의 동의어 boycott something


To ban or refrain from using


To shut off or keep apart, as from company, society, etc.
seclude isolate separate sequester segregate insulate confine quarantine withdraw cloister closet screen remove hide retire blockade conceal cover evict ostracise ostracize embargo enclose immure cut off keep apart shut off keep away pull out split off shut away sequestrate close off detach set apart island cordon off divorce sever disconnect exclude block off seal off rope off divide fence off screen off curtain off partition off part split up shut up close tape off imprison incarcerate protect cocoon break up dissociate shield alienate shelter distance disengage sunder lock up hold captive fence in coop up wall in mew up restrict cordon barricade block seal separate off bar rope maroon strand mark retreat divide off section off split end things withdraw from the world cushion free defend decouple disaffiliate disassociate avoid seclude oneself enisle secrete isolate oneself break off stand between come apart disband group sort part company undo go separate ways save safeguard disunite estrange closet oneself shut oneself away withdraw oneself cut oneself off set oneself apart remove oneself segregate oneself hide oneself away shut oneself off abstract keep out keep safe break from walk away break away keep at arm's length break with withdraw from place far off move away put at a distance tape treat inlay fill coat keep from harm line wad draw back set off keep in solitude form a ring around put a cordon sanitaire around intern jail wrap up in cotton wool commit jug pen encase trap detain hold keep cage envelop corral hold prisoner gaol inter coop close in put behind bars put under lock and key put away entomb wall house hedge inclose encage include partition hem in box in select ghettoize choose ghettoise sort out separate out single out discriminate against sunder out set aside


A punitive ban on relations with other bodies, cooperation with a policy, or the handling of goods
embargo ban bar moratorium veto avoidance barrier injunction interdict prohibition proscription rejection restriction sanction shunning knock-back refusal red light thumbs down interdiction don't taboo prohibiting forbiddance stoppage disallowance no-no banning off limits barring out of bounds disqualification interdicting suppression obstruction inhibition thou-shalt-not vetoing forbidding outlawing block proscribing enjoining prevention rahui constraint exclusion negation repudiation restraining order censorship limitation ruling out debarment check restraint temperance blockage elimination hindrance impediment anathema dismissal declination disapproval debarring denial tapu disbarring stricture turndown preclusion blockade non-acceptance nonconsent blackball order censure negative notice official forbiddance court order disallowing embargoing tabooing making illegal no gagging order exclusion order disentitlement rebuff unfitness nonacceptance nay repulse ineligibility ruling summons gag legal ruling withholding pass dissent disfavor disfavour knockback renouncement refutation renunciation regrets defiance snub discountenancing nix noncompliance disclaimer disavowal abnegation repulsion writ reversal cold shoulder declension enjoinment unsuitability invalidity declining gag order curb brushoff choice the elbow incapacity withdrawal incompetence awkwardness ineptitude incompetency lack clumsiness disenablement incapacitation begrudging deprivation turning down unproficiency disablement demurral declinature brush-off negative response rebuttal kick in the teeth


An expression of condemnation
disapproval displeasure dislike disapprobation censure condemnation deprecation dissatisfaction discountenance blame disesteem criticism demurral disagreement disfavour dissent distaste exception objection odium reproach denunciation reproof disfavor opprobrium rebuke remonstration disparagement animadversion discontentment stricture blackball boo brickbat castigation catcall discontent hiss nix ostracism stick vitriol zing thumbs down black list call down slap on wrist reprimand obloquy objurgation chiding scolding excoriation attack slur reprobation reprehension remonstrance admonishment contempt sideswipe admonition upbraiding accusation abuse flak scorn reproval invective commination tirade vituperation arraignment vilification dressing-down riot act denigration recrimination contumely complaint diatribe opposition tongue-lashing bad press revilement discredit knocking expostulation lambasting repudiation inculpation indictment charge rap wigging blast depreciation incrimination derision ticking-off hostility imputation impeachment implication attribution telling-off panning ticking off shame exprobation rap over the knuckles censoriousness slagging calumny execration disrepute calumniation slating disrespect telling off verbal fault-finding berating dressing down slander earful defamation bollocking carpeting rollicking roasting stain rating character assassination slagging off slight brickbats slap on the wrist animosity chastisement slamming ignominy infamy enmity broadside libel scurrility swipe pan knock repugnance dishonour disgrace stigma lecture disregard humiliation loathing disgust hatred caning serve aspersions dishonor derogation detestation abhorrence a bad press indignity blot aversion antipathy spot blemish malice put down ill repute loss of face black eye complaints admonishments antagonism reviling bad-mouthing insults mud-slinging raps knocks reproachfulness dismissiveness sideswipes aggravation hassle fire ill will disdain signifying mockery persecution rocket bashing malevolence assault argument jibe fulmination confrontation rebuff pugnacity traducement defilement ridicule offense comeuppance correction row combativeness harangue slap in the face talking-to kick in the teeth bawling-out going-over hard time chewing-out scornfulness despite insolence philippic belligerence billingsgate impugnment insult scandal degradation opprobriousness rant offence polemic verbal onslaught verbal assault repulsion ill-repute snobbery defiance stubbornness despisal recalcitrance audacity condescension embarrassment taint crime tarnish debasement debasing critique comedown prostitution pollution humbling corruption abasement disbarment misgrace sin meanness turpitude culpability ingloriousness venality strife baseness animus smear slam nitpicking revulsion hate notoriety examen carping quibble cavilling cavil faultfinding takedown slap notice aspersion roast hit captiousness caviling sledge cut brand blur onus resentment abomination unpopularity dispprobation nit-picking verbal disapproval denouncement proscription critical remark damnation conviction sentence judgement doom judgment blaming bar sinister bad notice harsh criticism anvil chorus

의 반의어 boycott something

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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