の同義語 source of help


A course of action that is resorted to
resort expedient recourse alternative hope choice option possibility course measure resource step chance remedy device expediency help makeshift opportunity reference refuge relief shift stopgap substitute surrogate source of assistance possible course of action course of action someone to turn to something to turn to contrivance means manoeuvre stratagem maneuver scheme move way method replacement trick ruse artifice ploy plan stand-in way out tactic machination last resort medium plot instrument dodge tool agency route preference solution improvisation pick selection discretion substitution proxy election pis aller temporary solution band-aid sub temporary measure temporary expedient system contraption mode appliance make-do practicality expedience appeal subterfuge aid stand-by support wile available resource craft evasion strategy place to turn to person to turn to gambit equivocation deception action hoax act deputy representative procedure bet initiative control reserve proceeding deed determination evaluation decree decision nomination call other hack understudy agent fill-in factor recommendation redundancy change druthers volition program programme operation standby back-up another course of action another possibility other fish to fry other fish in sea other possibility palliative effort legal action backup delegate alternate substitute agent pinch hitter fetch lurk instrumentality invention gimmick game wheeze feint play sleight jig blind con flimflam shenanigan knack juggle channel mechanism smokescreen vehicle pretence stunt technique pretext scam deceit pretense bluff process path cover road fraud organ sham machinery avenue ministry intrigue angle cheat racket grift line of action ways and means manner tack apparatus approach idea power game plan design policy intermediary project swindle proposition duplicity trap chicanery scenario bunco rort modus operandi set-up imposture flanker twist cunning plan red herring con trick creation fashion distraction auspices paraphernalia equipment organization bait masquerade proposal stepping-stone activity decoy purpose sting trickery arrangement pattern recipe formula tactics brainchild caper put-on craftiness wangle organisation instrumentation force gyp switch loophole fake canard rig schlenter motion setup snare fastie smoke screen put-up job confidence trick plan of action master plan sleight of hand booby trap controls control panel console dials instruments dashboard instrument panel joke prank line deviousness amenity work influence movement plans wiles screen cloak mask camouflage front excuse curveball shenanigans springboard set of tactics effect shifting convenience innovation coinage concoction wrinkle disguise facade démarche service gamesmanship attention-grabber lure deviation disturbance distractor commotion diversion interruption stepping stone attempt progress bit scene creativity ingenuity wits originality imagination inventiveness blueprint façade cunningness finesse cabal benefit provision oldest trick in the book fabrication slant formation pretension hoodwinking imposition fakery bait and switch little game one-upmanship venture assistance conspiracy utility means of access way in practice outline enterprise sharp practice treachery ambush clever move curve ball false face false clue fool's errand false trail wild-goose chase diversionary tactic misleading clue capability property ability capital stock cleverness hoard worth wherewithal store source substance stockpile riches wealth assets talent fortune quick-wittedness layout falsehood delusion distortion catalyst machine structure duck stall facility potential road map ground plan implement conduit mouthpiece vector means of expression double-dealing rip-off nest egg mock attack make-believe intention deal suggestion resourcefulness disposition undertaking thought submission animus methodology treatment projection big picture measures cunning scheming guile artfulness slyness savvy lie

の反対語 source of help

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