의 동의어 non indulgent


Given to or marked by restraint or moderation
sober temperate moderate continent abstemious abstentious controlled abstaining abstinent abnegating ascetic constrained disciplined eschewing forgoing inhibited self-possessed self-abnegating self-denying teetotal austere self-restrained restrained self-controlled self-disciplined self-restraining celibate dry forbearing chaste modest curbed bridled frugal sparing spartan non-indulgent strict puritanical moderating severe hair-shirt virgin virginal pure maidenly virtuous unmarried unwed maiden nunlike innocent decent moral immaculate unsullied undefiled uncorrupted vestal clean wholesome sinless simple unblemished G-rated unaffected pure as the driven snow intact monkish monastic monklike Spartan good upright incorrupt uncontaminated guiltless decorous proper demure refined quiet elegant stainless spotless inexperienced neat squeaky clean prudish impotent intemerate subdued monogamous unstained platonic nice rigid exacting anchoritic reclusive hermitic solitary cloistered rigorous stern eremitic harsh mortified ascetical economical solemn refraining straightlaced other-worldly strait-laced self-sacrificing righteous honest blameless angelic impeccable ethical exemplary saintly reputable honourable irreproachable upstanding true pious honorable noble worthy single guileless unspoilt wet behind ears wide-eyed above reproach pure as driven snow lily white babe in woods unblighted inculpable inviolate white unprofaned squeaky-clean anti-corruption unspotted husbandless spouseless wifeless nunnish faithful free of sin

의 반의어 non indulgent

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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