의 동의어 quite white


Of, or relating to, Caucasians or people of European descent with light-colored skin


(rare) Having a high level of purity, honor or decency
ethical good innocent moral virtuous angelic clean honest honorable honourable impeccable pious reputable righteous saintly sinless upright wholesome blameless decent exemplary irreproachable noble upstanding worthy guiltless immaculate pure spotless stainless unaffected unblemished unspoiled unspoilt unsullied above reproach beyond reproach uncorrupted undefiled untainted squeaky clean chaste squeaky-clean faultless virginal virgin modest whiter than white as pure as the driven snow untarnished perfect holy inculpable lily-white without sin without fault innocent as a lamb maidenly impeccant pristine true incorrupt uncorrupt demure uncontaminated cleanhanded guileless unstained unoffending sackless unimpeachable wet behind ears inviolate wide-eyed pure as the driven snow continent unprofaned vestal pure as driven snow anti-corruption lily white celibate G-rated babe in woods unblighted unspotted flawless free of without guilt not guilty free of sin snowy artless just respectable principled right-minded proper high-minded godly meritorious scrupulous divine admirable right laudable blessed incorruptible spiritual irreprehensible praiseworthy clear trustworthy nice decorous model lawful conscientious high-principled estimable above suspicion straight faithful commendable correct excellent religious sublime classical law-abiding saintlike uncensurable unblamable devout moralistic seemly venerable hallowed consecrated crimeless abstinent sanctified absolute intact godlike quintessential all right classic sacrosanct ideal paradigmatic heavenly prototypical sacred seraphic in the clear angelical representative devoted punctilious typical unmarried equitable blest fair unwed guilt-free maiden elegant reverent dedicated clean-living morally correct unworldly self-denying self-restrained right-thinking sainted revered square venerated prudish stand-up characteristic illustrative devotional uninvolved consummate lofty indefectible elevated legitimate unbribable dutiful prayerful conscionable creditable beyond criticism supernatural infallible respected noble-minded reliable self-righteous god-fearing glorified true-blue kosher sterling dignified bueno neato archetypal sacral consecrate licit legal beatific believing safe trusty unerring pietistic copybook restrained not bad impartial batting a thousand not too shabby dependable pietistical humble best unmarred simple magnanimous picture-perfect picture-book refined letter-perfect austere numinous up front balanced unfailing nunlike intemerate monogamous impotent polite sound God-fearing harmless charitable highly respectable definitive unequaled superb supreme splendid trusted fine prime ultimate seamless peerless loyal outstanding free truthful sanctimonious complete serene exceptional unobjectionable constant high-quality beyond compare ethereal errorless sincere clean-cut not to blame cherubic straightforward aboveboard distinguished chivalrous proud in good taste responsible legit idyllic solid precious essential gallant immortal unequalled idealized sacramental transcendental idealised unprofane on the up and up salt of the earth first-class first-rate anointed reserved gentle girlish redoubtable fleckless rectitudinous angel-like idealistic retiring unguilty quiet professional clean-handed obedient incorrupted favoring neat inexperienced controlled subdued single seraph peaceful free from guilt free from blame non-erotic non-violent cultivated tractable well-behaved free from sin matchless deserving philanthropical philanthropic accurate applaudable not responsible fitting lenient sportsmanly favouring prim sportsmanlike saving dinkum discreet sober optimal utopian optimum messianic humane high at peace calm tranquil of good report courteous full of good works of principle circumspect above board Christian severe coy spouseless husbandless wifeless harmonious morally right morally acceptable true blue lordly greathearted natural irreprovable dapper alright goody-goody esteemed highly regarded inoffensive monkish nunnish monklike ascetic purified deific delicate reproachless symmetrical perpetual persistent inextinguishable undestroyable unchanging untouchable unflawed absolved cleared exculpated untroubled exonerated snow white unbiased unprejudiced monastic masterly objective fair-minded steady understated plain beautiful archetypical staunch without blemish lovely firm neutral open-minded even-handed non-partisan error-free aesthetic well-proportioned Augustan supplicant fast supplicating anti-discrimination disinterested non-discriminatory ten out of ten on target adorable entrancing textbook celestial unswerving exalted pleading evenhanded dispassionate nonpartisan equal indifferent beseeching true-hearted soliciting lovable enchanting adorbs candid reasonable esthetic sure steadfast tried unwavering stanch secure trustable theistic enshrined ecclesiastical entreating uncolored nondiscriminatory imploring supportive calculable signature on the level blissful suppliant supplicatory sensational brilliant magnificent marvellous extraordinary fantastic marvelous fabulous phenomenal great full of integrity reverenced inviolable solemn tried-and-true truehearted veridical allegiant down-the-line resolute wholehearted ardent undistorted liege confirmed imitable rapturous without reproach devoted to God dedicated to God eternal of excellent character no lie better than expected out-of-this-world epitomic select superior choice joyful accomplished valuable rare quality hot culminating fancy prized primary invaluable rapt traditional indispensable inestimable profitable treasured valued vintage selected ripe mature hot property high-grade up to par up to standard tip-top up to snuff up to scratch most valuable most precious


Extremely clean, pure or fresh
untainted pure immaculate clean unblemished pristine unsullied spotless fresh undefiled clear unstained untouched stainless uncontaminated snowy virginal unpolluted unspoiled unspoilt lily-white sanitary untarnished unsoiled trim new dirt-free chaste antiseptic fair shining neat speckless flawless washed tidy taintless laundered unspotted hygienic sparkling cleansed faultless squeaky unsmudged dirtless delicate cleanly simple graceful vanilla orderly elegant neat as a button spick-and-span spic and span spic-and-span neat as a pin well-kept squeaky-clean perfect uncorrupted gleaming unadulterated wholesome undebased impeccable intact virgin unmarked spick and span unaffected refined straight fine purified polished unprocessed plain ultra-clean squeaky clean unimpaired shipshape as new in perfect condition in mint condition unmixed unmodified undiluted unalloyed sterile clean as a new pin natural sterilized undamaged shiny crisp sterilised mint perfectly clean brand-spanking new in tiptop condition unbroken unharmed unflawed whole absolute bright cleaned spruce organic unmarred snowy-white sweet whiter than white salubrious like new neat and tidy as clean as a whistle cleaned up glowing burnished unmutilated scrubbed unblackened unwemmed sanitized snow-white freshly laundered sponged laved showered sanitised disinfected earthy apple-pie order luscious envigorating invigorating primal restorative refreshing unused unfermented not rotten not sour clean and tidy very clean uninfected healthful brand-new brand new firsthand exquisite pasteurised aseptic intemerate pasteurized healthy untried excellent mint condition spanking unseasoned untrodden spanking-new original spanking new brand spanking new good for you germ-free health-giving neat as a new pin


The white ball which, struck by the cue, collides with the other balls to achieve the object of the particular game


Being mostly the protein albumin and water

의 반의어 quite white

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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