의 동의어 extraordinarily high


Great in rank or status
top prominent senior distinguished eminent high-ranking influential powerful superior authoritative dominant elevated leading notable noteworthy pre-eminent premier prestigious prime top-level top-ranking chief commanding consequential foremost grand high-level illustrious preeminent principal ranking upper exalted head high-grade important lead lofty main presiding primary ruling top-notch big-time celebrated famous first major league renowned supereminent skookum supreme highest key central paramount cardinal predominant sovereign great big major arch master number one greatest overmastering capital primal overriding overbearing sovran numero uno outstanding topmost prior best noble august inflated number-one highest-ranking uppermost in charge governing ultimate directing dignified controlling pompous front higher core honourable magnificent honorable astral essential fundamental vital crucial stellar elite of note champion bombastic fine esteemed intellectual orotund fustian exaggerated immodest excessive honored imposing grandiloquent venerable revered honoured overblown well-known focal critical unequaled consummate surpassing unrivalled transcendent top-tier intrinsic top-drawer headmost star incomparable matchless unsurpassable unsurpassed peerless loftier unequalled towering unrivaled elemental prevailing higher-level underlying rudimentary salient higher-ranking worthy arch- high-minded number ideal guiding basic crack integral pioneer executive simple beginning opening root elementary original excellent unmatchable constitutional sublime momentous second to none of the first rank serious considerable utmost further-up reigning first-rate upper-level definitive unparalleled unmatched decisive inimitable responsible managing superlative absolute nonpareil untouchable unbeatable total initial unconditional perfect pretentious dominating noted special inaugural A-number-1 A-1 first-string superordinate of higher rank highest ranking mother of all decision-making overlying hotdog heavyweight primo heavy hotshot uplifting self-important superb glorious proud necessary particular pivotal greater at the leading edge heavy stuff at the cutting edge hot stuff staple rhetorical haughty verbose respected significant high-status No. 1 urgent must-have lionized acclaimed above better overhead upward redoubtable signal luminous legendary bright conspicuous magniloquent histrionic well known lordly leonine big-name lionised superstar lionlike page-oner remarkable name famed celebrious redoubted of high standing celeb big-league big-gun VIP aureate oratorical declamatory big league tall high-sounding high up higher up pertinent relevant importunate solid definite of concern immediate vigorous germane operative pressing standout marked of interest emphatic indispensable quintessential prevalent finest requisite radical primitive determining apex earliest preponderant inherent weighty deciding all-important material predominate regnant best possible final ascendant imperative overruling biggest introductory peak foundational optimal optimum constitutive conclusive first-class early maximum required primordial needed high-priority mandatory maiden model virgin innate compelling settling choice rudimental potent idyllic burning of greatest importance leadoff mighty proper primeval basal bottom-line pronounced highly regarded far-reaching premium imperious appreciable substantial compulsory structural of great consequence life-and-death obligatory maximal characteristic telling apical super necessitous popular tiptop top-priority profound largest alpha sizable very precise grave meaningful choicest exemplary right crowning seminal recognized topflight initiatory pristine eventful reputable of prime importance iconic meat-and-potatoes formidable aboriginal resonant primaeval earth-shattering recognised top drawer high profile high-powered unassailable prerequisite domineering striking best-case vitally important loftiest ancient clear last abecedarian effective unprecedented organic huge initiative especial aristocratic embryonic starting intervening select ingrained complete inceptive commencing public large large-scale prodigious prehistoric official culminating almighty world class number 1 regal deep-seated superseding outside industry leading fateful categorical acute native distinctive historical needful underived five-star natural appropriate extraordinary indigenous monumental earthshaking unexcelled utopian top-class upper-class determinative heavy-duty well-connected notorious prized exceptional exigent valued historic immanent fabled pure peremptory certain a cut above the rest prize-winning substantive infant of influence high-up trusted puissant causal autochthonic autochthonous first and foremost of supreme importance transcendental strategic hard-wired of consequence well thought of called for of the utmost importance of the essence all important life-preserving life-sustaining winning winner's king noticeable worthiest standard oustanding strongest ace axial chad of greatest significance larger bigger elder general nuclear keynote high-class obvious splendid everything richest widespread experimental antique antediluvian nitty-gritty omnipotent supervisory all-powerful overpowering efficacious arbitrary top-rank sweeping ponderous constituent actual majority vulgar received current overall common demanded exact high priority in demand avant-garde magnanimous stately primigenial moving intrusive projecting protruding impressive arrestive jutting obtrusive component connected defining past old severe dire intense irrevocable second-to-none correct suitable opportune fitting dandy boss cool forceful gifted heroic triumphal idealistic first rate highly rated learned admired incumbent at the heart of eloquent rich memorable majestic royal marvelous cogent four-star successful magnific phenomenal holding the reins impactful worthwhile pointed instrumental determinate closing tough difficult involuntary nonelective forced shaping evaluative trenchant good marvellous climactic arresting prototype prototypal overshadowing life-changing dangerous grievous life and death major-league high-profile compulsatory rife rampant earnest landmark solemn concluding blue-ribbon clinching decided incisive record true respectable patrician refined underivative previous expedient wanted desired preferred de rigueur binding incumbent on name of game specified recommended empyrean empyreal deep-rooted sombre hard sober somber tip top first-hand built-in deep-down crisp fatal settled unequivocal unexampled inborn hardwired inbred connate engrained genteel just right congenital tectonic super colossal mammoth of great import no joke of moment hefty valuable no laughing matter of significance undefeated unbeaten on the money on the button archetypal classic out of sight out of this world posh much needed very important life-or-death litmus test furthermost in the public eye highborn upmarket highbred gentle wellborn classical of mark prepollent extensive immense tremendous prepotent without equal strong assertive top of the line top of the range beyond compare virginal deep sustaining axiomatic axiological supporting substratal substrative grass-roots theoretical bottom groundlaying enormous sizeable blue-blooded record-breaking first class authoritarian autocratic representative copybook prototypical typical unmarried intact insistent dictatorial top-of-the-range par excellence sans pareil exceeding ultra titanic vast astronomic astronomical ample widely praised well born upper-crust of distinction preliminary magisterial untainted unsullied paradigmatic untarnished idealized flawless idealised unblemished silk-stocking high-born incipient unwed proving chaste undefiled crown zenithal goodly biggish unused maidenly fresh new untapped unbroached untried fledgling inchoate preparatory germinal nascent test pilot trial antecedent young inductive premature foundation lead-in more elevated more important most important most prominent most influential most illustrious most powerful most significant most skilled most excellent most favorable most favourable most advantageous most appropriate most obvious most noticeable most outstanding


Great, or greater than normal, in quantity or size
copious great large significant ample considerable disproportionate enormous excessive exorbitant inordinate profuse substantial voluminous abundant extraordinary extravagant extreme sizable sizeable vast big huge immense massive monumental substantive boundless epic escalated giant handsome healthy heightened humongous immoderate increased intemperate jacked up limitless major serious severe super tremendous unreasonable whopping abnormal above average astronomical intensified unusual elevated raised colossal mammoth gigantic towering gargantuan hulking mountainous up monstrous Brobdingnagian hefty ginormous whacking grand titanic prodigious monster stupendous jumbo mega elephantine bumper oversized humungous thumping leviathan king-size king-sized king size extensive oversize mighty husky cumbersome unwieldy Himalayan outsize augmented inflated cosmic bulky amplified astronomic long walloping galactic supersized cosmical thumping great whacking great whopping great tall unlimited tidy mastodonic herculean goodly supersize ponderous largish gross expansive pharaonic cyclopean super-duper vasty biggish outsized higher lifted upraised uplifted expanded enlarged imposing numerous immeasurable comprehensive deep heavy almighty weighty giant-size full-size awkward spacious wide broad oceanic gigantesque planetary heroical stellar heroic unhandy cumbrous mondo overgrown unmanageable man-size Bunyanesque massy of considerable size brobdingnagian man-sized dirty great statuesque beefy stout jacked stately aerial upheaved uprisen high-rise Herculean jumbo-sized hulky moving august notable dynamic eminent magnificent majestic intense renowned illustrious impressive irresistible strong appreciable terrible behemothic swelled thundering fair-size good-size good-sized great big socking great roomy a whale of a economy-size super colossal life-size magnific fair-sized economy-sized capacious megalithic lofty family-sized staggering grandiose family-size whopper commodious protracted extended pronounced prolonged populous decided fat bull lengthy overflowing teeming superabundant opulent sweeping global plentiful good plenteous full lavish wholesale bountiful sufficient galore upped bloated measureless booming generous exhaustive heavyweight cavernous monolithic puffed up raised up marked up wide-reaching wide-ranging large-scale far-reaching added on generously proportioned ungainly boxcar unmanoeuvrable incommodious girthy very large giant-sized very big infinite very great princely terrific blimp formidable fantastic titan super-colossal solid extremely large extremely big overwhelming kingly mahoosive cracking Homeric barn door Cyclopean Gargantuan unbounded larger-than-life sky-high whale of a astounding daunting whaling awful incalculable eternal spectacular marked endless behemoth Moby rip-roaring illimitable widespread extra-large through the ceiling interminable awesome prolific mundo detailed all-inclusive far-flung spread-out stretched-out never-ending undue unrestricted unbridled exaggerated unwarranted superfluous unrestrained gratuitous needless unconscionable overmuch extortionate surplus plethoric uncontrolled profligate wanton prodigal improvident dissipated indulgent overdue insane overweening overabundant uncurbed intolerable redundant outrageous imprudent steep dizzying unmeasurable wasteful unhampered uncalled for out of all proportion self-indulgent too much silly ridiculous recrementitious too many stratospheric unchecked overindulgent a bit much ludicrous overboard OTT O.T.T. over the odds overextravagant more supernatural overkill devilish unfettered over the top overgenerous extra way out preposterous unnecessary uninhibited


Great, or greater than normal, in price
expensive costly excessive exorbitant extravagant pricey dear extortionate inflated overpriced high-priced outrageous pricy steep unaffordable unreasonable premium prohibitive stiff top an arm and leg criminal highway robbery over the odds over the top sky-high unduly expensive uneconomical big-ticket high-end OTT precious priceless spendy valuable immoderate inordinate high-ticket ultraexpensive extreme undue lavish unconscionable towering fancy high-cost big-budget disproportionate unwarranted plethoric intolerable overextravagant overweening punitive upmarket unmeasurable at a premium overmuch exaggerated insane overdue enormous devilish preposterous unmerciful baroque dizzying ruinous cher stratospheric rich excessively high highly priced out of sight uncalled-for worth its weight in gold raised increased boosted overinflated deluxe choice fine exquisite highly-priced executive harsh elevated severe stringent unrestrained over-the-top burdensome drastic draconian austere very high daylight robbery worth a king's ransom costing the earth costing an arm and a leg costing a bomb fulsome needless unreserved unnecessary gushing effusive gushy cruel savage demanding fancy-pants swingeing crushing crippling profuse overgenerous pretty penny very expensive an arm and a leg iniquitous uncalled for outré monstrous wasteful ridiculous overboard huge absonant exacting a bit much extremely high up to here over one's head intemperate too much wanton uncurbed irrational prodigal overkill imprudent out of all proportion unrestricted gross unlimited profligate superfluous overabundant overindulgent gratuitous heavy unyielding wild way out O.T.T. unjustified radical unjustifiable unwarrantable grandiose uncontrolled unfair egregious unbending shocking epic unconventional surplus reckless de trop unacceptable monumental unbridled too-too absurd strict illogical penal beyond the pale supererogatory unjust big nonsensical ludicrous fanatical self-indulgent unrelenting unmitigated fantastic zealous superabundant substantial prodigious improper massive punishing giant silly fanciful unfettered too many wildly excessive untempered overblown theatrical dramatic overdone extraordinary eccentric inflexible decadent violent unbalanced dissipative riotous debauched grossly excessive scandalous merciless ruthless tyrannical senseless impossible out of control authoritarian preventing prohibiting forbidding limiting far-fetched incredible great hardhanded ostentatious large ambitious imposing far-out unrightful posh imbalanced unlawful wrongful peremptory unprovoked arbitrary frivolous bold immodest audacious inexcusable iron-handed heavy-handed iron-fisted too great beyond your means out of the question outre boundless rash supererogative heedless out of bounds unreal outlandish unbelievable commanding elaborate magnificent showy lordly vast immense tremendous limitless improvident super uncivilised unthinkable inconceivable appalling uncivilized ungodly horrifying unholy sneaky conscienceless knavish reprehensible wicked barbarous dissipated infinite indulgent immeasurable astronomic redundant stupendous humongous astronomical unbounded financial means conditional fluctuating thriftless spendthrift fickle fitful unhampered thumping whopping mega monster extensive recrementitious unchecked mountainous mighty gargantuan more colossal supernatural mammoth gigantic extra uninhibited imperious impressive super-duper ballsy grand adventurous heroic extremist revolutionary dire subversive rabid overzealous rebel militant fanatic diehard rebellious revolutionist desperate uncompromising stern serious forceful momentous tough far-reaching ultra remorseless rigid unusual exceptional consequential sharp rigorous combative swivel-eyed downright thorough absolute remarkable oppressive flagrant unseemly ferocious uncommon fabulous utter sheer out-and-out out of proportion more than one can afford more than can be afforded


Superior in quality or caliber
excellent exceptional outstanding exemplary fine superior admirable great impeccable good premium superlative unparalleled flawless incomparable irreproachable prime stellar sublime superb top-notch unequaled unequalled unimpeachable unrivalled unrivaled unsurpassed blameless commendable elite exquisite faultless first-class first-rate laudable meritorious notable noteworthy peerless perfect praiseworthy preeminent pre-eminent supreme tip-top world-class A1 applaudable high-grade high-quality very good magnificent select grand marvellous distinguished splendid marvelous lofty sterling priceless top choice exclusive striking transcendent fabulous capital quality noble fab sensational supernal terrific exalted glorious wonderful desirable invaluable accomplished attractive noted blue-ribbon estimable valuable heavenly beautiful cracking finest deluxe fantabulous frontline dominant famous slick elevated majestic blue-chip imposing four-star five-star out-of-sight awesome worthy tiptop stately fantastic illustrious banner divine brag extraordinary phenomenal impressive ideal special eminent dynamite lovely matchless prizewinning premier gilt-edged certified best super dignified big lordly smashing august amazing brilliant outrageous proud topnotch stunning enviable incredible spectacular elegant ace champion neat swell nifty topping cool groovy classic immense radical distinctive choicest first A-1 hot dandy peachy bodacious phat crackerjack corking mean primo keen dope rare sovereign fancy advanced crowning vintage gangbusters wizard hype boss bumper gangbuster prize bully down bonny brave bonnie boffo jim-dandy first-string topflight gone gilt-edge peachy keen par excellence number one bang-up numero uno of the highest quality top-shelf high-class of high quality really good top-of-the-line of the highest standard upmarket peak classy extravagant upscale precious major optimal leading dear central costly pricey luxurious foremost expensive spendy ultraexpensive pricy selected too much out of this world top-quality big-ticket highest quality top of the line top of the range top-tier high-end top-end high-ticket skillful skilful piked renowned righteous commanding utopian arresting tophole refined A-OK top-drawer top-class remarkable prodigious regal especial unexcelled unsurpassable cliquish private unusually good awe-inspiring of the first water extraordinaire second to none in a league of their own one in a million of the first order heroical monumental magnific epic massive grandiose royal gallant aristocratic baronial heroic Homeric insular cliquey exclusionary blissful rapturous delightful imperious mind-blowing imperial magisterial clannish resplendent uplifting transcendental moving splendorous inspiring gorgeous holy inspirational sacred abstract splendiferous spiritual the most rarefied too good to be true reliable ripping mega top-level mint unreal class fantastical stupendous tremendous legit bosting wicked top-of-the-range consummate brill prominent greatest ultimate principal respectable masterly unprecedented chief honourable venerable honorable beaut crack inimitable supercalifragilisticexpialidocious paramount magic celebrated spiffing bonzer quintessential apex decent master predominant main model complete head creditable deserving rad primary top-hole unexampled exo without equal beyond compare on fleek belting pearler schmick industry leading barrie number-one nonpareil a cut above the rest best possible top drawer first class formidable able competent respected crucial key authoritative virtuoso masterful upright reputable virtuous standout biggest utmost lead worthwhile star dazzling experienced cardinal highest sik chillin' optimum solid number 1 dominating better world class unbeatable undefeated unbeaten justifiable justified fitting far-out tops record-breaking prize-winning sans pareil bad awesomesauce glittering proper bosker definitive classical paragon fly hunky-dory banging one-in-a-million crown Grade A big-time surpassing superfine sup rior all very well well and good better than usual improved enhanced of the best quality better than average def important well-known amazeballs needy praisable due thankworthy rightful eligible eventful the dog's bollocks A-number-1 mostest out-of-this-world hundred-proof reigning dream meritable record regnant ascendant prevailing predominate ruling unassailable core best ever super-duper ka pai out of sight worthy of admiration of the highest order worthy of commendation cat's pajamas copacetic zero cool hunky dory expert maximum presiding domineering controlling prevalent supereminent overriding governing uppermost revered arch primal practised practiced skilled versed adept overbearing overmastering furthermost sovran largest venerated senior larger higher arch- greater bigger elder gifted proficient talented veteran polished reverenced hallowed esteemed trained compleat virtuosic professed educated honoured honest moral ethical dependable principled worshipped trustworthy upstanding well trained well versed trusted conscientious legendary lionized famed acclaimed trusty novel essential singular prototypical typical incorrupt reverend sage high-minded of good report true salt of the earth right-thinking pure law-abiding squeaky clean high-principled right-minded unmatched one-off irreplaceable wise signal unparagoned sui generis one of a kind lionised serious sedate matriarchal patriarchal philosophical worshipful admired honored worshiped grave unimaginable archetypal fresh unheard-of unconventional one and only purpose-built once-in-a-lifetime new one-of-a-kind unrepeated unique something else separate without precedent unordinary unrepeatable in a class by itself newfangled most excellent most important most prominent most influential most outstanding


Great, or greater than normal, in intensity
strong powerful forceful intense turbulent violent extreme blistering blustery ferocious fierce gusty harsh heavy potent stormy tempestuous almighty boisterous crushing explosive forcible mighty powerhouse squally stark stiff titanic acute overpowering overwhelming sharp great severe profound deep concentrated serious intensive exquisite exceptional supreme enormous extraordinary vehement major dreadful furious terrible excruciating vicious fearsome keen excessive vigorous hellacious drastic consuming hard ghastly fearful frightful heavy-duty intensified unqualified marked tough protracted agonizing full close heightened penetrating biting agonising undue exaggerated diligent piercing bitter all-consuming cutting stinging pungent vivid strained shrill mother of all wild fiery impassioned rabid brutal feverish passionate hefty savage flaming inflamed intemperate hot energetic aggressive devastating frenzied dynamic rough tremendous delirious frantic telling gutsy fervent punchy ardent fervid smart earnest puissant emphatic eager heated urgent zealous torrid burning uncontrolled inordinate charged fanatical immoderate emotional perfervid passional desperate heartfelt animated spirited red-hot hot-blooded tumultuous convulsive paroxysmal volcanic painful impetuous weighty knockout bloodthirsty out of control hopped up maniacal frenetic mad cyclonic agitated destructive hotheaded headstrong thunderous hysterical knock-down-and-drag-out blood-and-guts full-blooded drag-out knock-down hammer and tongs searing volatile commanding dominant raging driving elemental very great resounding ungovernable uncontrollable enthusiastic rampaging rampant riotous unrestrained storming uncurbed unchecked unbridled unmanageable unfettered enraged ruinous strenuous peppery outrageous aroused coercive superheated religious clamorous glowing warm outspoken vocal blazing loud demonstrative noisy vociferous warm-blooded incandescent grievous forthright insistent strident angry full-throated pronounced opinionated lively hyper hearty full of force gale force on the make deadly lethal fatal damaging mortal death-dealing all-powerful avid enthused melodramatic emotive overemotional sentimental bullying murderous berserk true blue deeply felt cruel ruthless deep-seated threatening callous terrorizing pugnacious gung ho pitiless thuggish sadistic merciless barbaric barbarous homicidal heartless inhuman maddened assertive demoniac hot-tempered hot-headed fuming crazy terrorising bang-bang cut-throat radge


Given or conducive to self-indulgence
indulgent hedonistic extravagant hedonic prodigal sybaritic epicurean immoderate intemperate profligate easy overindulgent pampered plushy self-indulgent pleasure-seeking decadent licentious dissolute unrestrained sensual dissipated excessive fast-living self-gratifying lotus-eating luxurious debauched pleasure-loving voluptuous libertine abandoned wanton voluptuary depraved sinful bacchanalian louche corrupt degenerate perverted immoral degraded debased wicked rakish reprobate warped sick perverse loose unwholesome demoralized unclean jackleg rakehell rakehelly shameless demoralised gone bad lascivious lewd unchaste unprincipled impure carnal libidinous lustful lecherous promiscuous greedy gone to the dogs evil lavish champagne fast wild luscious lush pleasurable gratifying pleasing sensuous vicious corrupted pervy sleazy vitiated riotous concupiscent wayward violated lacking restraint night owl in the fast lane light raffish in the gutter drunken deteriorated unconstrained open defiled fast and loose swinging high living parsimonious effete luxury-loving Lucullan comfort-seeking salacious desirable erotic attractive enticing hedonist delightful lubricious appealing gone to seed hellbent sensualist gourmandizing gluttonous saturnalian Dionysiac vile aesthetic rich sensory binge-eating deviant foodie gourmand connoisseur fleshly sumptuous moribund lost decaying declining obscene dirty indecent sordid prurient bad dirty-minded flagitous iniquitous kinky miscreant rotten low unnatural twisted sicko unhealthy criminal nefarious filthy brutal mean villainous base sensorial affective opulent fleshy aesthetically pleasing exciting sensualistic primrose intense esthetic deep passionate physical


(of a sound or note) Having a frequency at the upper end of the auditory range
high-pitched acute sharp shrill piercing falsetto screeching soprano treble high-frequency piping shrieky strident clarion penetrating loud shrieking squeaky whistling squeaking ear-piercing ear-splitting thin harsh squawky earsplitting intrusive strong screechy malodorous reeking rank smelly rancid putrid shrilly reedy deafening shattering metallic air-rending feeble discordant tinny stridulant stridulatory stridulous clear thunderous booming head-splitting vibrant pellucid fluting stentorious soaring bright carrying small faint weak soft low jangling plinky jingling jingly jangly infiltrating penetrant crisp clearly audible permeating pointed puncturing clear-cut all-pervading entering forcing ingoing edged cracked going through passing through ringing clanging raucous jarring blatant clangorous cacophonous noisy argute blaring grating dissonant unmelodious rasping unmusical inharmonious unharmonious hoarse rough squawking clamorous scratchy brassy gruff clashing tumultuous grinding off-key husky croaky croaking raspy irritating annoying stentorian boisterous vexatious incongruous tuneless forceful inappropriate absonant unsuitable riotous stertorous out of place inspiring gravelly throaty gravel rusty coarse definite unmelodic guttural unvocal whiny horrisonant flat maddening hissing tooting calling warbling out of keeping growling growly resounding sonorous caterwauling creaking astringent persuasive vocal vociferant baying vociferous obstreperous rabid fierce rugged ferocious thundering out-of-tune out-of-key explosive convulsive furious roaring unpleasant blasting offensive paroxysmal turbulent volcanic blustering stridulent forcible buffeting plangent incompatible conflicting contrasting grotesque unaesthetic scraping disagreeable slam-bang displeasing irksome atonal unbearable upsetting uncharacteristic braying


A state of elation
exhilarated exuberant elated euphoric excited exultant cheerful joyful jubilant animated delighted ecstatic joyous thrilled aroused blissful elevated enraptured exalted gleeful overjoyed bouncy cheered merry roused stoked lighthearted light-hearted on cloud nine psyched puffed up pumped rapturous transported delirious happy over the moon frenzied intoxicated in raptures rapt blissed out in seventh heaven rhapsodic hysterical sent cock-a-hoop corybantic carried away walking on air wigged out jumping for joy on a high in transports of delight entranced giddy rhapsodical enrapt heady wild beside oneself on cloud seven beside oneself with happiness in a frenzy of delight wild with excitement delirious with happiness triumphant inspired stimulated enchanted flushed proud floating enthused flying crazy turned-on in a frenzy in high spirits turned on flying high impassioned uplifted rejoicing inspirited up exulting frantic crowing revelling distrait distraught hysteric agitated distracted swaggering gloating boastful crank glorying prideful Corybantic reveling flipping victorious wowed content gay triumphalist drunk beside yourself emotional overwrought set up looking good fired up in heaven hopped up dizzy blown away infatuated captivated piqued galvanized concerned galvanised moved absorbed affected quickened interested extremely happy wrapped sunny upbeat enthusiastic beatific ravished orgasmic fervent overexcited mad dreamy athrill tickled pink beside oneself with joy floating on air in transports very happy tickled to death on top of the world in exaltation pleased as punch triumphal glad pleased tickled bright cheery celebrating high-spirited celebratory doing handsprings in paradise in rhapsodies glorious champion dominant prizewinning lucky mirthful charmed gratified chuffed amused gladdened diverted entertained thankful satisfied enchanté fulfilled very pleased pleasantly surprised as pleased as Punch as happy as a clam made up as happy as Larry like a child with a new toy like a dog with two tails


(of one's attitude or comportment) Lofty, to the point of being arrogant
arrogant aloof audacious boastful conceited condescending pompous cocky contemptuous disdainful lofty overconfident presumptuous pretentious domineering egotistical haughty overbearing proud smug superior bragging insolent snooty uppity vain egotistic imperious scornful supercilious swaggering vainglorious despotic high and mighty know-it-all lordly loudmouth puffed up puffed-up self-aggrandizing self-important smart-alecky stuck up stuck-up tyrannical snobbish overweening uppish cavalier sniffy hoity-toity high-handed patronizing chesty highfalutin hifalutin high-hat peremptory bumptious toffee-nosed big-headed huffish important self-assertive stiff-necked fancy-pants self-asserting masterful assumptive swollen-headed high-and-mighty la-di-da prideful toplofty toploftical presuming huffy above oneself distant detached full of oneself indifferent reserved patronising assuming snotty on your high horse snobby egoistic egoistical narcissistic self-satisfied opinionated affected bossy self-opinionated magisterial bigheaded swellheaded self-centered self-conceited autocratic self-centred egocentric forward biggity pushy brash biggety assured dictatorial ostentatious selfish pontifical grandiose complacent immodest bold impudent snippy cocksure elitist inflated authoritarian cheeky self-confident impertinent hubristic blustering brazen consequential confident bloated full of yourself self-serving self-congratulatory officious self-loving brassy self-assured self-admiring sassy self-contented persnickety oppressive aristocratic saucy boasting self-righteous too big for your boots self-affected self-promoting self-engrossed self-adulatory self-glorifying posh fresh holier-than-thou self-regarding self-absorbed dismissive swanky arbitrary swollen commanding authoritative egomaniacal stuck on oneself imperial tyrannous autocratical tyrannic nervy sententious self-obsessed smarty strutting rude showy wrapped up in oneself potty ritzy inner-directed stuffy inconsiderate orgulous pushful dogmatic dominating wise guy mocking cool solipsistic scoffing sneering self-interested on an ego trip introverted blusterous stiff individualistic gracious self-involved self-oriented self-preoccupied self-infatuated self-concerned wise self-seeking majestic imposing stately magnificent cold-shoulder bullish splendid rigid noble portentous iron-handed heavy-handed jumped up regal august contumelious willful wilful repressive puffy pontificating strict draconian inflexible flaunting severe harsh ambitious grand la-de-da sure dignified high-minded imperative braggart braggy putting on airs pleased with oneself personal uncivil refined smart exclusive brassbound arch glorious coercive undemocratic highhanded malapert anti-democratic priggish goody-goody autarchic egomaniac peacockish dominant thoughtless forceful flatulent brazen-faced hotshot assertive remote tony pert bold-faced epic iron-fisted royal gallant baronial impressive regnant doctrinaire striking superb high-flown unyielding Homeric highfaluting palatial eminent fine in love with oneself elevated magnific inward-looking pleased with yourself demanding sublime throwing one's weight around self-respecting exalted illustrious rich unreal think too highly of oneself snot-nosed think a lot of oneself too big for your breeches full of hot air subjective awe-inspiring obsessive have an excessively high opinion of oneself intimate something else intrinsic isolated self-complacent self-flattering self-applauding extraverted bombastic self-pleased unreserved self-gratulatory self-dramatizing blustery extroverted uninhibited offhand standoffish stooping vaunting absolute elitist complaisant casual curt poncey windy airy puffed dicty unconcerned insouciant uninterested honourable honorable silliness giddy dizzy flighty obnoxious loud la-dee-da disciplinarian totalitarian cliquish unceremonious discourteous wiseguy illiberal denigrating belittling abrupt brusque glib terse cursory off perfunctory ungracious high falutin bullying blowing one's own horn offensively self-assertive take-it-or-leave-it pococurante offish overproud flip unabashed ironhanded boldfaced barefaced procacious unblushing lording it careless swollen with pride on a high horse judicial nose in the air too big for your britches spectacular exaggerated flowery overstated familiar free overbold preponderant ascendant prevalent highfalutin' compulsatory obligatory mandatory exacting required compulsory rash overfamiliar impolite inborn ingrained inherent idiosyncratic uncaring unthinking think one is the cat's whiskers think one is God's gift think one is the cat's pyjamas impetuous overhasty precipitate previous premature hasty foolhardy looking after number one monumental presumptive wisenheimer Neronian dogmatical throwing one's weight about disrespectful improper inappropriate shameless heroic heroical massive clamorous crack-the-whip stern firm throwing weight around dictative genteel mannered contrived artificial chichi precious schmaltzy campy grandstanding well pleased proud of oneself self-approving positive certain jaunty independent lah-di-dah self-indulgent self-sufficient having a swelled head wrapped up with oneself hypocritical pious pietistic sanctimonious crowing flamboyant big self-aggrandising cock-a-hoop high falutin' upper-class smart aleck smart guy smarty pants dynamite excellent opulent outstanding sumptuous first-class smashing large marvellous super first-rate marvelous admirable fab very good terrific luxurious subjugating controlling gone Hollywood over-refined full of airs and graces strong-willed pharisaic mealy-mouthed pi moralizing unctuous windbag brag boast conceity ham phony gall phoney preachy Pharisaic canting Tartuffian Pharisaical in driver's seat crack the whip moralising resplendent gorgeous big talking blowing one's own trumpet too good to be true splendiferous


Feeling euphoric, typically from the effects of alcohol
drunk inebriated boozy tipsy drunken inebriate plastered sloshed smashed tanked hammered intoxicated blotto soaked woozy blind drunk boozed up dead drunk roaring drunk rolling drunk tanked-up gin-soaked under the table drunk as a lord drunk as a skunk three sheets to the wind two sheets to the wind wasted stoned blitzed bombed sozzled stewed loaded canned sottish tight pickled blasted soused lit juiced tiddly crocked ripped squiffy besotted stiff squiffed wet fried blind cockeyed potted impaired gassed oiled stinking looped slang lit up pie-eyed wiped out under the influence buzzed in one's cups in the bag befuddled under the weather crapulous flying three sheets in the wind fuddled crapulent totaled liquored up legless bashed merry wrecked zonked groggy steaming paralytic bladdered bevvied flushed seeing double feeling no pain half-seas over bibulous out of it rat-arsed trashed tippling muddled glazed laced mullered Brahms and Liszt lashed ratted trolleyed slaughtered worse for drink foxed sotted worse for wear tanked up screwed well oiled ebriate sodden half cut well away lush cut stinko reeling tired and emotional half seas over fou high as a kite monged maudlin in incapable toping monged out wired guttered steamed steamboats mashed full shickered shot munted inked lekker cock-eyed pixilated ebrious ebriose off your face having had a skinful out to it grogged up having had one over the eight as full as a goog as tight as a tick sauced kaylied boozed-up langered broken dronkverdriet ossified stukkend polluted happy blatted elephants sat tripping strung out intemperate crock baked swacked zoned babalas red-nosed gin-sodden well-oiled one over the eight blazed faced irrigated unsteady dazed spaced jacked beery drinking gone schnockered slightly drunk under the influence of intoxicating liquor hard-drinking bacchic the worse for drink dead to the world feeling good Adrian Quist half in the bag half-crocked hooched up out of one's head out of one's skull out of one's box lifted up there reefed turnt stupefied cooked drugged doped elevated mellow addled boozing geeked obliterated boozed unsober sloppy snockered out off one's head spaced-out hopped-up tied one on drunked up zonked-out spaced out half-cut blown-up on a trip out of one's gourd burned-out alcoholic demolished dead-drunk plowed drunk as a fiddler pixillated ploughed punchy tiddled bibacious full of well-being tozy-mozy


(of food, meat) Strong-smelling, slightly spoiled and beginning to decompose
gamy gamey malodorous rank reeking smelly stinking off pungent rancid rotting spoilt spoiled tainted foetid fetid funky miasmic niffy noisome pongy strong-smelling whiffy going bad going off putrid strong-flavored strong-flavoured strong-tasting foul olid musty reeky fusty mephitic stinky foul-smelling evil-smelling miasmal noxious strong stenchy festy frowzy frowsy frowsty ripe offensive humming bad stale nasty ill-smelling sour rotten turned nauseating acrid mouldy putrescent moldy niffing lousy stinking to high heaven revolting poisonous decayed decomposed obnoxious putrefied sickening disgusting unpleasant repulsive pestilential loathsome decomposing curdled unsavoury vile old feculent contaminated nidorous putrefactive unsavory polluted baneful stenchful miasmatic baleful evil- infested cheesy carious impure unhealthy soured fermented corrupted decaying corrupt addled overripe clabbered unwholesome moldered putrefacient mouldered gone off gone bad repellent abhorrent horrible dreadful abominable repugnant awful detestable horrendous hideous appalling distasteful nauseous horrid odious terrible frightful atrocious dirty gross grotty objectionable yucky disagreeable squalid icky grubby vomitous gruesome ghastly grimy skanky God-awful unpalatable repellant diabolical obscene unappetizing fulsome uninviting disgustful shocking beastly loathly yucko yecchy ugly pigpen scandalous gut-churning off-putting stomach-churning on the nose vomit-inducing sick-making stomach-turning graveolent dank filthy mouldering moldering unclean infected festering mildewy displeasing evil sullied soiled mildewed bogging perished putrefying yukky scummy smutty stuffy worm-eaten wormy maggoty flyblown rotted sordid stained muddy dusty bitter harsh insalubrious unhygienic disintegrating dirtied spoiling septic stagnant unsanitary cruddy smudged bedraggled mucky unsportsmanlike besmirched black dingy wretched draggled befouled sneaking despicable contemptible sorry unfair pitiful blackened grungy deplorable ratty uncongenial unlovely unwelcome unpleasing scabby cheap begrimed scurvy illegal bemired uncleanly wicked paltry mean lame pitiable gangrenous hellish poison bum ungodly unholy airless very unpleasant damp crumbling hateful deleterious unventilated germy hellacious execrable insanitary scungy toxic from hell unhealthful harmful mucid odoriferous odiferous diseased unfresh skunky unfit for human consumption disease-ridden acid germ-ridden blighted pestilent close suffocating oppressive perishing unsightly unsanitized neglected disused wasted odorous hurtful injurious mischievous pernicious brackish tarnished messy sloppy corroded unsound pestiferous off-color biting embarrassing invidious offending cutting grisly opprobrious poisoned wasting away acidic carrion immoral deadly insalutary dangerous inedible degenerated grody withered ruined riddled hard dry fouled unfiltered adulterated hardened dried out raunchy shifty seedy rough shady bland sleazy tart sharp sad past its sell-by date past its best putrified defiled corroding caried purulent pustular faecal smelling fecal bad-smelling


Naively or unreasonably optimistic
Panglossian hopeful buoyant cheerful bright sanguine positive upbeat confident idealistic sunny merry happy assured expectant promising trusting encouraged utopian cheering hoping rosy roseate keeping the faith rose-colored looking on the bright side looking through rose-colored glasses on cloud nine on top of world ray of sunshine optimistic glad cheery jolly joyous jovial elated joyful sparkling contented exuberant effervescent grinning radiant gay gladsome carefree jocund gleeful smiling laughing mirthful untroubled chirpy chipper blithesome pleasant blithe peppy content smiley lighthearted in good spirits in high spirits cock-a-hoop light-hearted delighted jubilant ecstatic sprightly overjoyed jaunty ebullient airy bubbly blissful breezy euphoric wonderful thrilled satisfied gratified pleasurable pleased genial enjoyable fantastic beaming frolicsome unworried winsome vivacious rapt enraptured chuffed wrapped zippy zingy rapturous stoked perky hilarious lively thankful peart sparky zappy tickled exultant up beside oneself with joy of good cheer full of the joys of spring on top of the world full of hope without a care in the world happy-go-lucky over the moon full of beans good-humoured good-humored floating on air auspicious encouraging animated propitious golden bucked enthusiastic fair likely heartening hearty lightsome eupeptic canty bouncy enlivening cheerly good-natured sunny side up full of pep glass half full snappy bright-eyed and bushy-tailed full of vim and vigour transported popping on cloud seven flying flipping doing handsprings welcome delightful pleasing heartwarming amusing glowing humorous boon boisterous peaceful exhilarated riotous uproarious larking jumping festive grooving orgasmic rhapsodic saturnalian entranced paradisiacal beatific paradisiac rousing well rollicking fulfilled paradisal rhapsodical enchanted fun paradisaical rocking rejoicing triumphant paradisaic sportive convivial blessed captivated light comfortable playful blest entertained magical wild intoxicated in seventh heaven tickled to death feel-good starry-eyed at ease tickled pink rip-roaring flying high blissed out can't complain looking good as pleased as Punch as happy as a clam as happy as a sandboy walking on air on a high as happy as Larry fun-loving in a good mood jumping for joy like a dog with two tails satisfying high-spirited vital frolic crank bullish gamesome zestful debonair supple full of zip elastic expansive invigorated resilient laid back good great comforting reassuring believing fresh determined uplifting go-getting stirring redeeming gratifying can-do proactive unmarred


Full of fervor
excited zealous energetic fanatical fervent lively manic perfervid pumped frenetic obsessed passionate raring ready ardent disorderly fevered spirited sprightly wild crazy effervescent feverish psyched uncontrollable voracious delirious fierce game nuts restless unruly vivacious amped angry crazed furious high as a kite juiced mad nutty stirred up high-spirited unrestrained stirred fired up hyperactive on fire steamed up wigged-out enthusiastic animated eager thrilled inspired stimulated aroused charged moved delighted awakened keyed up psyched up worked up juiced up beside oneself enthused stoked keen geeked great desirous antsy anxious impatient thirsty avid athirst hungry agog solicitous hot gung ho hopped-up pumped up hepped up geared up rarin' to go cranked up champing at the bit chomping at the bit frantic frenzied exhilarated ebullient vehement rabid intense agitated dedicated exuberant uncontrolled willing interested determined violent ferocious intent titillated motivated swivel-eyed tumultuous mad keen as keen as mustard ready and willing keen as mustard raring to go itching wholehearted committed yearning devoted ambitious overwrought pleased animate obsessive distracted appetent fervid driven desperate fraught hysterical hectic greedy earnest turbulent confused maniacal confusing distraught hearty fiery dynamic chaotic corybantic zestful aflame afire fast and furious bright-eyed and bushy-tailed full of beans inflamed aggressive proactive bullish banzai raving uproarious take-charge can-do extremely enthusiastic daft untrammeled untrammelled potty panic-struck panic-stricken in a frenzy warm vigorous panicky very excited convulsive overexcited berserk jumping up and down inspirited galvanized roused energized encouraged uplifted influenced activated fascinated passional rhapsodic wacky forceful tantalized industrious concerned unqualified active diligent assiduous conscientious gaga tantalised bugged zesty warmblooded energised galvanised turnt gone on red-hot hot to trot self-driven abandoned boisterous unbalanced full-on overwhelming overpowering uninhibited insane exciting phrenetic demented wired furibund hyper unscrewed gay riotous weirded out lost it wigged out in a lather longing wishing dying intent on


Noble and generous in spirit
magnanimous noble generous big charitable handsome kind kindly selfless beneficent big-hearted bountiful high-minded unselfish unstinting free great-hearted munificent open-handed ungrudging chivalrous philanthropic princely altruistic benevolent elevated forgiving gallant great greathearted lenient liberal lofty lordly merciful natural self-sacrificing sublime bighearted bounteous clement considerate indulgent knightly large-hearted loose openhanded soft soft-touch upright worthy all heart Santa Claus has heart in right place honourable virtuous honorable righteous upstanding ethical just brave courtly gracious heroic valiant fair honest decent respectable principled noble-minded moral good humane tolerant thoughtful compassionate loving kind-hearted caring kindhearted public-spirited understanding giving philanthropical tender nice moralistic sweet hospitable helpful conscientious goodhearted goodish humanitarian reputable uncorrupted cultivated redoubtable illustrious refined polite outstanding courageous meritorious sympathetic benign remarkable extraordinary intrepid chivalric bold valorous daring loyal true courteous gentlemanly stand-up anti-corruption constant quixotic manly gentlemanlike spirited well-mannered affectionate gentle amiable cordial friendly comforting wholesome attentive warm-hearted tenderhearted eleemosynary well meaning angelic lovable motherly benignant easygoing agreeable fatherly good-tempered mild soft touch cooperative regardful tender-hearted benefic maternal well intentioned good-natured good-humoured neighborly pitying fatherlike brotherly good-hearted respectful calm sweet-tempered genial heart in right place accommodating amicable congenial neighbourly good-humored tactful openhearted obliging pleasant propitious warmhearted cheerful feeling pleasing affable likeable warm softhearted unoffensive likable supportive mellow sociable engaging freehanded patient dutiful lavish deferential bleeding-heart forbearing delightful soft-hearted


Playful and full of energy
frisky lively spirited bouncy active energetic playful coltish high-spirited perky animated peppy zippy bubbly frolicsome sparky romping skittish sportive zestful airy animate bouncing brisk exuberant frolicky gamesome gay jaunty jazzy kinetic kittenish ludic mettlesome pert pizazzy pizzazzy racy rollicking snappy spanking sprightly springy vital vivacious frolic wanton dashing excitable excited full of fun in high spirits jumpy larkish lighthearted prankish wicked zesty bright-eyed and bushy-tailed full of beans full of get-up-and-go full of vim and vigour feeling one's oats full of joie de vivre buoyant vigorous spry chipper sparkling chirpy bright dynamic effervescent full of life upbeat cheerful happy vibrant breezy cheery merry sunny peart alert enthusiastic nimble jolly zingy carefree blithe zappy fiery light-hearted light agile blithesome fresh lightsome full of pep forceful strong ebullient keen go-go sparkly wick full of the joys of spring spunky hyper happy-go-lucky as lively as a grig jumping as merry as a grig joyful bright and breezy alive and kicking bold crank genial quick bustling insouciant tireless debonair feisty lusty untiring hardy gingery swinging full of energy industrious ball of fire jovial gleeful stimulating busy exciting jocose gladsome indefatigable passionate alive ardent potent jocund winsome powerful forcible peppery vivid eupeptic unflagging in good spirits canty stirring elated stalwart sturdy strenuous rocking fun-loving red-blooded high-powered casual smart glad sexy nonchalant sporty daring bubbling easy perk energized activated easy-going swift graceful mirthful mobile rapid colorful colourful irrepressible confident scintillating wild untroubled energised on the go buzzing eager flourishing astir valiant frivolous whimsical unthinking dexterous happening humming devil-may-care joyous driving festive hopping thriving abuzz gritty aggressive unconcerned enterprising rugged barnstorming impassioned sharp abubble aboil easygoing robust zealous laughing jocular dextrous in fine fettle determined brash rousing pushy responsive without a care in the world spritely neat coquettish flirty flirtatious dapper saucy sassy flippant outgoing pertinent relevant interesting dull tight breathless fairylike grooving aware fervent salacious glitzy fancy jazzlike psychedelic excellent outstanding fast striking magnificent marvellous new whopping wonderful marvelous remarkable exceptional beatific blissful euphoric ecstatic flush uncaring unconsidered heedless unworried indifferent youthful refreshing full of vim and vigor heated entertaining dramatic avid go-getting occupied hot burning amiable unserious insubstantial enlivened hale and hearty full of the joy of living raring to go vitalized eventful deedful fun moving demoniac motive tough kinematic dynamical locomotive motile fanciful elastic volatile resilient convivial cheering pleasure-seeking slaphappy rakish exhilarating heady on the move waggish informal good-humoured to the point good-humored forward self-assertive presuming full of zip electrifying distinctive piquant rich poignant tart clever tasty tangy pungent witty flamboyant dazzling as happy as a clam as happy as a sandboy on top of the world virile vehement intense coruscating intensive relaxed storming resounding ballsy punchy sensitive vibrating effective emphatic radiant gutsy courageous muscular sound full-blooded all-out have-a-go hard-hitting high-octane full of spirit easy-breezy low-pressure ventilated affable mellow laid-back impish exhilarated plucky game devilish unconstrained spicy offhand free and easy brave trim natty venturesome fearless intrepid flip joking spruce showy audacious heroic steely tenacious gallant valorous mettled resolved steadfast resolute indomitable lithe as game as Ned Kelly supple limber light-footed deft willowy acrobatic fit fleet nippy lissom featly light-foot quick-moving lissome gracile nimble-footed feline fleet-footed lithesome twinkle-toed spright winged prompt quick-thinking mercurial quick on the draw twinkle toes clear-headed athletic easy-moving quick on the trigger in good condition ready hearty healthy stout strapping hale solid able-bodied well-built husky burly hefty brawny assertive beefy firm buff solidly built in the pink blooming positive muscly substantial sinewy invigorated iron ripped shredded in good health efficient in good trim in good shape Herculean violent fighting fit thewy jacked hunky wholesome powerfully built well-conditioned stark thickset fit as a fiddle boisterous theatrical expressive hilarious awake bulky dogged earnest persistent unremitting pertinacious muscle-bound mighty optimistic fine sanguine bullish hopeful meaty hulking fleshy mesomorphic well muscled refreshed strong as an lion in good kilter strong as an ox strong as an horse in tip-top condition expansive functional well-knit well knit rude powerhouse going strong still going strong reinvigorated revitalized as strong as an ox staunch aerobicized persuasive take-over steamroller take-charge hard-driving bursting with good health well-made laid back roaring rough full of vim restored revivified rejuvenated renewed rested complete bursting with health in rude health as strong as a horse as strong as a ox as fit as a flea in trim as fit as a fiddle stable operating functioning magnetic electric charged revived revitalised reenergized handy operational serviceable operative occupational working diligent whole go-ahead uncompromising thoroughgoing thorough utile practicable effectual inspirited reanimated motivated strengthened fortified perked up pepped up freshened pushing well-oiled utilitarian intact committed wholehearted total sweeping full unrestrained like a new person untired unwearied unfatigued fresh as a daisy quickened all-embracing all out uncontrolled exhaustive unbridled charismatic influential compelling energizing hyped-up activating go-getter productive vitalizing self-motivated highpowered energising well unimpaired undamaged durable bombproof like new rehabilitated bright-eyed bushy-tailed like a new man out-and-out unmixed out and out pulling no punches right as rain wide-ranging sane undecayed hard hanging together up to snuff rigorous flawless normal well-constructed holding together perfect safe unhurt unblemished play for keeps play hard ball coming on strong


Giving the impression of vast, dark depths
cavernous huge vast commodious deep immense spacious capacious extensive hollow roomy yawning airy gaping large sepulchral voluminous ample dark enormous rambling unfathomable wide concave dismal echoing expansive gloomy resonant reverberant sunken alveolate broad cavelike chambered chasmal deep-set socketed curved inward great big abysmal boundless infinite limitless sizable open immeasurable endless generous bottomless sizeable wide open profound fathomless agape massive extended open wide chasmic abyssal wide-open unplumbed full substantial palatial comfortable extreme widespread giant uncrowded very deep bulky colossal husky goodly oversize hulking outsize oversized biggish outsized largish considerable abundant numerous fully open high-ceilinged buried subterranean expanded measureless cavernlike illimitable impenetrable unfathomed horizonless unlimited unsounded indefinite unbounded immensurable incomprehensible inestimable plumbless plummetless unending billowing monstrous vasty walloping mastodonic decided thumping whopping fat Bunyanesque cosmic king-size elephantine massy titanic protracted excessive Himalayan humungous galactic bull strong jumbo supersized gargantuan long prodigious ginormous appreciable stupendous king size humongous astronomical towering tremendous herculean whacking brobdingnagian leviathan terrible pronounced mondo prolonged mammoth mountainous king-sized bumper heavyweight gigantic astronomic cosmical monolithic lengthy never-ending baggy copious boxcar hefty handsome grand tidy extending far down profuse prolific plentiful spacey loose-fitting swelling legion sundry many several convoluted simple multitudinous multifarious covering various comprehensive plenteous significant monumental bountiful lavish major liberal substantive heavy superabundant bounteous monster healthy large-scale mega gross good Brobdingnagian solid exorbitant galore respectable epic myriad overflowing teeming extravagant loose rich serious sweeping weighty mighty whopping great inordinate cumbersome whacking great countless aplenty innumerable populous abounding ponderous inexhaustible thumping great unwieldy sufficient opulent incalculable thick on the ground plenty cornucopian overgrown multiple pharaonic lank cyclopean supersize grandiose shapeless super princely marked multifold far-reaching imposing gigantesque generously cut decent almighty rife very large beaucoup flush luxuriant numberless ballooning slack floppy global sloppy a gogo super-duper wide-ranging manifold no end slouchy extraordinary reasonable burly multiplex oceanic cumbrous untold heroic planetary heroical umpteen Herculean very big giant-sized unstinting wealthy affluent uncountable thick plenitudinous stinking with a dime a dozen super colossal not to be sneezed at a whale of a no end in sight flowing notable wholesale immoderate outspread stout easy-fitting noticeable diverse varied exhaustive awkward outstretched bagging unhandy assorted formless mesomorphic wide-reaching unmanageable sagging flabby miscellaneous mixed divers ill-fitting hanging sack-like important munificent innumerous bonny kingly uncounted motley man-size of considerable size man-sized unnumbered far-flung spread out giant-size dirty great extra-large detailed extremely large multitudinal hulky in abundance tall strapping no end of spread-out megalithic not fitting not tight good-size good-sized all kinds of full-size very many whopper quite a few thundering adequate beefy entire sturdy prominent material whole advantageous disproportionate stiff lucrative complete prosperous profitable dilatable distensible expandable puffy balloon-like robust eternal steep steady maxi goodish rank decent-sized OS booming unrestricted extra large lax unsparing mucho terrific consequential macro productive fertile powerful fairly large heightened severe intemperate unreasonable escalated increased jacked up meaty measurable awesome overwhelming interminable formidable fruitful spectacular Homeric stellar not inconsiderable sensible enough and to spare rolling worthwhile fair mundo Gargantuan magnificent unrestricting unnumberable heaps latitudinous beamy swelled great big socking great fair-sized family-sized family-size fair-size economy-size life-size magnific economy-sized lofty staggering generously proportioned statuesque behemothic behemoth blimp above average abnormal unusual intensified boyfriend mahoosive titan mass very great far reaching wide physically larger-than-life jumbo-sized extremely big barn door Cyclopean super-colossal whale of a stretched-out universal nationwide a thousand and one all-inclusive leading heavy-duty packed across-the-board international chock-full stuffed intercontinental awash all-encompassing worldwide brimming crowded droopy meaningful drooping different in plenty compound thorough saggy heterogeneous diversified all-embracing inclusive loosened prevalent diversiform multiform indiscriminate morefold plural polymorphic polymorphous variegated collective slackened unshapely inflatable expanding stretching elastic dilating rangy bulging multiplied tentlike interdisciplinary extendable stretchy enlargeable distending multidisciplinary cross-disciplinary well-provided well-supplied dilatant scopic expansile scopious unsuppressed sprawling unrepressed incomputable disparate rampant replete unremitting frequent tent-like sacklike stacks of millions of loads of a shedload of scores of a great many lousy with infinite numbers of a great deal of billions of oodles of a swag of a bunch of zillions of an abundance of gazillions of a lot of a profusion of lots of a multitude of a multiplicity of heaps of bazillions of plenty of masses of a slew of bags of quantities of a quantity of dozens of tons of a great number of hundreds of piles of thousands of scads of ungainly unmanoeuvrable incommodious girthy more than enough


Giving strength, energy and vitality
invigorating bracing refreshing stimulating rejuvenating tonic restorative energising energizing exhilarating uplifting reviving fresh galvanising galvanizing vivifying cordial electrifying encouraging enlivening exciting fortifying healthful heartening rallying rejuvenative revitalising revitalizing rousing salubrious stimulative vital vitalizing animating brisk charged aesthetic esthetic exhilarative fascinating health-giving healthy hyper interesting lively quickening strengthening stirring thrilling inspiring breathtaking hair-raising moving arousing intoxicating gripping spine-tingling provocative adrenalizing thought-provoking titillating inspiriting challenging appealing exhilarant hectic mind-blowing electric reinvigorating renewing kicky mind-bending mind-boggling rip-roaring heart-stopping crisp heady cool galvanic revivifying roborant inspirational striking motivating activating pick-me-up innerving vigorous spirited strong dramatic dynamic life-giving emotional powerful beneficial energetic restoring keen salutary chilly cold thirst-quenching sharp clean cooling vivid biting motivational life-preserving influential life-sustaining persuasive affecting bold exhilaratory livening enthralling refreshful exalting provoking colourful impelling riveting explosive startling shocking animated instigating affective touching instigative colorful bright eye-popping triggering meaningful enthusiastic hearty cliffhanging graphic knife-edge life-saving stem-winding anthemic inciting awakening piquing soul-stirring enabling spiriting activation invigoration analeptic trophic generous inflammatory heart-pumping invigorative generative agitational freshening overwhelming resuscitative reanimating resurrectional nippy envigoration life-restoring impassioned life-renewing sexy potent emotive passionate cheering gladdening pure clear impactful memorable parky zesty tense poignant impressive elating hallucinogenic mind-altering compulsive enchanting brilliant dazzling regenerative vibrant giddy animative elevating emotion-charged rescue jolting advantageous untainted airy unpolluted pleasant uncontaminated volatile buzzy adrenalized compelling warm blinding radiant power-driven magnetic AC plug-in DC juiced motor-driven absorbing electrical captivating electronic rechargeable salutiferous sanative medicinal sensational suspenseful intense sparkling glaring notable hot noticeable gleaming pronounced definite hygienic wild battery operated marked sanitary nerve-racking edge-of-the-seat adrenaline-charged imaginative racy effective forceful


Too long
overlong lengthy prolonged protracted sustained lingering enduring dragging lengthened lasting great longish elongate elongated continued deep distant enlarged expanded extensive faraway gangling lanky lofty outstretched rangy remote running stretch stretched stretching stringy tall towering long-drawn-out drawn-out spun out drawn out far-off far-reaching spread out extended long never-ending interminable time-consuming marathon stretched out slow endless long-winded prolix rambling wordy verbose delayed strung out dragged out tedious diffuse garrulous windy discursive circumlocutory pleonastic boring wearisome meandering circuitous periphrastic logorrheic digressive ambagious redundant palaverous long-term long-lasting voluble loquacious repetitious tautological seemingly endless tortuous talkative logorrhoeic bombastic dragged-out ponderous tiresome maundering wandering laborious very long unending talky long-lived dull gabby turgid convoluted spun-out king-size oversized king-sized far king size increased continuing expansive pompous gassy diffusive boundless limitless circumlocutionary flowery long-drawn sesquipedalian chatty inflated without end full of verbiage persistent empty gradual vague loose boastful waffling waffly progressive draggy conservative flatulent overextended tardy late dilatory roundabout painful padded made longer lengthwise for ages unfurled unrolled widened proffered conferred profuse random lavish copious exuberant durable abiding unfolded spread broad forever and a day endlong long-run verbal of considerable length long-standing long-running overall linear longstanding everlasting ceaseless unceasing incessant constant longitudinal perpetual uninterrupted infinite unlimited non-stop monotonous unbroken continual immeasurable unbounded orotund unbound interminate looped eternal permanent day-and-night continuous timeless prattling blathering prating jabbering babbling gushing indirect no end to no end of on a treadmill mouthy yakking multiloquent big-mouthed multiloquous effusive gobby wittering magniloquent grandiloquent rhetorical tautologous repeating involved pretentious fustian yacking repetitive full of air having kissed the Blarney stone with the gift of the gab


arched curved domed embowed vaulted bowed rounded bent hemispherical round semicircular arced humped bending twisted arciform crooked curvilinear hooked arcuate convex hunched curled sinuous tortuous arching concave coiled warped arcuated curving angled inclined deformed stooped serpentine bulging curvy falcate curling devious crazy twisting winding windy curviform crescent turned looped distorted undulating meandering lowered procumbent cavernous hemispheric recurved humpbacked hunchbacked sickle-shaped camelback curvilineal kyphotic crookbacked snaking bow-shaped recurvate folded crescentiform crescentic hornlike crescent-shaped furled convoluted spiraled wound gibbous outcurved protuberant voluted involute cambered swelling twisty wavy sweeping rolled spiralled biconvex U-shaped bulgy raised bulged aquiline falciform declinate S-shaped flexural swirly circular wreathed curly incurved loopy skewed curvaceous compass arrondi enbowed elliptical incurvate biflected snaky circumflex sigmoid curved outwards misshapen contorted irregular disfigured crippled twined kinky pretzeled stooping kinked drooping slouchy droopy limp slumped wilted out of shape doubled over flexuous turning malformed beaked hook-shaped circuitous hook-like zigzag indirect anfractuous angular meandrous roundabout gnarled deviating wry coiling misproportioned mangled buckled marred sinuate shapeless abnormal zigzagging thrawn serpentiform mazy awry askew disjointed bandy twisting and turning bendy pointed sharp prominent beaklike Roman-nosed eaglelike snakelike slinky wavering spiralling bowing spiraling twining veering warping rambling wiggly grotesque wandering hamate uncinate beaky ugly ogee bow-legged outward-curving bandy-legged monstrous ill-proportioned excursive squiggly lithe unciform hooklike unshapely ungainly ill-shaped unsightly asymmetrical ill-made deviative vagrant flowing rippled blemished damaged disproportionate ambiguous remote detouring digressory erratic misleading obscure errant confusing removed confounding straying out-of-the-way digressing diverting crinkly rolling undulated undulate plangent unstable vermiculate bumpy undulatory waving undulant mutilated misbegotten knotted


Highly stimulating to the senses
strong brilliant dazzling striking vivid bold bright blinding breathtaking colorful colourful graphic radiant warm definite electrifying exhilarating glaring gleaming heady hot notable noticeable pronounced rousing stimulating stirring thrilling biting energising energizing envigorating invigorating powerful sharp spine-tingling titillating arousing gripping hair-raising refreshing marked intense rich vibrant glowing deep flamboyant lurid garish eye-catching blazing flashy gaudy clear lively splashy lucid showy full bedazzling resplendent gay interesting effective luminous lustrous flaming glittering shining lambent beaming loud visual jazzy bright-coloured exciting imaginative forceful detailed dramatic realistic picturesque irradiant scintillating sheeny telling glossy psychedelic incandescent luminescent candescent lifelike expressive shiny pictorial moving kaleidoscopic glistering sparkling delineated refulgent ablaze distinct eloquent highly coloured highly-coloured deep-coloured highly colored dark effulgent saturated exaggerated racy fiery snazzy fluorescent harsh fancy brightly coloured pizazzy pizzazzy smart bling wild glimmering shimmering extremely bright like an explosion in a paint factory looking like an explosion in a paint factory explicit illustrative descriptive uninhibited startling cogent shocking punchy well-drawn photographic convincing unequivocal well drawn well defined precise incisive forcible perspicuous concrete well delineated compelling well expressed comprehensible intelligible leaving nothing to the imagination figurative extravagant glitzy arresting evocative affecting elaborate bombastic animated memorable unforgettable faithful haunting authentic impressive emotive graphical fascinating active theatrical fresh crystal clear true-to-life true to life sharply-etched


Characterized by or displaying a frenetic excitement or energy
overexcited carried away worked up frenzied nervous feverish anxious manic hyper keyed up high-strung in a state in a frenzy in a lather agitated tense distraught distracted frantic excited wired uptight hysterical desperate upset neurotic jumpy on edge distressed fidgety edgy restless jittery panicky beside oneself wrought-up nervy overactive heated twitchy hyperactive highly strung hectic tooshie swivel-eyed stressy strung out wound up adrenalized overwrought stressed keyed-up worn under a strain affected freaked-out fired-up crazy excitable overwhelmed strung up worked-up hot-and-bothered unstrung stirred touchy overstrung weary emotional spent tired strung-out wound-up het up uneasy throwing a wobbly beside yourself in a tizzy in a twitter steamed up out of your mind flipped out all shook up hot under collar at the end of your tether worried antsy unquiet ill at ease apprehensive troubled perturbed on tenterhooks aflutter dithery insecure queazy on pins and needles queasy hinky goosey atwitter hung up restive fretful unsettled like a cat on a hot tin roof spooky windy in a tizz in a flap having kittens all of a dither toey in a state of agitation in a stew disturbed in a state of nerves strained wrought up like a cat on hot bricks squirrelly all of a lather in a sweat fearful impatient shaky in a twit a bundle of nerves frightened scared bothered all of a doodah discomposed spooked in suspense disquieted concerned trembling unrestful furious skittish flustered bricking oneself flurried worried sick in a cold sweat hot and bothered febrile fevered alarmed shaking uncomfortable quaking unnerved in a dither wild frenetic quivering in a panic irritable animated unrelaxed inflamed moved afraid disconcerted fraught ruffled unglued shaken under stress discombobulated angsty stressed out shook up fervid mad hot under the collar irascible waiting for the axe to fall sensitive in a flat spin waiting with bated breath nervous wreck bundle of nerves delirious rabid fierce maniacal violent uncontrolled intense exciting ferocious turbulent fretting roused unsure aroused rattled flighty uncertain hesitant fluttery daunted angry white-knuckled self-conscious embarrassed fazed shrinking angstful solicitous discomfited harassed bugged tormented clutched dismayed vexed anguished timorous a wreck irresolute overanxious in a spin shot to pieces unstable fractious wriggly peevish squirmy suspicious brittle wiggly up the wall unsteady like a fish out of water all of a flutter having butterflies in the stomach critical with one's stomach in knots with your heart in your mouth in a pother in a tiz-woz fanciful overcharged twittering careful under pressure shivery taut watchful indecisive tentative aghast dreading dithering wavering vacillating a basket case sweating bullets pressured crazed hassled creepy frisky stirred up flapping wreck moving shot choked raving enthusiastic beset irked riled fidgeting fitful swithering deranged tortured plagued insane all wound up enraged demented agog eagerly berserk muddled frazzled jerky white knuckled flushed startled annoyed shocked terrified unhinged exasperated unpeaceful distrait zealous anxiously waiting nervously awaiting fearfully anticipating apprehensively expecting at fever pitch worried stiff aquiver raging hysteric all agog avid open-mouthed fanatical berko withdrawn corybantic palpitant perplexed wrung itchy unreluctant irrational strict conventional cautious unscrewed skittery unrestrained on the defensive old-fashioned awkward unzipped with bated breath weird zonkers timid cowering cowed hyped-up afire atingle hyperexcited obsessive shaking in one's shoes restlessly moving shy in turmoil all nerves tetchy panic-stricken spasmodic diffident cowardly pusillanimous faint-hearted busy panic-struck unruly hyperexcitable on the qui vive inhibited out of place bashful faltering unnatural gauche recalcitrant out of control yellow chicken provoked testy crotchety prickly refractory blushing retiring short-tempered crabbed hot-tempered captious snappy temperamental chippy bad-tempered querulous quick-tempered zipped up hot juiced up hyperkinetic perverse ornery obstinate champing at the bit stubborn unyielding wigged out like one possessed ill-tempered volatile weirded out last-minute oversensitive frightened of one's own shadow moody freaked out spazzed out at wits' end distrustful rash hotheaded unbalanced on the edge fiddle-footed doubtful chaotic lively nerve-racking stressful nail-biting feeling anxious confused nerves on edge flurrying flustering boisterous tumultuous riotous rumbustious buzzing brisk bustling nutsy madhouse burning vibrant woolly wooly disordered zoolike jungle hassle crowded rip-roaring very busy very active fast and furious like Piccadilly Circus hell broke loose


Friendly and cheerful
genial friendly cordial warm affable amiable cheerful congenial cheery good-natured companionable comradely hearty hospitable sociable approachable chummy convivial easy-going hail-fellow-well-met kind matey sympathetic agreeable bluff buddy-buddy good-humored good-humoured jolly kindly neighbourly pleasant amicable bonhomous collegial company-loving extrovert extroverted gracious gregarious hail-fellow jovial neighborly outgoing pally palsy palsy-walsy warmhearted well disposed clubby merry regular warm-hearted blithe cheering chipper chirpy easygoing enlivening favourable favorable glad jocund joyous perky sunny up upbeat upper welcoming easy to get along with sunny side up obliging social nice likable likeable easy mellow benevolent helpful tender conversable gentle considerate generous affectionate happy mild compassionate well-disposed open good-tempered benign clubbable engaging understanding caring kind-hearted complaisant pleasing civil thoughtful accommodating unselfish decent tolerant kindhearted polite charitable tender-hearted loving couthy sweet lenient charming intimate indulgent courteous good personable extraverted accessible cooperative peaceable unreserved soft-hearted soft magnanimous merciful big-hearted liberal goodhearted softhearted peaceful delightful good-hearted lovable harmonious humane winning lively cozy cosy close uninhibited winsome tenderhearted altruistic forbearing clubable responsive pacific appealing easy to get on with brotherly familiar amenable benignant beneficent communicative fond receptive conciliatory large-hearted all heart unassuming calm empathetic moderate even-tempered supportive fatherly humanitarian sensitive mild-mannered maternal bighearted motherly sweet-tempered empathic patient like-minded clement amical placid lovely informal meek fraternal simpatico sweet-natured tight selfless comforting feeling forgiving compatible attractive modest civilized hilarious entertaining non-hostile kindred pitying talkative harmless respectful civilised human philanthropic bleeding-heart well meaning demonstrative vivacious confiding heartfelt enthusiastic earnest wholehearted sincere relaxed attentive casual unconstrained unrestrained confidential eager expansive taking serene solicitous bountiful communal quiet boon thick buoyant smiling backslapping open-handed conflict-free lavish available paternal tranquil unpresumptuous prepossessing breezy fun unstuffy temperate dovelike compliant chilled swell moral commiserative humble all right giving righteous noble fatherlike regardful deferential buddy buddy angelic open-minded unoffensive well intentioned great-hearted willing to please good company well-mannered bubbly festive confident assent loyal amusing faithful jocose attached vibrant funny happy-go-lucky comical jocular on good terms festal fun-loving conversible gay mirthful charismatic enjoyable relishable preferable guestfriendly facile elevated diverting wonderful expressive socializing exuberant people-oriented glowing dear affectious vulnerable good-looking colonial glad-handering presentable personal acquiescent natural broad-minded sentimental unceremonious docile near softie marshmallow ingratiating self-effacing loquacious effusive garrulous socialising handsome bombastic concordant agreeing accordant bosom in favour red-carpet understandable attention-seeking avuncular fit unanimous adapted frictionless united suitable forthcoming free copacetic favourably disposed boisterous captivating enchanting canny nice-looking pretty bonny nonmalignant laid back well-suited well suited sympathique genuine door's always open free and easy laid-back eleemosynary soft touch propitious dutiful big public-spirited openhearted wholesome unstinting benefic chivalrous greathearted tactful princely bounteous philanthropical gallant heart in right place openhanded munificent freehanded chatty voluble conversational square shooting right nice lovey-dovey fresh officious snug inseparable kissy-huggy very friendly mushy as nice as pie reasonable nonthreatening witty inviting measured congruous consonant consistent peace-loving equable easy-oasy sweetheart aces comely okay white-hat free-and-easy deep amorous concerned discursive talky in accord in favor in agreement spirited waggish sprightly shy non-confrontational lamblike demure reverent dove-like submissive tame jejune vapid dull flat subservient subdued spiritless obeisant smooth forbearant sensible unwarlike thick as thieves consoling downright neighborly regular fellow right neighborly bland retiring cool pacifist effervescent gushy encouraging sympathizing condoling fabulous gassy barley-sugar commiserating doting piteous ruthful soft-spoken sisterly non-aggressive non-violent non-combative non-belligerent inoffensive dovish non-malignant sympathising sparing having heart in right place good egg pacifistic open-hearted loving and giving old softie bleeding heart do-good well-intentioned honest ethical respectable upright irenic anti-war still honourable virtuous trustworthy honorable worthy incorrupt dependable restful nonbelligerent undisturbed balmy diplomatic ordered pacificatory complacent just principled upstanding mannerly right straight true clean-living well mannered stand-up on the up and up well-brought-up squeaky clean right-minded


Showing wild, apparently deranged, excitement and energy
manic deranged insane mad crazed demented hysterical lunatic maniacal raving wild crazy demoniacal demonic neurotic unbalanced sectionable unhinged agitated berserk busy excited flipped frantic freaky nutty overexcited psychotic rabid up flipped out freaked out hopped up turned out frenzied nuts mental batty bonkers delirious crackers certifiable barmy cuckoo loony disturbed bats screwy loco distraught gaga wacko daft bananas meshuga psychopathic loopy maniac cracked distracted non compos mentis unstable porangi wacky touched whacky crackpot kooky daffy kookie looney balmy buggy barking nutso bushed nutsy squirrelly dippy not together stark mad of unsound mind psycho raving mad whacko schizoid unsound crackbrained cranky haywire fruity mad as a hatter meshugge brainsick bughouse moonstruck away with the fairies mentally ill foaming at the mouth round the bend scatty barking mad nutty as a fruitcake wud off the wall not all there up the pole mad as a March hare not right in the head round the twist not quite right in the head not right upstairs dotty not the full shilling as daft as a brush stark raving mad stark staring mad bedlam slang looney tunes loony tunes sick in the head yarra have kangaroos in the top paddock irrational have bats in the belfry furious have a screw loose off your head feverish violent around the bend out to lunch eccentric out of one's mind off one's gourd uncontrollable off your trolley off one's nut uncontrolled frenetic berko raging hyper off your rocker stupid foolish confused psychopathological carried away sociopathic potty beside oneself in a frenzy severely mentally ill out of one's head with a screw loose silly senseless fatuous irrepressible preposterous bizarre odd schizophrenic out of control peculiar worked up nervous queer rampant sick panic-stricken swivel-eyed unreasonable aberrant disordered unsettled off the deep end beside yourself like one possessed in a state having bats in the belfry not of sound mind mentally deranged deprived of one's wits having a screw loose manic-depressive having kangaroos in the top paddock over the edge flipped-out non compos hectic mindless flakey baked flaky fried unsafe invalid fantastic psyched out yampy idiotic schitzy doolally aroused unglued moonstricken oddball derailed paranoid gonzo bemused overcome demoniac dazed off wrong dreamy irresistible fired up overwhelmed bedlamite absurd ungovernable nonsensical stunned struck incredulous overawed affected witless brainless off-the-wall asinine unwise touched in the head as mad as a hatter strong unstoppable unmanageable forceful uncontainable unquenchable zany anxious harebrained out there a few cards shy of a full deck one sandwich short of a picnic a few sandwiches short of a picnic out of one's tree as mad as a March hare in another world out of one's gourd one card shy of a full deck in a daze in the ozone crazy as a loon incoherent simpleminded bubbleheaded lunkheaded cockeyed fervid unruly screwball overpowered featherheaded babbling jerky tomfool sappy inept fool ridiculous ape fierce ferocious perfervid passional amok in a lather keyed up high-strung devastated spare barro crook postal weird illogical goofy strange destroyed not knowing what to do with oneself unconventional impractical idiosyncratic lightheaded hot hallucinating restless deviant light-headed fevered rambling bewildered wandering hallucinatory out of one's skull disarranged deviate twisted half-witted half-baked on the rampage up the wall through the roof weak-minded off the air mentally unbalanced overwrought emotional unrestrained unrestrainable distrait convulsive fiery in a panic impetuous impassioned maddened turbulent vehement driven to distraction blazing tempestuous incensed fuming spasmodic seething intense hysteric unnerved possessed passionate very upset in a fit out of one's wits phrenetic gibbering ranting not in your right mind troubled erratic mixed up screwed up spaced-out ludicrous outlandish laughable schizo a bit lacking unscrewed kinky dopey unusual daft as a brush pixilated gone befuddled simple muddled disoriented injudicious disorientated funny unthinking offbeat obsessed curious discombobulated nonrational unreasoning addled unjustifiable fuddled remarkable dizzy at sea groundless unorthodox faulty quirky muzzy mixed-up extraordinary implausible rum way-out far-out freakish unscientific off your chump addlepated shell-shocked punchy zonked pixillated slaphappy spacey zonked-out muddleheaded punch-drunk spacy dopy puzzling bizarro funky queerish quaint weirdo outré mystifying baffling off-kilter out-of-the-way soft in the head shook up fouled up not with it way out dysfunctional diseased paranoiac paranoic daggy psychoneurotic unrealistic unzipped dingy nobody home schizzo few X short of a Y off the chain irresponsible off the rails consumed inane chaotic severely mentally disordered fanatic flighty disorganized out of your mind two sandwiches short of a picnic topsy-turvy imbecilic simple-minded moronic risible madcap not right surreal dull-witted slow-witted dim-witted feeble-minded dull cretinous slow dunce-like tangled shambolic unreasoned empty-headed vacuous thick vapid flawed amusing unpredictable clownish comic nonfunctional wonky broken dim bovine dozy dumb pig-ignorant birdbrained pea-brained incorrect Bohemian far out contradictory disorganised orderless amiss defective messy boneheaded chuckleheaded dunderheaded wooden-headed lamebrained fat-headed brain-dead muttonheaded off-centre stupefied not functioning properly out of order weak hare-brained ill-conceived out of commission out of whack on the fritz in pieces in a mess on the blink up the spout not well thought out off beam without foundation without basis ill-thought-out not making sense outrageous addle befogged woozy raddled fogged woolly spaced confounded bedeviled slow on the uptake thick as two short planks giddy not quite right acting crazy fallacious untenable inconsequential bamboozled fazed perplexed flustered bewildering farcical unfounded illegitimate cockamamie unthinkable shocking unbelievable inconsequent baseless shaken rattled slap-happy bedevilled thrown shook wooly addlebrained arbitrary specious uncommon singular sophistic reasonless uncanny suspicious abnormal dubious atypical mysterious anomalous out of it balled up fishy eerie unnatural questionable disconnected disjointed untypical irregular different unfamiliar unexpected incongruous doubtful perplexing unaccountable shady freak rare dubitable unco creepy disputable disquieting debatable shaky unaccustomed spooky doubtable unique equivocal dodgy uncustomary suspect problematical problematic surprising droll outre out of the way out of the ordinary left-field all at sea senile absent-minded out-of-joint with Alzheimer's disease glassy-eyed shot to pieces spaced out not knowing if one is coming or going addle-brained muddle-headed


Confident or self-assured
assured confident positive assertive poised self-confident self-assured self-possessed calm certain collected composed cool phlegmatic self-reliant bold complacent cool-headed imperturbable level-headed nonchalant unflappable unperturbed audacious brazen clear cocksure doubtless fearless impassive implicit pushy relaxed sanguine self-asserting serene sure together tranquil unfazed unruffled dauntless equanimous filled with aplomb laid-back nonplussed overconfident sure of oneself at ease gutsy rosy secure unhesitating upbeat gung ho puffed up pumped up sure of yourself cool, calm and collected self-controlled placid sedate undisturbed equable untroubled unflustered unagitated unbothered even-tempered believing in oneself unmoved controlled well-balanced brave possessed unworried coolheaded unshaken level self-composed levelheaded self-assertive limpid peaceful equal recollected smooth unexcitable unemotional steady commanding authoritative can-do courageous dignified self-respecting urbane suave balanced elegant sane sensible reasonable sound rational grounded stable sober mature clearheaded dispassionate stolid unshakable at peace unaffected chilled well adjusted cool as a cucumber as cool as a cucumber casual unexcited well balanced settled self-sufficient intrepid surefooted sure-footed swaggy hotdog undoubtful know-it-all hotshot self-secure strong cocky believing unafraid expecting expectant firm unabashed quiet aggressive defiant forward dashing militant graceful full of oneself philosophical deliberate civil debonair strong-willed neutral stress-free centred centered passionless in control mild-mannered detached unimpassioned patient nerveless easygoing stoical stoic coherent lucid easy-going easy reserved normal undismayed thick-skinned smug self-satisfied untouched disimpassioned immovable practical wise pragmatic prudent calmed circumspect realistic right businesslike judicious reliable dependable commonsensical roll with punches hard as nails cool as cucumber stiff upper lip compos mentis in possession of all your faculties all there with both feet on the ground down-to-earth matter-of-fact of sound mind clear-headed able to reason clearly sound of mind having all marbles mentally sound able to think clearly right in the head moderate straight with one's feet on the ground full of common sense well-adjusted insouciant unconcerned still logical blithe mellow in one's right mind staid somber intelligent carefree temperate sombre thoughtful serious mild proper halcyon stilly right-minded well-grounded happy-go-lucky hushed seemly lown decorous even knowing informed stiff formal solemn stately devil-may-care valid reasoned commonsensible just good solid analytical analytic well-founded well-advised discerning discreet unstirred pacific astute grave fair well-thought-out free and easy sagacious justified commonsense informal well grounded fair-minded tolerant low-key uninterrupted unbroken unanxious no-nonsense discriminating blasé understated having all one's marbles breezy content undemanding unhurried farsighted forbearing hard-headed constant peaceable trouble-free agreeable without a care in the world unflinching restful gentle downbeat unflurried easy-peasy good-tempered consistent unfluctuating serious-minded good-natured keeping your cool cogent shrewd credible consequent well responsible objective steady-going sage advisable plausible hard sapient politic intellectual well reasoned playing with a full deck well advised abled undaunted regular fine deliberative resolute unalarmed unchanging unvarying unvexed even-keeled liberal earnest uniform muted subdued undistracted indulgent demure happy measured invariable soothed repressed suppressed quieted flexible lenient clubby benign not moved bovine blissful subtle unostentatious inconspicuous complaisant euthymic stabile orderly systematic methodical irenic docile unaltering unalterable proportional symmetrical well-proportioned prim stuffy conciliatory amenable permissive unperturbable well-disposed pellucid satisfied reconciled resting quiescent comfortable stick-in-the-mud boring starchy easeful got head together in possession of one's faculties with all one's marbles reposeful calm and collected broad-minded considerate amiable harmonious mentally stable aware cognizant keeping a stiff upper lip have one's act together anxiety-free enlightened not turn a hair keeping one's shirt on lax understanding open-minded cordial good-humored pleasant generous good-humoured cold sober affable friendly at rest in repose fit playing with full deck both oars in water oriented healthy perceptive leisurely played down unpretentious downhome toned down unidealistic hard-boiled clear-sighted deductive joined-up clear-eyed philosophic common-sense perspicacious equitable low-pressure canny sharp tenable acceptable decent live-and-let-live chilled out well-informed clever impartial justifiable believable legitimate viable understandable well-reasoned au courant attentive conversant convincing percipient restrained conservative reflective unprejudiced feasible thought-out unexcessive evenhanded based on good sense thinking legit cognitive open to reason admissible ratiocinative making sense clear-cut unbiased standing to reason cerebral well thought out unextreme weighty telling satisfying satisfactory recognized holding water watertight correct profound holding up holding up in wash got it together faultless true unassailable accurate flawless impeccable right-thinking recognised standing up exact precise established orthodox accepted whole mentally healthy in good mental health


(archaic, of a person) Having the characteristics attributed to noble birth
gentle genteel elegant noble aristocratic cultured refined courteous cultivated elite upper-class polished well-born well-bred grand highborn high-born highbred polite titled upmarket upper-crust wellborn well born aristocratical blue-blooded Brahmin civil ennobled great lofty superior top-drawer upper crust blue exalted gentlemanlike gentlemanly kingly knightly ladylike lordly patrician posh princely queenly regal royal silk-stocking silver-spoon born with a silver spoon in your mouth of gentle birth distinguished noble-born of noble birth landed landowning imperial county respectable huntin', shootin', fishin' high-class thoroughbred classy elevated preeminent illustrious eminent top drawer sovereign sovran tweedy mannerly purebred pedigreed privileged bluestocking well-brought-up well-mannered luminous prestigious sophisticated gracious exclusive courtly urbane gallant select top-rank high-up high-ranking top-level baronial top-ranking snobby uptown well-behaved taught considerate trained top-people's leading master prime lead august primary key major dignified predominant chief supreme highest honoured premium premier main esteemed greatest venerable apex prominent notable top famous dominant respected celebrated revered renowned principal central foremost transcendent big arch first capital cardinal focal paramount head big-time biggest core largest primal major league overbearing large well thought of highly regarded widely praised of distinction number-one number one huge well-known overriding honored numero uno overmastering grave pre-eminent important prior outstanding commanding ruling influential essential vital fundamental presiding supereminent ultimate noteworthy pivotal crucial noted uppermost prevailing powerful controlling significant senior famed high-level best topmost basic glorious acclaimed honourable prevalent honorable imposing governing top-tier unsurpassed incomparable critical salient utmost top-notch star peerless matchless unequaled unequalled consummate heavy mighty high-powered intrinsic preponderant high-profile superlative champion consequential authoritative integral ascendant predominate regnant major-league seminal unparalleled reputable arch- weighty notorious potent puissant big-league highest-ranking magnificent astral admired indispensable stellar unrivaled unrivalled directing signal first-class overruling ranking of note serious dominating well known all-important big league worthy underlying necessary elemental decisive rudimentary VIP absolute lionized alpha legendary maximum higher staple majestic urgent surpassing unsurpassable recognized towering big-name top-priority first-rate redoubtable determining material must-have reigning iconic exemplary upper formidable inimitable lionised resonant storied radical recognised heavy-duty of greatest importance No. 1 stately high profile second to none heavyweight far-reaching heroic of great consequence of the first rank inflated intellectual finest triumphal immodest exaggerated excessive remarkable four-star successful bright extraordinary high-minded crack unprecedented conspicuous winning total superstar celeb fabled unconditional quintessential meaningful pressing sublime world-class prized valued trusted of high standing big-gun compelling eventful substantial deciding perfect well-connected industry leading headmost especial high-grade momentous effective unbeatable nonpareil distinctive historical of prime importance of supreme importance first and foremost telling almighty popular acute of influence high-priority unexcelled a cut above the rest topflight best possible top-class burning historic instrumental feted life-and-death accomplished expert finished excellent unmatchable number ideal unlimited characteristic inherent favoured favored chosen brilliant front-page special splendid particular strongest simple beginning opening crowning axial infinite unrestricted boundless unrestrained unbounded root strong constitutional prodigious operative keynote strategic elementary resplendent final skookum full utter oustanding public basal constitutive second-to-none eloquent rich memorable oratorical marvelous cogent magnific phenomenal maximal optimal peak super intervening superseding of greatest significance of mark in the public eye energetic dynamic richest monarchical monarchal venerated of repute immortal trendsetting big-wheel big-shot hot-dog record loftiest chad fine ace better world class crown self-important pompous overblown uplifting superb proud good marvellous apical zenithal tiptop complete unassailable optimum reverenced hallowed front guiding monarchial omnipotent official imperious supervisory all-powerful overpowering efficacious arbitrary utopian domineering unexampled initial larger greater bigger elder magnanimous undefeated unbeaten inaugural A-number-1 A-1 pertinent considerable worshipped furthermost grandiloquent primo hotshot hotdog holding the reins idealistic learned profound sweeping ponderous appreciable imperative upper-level top of the line top of the range top-of-the-range without equal par excellence beyond compare record-breaking first class prize-winning number 1 sans pareil requisite severe large-scale sizable dire intense pronounced exceptional exigent at the cutting edge at the leading edge heavy stuff hot stuff determinative climactic sacred decent reverend sage high up definitive prerequisite mandatory needed required impactful immediate striking worthwhile pointed monumental in charge higher-ranking of higher rank first-string higher-level superordinate loftier unmatched higher up wise much needed earth-shattering vitally important very important life-or-death of the utmost importance of the essence gifted first rate highly rated untouchable overshadowing life-changing dangerous grievous of consequence of concern life and death sedate matriarchal experienced patriarchal philosophical admirable worshipful estimable worshiped victory commemorative ceremonial celebratory highest ranking mother of all leonine lionlike celebrious page-oner name redoubted most important most prominent most influential most illustrious most powerful most obvious most noticeable most skilled most excellent most outstanding


(a high) A period of euphoria
euphoria bliss ecstasy elation exhilaration rapture happiness delight excitement joy joyousness jubilation inebriation intoxication pleasure drunkenness high spirits passion buoyancy delirium cloud nine elatedness heaven paradise rhapsody seventh heaven swoon transport exaltation animation exultation enthusiasm joyfulness top of the world glee inspiration felicity enchantment nirvana frenzy transports ravishment rhapsodies gladness fervour gaiety uplift thrill delectation ebullience perfect contentment beatitude fervor contentment cool glory trance blissfulness eagerness blessedness state stupor infatuation heaven on earth boozing alcoholism intemperance twilight zone empyrean over the moon cloud number nine walking on air celestial throne fit spell upper triumph charge kick up jollies kicks buzz heaven of heavens throne of God heavy drinking relaxation health dreamland madness vehemence paroxysm extreme happiness enjoyment Elysium satisfaction communion at-oneness well-being gratification cheer ardour ardor stars in one's eyes Arcady Arcadia idyll supreme happiness Utopia supreme joy Eden dream Shangri-La good spirits gleefulness strong emotion intense feeling mirth invigoration cheerfulness vivacity liveliness hilarity revitalization sprightliness galvanization envigoration enlivenment electrification firing excitation quickening vivification vitalization stimulation elevation a rush head rush great happiness merriment joviality exuberance festivity jollity cheeriness merriness blitheness jocundity mirthfulness rejoicing jolliness revelry fun good humour brightness reveling good humor effervescence jocularity revelling frolic geniality lightheartedness merrymaking entertainment sparkle conviviality sport gayety gayness grins joie de vivre whoopee radiance blithesomeness good cheer revel shindig colorfulness wingding jubilance brilliance glitter showiness color pleasantness colour zest celebration relish light-heartedness jocoseness content high-spiritedness laughter jocosity amusement transports of delight contentedness exultance playfulness optimism hopefulness pep zing verve chirpiness anticipation warm fuzzies jouissance action prosperity zeal flurry jauntiness carefreeness ferment calmness peace of mind activity confidence exultancy fulfilment fever sunniness fulfillment levity vitality warmth vivaciousness brio agitation bounce fire expectation perkiness vim zip easiness sureness trust encouragement assurance certainty idealism positivism comfort sanguinity sanguineness breeziness rose-colored glasses jubilee pride looking on bright side crowing gloating bounciness sanctity gusto energy feasting fieriness jollification appetite vigour sportiveness spirit intensity gladsomeness flutter life dynamism zestfulness fizz spiritedness wellbeing bullishness indulgence commotion interest humor vigor laughs feeling humour oomph get-up-and-go pizzazz peppiness diversion great pleasure fruition adventure titillation raptures pzazz appreciation a buzz a charge a kick paroxysms of delight boasting jamboree keenness love glorying facetiousness roguishness bragging avidity waggishness jokefulness show irrepressibility bubbliness effusiveness bonhomie hope positiveness joyance colourfulness gaudiness frolicsomeness convulsions frivolity hysterics frolics hysteria exuberancy expectancy heartiness buffoonery tomfoolery picnic brawl recreation self-indulgence hoopla positivity larking about great joy turmoil vibrancy furor positive attitude liking wildness fortunateness timeliness luck moxie guts bubble fondness halcyon days utopia wild emotion wonder riskiness peril perilousness danger hazardousness risk hazard dangerousness treasure luxury prize regalement charm solace briskness dash alleviation exulting treat gem elan welly pearl jewel refreshment fluster forcefulness lustiness robustness jazziness vigorousness vibrance uncertainty discomposure exciting experience precariousness pride and joy airiness élan go flap tumult provocation furore incitement zap esprit perturbation panic festiveness confusion heat feverishness instigation emotion state of anxiety serenity tranquillity tranquility motive motivation peace peacefulness repose soothingness composure spark ado impulse movement stimulus hurry inner peace clear conscience quiet mind mental freedom urge smugness schadenfreude


A line drawn on a map or chart connecting places of equal or constant pressure


An increase in value, amount or degree
lift increase rise appreciation augmentation escalation accrual boost expansion growth hike inflation upsurge bump burgeoning explosion gain increment jump spike surge upgrade uptick uptrend upturn accumulation aggrandisement aggrandizement creep intensification raise accretion advancement development enlargement extension swell accumulating enhancement swelling upgrading run-up step up elevation advance upswing improvement leap ascent heightening spiralling amplification magnification spiraling climb buildup exacerbation spurt enrichment raising ascension cumulation boom intensifying multiplication stimulation proliferation spread rising ascendance snowballing soaring creation mushrooming strengthening towering soar promotion augmenting stacking up upward turn piling up move up ramp up jump up upward movement embellishment emphasis refinement exaltation breakthrough stress betterment reinforcement amelioration jacking up addition supplement addendum plus accession more build-up distension upping dilation up augment broadening aggrandization adjunct widening acceleration waxing distention crescendo aggravation accruement deepening wax bounce quadrupling doubling lengthening tripling avalanche increasement accrument profit mounting worsening beefing up fleshing out jack up blow-up upgrowth stockpile gathering increasing amassment collection aggregation expanding annexation assemblage stockpiling pooling pileup assembly enlarging large increase assembling hoarding collecting amassing reserve annex store flowering annexe building up stocking up pretension pretentiousness affectation pretence grandiosity pretense tumefaction affectedness prosperity puffiness blowing up price rises price increases


Indicative, or showing signs, of wealth or luxury
luxuriously extravagantly opulently grandiosely indulgently lavishly affluently comfortably immoderately ostentatiously pompously pretentiously sumptuously palatially wantonly expensively intemperately plushly prodigally richly wealthily fatly grandly large largely wonderfully princely regally majestically wastefully foolishly plentifully greatly well splendidly exquisitely elegantly gorgeously resplendently magnificently elaborately swankily poshly ritzily stylishly fancily glitzily swishly classily abundantly handsomely luxuriantly plushily lushly ornately silkenly lusciously showily statelily fashionably chicly beautifully snazzily finely impressively imposingly exclusively smartly flashily modishly gaudily sophisticatedly exuberantly flamboyantly splashily profusely gracefully dashingly splendiferously choicely superbly riotously trendily tastefully sensuously refinedly baroquely copiously excessively fussily unstintingly bountifully liberally busily dignifiedly sharply snappily floridly decoratively tawdrily jazzily generously meretriciously bounteously superiorly glamorously brilliantly extremely voluptuously sensually teemingly sybaritically intricately glitteringly loudly garishly preciously valuably detailedly prolifically discerningly amply pleasurably sensationally glaringly screamingly histrionically polishedly fulsomely aesthetically distinguishedly dazzlingly urbanely specially charmingly lovelily ornamentally suavely delicately aristocratically spectacularly classically comelily affectedly hedonistically superfluously aboundingly openhandedly plentily brightly daintily rarely spiffily superabundantly esthetically breathtakingly unsparingly appealingly attractively hiply freshly inly coolly voguishly pricelessly pottily snobbishly snootily snobbily snottily persnicketily gushingly comfily in comfort graciously stuffily heavenlily effusively inestimably invaluably munificently cozily prosperously complexly complicatedly fine unrestrainedly inordinately open-handedly gushily exaggeratedly skillfully skilfully superly flowerily pleasantly brashly colorfully conspicuously overelaborately vulgarly in ease in luxury flourishingly colourfully dearly plummily metaphorically wordily sparklingly superficially flauntingly glossily verbosely swishily tastelessly obtrusively theatrically kitschly big-time without hardship cosily in the lap of luxury artistically markedly noticeably emphatically remarkably bodaciously strikingly boldly prominently pronouncedly noisily dramatically commandingly catchily overabundantly sensorily carnally fleshlily toweringly devilishly fancifully primely sensorially affectively pleasingly nicely nobly decorously unusually cushily debonairly genteelly sensualistically deeply augustly passionately physically excitingly intensely fleshily


(of the tide) Rising in level

의 반의어 extraordinarily high

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