의 반의어 to be irresolute


Opposite of undecided or unsure of how to act
determined gritty resolute unwavering dogged firm indomitable decisive heroic untiring decided dedicated fixed purposeful steely undeviating unhesitating unshaken gutsy loyal staunch steadfast stout unflappable unshakeable unswerving unyielding inflexible intransigent obstinate purposive spirited uncompromising unrelenting valiant constant earnest immovable persevering serious settled unchanging unfaltering vigorous bold insistent intent pertinacious stalwart tenacious true unmovable unswervable committed deliberate driven implacable indurate obdurate persistent resolved courageous definite mettlesome plucky stubborn unflagging unflinching brave immutable indefatigable stable unbending undaunted wholehearted willful adamant inexorable intrepid perseverant relentless steady strong unbendable unshakable rock-ribbed single-minded stout-hearted strong-minded strong-willed full of determination sure confident fearless certain daring dauntless stouthearted positive gallant resilient backboned doughty hardy tough hard heroical lionhearted audacious valorous greathearted forceful ballsy ardent assured collected calm strongminded assertive conclusive unfearful unfazed unfearing unafraid frightless fanatical clear passionate temerarious undauntable self-assured unruffled brazen fierce feisty extroverted self-confident game spartan self-assertive reckless adventuresome venturesome venturous adventurous tough-minded firm in spirit dead set daredevil gutty manful definitive absolute easy happy-go-lucky nerveless cool relaxed irrefutable univocal solved unambiguous clinching iron-willed principled unshrinking nervy unequivocal categorical unshaky irrepressible clearsighted resistant focused powerful hard-nosed forward final sturdy headstrong unconditional enthusiastic eager dogmatic keen can-do aggressive dashing self-possessed unabashed shameless perfect mended healed enduring devoted devout durable toughened egotistical conceited loud presumptuous able proud forthcoming bellicose emphatic faithful fervent hardened willing believing unhesitant ready defiant sure of oneself set capable exciting dynamic lively interesting ironclad robust unfailing sworn rugged inured trustworthy clear-sighted clear-thinking quick to recover difficult to keep down good focussed quick to bounce back reliable dependable herolike macho rash lion-hearted overconfident brash brassy orped risk-taking


Opposite of frail, sickly or of a delicate constitution


Opposite of lacking energy, drive, motivation or emotion

의 동의어 to be irresolute

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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