의 동의어 surprisingly accurate


Providing a faithful representation of someone or something
exact faithful close strict authentic correct veracious careful true factual literal precise right truthful punctilious regular scrupulous conscientious convincing explicit fair lifelike proper realistic rigorous genuine just meticulous painstaking thorough faultless nice unerring unmistakable veridical verisimilar veristic concrete defined definite deft discriminating discriminative distinct judicious methodical particular punctual rigid scientific sharp skilful skillful solid sound systematic true to life bang on fact-based matter-of-fact on the beam on the button on the mark on the nail spot on spot-on telling it like it is ultraprecise clear-cut on the nose word-perfect as it really happened detailed reliable perfect valid direct pinpoint on the money definitive specific minute certain good veritable unvarnished honest sure absolute dead-on real diligent errorless clear fussy elaborate unambiguous certified on-target attentive fastidious infallible unequivocal on target unembellished credible trustworthy dependable laborious finicky actual authoritative so delicate verbatim mathematical straightforward legitimate exhaustive fine legit undistorted kosher categorical assiduous exacting studious error-free unquestionable verifiable complete religious impeccable persnickety unfailing heedful bona fide express refined industrious plain ultra-careful hairline unadulterated full pedantic circumstantial flawless blow-by-blow word for word formal certifiable sedulous particularized demanding objective persevering inch-perfect perfectionist indubitable historical effective authenticated dinkum searching dead on comprehensive undoubted sure-enough particularised hard-working obvious pure right on univocal unqualified manifest fail-safe crystal clear assured echt deadly conventional undeviating pernickety thoroughgoing pukka pucka itemized unelaborated finical unembroidered nitpicking appropriate hard documentary nonfictional official conscionable picky safe orderly loving without error failsafe inerrant itemised undeniable irrefutable conclusive sure-fire emphatic by the book positive patent exactly right unalloyed attested undisputed on the level dead right stated accepted overnice indisputable established believable simple watertight unflagging creditable similar downright proven supported circumstantiated validated verified well defined unexaggerated extensive surgical well-founded unfaked observant fitting unabridged strenuous outright acceptable unimpeachable unmistaken elaborated word-for-word natural dedicated dead inevitable seriatim all right guaranteed existent steady letter-for-letter decisive fit confirmed critical in-depth determinate cautious hair-splitting constant in depth foolproof overt thoughtful by the numbers surefire straight from horse's mouth blunt de facto very can't-miss honest-to-goodness true-to-life to the letter perspicuous lucid bull's-eye just right as true as I'm sitting here understandable for real easily understandable on the dot as true as I'm standing here clearly expressed severe unwavering lethal stringent learned naturalistic true story florid calculated measured selective scholarly clearly defined historically veracious resembling utter just so case reputable vérité topical intrinsic out-and-out bare unswerving unrefuted total uncompromising documented righteous respected gospel stark historically faithful identical unmitigated consummate satisfactory sheer individual uncanny deliberate narrow admissible arrant preferable provident in accordance with the facts what really happened what actually happened microscopic inerrable invariable well-defined immaculate amen solemn circumspect intensive letter for letter from the horse's mouth tireless ideal hunky-dory on the ball final regardful concerned prim persistent set earnest original real life indefatigable apparent ordinary written usual verbal in accordance with reality tough upright based on facts duteous stickling untiring selfdisciplined discreet chary unassailable all-inclusive active busy true-blue undeceptive plentiful rich copious profuse abundant lavish ample fussbudget in every respect stickler unfeigned ordered controlled irrevocable incontrovertible palpable straight from the horse's mouth the real McCoy characteristic archetypal representative guileless typical ingenuous archetypical crossing the t's white-glove dotting the i's nit-picky holding water holding up standing up walking on eggs minding p's and q's hanging in heart and soul into hanging tough playing safe liberal sufficient line-for-line not figurative all-embracing just what the doctor ordered just what we need recognized confirmable resolute doubtless rational artless unaffected engaged lawful occupied zealous clocklike specialized specialised on the right track free of error proved legal average standard unpretentious undesigning unpretending normal developed encyclopedic going to great lengths historically accurate incontestable firm secure demonstrable holding up in wash graphic bustling uncounterfeited bonafide working literatim high-principled nailed down on the numbers subtle encyclopaedic enumerated transparent in the bag as sure as eggs is eggs recognised questionless employed vivid analytical organized honest-to-God straight sure-thing for-sure no buts about it real stuff on the up-and-up really-truly dinky-di satisfying apt point-by-point regulated hopping on the line on the up and up like it is unadorned real McCoy ultra-fine dainty exquisite fine-drawn finicking hairsplitting incorrupted finespun winning superior nuanced nifty suitable unwearied in detail broad-ranging at length fair dinkum swotty plugging dead-center grinding whiz orthodox logical organised deductive well organized experimental unbiased unprejudiced tied-up due eager beaver absolutely right very accurate exactly correct compelling to the point applicable true-life card-carrying visual retentive prompt tested efficacious timely photographic intense acute seasonable meet qualified felicitous pretty desired becoming suited prudent befitting sensible immediate speedy sovereign early de règle expeditious recurrent periodic cyclic quick ready tried and true insured concluded stipulated decided tried and tested warranted ensured to schedule in time on time spot on time on schedule under the wire when expected in good time well timed bang on time ceremonious decorous stiff starchy stilted overscrupulous seemly civil courteous polite formalistic overconscientious stiff-necked good eye


Real or genuine, in accordance with the truth, facts or standards
sheer real true genuine factual actual precise indubitable exact authentic unquestionable undoubted honest indisputable veritable effective complete pure certifiable concrete tangible veridical certified strict undeniable unerring unqualified literal admissible certain legitimate sound evident intrinsic valid incontrovertible inerrant watertight proven unmistakable verifiable confirmed verified demonstrated established incontestable inescapable irrefutable perceptible substantiated authenticated authoritative palpable bona fide bang on sure-enough in every respect definite unambiguous unequivocal unassailable inarguable conclusive sure beyond doubt absolute clear unarguable patent unchallengeable beyond question positive obvious categorical manifest irrefragable unanswerable clear-cut definitive plain accomplished final self-evident compelling beyond dispute open and shut decisive demonstrable convincing undebatable transparent express emphatic observable unimpeachable uncontroversial apodictic not in doubt beyond a shadow of a doubt existent very straightforward acknowledged flawless accepted clinching nailed-on decided settled airtight marked pronounced de facto well-founded undisputable as plain as a pikestaff double-checked staring one in the face no mistake explicit especial demonstrative unshakable well grounded well-proven firm establishable substantial unvarnished unequivocable surefire uncontestable nailed down sure thing no two ways about it objective bare cold hard sensible set telling faultless apparent perfect dependable forceful impregnable reliable downright well-grounded flat undoubtable pat irresistible invincible irrebuttable apodeictic ironclad overwhelming odds-on nof ifs ands or buts can bet on it for certain no ifs ands or buts without doubt down pat beyond a shadow of doubt unfabled


Based on, or displaying, common sense
valid reasonable sound rational logical coherent telling convincing good powerful substantial believable compelling credible justifiable plausible reasoned right sensible strong sustainable bona fide cogent congruent defensible grounded just legit lucid prudent realistic solid viable acceptable arguable astute balanced commonsensical confirmed deductive defendable effective informed irrefutable maintainable perceptive perspicuous persuasive probable proven sane supportable true workable analytical authoritative commonsense conclusive determinative discerning germane justified legitimate levelheaded practical pragmatic reliable weighty analytic commonsensible consequent consistent efficacious firm forceful pertinent relevant sober stable vindicable attested intellectual kosher potent tested trustworthy uncorrupted well advised well-advised well-founded well grounded well-grounded well reasoned well-reasoned well thought out clear-headed down-to-earth able to hold water matter-of-fact holding water correct warranted warrantable hard regular normal proper faithful precise exact veridical veracious strict undistorted judicious wise influential satisfying clear tenable decisive impressive intelligent effectual understandable suitable admissible forcible fair applicable fit likely satisfactory eloquent appropriate thoughtful fitting irresistible unanswerable circumspect objective useful sagacious apt possible allowable dependable level-headed systematic feasible incontestable articulate methodical apposite factual significant together rightful incontrovertible material well organized discriminating permissible excusable salient inducing unassailable efficient moving accepted convictive authentic trusty categorical emphatic puissant enlightened orderly meaningful suasive definitive sage unmistakable assuasive shrewd advantageous unequivocal coercive swaying sharp urgent organized knowing advisable related insightful undeniable apropos pointed inferential helpful deducible befitting of use worthwhile relative organised suited well-thought-out obvious well-organized necessary holding together appurtenant connected clear-cut correlated joined-up linked congruous applicatory impelling sincere ad rem on the nose to the point to the purpose having direct bearing on having to do with on the button pardonable energetic dinkum condonable real enticing seductive substantiated lawful genuine practicable compulsive usable legal mighty licit glib winning established orthodox conceivable suasory ratiocinative serviceable decent pukka clever stringent discreet perspicacious responsible productive unambiguous sapient smooth-tongued imaginable smooth-talking expedient thinkable cool plain felicitous thinking cerebral indubitable incisive beneficial important politic all there rock-solid farsighted common-sense verisimilar assured fitted no-nonsense colourable trenchant pat well-informed becoming clear-sighted clear-eyed opportune within the bounds of possibility compatible full of common sense well-defined requisite in one's right mind pertaining to right on presumable on target hard-headed extensional juridicious subtle honest sure insistent righteous verifiable educated comprehensible intelligible knowledgeable learned acknowledged corroborated estimable savvy supported profound identified dispassionate well balanced right-thinking right-minded based on hard data based on hard facts inductive active violent armed unidealistic potential conventional respectable cast-iron well-expressed considered well-presented straightforward prosaic unemotional syllogistic allowed passable tolerable permitted straight deliberate philosophic well informed associable availing aggressive drastic compulsory meet well presented well-structured well expressed unimpassioned cold official formal apropos of with both feet on the ground well-established got it together vehement vigorous assertive intense militant true-to-life carrying conviction believeable hopeful specious creditable presumptive pithy equitable showing great knowledge with great knowledge evident formidable great crystalline reasoning thought through fair-spoken constraining virile elemental punchy take-over steamroller titanic take-charge punch gutsy electric powerhouse okay tolerated conforming correspondent harmonious consonant in point accordant intuitive concerning decided pointful undisputed referring conformant infallible ingenious cognate distinct rigorous preferred attainable operational achievable realizable like enough supposable very likely forgivable well considered profitable momentous impartial regulated recognized OK sanctioned stimulating valuable consequential inspiring indisputable demonstrative venial percipient moderate restrained conservative controlled reflective temperate unprejudiced doable manageable operable favorable unconditional ordered thorough mathematical scientific unexcessive cognitive making sense unbiased standing to reason unextreme worthy concedable touching remissible useable capable coming on strong ball of fire slick thought-out explainable de règle canny accomplishable anticipated alluring unarguable seemly convenient gainful favourable best suggested strategic best suited timely desirable presentable tactical recommended silky evenhanded fair-minded above board recognised smooth definite functional straight-thinking open to reason within reach within reason irrefragable based on good sense within the law not unlikely not impossible mature implicit absolute competent of help constructive operative successful of assistance fruitful adequate nifty inveigling actuating luring wheedling resounding certain available by the book silver-tongued serious unquestionable not taking no for an answer beyond doubt beyond question beyond dispute realisable one hundred per cent enough serious-minded au courant having all one's marbles steady-going within the realms of possibility within possibility relatable pertaining most likely most correct


Competent or talented
good able adept capable competent gifted masterly proficient quick skilful skilled skillful talented clever dexterous dextrous efficient masterful multiskilled multitalented proper reliable satisfactory suitable useful versed very well virtuoso accomplished balanced consummate crackerjack deadly expert knowledgeable mean nifty polished qualified seasoned trained adroit all-around all-round au fait dead-on deft educated effectual errorless exact experienced first-rate fitted handy master on-target practiced practised precise refined right on schooled serviceable sporting spot-on stringent suited sure-fire sure-handed taught thorough topflight trustworthy tutored veteran well well-rounded workmanlike hardy nimble agile artful neat slick sharp effortless crack bravura graceful facile smooth delicate nimble-fingered finely judged wizard decisive crisp straight categorical express strict canny prompt painstaking effective clean inch-perfect ace great complete compleat professed brilliant savvy professional excellent apt fine well versed tasty wicked stellar first-class smart habile fit outstanding genius pro superb ingenious up to speed impressive magnificent supreme formidable on the ball whiz practical learned exceptional equal marvellous a dab hand at elite vet marvelous big league out of this world old superlative top-notch superior demon hot up to it with it up to snuff well-versed dynamite strong dazzling splendid leading equipped versant specialist world-class peerless brainy intelligent hotshot cool magic endowed class there adequate well trained extraordinarily skilled very skilled highly skilled exceptionally skilled immensely skilled highly trained highly qualified wised up tuned in a hand at powerful eligible exercised finished familiar hardened long-serving certified exquisite battle-scarred conversant ready prepared tested tried best exceptionally good remarkable disciplined instructed A1 know the ropes on the beam know one's stuff no slouch knowing the score top-drawer methodic methodical systematic decent employable long-term kosher quintessential exemplary ultimate perfect happy pitch-perfect terrific mighty tremendous virtuosic faultless licensed chartered fluent handpicked deluxe choice capital redoubtable preeminent transcendent astute certificated dominant switched-on acquainted well-informed wonderful phenomenal invincible indomitable extraordinary magisterial nippy hep hip drilled phenom sussed artistic first class hot tamale supremely skilled well qualified time-served leet awesome smashing fab authorized brill cut out for having a knack for class act shining at well up puissant amazing rounded accustomed sport licenced proved accepted authorised very able tip-top sharp as a tack very good no dummy top-hole admirable astounding up on cunning easy alert knowing bright keen in the know worthy responsible the right stuff knowing one's stuff broken in sufficient established mature adapted highly endowed worldly-wise like a pistol having the goods knowing the ropes old hand has what it takes like a one-man band equal to the task having the right stuff having know-how up there green thumb able to perform old-timer champion know backwards and forwards know one's onions star top topnotch distinguished super sophisticated worldly wise steady weathered long-time old-time inured all around know the answers know one's business know ins and outs know the score from way back knows one's stuff not born yesterday been around wise to ways of the old school


Cutting or incisive
pointed cutting biting trenchant incisive acerbic acid penetrating tart acute caustic keen mordant razor-edged scathing sharp telling venomed venomous acidulous mordacious pertinent piercing snarky critical emphatic insightful insinuating legit meaningful meaty pregnant right-on sarcastic short-and-sweet boiled down in a nutshell on the button on the nose right to it laid on the line calling a spade a spade stinging sardonic bitter pungent vitriolic satiric satirical barbed acrimonious astringent corrosive acidic acrid scalding acerb hurtful smart-mouthed smart-aleck smart-alecky devastating cruel nasty malicious virulent vicious spiteful unkind wounding harsh searing severe waspish savage rapier-like catty poisonous rude withering poignant scornful forceful polemic mean snappy unfriendly rancorous abrasive brutal stringent sarky fierce heartless mocking callous belittling unsparing derisive snide hateful witty provocative salt exciting pithy racy cynical pernicious crisp disparaging maleficent peppery taunting disrespectful brusque churlish stern hostile slighting ill-natured offensive insulting malevolent evil-intentioned unblunted contemptuous ferocious destructive merciless malign baleful splenetic malignant vengeful vindictive bilious strong vigorous malefic salty violent unrelenting edged forthright driving clear pitiless truculent explicit powerful distinct effective blunt sadistic grim scorching potent unequivocal blistering edgy dry ruthless wanton unpleasant snappish snippy testy disapproving acetose short extremely critical cold-blooded crushing razor-sharp ironical burlesque irreverent chaffing parodying Hudibrastic ironic Rabelaisian lampooning paradoxical spoof humorous spoofing farcical bantering ridiculing tongue-in-cheek cold squint-eyed abusive slashing rough sneering curt scoffing hard derisory wry gruff burning jeering aggressive derogatory insensitive inconsiderate arrogant resentful polemical laconic scurrilous uncomplimentary austere disdainful antagonistic ungracious vituperative contumelious grating double-edged backhanded argumentative irascible galling evil carping unsympathetic ornery drilling terse clear-cut controversial irritable embittered contentious corroding strict exacting prejudicial impertinent rigid rigorous wise disputatious wicked mischievous bad-tempered ill-tempered acetic tonic snarling coruscating painful distressing upsetting tough sharp-worded angry thoughtless sulphurous sulfurous menacing grudging hate-filled vinegary twitting saucy needling captious vitriolous unfeeling irritating annoying weisenheiming envenomed tactless inappropriate clever implausible ridiculous defiant contradictory exaggerated backbiting alert jibing atypical twisted curious spicy quick-witted comfortless dirty viperous viperish toxicant cussed crabbed spiky obloquious foul dripping with malice dripping venom full of spleen full of gall accidentally on purpose rubbing the wrong way hard to take insolent degrading berating pejorative reproachful obnoxious reviling denigratory defamatory unmannerly sly subtle deadpan uncivil vituperatory calumniating impolite discourteous vulgar droll abrupt surly deprecating waggish apathetic sour bad-mannered ill-mannered sharp-tongued matter-of-fact straight-faced low-key quietly humorous poker-faced offhand


Believing without question


Having or showing a sensible and practical idea of what can be achieved or expected
matter-of-fact down-to-earth unsentimental plain practical realistic sober dull flat pragmatic deadpan dry mundane prosaic rational sensible unemotional factual lifeless literal no-nonsense straightforward unembellished unimaginative unvarnished businesslike commonsensical hard-headed level-headed earthy hardheaded pragmatical unadorned uncreative emotionless humdrum pedestrian apathetic calm cold cold-blooded exact faithful feasible hard-boiled impassive impersonal naked phlegmatic prosy serious stoic stolid straight-thinking truthful unaffected undistorted unembroidered unidealistic unimpassioned with both feet on the ground reasonable sound sane logical shrewd levelheaded astute commonsense prudent hard grounded unromantic utilitarian balanced common-sense judicious reasoned wise hard-nosed well-founded solid sagacious discerning thoughtful unfantastic analytical analytic informed coherent valid sage good justified just intelligent firm discriminating commonsensible objective lucid tough-minded canny responsible circumspect well-reasoned serious-minded mature robust full of common sense functional together real well-advised well-grounded discreet well-thought-out farsighted sharp cool joined-up forceful viable workable cogent right all there clear-sighted perceptive consequent with one's feet on the ground deductive clear-headed well grounded intellectual well advised well reasoned stable boring colourless literal-minded tedious uninspired uninspiring tough colorless expedient hard-bitten clever enlightened florid uncompromising clear-eyed straight philosophic deliberate politic perspicacious soulless knowing clear-thinking cool-headed vigorous sharp-witted steady-going in one's right mind au courant having all one's marbles well-informed common-sensical dispassionate well considered plain-spoken easy earth-bound plainspoken common hardboiled simple unrefined rough unsophisticated natural have one's feet on the ground direct homely uninhibited unpretentious frank telling substantial convincing powerful easygoing lusty folksy down homey funky lowbred gross basic outdoorsy credible strong sustainable plausible justifiable compelling believable supportable uncorrupted able to hold water maintainable conclusive probable proven holding water weighty persuasive acceptable authoritative defendable perspicuous bona fide germane defensible attested tested irrefutable potent reliable vindicable pertinent legitimate confirmed determinative consistent well thought out trustworthy arguable congruent legit relevant efficacious true kosher effective compos mentis in possession of all your faculties well adjusted controlled unbothered poised unflustered steady normal of sound mind self-controlled collected self-possessed able to reason clearly sound of mind well balanced composed unagitated having all marbles clearheaded mentally sound cool, calm and collected possessed even-tempered unfazed able to think clearly well-balanced right in the head assured home folk down home doable useful practicable possible serviceable working useable applicative constructive usable actionable accomplishable efficient applicable utile handy real-world user friendly helpful user-friendly applied both feet on the ground ultrapractical orderly systematic within the bounds of possibility within the realms of possibility nuts and bolts convenient step-by-step smart insightful sapient acute savvy knowledgeable learned percipient keen calculating profound careful quick-witted moderate dependable heady erudite penetrating reflective educated scholarly argute cagey smooth deep aware considered advisable intuitive bright alert cunning foxy brainy serene worldly-wise imperturbable experienced equable on the ball pawky clear provident cerebral cautious quick brilliant methodical philosophical heads-up contemplative tactical long-headed streetwise foresighted unworried relaxed unflappable ingenious unruffled unmoved well judged confident thinking well-adjusted vigilant healthy observant strategic with great knowledge crafty artful far-seeing sly at ease whip-smart wily slick unperturbed cognitive full of insight astucious advised sophisticated suss cultured temperate coolheaded organized showing great knowledge sedate genius understanding thorough precocious gifted organised laid-back calculated well informed decent measured thought-out desirable subtle right-minded diplomatic satisfying cogitative satisfactory considerate ratiocinative reasoning judgmatical judgmatic tenable understandable slippery sober-minded deliberative meticulous well-judged conservative apt unexcessive unextreme skilful wary articulate cognizant thought through fly secure skillful incisive worldly reserved resourceful cultivated witty calmed cluey responsive undisturbed academic untroubled well organized peaceful unshaken recollected placid level limpid equal sentient media-savvy staid tranquil watchful able in the know well-argued open-eyed bookish on top of self-composed self-assured competent with it fast exceptional supersmart well-read alive clearly stated ultrasmart quick on the uptake ready hyperintelligent deliberated graceful tactful dinkum enterprising proportional symmetrical well-proportioned estimable adult prudential faultless infallible certain genuine substantiated harmonious mentally stable corroborated supported seemly seasonable judicial mild visionary forearmed decisive empirical empiric comprehensible intelligible sensitive equipped contemplated aforethought studied grown-up refined polished well-prepared sensical well whole lettered settled introspective benign sobersided investigated premeditated weighed examined determined downy meaningful in one's best interests down to earth forethoughtful forehanded unconfused studious computed prepense fair ruminative pensive equitable identified sussed sharp-sighted established orthodox accepted hep prepared genial egghead well-expressed well-presented urbane qualified expert unprovincial seasoned ruminating deliberating mentally healthy in good mental health unswerving calculable unexcitable well presented well-structured well expressed right-thinking regulated medium even constant curbed warm modest comfortable muted checked well chosen thought-through thought-about assertive conversant schooled literate scientific nimble-witted impartial chilled meditative street-smart street smart restrained unprejudiced equanimous soothed nonchalant repressed suppressed nonplussed quieted disimpassioned got it together as sharp as a tack having been around clued-up with-it tuned-in admissible making sense unbiased standing to reason tutored widely read well read well educated well-taught self-confident meditating keeping a stiff upper lip not turn a hair keeping one's shirt on at peace have one's act together cool as a cucumber sure of oneself keeping your cool having both feet on the ground evenhanded fair-minded clear-cut inventive open to reason talented self-restrained based on good sense with one's head together in possession of one's faculties with all one's marbles instructed imaginative having a good head on one's shoulders capable highbrow comprehending know how many beans make five having no flies on creative very smart nimble original whiz devious scheming guileful ordered tricky designing methodic cute structured beguiling agile wide awake tentie wide-awake tenty Argus-eyed underhand dodgy systematized coordinated cagy disingenuous probing shark inside gnostic disciplined precise regular awake active good hands with your wits about you on the stick spirited on your toes lively bright-eyed and bushy-tailed all ears clued-in on the lookout on the job on one's toes clued up vital heads up attentive on guard apprehensive quick off the mark hip sophic wised up on the inside up on systematised well ordered well regulated well run well thought-out straightened out

의 반의어 surprisingly accurate

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