의 반의어 surprisingly friendly


Opposite of having a kindly disposition
unfriendly aloof antisocial cold disagreeable distant grouchy grumpy haughty surly antagonistic chilly crabby cranky gruff hostile mean obnoxious reserved standoffish testy unpleasant unsociable bad-tempered cantankerous cool frosty hard-hearted ill-disposed ill-natured ill-tempered inconsiderate irascible irritable peevish petulant proud quarrelsome querulous rude sinister snobbish snooty sour sulky supercilious tetchy unlikable uppity unapproachable uncongenial ungracious unneighborly unkind hateful ungenial nasty impolite unhappy unsympathetic unhelpful discourteous unamiable bad unfavorable unfavourable ill-humored ill-humoured harsh uncivil unmannerly disobliging inhospitable sullen malicious sad bellicose horrible spiteful gloomy brusque objectionable churlish disadvantageous uncomfortable fierce aggressive serious vindictive displeasing incompatible violent cruel morose repulsive pugnacious annoying unlovely formal unprofitable vicious unrefined ill-mannered mean-spirited insensitive critical callous heartless unfunny grave merciless offensive unfeeling belligerent curmudgeonly distasteful disputatious unsavory cold-hearted unattractive fiery unpleasing thoughtless snappy irksome wicked unwelcome rough loathsome sadistic pettish prickly threatening whiny irritating maniacal unsavoury severe uptight repellent dislikable savage unmannered dreadful miserable wild quick-tempered ruthless bitter ill-bred disrespectful hot-tempered boorish hard disapproving uncooperative disharmonious disunited inharmonious discordant confrontational argumentative abusive ardent vexatious combative contentious truculent captious horrid feisty oppugnant ungenteel mannerless parsimonious unaccommodating unobliging obstructive inimical malevolent malignant unseemly execrable litigious agonistic appalling militant assaultive ill-suited coarse evil insufferable unbearable undesirable venomous chippy unloveable repugnant sarcastic indifferent vulgar ungiving hotheaded vile disgusting stand-offish detestable unlovable abhorrent uncivilised complaining uncivilized unsophisticated grumbling disdainful sororal uncompassionate sisterly uncompanionable touchy inhumane malign stern splenetic abrupt rotten difficult frigid sardonic cheerless cancerous moody depressed upset bilious ugly ornery unsightly cross brutal ferocious flippant crabbed dyspeptic impetuous frenzied selfish maddened furious indiscreet imprudent explosive radge hysterical neglectful careless forceful inattentive idiotic unthinking tactless potent crazy forcible impertinent brash impassioned frenetic barbaric rabid obtuse warring frantic intemperate unmindful incautious bloodthirsty mad destructive irresponsible negligent heedless barbarous stupid ignorant uncaring full-blooded cut-throat rash unthoughtful undiplomatic reckless out of control self-seeking self-centred self-centered


Opposite of pleasant and amicable in nature
hostile antagonistic bitter acrimonious contentious spiteful aggressive angry belligerent combative competitive uncompromising argumentative bellicose disagreeable fierce harsh quarrelsome unfriendly unsociable vigorous virulent brutal catty cutting embittered hard-hitting hateful indignant inhospitable inimical intense intimidating mean nasty pugnacious rancorous rapacious resentful rigorous savage severe stinging tough unpleasant vicious violent vitriolic warlike foul bad unpopular friendless cold awful filthy hawkish martial bloodthirsty chaotic cool undesirable out of favor out of favour antisocial rude obnoxious impolite shy uncharitable insufferable uncongenial annoying unlikable surly offensive boring taciturn hurtful dislikable vulgar immature hermetic bashful chilly disaffected crass curt disliked xenophobic scurrilous irritable detestable isolated unneighborly grumpy crude boorish bigoted ill-mannered dishonourable grouchy cantankerous unpromising coarse misanthropic awkward discourteous dishonorable dishonest frosty malicious disgusting despisable cussed churlish creepy humourless uncivilised ill-tempered clodhopping distant cranky opposite unlovely bad-tempered ill-natured ill-humored distrustful estranged brusque unpropitious unkind objectionable distasteful bad-mannered humorless unbearable curmudgeonly sullen censorious intolerable brutish mistrustful malignant sheepish vengeful ill-disposed antipathetic indecent grudging vulgarian revolting conflicting unfavorable loathsome hot-tempered eccentric gruff sour uncordial disdainful disruptive sulking daunting unfavourable uncivilized contrary unmannerly opposed chauvinistic ill-bred bad-humored agitating aloof foul-mouthed in a bad mood very bad hotheaded got up on wrong side of bed aggravating raffish irritating irksome alien eschewing easily upset silent odious not on speaking terms difficile bothersome diffident easily offended bristly inauspicious tactless against ill-humoured


Opposite of having a close relationship to
distant impersonal detached uncongenial cold disconnected cool standoffish isolated unfriendly unsociable aloof reserved withdrawn antisocial uncommunicative hostile frosty indifferent frigid remote unwelcoming asocial stand-offish unapproachable unsocial introverted chilly insociable stiff unforthcoming inhospitable haughty unresponsive antagonistic reclusive nongregarious reticent uncaring supercilious disdainful offish icy undemonstrative unfeeling disagreeable formal unsympathetic cold-eyed rude buttoned-up solitary unkind taciturn unpleasant forbidding alienated disaffected unaffable uncordial unneighbourly unneighborly uncivil quiet apathetic ungracious discourteous unenthusiastic restrained unclubbable nasty foreign hateful unemotional shy ungregarious disliking unconcerned spiritless estranged stony misanthropic ungenial impolite inaccessible apart obnoxious sour introspective inapproachable surly separated menacing sad unhappy grouchy unamicable unmannerly silent uppity inward-looking self-contained snobbish antipathetic grudging retiring uninterested loose secretive emotionless dry standoff ill-natured ill-disposed austere callous gruff wooden introvert mean passionless uncompanionable hardhearted unloving stuck-up unbending dispassionate glacial cold-blooded hard-hearted cold as ice out-going superficial eremetic strange uncomfortable arrogant unhospitable unrelaxing acrimonious attenuated unreachable unknown spiteful unrelaxed malicious hesitant uptight cruel disloyal inconsiderate mean-looking contemptuous heedless aggressive negative adversary lukewarm unavailable guarded distrustful private nonsocial hating unpassionate uncharitable severe inimical warlike adversarial conflicting unthoughtful superior proud dreary comfortless eremitic gelid negligent mopey suspicious mopish brooding scowling tense combative quarrelsome stern bashful stony-hearted unfaithful neglectful lonesome lonely untouchable severed unattached divided uncoupled unconnected removed parted disengaged antagonized incurious coldish inattentive thoughtless unreceptive stonyhearted distasteful vengeful stuffy timorous cautious coy unacquainted scornful lofty narrow-minded cold-hearted snooty diffident unfamiliar casual indrawn sheepish timid demure thick-skinned stuck up cold fish hard-boiled lone wolf on ice laid back putting on airs antagonised opposing soft-spoken close-mouthed self-effacing hermetical unaware biased prejudiced resistant unaccustomed insensitive slow unwilling unsusceptible unrelated insincere half-hearted jaundiced depressed phlegmatic


Opposite of well-meaning and kindly in nature


Opposite of having a relaxed, friendly, or unofficial style, manner, or nature


Opposite of neither sexual nor romantic in nature


Opposite of folksy or friendly


Opposite of having or indicating a readiness or over-readiness to be generous to or lenient with someone


(of people) Opposite of unwilling to be separated


Opposite of used in or suitable for everyday conversation rather than formal or official contexts

의 동의어 surprisingly friendly

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