unearthlier curiouser queerer foggier stealthier denser eerier intenser tougher funnier Greeker cagier grayer greyer unsurer knottier freakier flukier blurrier blanker rummer spookier ghostlier uncommoner muzzier fuzzier shiftier iffier dodgier weaker dicier more recondite more mysterious more cryptic more arcane more unfathomable more incomprehensible more esoteric more complex more secret more complicated more involved more opaque more mystic more hidden more occult more mystical more profound more abstract more hermetic more hermetical more cabalistic more acroamatic more inscrutable more enigmatic more Delphic more inexplicable more perplexing more puzzling more enigmatical more ambiguous more elliptical more equivocal more nebulous more fuliginous more clandestine more unaccountable more unknowable more double-edged more mystifying more baffling more unintelligible more unexplainable more bewildering more coded more confusing more secretive more indecipherable more covert more sphinxlike more private more unrevealed more rarefied more classified more magical more insoluble more Delphian more apocryphal more evasive more uncertain more doubtful more fathomless more insolvable more indiscernible more unsolvable more incognizable more indefinite more indistinct more dubious more indeterminate more supernatural more intricate more debatable more unknown more paranormal more spiritual more transcendental more imprecise more inexact more preternatural more unnatural more questionable more clouded more numinous more peculiar more psychic more tenebrous more arguable more unsettled more misleading more inconclusive more supranatural more confused more involute more ill-defined more inconceivable more transcendent more ambivalent more otherworldly more surreptitious more amphibological more shrouded more indecisive more indistinguishable more unresolved more gnomic more unusual more incalculable more vacillating more extraordinary more transmundane more undecided more elusive more anagogic more uncomprehensible more up in the air more indirect more polysemic more polysemantic more undiscoverable more multivocal more mysterial more subliminal more cerebral more intellectual more unimaginable more discreet more reticent more convoluted more furtive more blurred more unestablished more unascertained more cryptical more technical more illogical more illegible more incredible more far-out more astrological more subjective more miraculous more challenging more inaccessible more borderline more superhuman more freakish more astonishing more unparalleled more circumlocutory more suspicious more circuitous more inexplainable more supernormal more muddled more contradictory more roundabout more duplicitous more unreadable more unheard-of more unwonted more open more unexplicit more disreputable more unpredictable more unforeseeable more speculative more religious more phenomenal more abnormal more unbelievable more extramundane more hesitant more muffled more off the wall more spectral more irresolute more wavering more intangible more impassive more deadpan more unemotional more emotionless more unexpressive more inexpressive more expressionless more poker-faced more rare more legendary more mythical more supermundane more superordinary more ghostlike more dispassionate more vacant


Comparative for relating to, using, or resembling magic
uncannier darker ghostlier unearthlier eerier spookier weirder wonderfuller shadowier stranger blacker creepier unworldlier heavenlier bizarrer freakier rummer sublimer abstruser queerer scarier ghastlier odder flakier powerfuller perfecter lovelier curiouser obscurer grotesquer awfuller fearfuller uncouther greater immenser wanner paler holier supremer more magical more supernatural more mystic more mystical more occult more preternatural more paranormal more spiritualistic more cryptic more mythical more otherworldly more shamanistic more spectral more supernormal more extramundane more haunted more miraculous more numinous more secret more superhuman more thaumaturgical more transcendent more transcendental more wizardly more clairvoyant more demoniac more diabolic more fairylike more mysterious more phenomenal more tranced more witchlike more enchanted more bewitched more entranced more spellbound more enchanting more spiritual more charmed more extraordinary more unnatural more imaginary more spellbinding more unusual more fascinating more marvellous more magnetic more entrancing more marvelous more psychic more charismatic more fey more talismanic more fiendish more theurgical more possessed more transmundane more unreal more arcane more supranatural more divine more ethereal more abnormal more unaccountable more fabulous more prodigious more legendary more eldritch more fantastic more mystifying more astonishing more breathtaking more captivating more inexplicable more hidden more dreamlike more ghostlike more heroic more unknowable more freakish more esoteric more visionary more superordinary more cabalistic more anagogic more haunting more spookish more fabled more remarkable more inscrutable more awe-inspiring more special more astrological more Druidical more exquisite more charming more telepathic more quixotic more telestic more mysterial more bewitching more religious more thrilling more irresistible more unbelievable more supersensitive more hermetical more immaterial more inspiring more uplifting more boundless more inspirational more moving more rare more unfathomable more unrevealed more unknown more supermundane more unintelligible more uncomprehensible more extraterrestrial more bizarro more far-out more horrific more dreadful more ominous more ghoulish more supranormal more devilish more unheard-of more inspired more inexplainable more singular more supernal more whacko more alien more inhuman more stupendous more exceptional more phantasmal more phantasmic more wraithlike more godlike more enormous more frightening more sinister more hair-raising more chilling more spine-chilling more Herculean more illusory more terrifying more insubstantial more corpselike more vampiric more indistinct more apparitional more wraithy more deathlike more cadaverous more omnipotent more bionic more staggering more formidable more mythic more folkloric more fictitious more hypothetical more famed more apocryphal more proverbial more traditional more fictional more allegorical more symbolic more storied more famous more impressive more epic more outstanding more important more fanciful

の反対語 more cabbalistic

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