의 동의어 a sharpie


A person who engages in cheating or swindling
cheat fraudster swindler cheater hoaxer shark trickster bilker chiseller bilk chiseler cozener defrauder dodger fakir finagler scammer scamster sharper skinner tricker confidence man sharpy deceiver con artist fraud hustler impostor crook grifter flimflammer con man charlatan mountebank confidence trickster fake victimizer sham pretender fleecer rogue quack phony phoney hoser conniver smoothie bunco scam artist clip artist bunco artist shyster conman hoodwinker inveigler masquerader rascal illywhacker rorter jockey decoy enticer bluff flimflam man double-dealer rogue trader double-crosser confidence operator joker sneak knave twister prankster shicer magsman rook tregetour schlenter sharp scoundrel practical joker gold brick barricuda smooth operator spoofer spiv humbug bamboozler deluder villain dissembler hoaxster exploiter embezzler imposter mechanic thief faker clip absconder operator counterfeiter gouger forger falsifier slicker slippery customer confidence artist four-flusher hypocrite racketeer defalcator confidence woman con quacksalver ringer betrayer liar rip-off artist huckster rat reprobate wretch miscreant scamp evildoer baddy outlaw heavy snake in the grass counterfeit con woman skelm pseudo actor hooligan criminal con-artist bad egg traitor impersonator imitator bluffer pettifogger empiric goldbrick shammer scorner plant beguiler mimic duper medicaster mocker playactor simulator Judas quisling serpent recreant apostate turncoat backstabber snake two-timer devil blackguard good-for-nothing hound picaro spalpeen cur scrote louse dog varlet cad dastard nazi scallywag meanie rotter no-good rapscallion monster baddie bounder beast brute caitiff fiend scalawag scapegrace scumbag vagabond ne'er-do-well meany savage blighter picaroon wastrel monstrosity heel problem lowlife wrong 'un nasty piece of work bad news black sheep lawbreaker offender culprit delinquent malefactor felon sinner perpetrator perp transgressor wrongdoer burglar bandit gangster jailbird convict robber mugger crim bioterrorist rapist shoplifter housebreaker terrorist yardbird thug hoodlum cyberterrorist gunman trespasser mobster ruffian violator suspect infractor lag mug narcoterrorist ecoterrorist filcher misfeasor peculator agroterrorist marauder pilferer lifer lout vandal malfeasant outcast hellhound prisoner tief deadbeat violater derelict scofflaw lighty drifter tearaway immoralist yegg hoon yakuza purloiner hood blackmailer gaolbird trusty holdupper cracksman muscle desperado fugitive transport juvenile delinquent guilty person slippery eel ex-con fallen angel bad actor young offender guilty party wanted criminal black marketeer tea leaf evil-doer person responsible bad guy armed robber old lag black hat


Accipiter striatus, the smallest hawk to reside in USA and Canada, which preys on songbirds

의 반의어 a sharpie

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