의 동의어 a implement


A tool or instrument used for a specific purpose
tool utensil instrument device apparatus contrivance equipment gadget contraption appliance agent machine labour-saving device gizmo mechanism widget gear tackle gimmick doohickey doodad thingamabob whatchamacallit thingamajig invention paraphernalia kit aid accessory gubbins whatsit doodah material doobry hardware machinery jigger waldo convenience thing stuff mod con object article unit means outfit dingus thingo thingummy doojigger gismo rig engine item piece black box artifact commodity element matter component artefact trinket thingy something knickknack things nicknack thingummyjig thingumabob thingumajig medium doo-dah whatdoyoucallit amenity what's-its-name what-d'you-call-it what's-it materials plant gimcrack whatsis gadgetry setup construction system structure piece of equipment novelty minutia bit accompaniment jiggambob curio thingamajigger oojamaflip oojah body bits ware iron fixtures fittings vehicle wherewithal bitzer agency fitment harness weapon facility soldering iron Heath Robinson device Rube Goldberg device sucker components mechanics bauble gewgaw geegaw gaud gears motor cogs moving parts whatnot creation rigging resource makeshift piece of apparatus piece of hardware Rube Goldberg invention product module member entity part substance fragment dojigger piece of merchandise tools implements accoutrements utensils materiel accouterments supplies furnishings accoutrement provisions habiliments dingbat trappings equipage appurtenances appliances instruments impedimenta regalia gadgets accessories bits and pieces accouterment baggage bits and bobs clobber odds and ends odds and sods articles belongings traps devices contraptions kit and kaboodle resources stock contrivances effects machines accompaniments necessary facilities box of tricks goods personal effects amenities stores turnout attachments store rubbish junk armamentarium dunnage appointments set collection possessions miscellaneous articles necessaries works wares items armory matériel appurtenance trapping trimming furnishing armoury hook line munitions enginery technology arms fandango furniture trimmings miscellaneous shebang provisioning adornments ornamentation staple array impediments movables chattels property doodads aids entities workings ironmongery clubber bag pack selection suitcase container satchel assortment plumbing kitchenware ironware metalware housewares fasteners set of tools tools of the trade ministry institution bells and whistles household goods personal belongings tool of the trade household furnishings scheme instrumentality mechanisms complex movement arrangement encumbrances supply habiliment set-up


A device for peeling fruit or vegetables


An agency or means of doing something
medium channel means vehicle instrument method organ agency form way agent avenue instrumentality mechanism platform approach forum ministry mode outlet tool apparatus venue voice intermediate machinery soapbox factor measure means of communication means of expression mode of expression process device structure route catalyst machine force technique course mouthpiece expedient conduit intermediary vector ways and means system procedure power manner path tactic road operation modus operandi organization aid auspices fashion scheme instrumentation influence organisation arrangement effect workings institution gimmick equipment trick paraphernalia step help cause assistance engine stepping-stone release vent stage methodology cogs mechanisms release mechanism channels safety valve means of release set-up way of harnessing instruments dashboard instrument panel controls dials console control panel action activity dodge work pathway framework pipeline service springboard support setup wherewithal material complex movement stepping stone administration setting way in means of access marketplace showcase public square accouterment motor measures nitty-gritty practice plan routine tack style recipe formula line strategy programme tactics spokeswoman spokesperson spokesman frontman representative modality rubric program modus proceeding schema method of working custom messenger ambassador course of action tenor wrinkle nuts and bolts how-to the book red tape speaker mouth talker delegate propagandist intermediator point man point person PR person spin doctor


(a decision, plan, or agreement) To execute or carry out
apply execute perform enact administer fulfill fulfil discharge accomplish achieve actualize employ enable realise realize complete contrive effect enforce impose effectuate bring about carry out carry through follow out follow through follow up go through with provide the means for put into action put into effect put into operation put into practice put through use do exercise operate utilize utilise prosecute handle wield ply run bring into play engage conduct work negotiate bring to bear bring off practise pull off exert draw on put to use manipulate finish practice carry off perpetrate exploit harness follow through with transact make use of manage make commit maneuver compass manoeuvre make happen undertake avail oneself of conclude organize set in motion deliver put in motion act upon pilot control observe organise engineer deal with resort to bring to fruition initiate administrate render follow adopt deploy command actuate act out take care of attain meet bring into effect take on take care of business put in force call into play launch take advantage of deliver the goods consummate direct take up make the most of affect avail yourself of engage in turn to have recourse to produce actionize start inflict exact occasion act on swing invoke tackle begin set up bring on result in translate into dispense dispatch activate drive call upon carry to completion press into service steer process survive acquit oneself of tap put to work have play on bring into service put into service capitalize on run with the ball put forth bring into action deliver on see through make it through follow through on get through acquit undergo follow up on pursue put out assign draw upon muster impress recruit press serve work on determine authorize authorise start in on action take action on satisfy make ready stand by abide by call on turn to account take tick deal issue put screws to call into use call in serve out deal out bestow dispose of put into use stage do justice to go that route do to a turn be engaged in wind up cut hit present score hack enjoy involve play out dole out mete out put to good use find a use for devote occupy make it put on pass promulgate gain from derive benefit from make do with work with source regulate come through polish off put over do the job sail through do the trick get there advance turn to good account appropriate do with field benefit from consume earn one's wings use up do to a T embrace look to espouse assume profit by provide settle supply give maintain furnish bring into effective action switch on thrash out work out turn on attempt commence bear hammer out see to impart drop start up sort out carry on sew up do business button up wrap up button down come across hand over make good on live up to come up with fix endeavour to do address oneself to enter on launch into take part in embark on commit oneself to concentrate on set out with commit to set about endeavor to do get cracking on enter upon devote oneself to get down to go about get to grips with pick up on go in for TCB cause connect get going make active mobilize bring tap into go down the line finalize generate put in place provoke create succeed in arrange for call forth give rise to set off mobilise trigger fire up bring to pass originate engender precipitate cause to occur cause to happen wreak kindle induce breed prompt yield catalyze beget spawn finalise turn the trick catalyse turn out put across


To act in accordance to the terms of
satisfy fulfill fulfil meet execute complete keep obey observe respect uphold discharge effectuate effect accomplish consummate do enforce action accommodate affect apply serve actualize administer adopt actionize comply with adhere to conform to fall in with go along with stand by agree to be in accordance with submit to act in accordance with yield to carry off make good on pull off act upon follow through with respond to act according to assent to cooperate with goose-step to be true to follow through on do justice to bring to completion cope with keep faith with act on be bound by be heedful of be faithful to be guided by cater to check with chord with cohere with go through with pay regard to coincide with follow up on harmonize with perform according to be loyal to put into action put into effect put into operation put into practice carry out follow honor heed abide by fill honour stick to keep to perform live up to redeem answer defer to acquiesce to accord to stick with live by take heed of do as told be in conformity with toe the line agree with carry through stick by pay heed to embrace fall in line with bear out make it through be true be as good as accord with get through be faithful be in agreement with see through match accept consent to acknowledge bow to mind hold to concede to follow orders concur with pay attention to accede to hold occupy officiate engage distribute dispatch assign take up bring about acquiesce in comply give in to assent acquiesce agree accede concur knuckle under conform consent recognize support regard indulge yield recognise humour humor play ball give in note submit gratify grant approve allow concede come round bear in mind endorse watch surrender succumb subscribe notice accord take notice of shake on appease please permit be mindful of defer do as you are told take to heart play it by the book pander to don't rock the boat cave in to match up to capitulate mark approve of feed attend consider take into consideration bow tolerate brook listen to adhere hear hearken cooperate satiate coincide harmonize have regard to truckle hark harken quench go with the flow make good be governed by reconcile adjust adapt kowtow cave suffer give way jibe take into account undertake take note of have regard for concentrate on attend to relent okay knuckle cave in behave according to come around to provide for give approval to give carte blanche concur in knuckle to throw in the towel measure up to fit in with say yes to play the game give the go-ahead do one's bidding adapt to give the nod say uncle do what one is told play by the rules say yes go along show willingness pander acquiesce with harmonise be ruled by give your blessing stay in line conform with adjust to give way to acquit sign back go to the wall for appeal to budge go by set blink reach a decision maintain be servile quit fold sanction give up make a deal roll over give allegiance to warrant toe the mark play along with bow down to practice take as a guide pay attention believe practise dig listen endure wear stomach withstand play along go along with the plan do as one is told by get a load of hang on give a thought to give heed take notice take note give heed to give ear to pick up take heed gladden favour cater entertain favor put up with grin and bear it be loyal be subject to remain true to take it lying down cleave to stoop to be devoted to be attached be constant lump it be regulated by be devoted sticky by keep in step take keep to the rules stick to the rules adhere to the rules follow the rules go by the book accommodate to be dutiful to abide by the rules comply with the rules observe the rules act in accordance with the rules obey the rules kowtow to don't make waves listen up consecrate sanctify appreciate show consideration for bend buy show regard for relieve OK yes ditto knuckleunder fawn admit cringe buckle pacify slake be deferential fit cohere correspond have due regard for give one's blessing to give consent to give the green light to accept tacitly give the thumbs up to say the word cut a deal give the go-ahead to give the nod to let pass give one's assent to assuage settle for ratify be happy with compromise on confirm contract make do with check dovetail comport chord rhyme tally fawn on remember go level suit be a slave to be cognizant of sympathize with be aware of be in harmony be consonant balance be congruous sort be in agreement be consistent with rime square with consist be consistent gee be compatible align with match up check out fit in square cover make allowances for keep in mind allow for take cognizance of call to mind think of sustain comprobate back down roll over and play dead enter into be game for relent to come round to surrender to give the green light back down to astipulate advance deliver supply provision furnish sate equip bear be sufficient for fit the bill for suffice for be sufficient be enough for be enough serve the purpose come up to keep up with be good enough for be adequate for qualify for be adequate process cater for respond take orders do as one says do what is expected come to heel get into line play second fiddle do one's duty hold fast get in line


To enforce the law and keep order among (a group)


To create or form something
make build form construct cook up create assemble compose craft fabricate fashion forge mold prepare produce concoct model mould originate shape synthesise synthesize actualize brew complete contrive develop effect erect fix generate hatch render spawn yield beget bring about churn out cobble together cobble up confect constitute eke out invent knock off knock out knock together manufacture patch together piece together put together put up rig up rustle up sculpture set up structure throw together turn out whip out bring into existence fit together hammer out work whip up frame design devise cast make up formulate engineer establish knock up raise draw up conceive piece organize coin think up organise dream up arrange plan found draft rear sculpt cut draught carve initiate fit institute build up come up with join pioneer get ready work out innovate inaugurate launch introduce mint throw up ready process evolve do hew start compile adapt mass-produce plot prefabricate write instigate scheme begin lay bring into being vamp project give rise to make ready issue fudge together bang out whittle map out get commence prefab brainstorm enact hammer materialize execute prep run up discover fix up orchestrate block out author catalyze cook effectuate bring to pass set bring together materialise crank out catalyse grind out muster combine blend write out trot out engender trump up plant work up lay out stamp sketch fill in put in place connect bring out dish up pattern crystallize finish tailor sew kick off mix chisel adjust procure outline draw reconstruct edify crystallise tool condition accomplish provide elevate release beat perfect carve out edit sketch out superstruct mastermind open up put out pump out start off induct affect groom chart map codify bear imagine excogitate choreograph conceive of jerry-build usher in install lay down style set down improvise instal thrash out machinate make out drum up vamp up beat out get up rattle off parent rig put in motion cause set in motion procreate cultivate propagate harvest infuse arrange for paint compound mass produce carpenter revolutionize indite architect mill machine cobble die strike punch throw mount consummate trace gather collate marshal systemize systematize unite cause to be define incorporate fuse configure pound spearhead modernize come out with father spin fix in position comp draw up a layout of make a drawing of make a map of draw up a plan of make a representation of fix together anthologize accumulate collect sort out amass link get going derive envision weld join up scare up modernise revolutionise start out ring in bring on narrate recount tell embark on realise secure realize germinate exercise die-cast block manipulate malleate set out stage-manage wangle patch up sew up be the inventor of commission influence relate harmonize integrate unify symphonize draw on decorate ornament systematise marshall hash out roughhew pat smooth spark give birth to be the mother of patent be the father of lead draw together pull together lump together determine guide unfold stamp out kickoff calculate equip supply cause to happen handle becast cast about move hit upon trim knead accommodate doctor conform suit authorize open chase embellish beat into shape furnish outfit budget accoutre blueprint remodel regulate see to look after take on pass ordain legislate empower endow appoint anticipate amalgamate harmonise transpire charter decree delegate invest designate place grow modify convert weave whomp up summon magic dress kick-start emerge give birth occasion breed give forth induce spitball break open sire provoke come out settle on fit out order depute become start up jack up make provision smooth the way put in order strategize about scheme out authorise be in charge of conjure prepare hastily fangle be responsible for make something appear produce as if by magic conjure up toss off coordinate dope out think of lay the foundations of hit on negotiate manage settle schedule direct purpose ad-lib put on make arrangements for ponder cogitate gear run feign manoeuvre float mobilize control swing conduct finagle maneuver finesse stage concert bring off pull off fake it decide play it by ear mobilise get together strategize lick into shape diagram pencil in get off the ground make preparations for straighten out prepare for conceptualize put something in place base work something out align fable bring forth uncover moot stumble upon dream conceptualise find detect reach an agreement predicate consider bring advance translate into comprise come upon give structure to clinch activate contemplate study envisage batch mature deliberate format fabulize improv weigh lay on plan for carry out have ruminate lay the first stone of lay the cornerstone of sow the seeds of contract ground fictionalize fictionalise storify balance perpend stir up mix up slap together ad lib lay foundation make a start on set about get something functioning get something working get moving wing it hang achieve perform fulfill fulfil lay plans describe delineate broker mind superintend fake resolve educe encompass quarterback simulate administrate mull over shape up come to an agreement agree to come to terms make plans set stage make plans for iron out agree on come to terms about pull things together programme program intrigue operate angle con scam supervise jockey upstage spoof classify think out play games put over pull strings pull wires put through put one over timetable group sham intend aim dissemble dissimulate tabulate sort catalogue see about take care of budget for deal with list catalog categorize standardize index file dispose prioritize array make a pretence of give the appearance of make a show of make-believe collocate pigeonhole methodize range regiment consolidate inventory triage correlate make fitting prioritise line up whip into shape standardise put straight categorise knock into shape straighten curate head trip get off propose purport mean destine orient

의 반의어 a implement

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