の同義語 more chameleonic


Comparative for likely to change at any time
fickler unsteadier iffier patchier peakier shiftier slipperier flightier spottier flakier moodier sketchier giddier wilder bittier choppier scrappier jerkier flukier untidier chancier quirkier looser dicier crotchetier shorter-lived messier unclearer shakier catchier dumber more variable more unstable more inconstant more wavering more capricious more fluid more inconsistent more temperamental more uneven more vacillating more unsettled more everchanging more irregular more unpredictable more volatile more changeful more fitful more mercurial more movable more protean more changeable more erratic more kaleidoscopic more skittish more uncertain more undependable more unreliable more spasmodic more unequable more variational more mobile more mutable more labile more fluctuant more whimsical more versatile more irresolute more indefinite more varied more wayward more vagarious more flexible more polymorphous more many-sided more stayless more alterable more faithless more adaptable more turbulent more vicissitudinous more up in the air more transformable more indecisive more vagrant more agitated more restless more irresponsible more impulsive more variant more random more intermittent more sporadic more desultory more unsystematic more unequal more disconnected more fragmentary more excitable more arbitrary more bipolar more scattershot more irrepressible more disjointed more indiscriminate more active more elastic more scattered more jumbled more incoherent more episodic more aimless more incomplete more episodical more casual more roving more piecemeal more moving more fragmented more disorganized more dynamic more disorganised more all over the place more aperiodic more freakish more confused more broken more chaotic more chance more dubious more muddled more unconnected more disordered more slapdash more illogical more undirected more incalculable more scrambled more offhand more deficient more helter-skelter more tempestuous more unsteadfast more unbalanced more checkered more irrational more untrustworthy more inexact more suspect more unsound more doubtful more ambiguous more ungovernable more faddish more cyclical more periodical more meandering more directionless more incidental more nomadic more adjustable more explosive more non-uniform more unthinking more freelance more outside more seasonal more perfunctory more unfocused more ephemeral more transitory more frivolous more imperfect more inadequate more slipshod more superficial more fleeting more momentary more transient more disorderly more unpolished more defective more indeterminate more unaccountable more approximate more unscientific more uncontrolled more frenzied more promiscuous more stochastic more unintelligible more incomprehensible more partial more inarticulate more garbled more uncoordinated more discrete more infrequent more eccentric more discursive more stuttering more inchoate more unconsidered more purposeless more breathless more incohesive more discordant more incongruous more puzzling more inconclusive more fractional

の反対語 more chameleonic

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