の同義語 most Demosthenean


Superlative for expressed in terms intended to persuade or impress
floweriest windiest flashiest loftiest showiest gassiest purplest glibbest grandest mouthiest rotundest stagiest vividest fervidest loudest noisiest biggest wordiest fanciest haughtiest primmest richest gravest seriousest most grandiloquent most high-flown most florid most bombastic most pompous most pretentious most magniloquent most highfalutin most aureate most declamatory most extravagant most flamboyant most grandiose most orotund most overblown most sonorous most tumid most turgid most Ciceronian most epideictic most flatulent most gaseous most hifalutin most hyperbolic most magnific most ornate most overripe most verbose most Demosthenic most silver-tongued most articulate most contrived most effusive most eloquent most embellished most exaggerated most fluent most imposing most inflated most ostentatious most overdone most overwrought most stilted most swollen most theatrical most tumescent most vocal most voluble most majestic most impressive most stylistic most impassioned most histrionic most expressive most important most stentorian most forceful most long-winded most elaborate most persuasive most dramatic most noble most senatorial most elocutionary most pedantic most bombast most complicated most formal most scholarly most erudite most pleonastic most convoluted most labored most strained most laboured most boastful most braggart most baroque most portentous most affected most over-elaborate most figurative most Ossianic most ornamental most heroic most elevated most lexiphanic most egotistic most Homeric most epic most Miltonian most decorative most luscious most solemn most self-important most pontifical most ponderous most diffuse most prolix most redundant most euphemistic most arrogant most blustering most loudmouthed most full of hot air

の反対語 most Demosthenean

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