の同義語 most stonkered


Superlative for feeling tired, fatigued or weary
weariest deadest weakest flattest limpest logiest bleariest sleepiest drowsiest peakiest lowest droopiest wannest sluggishest gauntest palest groggiest sickest feeblest infirmest faintest emptiest unhealthiest heaviest ropiest sickliest doziest crummiest seediest snooziest queerest yawniest dopiest laziest most exhausted most drained most fatigued most beat most enervated most knackered most tired most breathless most pooped most puffed most shattered most wasted most frazzled most jaded most effete most aweary most beaten most done most fried most jiggered most loggy most wabbit most weakened most whipped most worn most zonked most fordone most rooted most toilworn most whacked most shot most worn out most clapped out most tuckered out most worn-out most fagged out most puffed out most tapped out most played out most shagged out most used most dead on one's feet most washed out most done up most listless most languid most haggard most strained most languorous most drooping most used up most drawn most lethargic most careworn most weariful most etiolated most blanched most ashen most hollow-eyed most unwell most somnolent most dog-weary most asleep most overworked most disabled most bored most bedraggled most lacklustre most lackluster most taxed most blasé most lackadaisical most stressed out most finished most overused most narcoleptic most broken-down most bleary-eyed most ill most torpid most crook most peaked most off most slumberous most dopey most lifeless most yawning most comatose most peakish most slumbrous most drugged most out of sorts most dazed most restful

の反対語 most stonkered

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