의 반의어 uncombative


Naturally aggressive or hostile
pugnacious aggressive bellicose combative hostile antagonistic confrontational fiery gladiatorial irascible scrappy truculent warlike agonistic feisty assaultive belligerent brawly chippy choleric defiant discordant militant petulant threatening argumentative brawling cantankerous contentious disputatious ill-tempered irritable quarrelsome rebellious rough salty aggers biffo pushy hot-tempered bad-tempered itching to fight on the warpath ready to fight self-assertive having a chip on one's shoulder have a bone to pick stroppy ornery captious violent litigious warring touchy fierce fighting quick-tempered fractious offensive contrary battling mean oppugnant spoiling for a fight unfriendly destructive cross polemical cavilling factious militaristic disputative controversial polemic arsey wrangling bolshie bickering difficult caviling ready for a fight inimical adversarial sullen jingoistic hawkish warmongering surly sabre-rattling testy loudmouthed have chip on shoulder nasty grouchy pettish martial snappy prickly perverse crabby huffy active provocative dissentious military contending ructious querulous uncooperative war excitable hot-blooded courageous spirited spunky enthusiastic challenging cussed thin-skinned ardent hot flip at loggerheads on the outs have it in for bloodthirsty battleful awkward troublesome naysaying disagreeable soldierly gung-ho dissentient spiky opinionated sanguinary attacking looking for trouble adverse disruptive assertive obstreperous vigorous rude determined plucky radical ill-natured unpleasant discourteous tough ultra-active extremist two-fisted extreme forceful combating itching sensitive fanatical embattled zealous insolent scathing frightening deadly vituperous browbeating caustic terrorizing terrifying intimidating cowing harsh terrorising trenchant sharp hateful bullying ferocious mordacious mordant gutsy hotheaded peevish warrish revolutionary assertory peppy gritty frisky mettlesome lively alive energetic bubbly gutty zestful game hearty tempestuous arguesome angry inhospitable impassioned turbulent unruly churlish passionate go-getting full-blooded high-strung splenetic miffy exasperated abusive narky malevolent full of pep snarly grumpy up in arms in arms rancorous snappish cranky soreheaded unkind antipathetic fretful mighty peppery short-tempered

의 동의어 uncombative

uncombative 관용구

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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