의 동의어 a spiteful


Having a desire to annoy or harm
malicious nasty vicious malevolent bitter hostile mean venomous malignant vindictive rancorous cruel vitriolic cutting hurtful virulent unkind poisonous malign hateful catty evil baleful barbed unfriendly maleficent malefic bad acid vengeful wounding wicked despiteful angry waspish unpleasant defamatory splenetic bilious snide shrewish dirty ornery cussed horrid spleenful ill-natured evil-intentioned ill-disposed accidentally on purpose squint-eyed acrimonious biting caustic scathing pernicious sharp acerbic mordant acrid sarcastic trenchant antagonistic harsh acidulous snarky mordacious sardonic stinging tart astringent corrosive pungent acerb severe resentful satirical savage inimical satiric acidic scalding searing smart-aleck destructive smart-alecky smart-mouthed harmful aggressive incisive critical sarky antipathetic detrimental deleterious adverse injurious razor-edged evil-minded pointed scornful devastating belligerent sinister negative withering revengeful piercing abrasive bad-natured menacing noxious unsympathetic rough hate-filled pugnacious baneful fierce mischievous disapproving viperous keen rude dangerous vituperative implacable bellicose prejudicial damaging grudging wrathful offensive inhospitable penetrating derisive truculent adversarial combative cold stern uncongenial contrary contentious unsociable jaundiced ill blistering lousy unforgiving argumentative envenomed mocking militant abusive confrontational unwelcoming taunting surly brusque cross backbiting adversary intimidating sour nocuous warlike unreceptive churlish slanderous derogatory quarrelsome insulting murderous hellish jeering vitriolous avenging ferocious poison murder viperish merciless irascible crabbed relentless choleric grim pitiless hard cynical corrupting retaliatory grudge-bearing disdainful cantankerous slashing burning alien embittered rapier-like full of spleen deadly insidious unpropitious censorious testy out for revenge ruinous dour scrappy disagreeable ill-tempered bad-tempered opposed dry ungracious antisocial mortal calamitous conflicting opposite icy hating slighting tough scathy full of hate brutal toxicant jealous messy stabbing painful distressing upsetting austere derisory belittling ireful offended begruding sore insulted awful beastly low gross of evil intent disparaging sneering green-eyed threatening uncool envious petty dripping venom punitive strict exacting unmerciful full of gall troublesome ironic rigid rigorous aspersive artful perilous dripping with malice denigratory deprecating deprecatory curt cranky indignant irate crabby peevish corroding polemic hazardous bothersome stringent corruptive insensitive tactless inappropriate corrupt forbidding frightening scoffing contemptuous ridiculing impertinent irreverent seeking revenge ominous acetic tonic ill-intentioned sharp-worded peppery double-edged thoughtless inconsiderate salty pithy thirsting for revenge insinuating opposing intimidatory minatory unrelenting snappish snippy acetose snappy short minacious louring bodeful dissenting wreakful ruthless woeful oppositional mean-spirited resistant dissident heated teasing unwilling adversative accusatorial difficult oppugnant reluctant oppugning pestilential allergic pestiferous prejudicious counterproductive disastrous pestilent fiery at odds provocative provoking lethal cancerous fatal unhealthy unwholesome unfavorable unfavourable foul impassioned nefarious toxic noisome miasmatic miasmic disadvantageous nocent chilly violent bristling inflammable spirited intolerant lively passionate manic hysterical ill-humoured querulous uncomfortable tempestuous ill-humored lawless disputatious ugly uneasy ruining undesirable unfortunate killing destroying distant aloof misanthropic frosty cool unneighbourly unamicable frigid environmentally unfriendly unsocial unaffable callous withdrawn reserved unapproachable stand-offish heartless crisp supercilious unforthcoming stiff haughty uncommunicative impersonal indifferent hard-eyed uncivil chill gelid brittle wintry obnoxious clammy cold-blooded cold-eyed wintery frozen antiseptic arctic glacial impolite coldish discourteous uncordial unmannerly Olympian starchy uncharitable competitive unpromising against not on speaking terms estranged grouchy gruff disaffected unneighborly


Inflicting suffering onto others without conscience
cruel brutal savage inhuman barbaric barbarous brutish bloodthirsty murderous homicidal cut-throat vicious ferocious fierce wicked evil fiendish devilish diabolical heinous abominable monstrous atrocious vile hideous ghastly nasty mean callous malicious sadistic ruthless merciless unmerciful pitiless malevolent unsparing unrelenting remorseless uncaring unsympathetic malignant uncharitable heartless stony-hearted hard-hearted cold-hearted cold-blooded nefarious bloodless unfeeling unemotional unkind inhumane severe harsh stern inclement flinty draconian beastly dastardly bestial depraved immoral maleficent pernicious sanguinary truculent slaughterous uncompassionate violent wolfish wrathful brute butcherly hateful roughshod virulent wanton unpleasant obnoxious mean-spirited despicable bad unfriendly hurtful inconsiderate unfair contemptible foul disagreeable hostile base rotten vindictive low-down poisonous catty wretched venomous dirty dishonourable ill-natured shabby horrible dishonorable snide insensitive malign hard ungenerous thoughtless rude rancorous low filthy abusive evil-minded horrid wounding odious churlish ignoble sinister ill-humored execrable villainous terrible despiteful dark ill-humoured bad-tempered ill-tempered compassionless loathsome grim inhospitable unwarranted unacceptable off unchristian hardhearted offensive sinful coldhearted ornery tyrannical surly annoying wrong corrupt cantankerous iniquitous not nice aggressive degenerate gross ungodly abhorrent scandalous currish detestable ignominious demonic uncalled for dirty rotten reprobate black-hearted out of order unlawful unethical viperous shady objectionable below the belt low-minded unrighteous crooked dodgy unsavoury unsavory bent morally wrong wilful servile deliberate arbitrary upsetting uncivil unkindly unamiable intolerant gratuitous exacting unlikable impolite ill oppressive unlovable willed tyrannous dour onerous rough austere hardhanded aimless insufferable irritating unbearable heavy-handed unloveable insolent wayward undisciplined perverse unruly double-crossing contrary unjust cross belligerent antagonistic vitriolic confrontational combative pugnacious bellicose menacing lewd foul-mouthed angry unsociable bitter joyless militant uncongenial unforgiving threatening sordid paltry treacherous selfish heedless scrappy furious sour sarcastic self-centred dirty-minded gossip-mongering salacious reprehensible wild insensate thick-skinned stonyhearted stoney stingy obdurate hard-boiled stony affectless slash-and-burn desensitized take-no-prisoners ironhearted indurate soulless case-hardened pachydermatous ungracious dreadful horrendous unscrupulous debauched horrifying obscene repulsive amoral shameless inflexible censorious uncompromising lacking compassion sickening debased deceitful dishonest devious perverted unprincipled criminal wrongful unsafe intimidating feral unsympathizing desensitised self-centered unholy noisome underhanded shifty licentious defiled delinquent forbidding slippery unconscientious unconscionable sly scheming lawless inexorable improper felonious two-faced disreputable fulsome distasteful intimidatory untamed frightening ill-boding foreboding ominous dissolute self-indulgent vitiated decadent exploitative crafty profligate questionable self-seeking vengeful corrupted conscienceless appalling squalid incorrigible scornful scoundrelly disparaging errant shameful libertine scrofulous infamous contemptuous grisly gruesome disdainful desperate uncivilised minatory deadly minacious serpentine uncivilized abandoned uncontrollable rowdy dangerous slimy diabolic shocking ugly stinking warped infernal hellish damnable black satanic egregious flagitious shadowy deplorable scummy peccable bad-hearted


Filled with resentment or feelings of bitterness
embittered resentful angry bitter acrimonious rancorous irritated acrid sore cynical disaffected disillusioned at daggers drawn full of hate nursing a grudge with a chip on your shoulder aggrieved indignant discontented disgruntled offended grudging wounded hurt sour dissatisfied piqued miffed sullen peeved malcontent unforgiving sulky hard hateful ill-disposed put out contemptuous scornful disdainful begrudging morose choked crabbed jaundiced splenetic churlish peevish petulant vehement sardonic caustic irreconcilable crabby hard done by with chip on shoulder grudge-bearing exasperated aggravated displeased incensed irked revengeful narked miffy irate mad surly annoyed tooshie wroth huffish insulted huffy snuffy butthurt vitriolic in a huff fed up in high dudgeon infuriated riled furious enraged wrathful inflamed fuming vexed cross upset nettled bothered troubled afflicted in a temper disappointed flustered harried disheartened perturbed agitated harassed distressed discouraged disturbed provoked worried maddened tormented defeated testy unfulfilled frustrated ill-humored unsated ungratified unsatisfied fretted hung up carrying a chip on your shoulder hot-tempered up the wall ill-humoured livid angered outraged choleric ireful rankled ballistic apoplectic ticked shirty rabid roiled foaming hot enflamed infuriate steaming riley hopping galled affronted eggy ruffled steamed stung pained hoha grieved annoying teed off cheesed off steamed up horn-mad hacked off ticked off browned off brassed off not best pleased peed off


Feeling or expressing resentment, disappointment, or anger
sour bitter disagreeable embittered crabbed peevish irritable resentful churlish crabby fractious irascible waspish cantankerous cross crotchety curmudgeonly fretful pettish petulant complaining grouchy grumpy huffy moody querulous scratchy snappish sulky sullen surly testy tetchy touchy acrimonious bilious chippy choleric cranky crusty cynical discontented dyspeptic grudging liverish snappy splenetic tart bad eggy jaundiced narky peckish ratty shirty sorehead soreheaded stroppy uncongenial whingeing whingy wicked miffy snaky ungenerous waxy hostile unfriendly unhappy bad-tempered on edge ill-humored ill-humoured ill-natured ill-tempered sharp-tongued angry ornery prickly short-tempered quick-tempered snippy nasty fiery acid bearish shrewish peppery hot-tempered malignant impatient malicious captious grumbling snarky bloody-minded snippety mean vindictive stuffy raspy sharp venomous on a short fuse like a bear with a sore head short-fused in a bad mood rancorous perverse volatile aggressive curt gruff quarrelsome edgy annoyed vicious waspy carping mardy cavilling caviling ugly thin-skinned fault-finding cross-grained out of sorts as cross as two sticks in a mood wrathful malevolent rude critical catty tense unsociable malign difficult obstinate pertinacious unpleasant atrabilious contrary brusque snarling whining miserable furious bellicose oversensitive morose uptight filthy exasperated mean-spirited grousing out of humor growling fretting childish cussed ungracious contentious whiny disputatious out of humour out of temper having got out of bed on the wrong side foul-tempered out-of-sorts having got out of bed the wrong side envenomed temperamental glum huffish disgruntled argumentative sensitive feisty bristly ireful misanthropic hotheaded truculent pouty harsh nagging hypercritical uncooperative displeased crybaby gloomy iracund pouting tough fussy brooding iracundulous scolding litigious snide criticizing dissatisfied acrid trying dour griping awkward mumpish vinegary short hasty saturnine sore passionate obstreperous blunt chuffy belligerent combative foul antagonistic uncontrollable backbiting cattish uncharitable vitriolic confrontational inhospitable pugnacious inconsiderate scrappy unsympathetic disobliging nasty-tempered hot under the collar hot-blooded easily offended criticising impetuous excitable hot-headed vixenish forceful abusive abrupt cruel impolite discourteous unkind hurtful joyless militant hateful unlikable eristic unhelpful viperous tooshie evil-minded snarly zowerswopped perversely irritable piqued vexed irritated irked peeved nervous anxious jumpy upset put out scowling agitated riled mopey narked uneasy twitchy restless restive uncivil miffed aggravated moping highly strung glowering nervy worried froward fidgety frowning neurotic irate fed up aggrieved humourless humorless boorish teed off indignant emotional hacked off incensed jittery unsmiling ticked off infuriated nettled in a huff high-strung not best pleased hypersensitive unquiet ticklish wired ill at ease easily upset vex snuffy overwrought offended refractory arsey overstrung galled apprehensive defiant fierce cheesed off warlike threatening mad ruffled browned off peed off disturbed agonistic provoked bothered discordant insecure assaultive skittish enraged worked up troubled antsy crook unresponsive uncommunicative ill-mannered stressed recalcitrant harassed violent keyed up in a temper wound up bent out of shape brassed off foaming at the mouth unsettled thrawn hysterical angered obstructive faultfinding perturbed bolshie flustered unmannerly gladiatorial dithery queazy balky impulsive queasy grumbly wild disputative het up hoha sourpussed unstable unpredictable salty melodramatic brawly disapproving sarcastic sulking explosive crying mercurial wrath acerbic stressy headstrong negative in high dudgeon uncomfortable hung up toey distressed pigheaded contumacious fearful malcontent terse factious contrarious affronted moaning mopish censorious unruly hurt warring ropeable tempestuous taciturn quibbling wrangling adrenalized battling fighting maddened overemotional stubborn impassioned unreasonable bickering inflammable excited bellyaching grim afraid dismal steamed up scunnered brittle shaky oafish strung out indomitable hinky goosey atwitter aflutter brawling strung up hard-nosed intractable unaccommodating troublesome overcritical wilful willful in a lather tiresome stiff on the warpath fuming demanding ready for a fight hard to please cheerless shaken raving obdurate unmanageable a bundle of nerves like a cat on a hot tin roof in bad mood hard to handle prima donna-ish finicky destructive loudmouthed inimical adversarial whingey offensive stung choked mighty antipathetic disrespectful responsive distraught objectionable brief scornful apt to fly off the handle bad-humored stewed insulted vehement plaintive murmuring rotten contemptible beefing quick vinegarish tempersome livid apoplectic frustrated harried wrought up hassled indocile uncompliant steamed goaded perturbable dicey hazardous unsafe like a bear spunky acute timorous snitty wroth wreck rattled sombre somber spooked timid unindulgent aerated unamused wailing deploring lamenting bemoaning whimpering grizzly naysaying chafed lugubrious agitable broody dejected Eeyorish wired up panicky weak blue wounded mopy kittle bundle of nerves febrile pessimistic sober aloof dark got up on wrong side of bed hopping mad concerned taut scared with a long face defensive having short fuse hot under collar up in arms withdrawn depressed hesitant sharp-tempered intense stormy reactive prim stilted in a paddy strained frightened paranoid loutish in a bate fit to be tied dramatic conservative angerful ranting psyched up frenzied cold convulsed ferocious gun-shy huffy irascible rebellious rough in a funk in the sulks in a strop down in the mouth having a fit of the sulks frantic steamed-up hottempered inflamed discomposed easily agitated easily frightened on tenterhooks vulgar uncouth pushy biffo aggers alarmed over-emotional have a bone to pick having a chip on one's shoulder self-assertive ready to fight itching to fight all shook up self-conscious fraught unrestful embarrassed discomfited on pins and needles umbrageous hyper-sensitive ungallant ungentlemanly ill-bred easily hurt easily affected dismayed tormented anguished perplexed wrung disquieted suspicious in turmoil palpitant all nerves like a fish out of water on the qui vive annoying exasperating like a cat on hot bricks wriggly squirmy uncompromising classless unchivalrous cloddish clownish controversial polemical polemic dissentious wiggly overbearing unrelenting unamenable ructious arguesome ignorant hardheaded strong-minded hard-line bull-headed steadfast choosy resolute immovable picky opinionated delicate dogmatic intransigent oppressive unflinching wrong-headed particular fastidious over-particular dictatorial importunate pitiless strict single-minded set in one's ways rigid inflexible finical invidious fiendish uppity tyrannical stiff-necked hard to satisfy irritating inexorable unyielding opinionative unbending perfectionist turbulent war mildly annoyed pesky vexing clodhopping crude polite bad-mannered miserly unpolished rustic lowbred uncivilised uncultured crass uncivilized base unneighborly coarse vexatious renitent pervicacious all wound up cramped complex bulky discommodious incommodious disparaging deprecating disappointed difficult to handle pedantic niggling pettifogging nit-picking have chip on shoulder discontent disaffected hair-splitting nitpicking judgemental judgmental rejective ungratified malcontented pernickety pass-remarkable kvetching crabbing uncontent kicking severe nitpicky thorny exceptive exacting unjust unfair hairsplitting very critical petty trivial cavillous tricky out of joint bad tempered


Feeling or showing envy
envious covetous jealous resentful green-eyed jaundiced grudging malicious begrudging desirous bitter green invidious emulous appetent aspiring coveting craving desiring distrustful fain grasping greedy hankering suspicious umbrageous watchful wishful yearning green with envy longing for envying eager possessive insatiable eating one's heart out enthusiastic keen avid excited hungry ardent enthused raring voracious impatient pumped thirsty anxious crazy agog solicitous wild athirst stoked antsy geeked hot juiced nuts longing great passionate willing ready stimulated wishing ambitious hopeful itchy wanting acquisitive lustful prehensile amorous wishing for aspiring to yearning for hopeful for avid for craving for gung ho hepped up ready for hopped-up aspiring towards champing at the bit hungry for eager for thirsty for hoping for keen for greedy for ravening for turned on keen on willing for anxious for dying for itching for chomping at the bit ambitious for pining dying itching ravenous aching zealous intent esurient hoggish rapacious gluttonous restless fervent thirsting edacious fervid inclined interested swinish restive vehement piggish avaricious gagging grabby burning hot to trot devouring bursting earnest keen as mustard amenable disposed breathless selfish wholehearted bright-eyed and bushy-tailed ready and willing ravening rarin' to go dying to insatiate guzzling close close-fisted carnivorous gormandizing gobbling gulping motivated raring to go desirous of obsessed warmblooded engaged glad wistful psyched happy languishing hung up heated dedicated desperate gross assiduous mean diligent starved devoted fanatical self-starting hungering committed piggy omnivorous mad keen game empty starving dog-hungry intemperate stingy very hungry waiting with bated breath in want of hankering after aspirant wannabe would-be needing mercenary moneygrubbing longful daydreaming enamoured edgy very keen chafing straining feverish hoping enamored prepared psyched up up ripe lusting set cottonmouthed sapless juiceless rude crude in a hurry straining at the leash lacking intent on set on bent on on tenterhooks active habitual warm unreluctant diehard hearty bone-dry minded consumed with desire on pins and needles on the edge of your seat partial to crazy for wild for urgently requiring dry as dust boorish favourably inclined in the mood impassioned ungenerous tightfisted of a mind pysched up as keen as mustard up for on for self-indulgent parsimonious miserly penurious pennypinching tight tight-fisted perfervid industrious in urgent need crying out in great need of up for it dirty filthy spirited prodigious driven intense unquenchable conscientious predatious squalid brutish sordid unclean ebullient unsatisfied hungered unfilled uncontrolled gasping unappeasable joyful delighted thrilled elated buoyant joyous jovial lively rhapsodic encouraged excitable enlivened euphoric enraptured ecstatic exhilarated overjoyed with an appetite covetous of lusting after with a yen in need of insatiat compulsive uncontrollable fierce zestful inspired electrified exuberant jolly roused exultant wolfish giddy piqued peppy elevated tickled tickled pink awakened animated sparky on cloud nine intoxicated gutsy gannet-like full of beans gorging sating blissful jubilant moved tumultuous alive famished starved to death aflame beside oneself cock-a-hoop peckish unfed faint from lack of food could eat a horse dying from lack of food half-starved dying of hunger hollow ready to eat a horse sharp-set fasting deprived of food


Tending to derogate, or lessen in value of someone
derogatory disparaging belittling demeaning denigratory deprecatory slighting damaging depreciative depreciatory pejorative uncomplimentary detracting offensive unflattering critical defamatory deflating diminishing dishonouring disrespectful injurious insulting unfavourable disapproving discrediting negative abusive calumnious hurtful mean nasty personal rude slanderous vilifying vituperative calumniatory contemptuous contumelious decrying degrading denigrative derisory derogative detractive discreditable disdainful libellous libelous mud-slinging scornful scurrilous traducing catty aspersing censorious deprecating despiteful dishonoring fault-finding humiliating malevolent malicious maligning minimising minimizing opprobrious reproachful sarcastic unfavorable scandalous hateful impertinent cheeky familiar intrusive vitriolic invective envious green-eyed jealous scurril scurrile derisive venomous vituperatory truculent aspersive insolent resentful jaundiced covetous libeling malign defaming libelling vile reviling shaming denigrating malignant debasing dismissive injuring reproaching excoriating disgracing despicable vulgar hurting offending abasing damning horrible detestable abominable obnoxious envying odious repugnant invidious impossible detractory tricky denunciatory scathing upbraiding false untrue scolding castigating calumniating dirty backbiting foul obloquious aspersory unfounded reproving castigatory vicious misrepresentative lying sharp-tongued satirical saucy brazen forward malapert sassy impudent brash pert pushy poisonous affronting maledictory scandalmongering muckraking harsh virulent withering blasphemous maledictive slurring sardonic violent berating rough unmannerly ranting censuring condemnatory damnatory condemning obscene low infamous coarse salacious gross indecent ribald scabrous groundless raunchy lewd vituperous smutty filthy outrageous shameless reprobative admonishing slating reprobatory knocking Rabelaisian unsubstantiated baseless uncorroborated unwarranted foul-mouthed insupportable unsupported unjustified unjustifiable ill-founded


Unduly concerned with trivial matters, especially in a small-minded or spiteful way
petty small-minded mean grudging narrow-minded shabby ungenerous cheap illiberal insular Lilliputian little narrow parochial picayune provincial sectarian small mean-minded stingy contemptible malicious mean-spirited petty-minded resentful vindictive prejudiced bigoted limited intolerant small-town inflexible restricted blinkered inward-looking localist hidebound parish-pump jerkwater biased myopic dogmatic diehard rigid partisan entrenched close-minded short-sighted dyed-in-the-wool blimpish claustral conventional discriminatory conservative set reactionary puritanical prim stuffy prudish starchy one-sided moralistic priggish prissy opinionated chauvinist chauvinistic strait-laced xenophobic shockable selfish partial constricted lopsided one-eyed closed circumscribed unbalanced contracted secluded sequestered confined separated unsophisticated puritan unimaginative borné inexorable obdurate suburban uncharitable uninformed set in one's ways corn-fed upcountry homespun rude bucolic simple homegrown unpolished outmoded unfashionable pastoral contemptuous nasty hateful disdainful vulgar ignoble base niggling trivial racialist racist nationalistic sexist pigheaded unenlarged ultra-conservative closed-minded fanatical Victorian strict stiff uncompromising old-maidish schoolmarmish schoolmistressy proper goody-goody old-fashioned formal Grundyish square severe niminy-piminy doctrinaire staid obstinate unfair uptight fuddy-duddy straitlaced prim and proper stick-in-the-mud of the old school jaundiced traditional tight-laced governessy mimsy sententious genteel Pecksniffian extreme stubborn shortsighted radical extremist blind censorious militant zealous maniacal austere rabid authoritarian smug dictatorial nice-nelly straightlaced bluenosed fundamentalist unjust pompous despotic stern tyrannical jingoistic swivel-eyed conforming individualistic stilted arrogant orthodox twisted conformist warped anti-Semitic unadventurous regional straight homophobic magisterial button-down buttoned-down sectional deaf unpersuadable resistant self-righteous overscrupulous holier-than-thou sanctimonious pedantic Pharisaic heterosexist hypocritical vain self-satisfied complacent single-minded activist prejudicial anti-gay local squeamish old-maid overnice demure overmodest shallow overexact simpering pretentious scrupulous affected rigorous mincing artificial precise offish fastidious finicky nationalist unprogressive ultraconservative brassbound paleoconservative standpat reserved sedate sober impersonal traditionalistic racially discriminatory racially prejudiced racially bigoted archconservative fogeyish mossbacked superpatriotic unsympathetic humourless fusty jingoist old-fogeyish unforgiving self-important supercilious humorless puffy dry as dust important intractable ascetic set in your ways hard-line set in one's opinions old-line old-school die-hard fixed in one's views irritable unwilling outraged short-fuse indignant snappy irate averse upset antipathetic unindulgent worked-up waspish unforbearing fractious tilted forbidding pietistic revolutionary disapproving unenlightened sordid tight fanatic revolutionist fervent passionate bourgeois undemocratic parsimonious alt-right tightfisted totalitarian miserly anti-democratic oppressive repressive hair-shirt spartan correct district enthusiastic traditionalist decorous coloured close-fisted draconian fascist ardent stodgy keen weighted inequitable influenced town abstemious moral abstinent Pooterish respectable dedicated intemperate perfervid doctrinal Biedermeier ceremonial ceremonious antiliberal proscriptive greedy penny-pinching distorted slanted preferential intense obsessed civic parish overzealous comme il faut straight-laced bien pensant ultra neighbourhood vernacular geographical legendary territorial divisional bounded neighborhood assertive overboard over-enthusiastic ultraist virulent irrational gung-ho emphatic overbearing imperious peremptory parti pris inclined misleading predisposed unrepresentative colored pontifical imperative domineering insistent adamant high-handed authoritative arbitrary downright unchallengeable self-opinionated unquestionable categorical unyielding opinionative unbending opinioned fascistic cocksure confident definite stiff-necked egotistical unequivocal tenacious determined dictative wrong-headed bullheaded high and mighty


Resistant to control or authority
willful froward intractable recalcitrant refractory ungovernable unruly untoward wayward balky contrary contumacious defiant disobedient headstrong incompliant incontrollable insubordinate obstreperous rebel rebellious recusant restive uncontrollable unmanageable awkward determined difficult fractious maleficent malevolent malicious malign persistent resolved wilful mutinous perverse disorderly undisciplined obstinate stubborn wild uncooperative bolshie turbulent incorrigible troublesome unyielding obdurate insurgent riotous stroppy out of control self-willed rowdy disruptive disaffected delinquent naughty ornery seditious indocile badly behaved resistant mischievous unbiddable noncompliant lawless quarrelsome non-compliant errant rascally roguish intransigent uncompliant out of hand pigheaded violent unrestrained irrepressible mulish insurrectionary impish bellicose pugnacious insolent dissident nonconformist dissentient bloody-minded cantankerous inflexible adverse rough ill-disciplined factious boisterous insubmissive argumentative unpredictable reckless revolutionary chaotic hostile impetuous annoying truculent opinionated indomitable bull-headed mean bad misbehaving undisciplinable rude unbridled badly-behaved unrestrainable problematic exasperating impudent unfavorable unfavourable alienated subversive anarchic noisy contentious loud dissenting antagonistic resisting intemperate resistive dissentious malcontent combative belligerent stiff-necked unbending impulsive confrontational rash heedless insurrectionist impervious imprudent forward assertive drunken bawdy inexorable aggressive peevish petulant unaccommodating treacherous renitent scrappy pervicacious rumbustious cussed vexatious unmalleable radical out of line iconoclastic challenging nonconforming thrawn bold uncontrolled impossible erratic inimical playful negative immovable contrarious insoluble unpliable attention-seeking wrong tiresome wanton ill-behaved demanding fiendish devilish brattish threatening militant tough tricksy scampish puckish prankish gallus cross-grained full of mischief irreconcilable estranged haughty nonobservant cross renegade up in arms heretical maverick unwilling misbehaved unpersuadable fickle impotent rampant opposing disobliging stubborn as a mule disputatious unorthodox mutinying apostate schismatic traitorous withstanding wicked impolite complex burdensome obstructive unhelpful obstinately disobedient unresponsive bullheaded sinful unreasonable teasing worthless without law and order crazy hysterical nuts outrageous madcap insurmountable berserk capricious evil dysfunctional unbearable undependable intolerable bad-mannered disloyal paradoxical contrariant discordant arsey disagreeing excited strong overwhelming intense insuppressible freaked abandoned overpowering vociferous tempestuous uproarious raucous immoral aberrant arbitrary wrongheaded antipathetic converse clamorous rampaging impossible to cope with uncompromising incurable loath negativistic averse reluctant indisposed hesitant rambunctious unadaptable untimely unfortunate socially impaired trying hot-tempered disturbed fierce whiny pesky sullen nasty loudmouthed troublous maladjusted irksome uncontainable wearisome roisterous rackety tumultuous restless individualistic anarchistic warring armed sabotaging treasonable attacking like a loose cannon beside oneself pig-headed self-indulgent strong-willed rock-ribbed rip-roaring inconvenient inopportune rampageous roistering uncomplying piercing screaming booming strepitous blusterous hard-line pat thorny locked resolute tenacious knotty pertinacious unanticipated ill-timed unexpected raising the roof raising Cain rollicking unforeseen disastrous unusual surprising unpredicted mistimed locked in tough nut hang tough lively lawbreaking troublemaking anarchical unlucky unwelcome infelicitous inauspicious inapt irritating unsuitable inappropriate romping malapropos badly timed unseasonable artful bothersome unpropitious misfortunate disturbing unpleasant hapless ill-starred star-crossed luckless raunchy sly foxy feisty kiddish infantile ill-natured frolicsome ruffianly thoughtless immature childish inconsiderate disrespectful provocative daring audacious disregardful cheeky dareful sassy gutsy ready for a fight spoiling for a fight


Tending to behave in a perverted or deviant manner
perverse depraved perverted abnormal corrupt degenerate warped deviant sick base debased debauched decadent degraded demoralised demoralized dissipated dissolute immoral jackleg libertine loose rakehell rakehelly rakish reprobate twisted unclean unnatural unwholesome wicked evil improper kinky pervy sicko unhealthy bad-tempered churlish crabbed ill-natured ill-tempered incorrect nefarious shrewish surly unaccommodating villainous profligate sinful licentious abandoned lewd wanton impure sordid lecherous unchaste corrupted lascivious vile unprincipled bad intemperate vicious libidinous promiscuous lustful indecent low defiled rotten fast obscene unrestrained louche miscreant disreputable shameless vitiated aberrant immodest self-indulgent fast-living prurient gone bad fallen dishonourable profaned voluptuary wild amoral desecrated sybaritic uncleanly coarse carnal tainted sadistic gone to the dogs monstrous ungodly wayward unsavoury infamous mean concupiscent dishonorable unsavory indulgent wrong distorted swinging easy vice-ridden pleasure-seeking gross high living despicable ignoble profane vulgar unrefined abased dishonored boorish baneful flagitious deleterious contaminated hedonistic hedonic scungy sleazy dishonoured iniquitous brutal criminal riotous not pure raffish unconstrained deviative violated deteriorated drunken open light night owl in the fast lane fast and loose lacking restraint in the gutter mercenary disgusting sullied erroneous venal crude retrograde deviate ribald grotesque vitiate contorted impaired retrogressive inferior misguided wrongful unworthy praetorian dubious prodigal foul degenerated masochistic vulgarized vulgarised scoundrelly impious unrighteous unholy blasphemous irreligious rascally outrageous roguish epicurean overindulgent luxurious incorrigible hardened knavish immoderate unregenerate hellbent rude decaying moribund lost declining careless roundheeled gone to seed imprudent whorish heedless disturbing dirty bestial flagitous inconstant irresponsible filthy no better than one should be out of control of easy virtue flatitious demeaned dirty-minded strange macabre undesirable morbid lubricious salacious horny sensual randy raunchy goatish lickerish voluptuous freethinking extravagant lotus-eating pleasure-loving bacchanalian greedy dishonest morally wrong passionate pampered excessive hot lubricous satyric hypersexual itchy unscrupulous crooked unethical incontinent saturnalian shady barbarous self-gratifying lawless sacrilegious lavish irreverent champagne devil-may-care fraudulent atheistic godless wolfish erotic sensualist fleshly unlawful dark effete unfair unvirtuous barbarian devious tawdry unconscionable erring squalid contemptible dodgy avaricious bent shameful peccable nasty low-down conscienceless harsh self-seeking luxury-loving Lucullan high gluttonous gourmandizing comfort-seeking gastronomic uncontrollable impertinent luscious lush Dionysiac uncontrolled binge-eating uncurbed gratifying pleasurable sexual naughty smutty gourmand connoisseur foodie sensuous unruly lax desirous scabrous animal unmoral relaxed disorderly enticing hedonist appealing attractive delightful desirable pleasing parsimonious miserly venereal ruttish underhand hircine sceptical unbelieving agnostic black reckless hot to trot unjust corruptible purchasable non-believing heathen heretical non-theistic faithless grafting rapacious bohemian casual sporty unconventional dashing jaunty audacious brash carefree gourmet pagan infidel Machiavellian bribable cutthroat fast-paced heathenish idolatrous graceless pornographic prostituted bawdy not cricket dapper X-rated buyable untrustworthy grasping religionless iconoclastic nonreligious frivolous foolhardy wretched cheap shoddy double-dealing simoniac unprofessional simoniacal padded flashy nullifidian undevout ignominious cruel ruthless sinister merciless daredevil slack open to bribery skeptical free-thinking unspiritual pitiless unfeeling rancorous unkind inhumane deceitful disparaging delinquent callous forbidding errant exploitative hard-hearted slippery scandalous mean-spirited bloodthirsty heartless wrathful malevolent demonic crafty scrofulous sly unpleasant black-hearted evil-minded vengeful felonious contemptuous grisly pernicious hateful cold-blooded savage tyrannical two-faced underhanded scornful shifty maleficent objectionable brutish despiteful malicious heinous unconscientious inhuman scheming virulent inexorable questionable vindictive gruesome dastardly disdainful flash execrable seamy snide servile abject currish abominable seedy discreditable detestable paltry exciting gadabout on the take temerarious sleazoid abhorrent scurvy skanky repugnant colorful colourful unusual gay free-spirited individual poor calculated distasteful covetous low-minded

의 반의어 a spiteful

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