の同義語 most butthurt


Superlative for annoyed because of a perceived insult
bitterest spitefullest sorest sourest angriest sullenest maddest surliest sulkiest acridest iratest huffiest hatefullest crossest testiest eggiest crabbiest grumpiest shirtiest hottest under the collar unhappiest worst-tempered lividest rattiest snakiest touchiest unfriendliest nastiest tetchiest moodiest grouchiest stroppiest snappiest meanest rabidest hardest morosest crankiest hottest crotchetiest chippiest narkiest orneriest darkest cattiest glummest viciousest crustiest poutiest dirtiest gloomiest prickliest dourest gruffest uptightest evillest cruelest harshest mopiest curmudgeonliest wickedest tartest jealousest sharpest miserablest perversest unpleasantest shortest wildest blackest mardiest filthiest unkindest baddest fiercest scratchiest pickiest curtest edgiest snarkiest snippiest stuffiest raspiest sparest woefullest snittiest weightiest tensest adversest bristliest feistiest difficultest brusquest jumpiest pepperiest whiniest toughest fussiest bluntest hastiest awkwardest ugliest saltiest loathest most indignant most affronted most aggrieved most resentful most grudging most exasperated most hurt most piqued most rancorous most discontented most acrimonious most miffed most dissatisfied most disgruntled most displeased most aggravated most irked most malcontent most incensed most unforgiving most revengeful most irritated most annoyed most miffy most wroth most huffish most snuffy most fed up most ill-disposed most put out most vitriolic most vexed most nettled most cheesed off most furious most enraged most upset most teed off most browned off most angered most irritable most infuriated most choleric most bothered most petulant most peed off most wrathful most hostile most peevish most ireful most brassed off most querulous most ill-tempered most churlish most malevolent most ill-humored most fuming most crabbed most frustrated most steamed up most splenetic most disaffected most disturbed most malicious most troubled most steamed most inflamed most vindictive most steaming most cantankerous most waspish most agitated most fretful most distressed most malignant most ticked most ballistic most pained most perturbed most irascible most venomous most antagonistic most crook most soreheaded most snappish most fractious most disappointed most impatient most malign most discontent most cynical most poisonous most waxy most pettish most boiling most wrath most out of sorts most ropeable most acid most choked most infuriate most hopping most baleful most disagreeable most dyspeptic most malefic most maleficent most malcontented most critical most flustered most afflicted most ungratified most raging most unsociable most liverish most antagonized most ill-natured most brooding most virulent most short-tempered most worked up most aerated most restless most bilious most jaundiced most aggressive most caustic most envious most worried most unsatisfied most disgusted most whingy most alienated most peckish most acerbic most estranged most disillusioned most heated most rebellious most pernicious most quick-tempered most menacing most anguished most passionate most belligerent most restive most cutting most astringent most biting most vengeful most savage most scornful most antipathetic most unfulfilled most vinegary most depressed most vituperative most bearish most captious most fiery most obstinate most faultfinding most truculent most contentious most uncommunicative most unresponsive most uncivil most uncooperative most bummed out most carping most sensitive most joyless most unmannerly most unglued most snippety most viperous most cussed most bugged most incandescent most PO'd most reproachful most soured most torqued off most contemptuous most disdainful most bloody-minded most confused most dishonored most atrabilious most disheartened most berserk most annoying most distressing most perplexed most factious most unamused most discouraged most disloyal most oppressed most victimized most umbrageous most dishonoured most dissentious most troublemaking most ticklish most implacable most blue most bellicose most inimical most barbed most seditious most mutinous most objectionable most defeated most stewed most threatening most irreconcilable most sardonic most vehement most raving most pugnacious most unsympathetic most sick and tired most frenzied most cray-cray most destructive most toxicant most viperish most temperamental most hurtful most reluctant most argumentative most volatile most dissident most insurrectionary most insubordinate most unsubmissive most dogged most scandalized most mopish most hotheaded most quarrelsome most pertinacious most oversensitive most misanthropic most shrewish most frantic most hot and bothered most shocked most unwilling most contrary most hypercritical most ungracious most aloof most ill most apathetic most indifferent most disputatious most iracund most withdrawn most dismal most cheerless most unenthusiastic most half-hearted most hesitant most regretful most unassuaged most plaintive most insatiable most unappeased most trying most obstreperous most chuffy most saturnine most childish most waspy most scathing most forced most mordant most stinging most blistering most incisive most withering most despiteful most abusive most down in the mouth most devastating most uncongenial most ungenerous most sharp-tongued

の反対語 most butthurt

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