의 동의어 to be well thought out


Done with full awareness of the likely consequences
considered calculated informed measured reasoned thought-out aforethought cogent contemplated lucid methodical rational studied advised commonsense determined examined intelligent investigated judicious justified knowing premeditated sensible thoughtful weighed computed deliberate prepense studious well-thought-out thought-about thought through thought-through well advised well chosen well-founded planned organized organised prudent sober strategic tactical scheduled well-planned thought out in advance estimated deliberately planned pre-planned careful circumspect plotted well thought-out carefully chosen selected with care logical politic clear systematic conscious coherent purposive diplomatic shrewd projected intended prearranged reasonable good firm solid levelheaded commonsensical valid commonsensible hard just cunning prepared intentional outlined on purpose prospective done on purpose purposeful designed preconceived well-expressed well-presented sound plain articulate well presented well-structured well expressed consistent well organized analytic wilful willful volitional voluntary witting willed wanton predetermined contrived purposed set designful aimed mannered willing meant artificial self-conscious express well-considered schemed cold-blooded thought out with forethought meditated reasoning reflective responsible preconcerted scrupulous predestined proposed cognizant pondered provident unforced mindful wary contracted anticipated meditative aware cut-and-dried predesigned predeterminate rigged fixed sewn-up laid-out set-up framed up feigned strained forced labored affected laboured guarded overworked reviewed overdone gone into


Having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment
wise intelligent sage discerning informed sagacious shrewd clever enlightened knowing sensible insightful perceptive politic prudent astute deliberated judicious learned knowledgeable rational sharp sound canny intuitive logical sapient educated erudite percipient perspicacious experienced smart strategic tactful cogitative contemplative desirable thoughtful argute foresighted scholarly tactical careful intellectual profound reasoned good justified savvy solid well advised well-advised well-informed well judged full of insight well-founded well reasoned well-reasoned reasonable practical sober commonsensical levelheaded sane just coherent discriminating commonsense realistic commonsensible circumspect discreet well-grounded well-thought-out valid level-headed grounded firm plausible cogent analytical advisable analytic justifiable deductive pragmatic farsighted down-to-earth matter-of-fact together credible objective expedient lucid congruent accurate considered consistent legitimate legit judgmatic judgmatical common-sense worldly-wise reliable stable joined-up efficacious fair acceptable believable thorough reflective all there balanced viable tenable hard ratiocinative cerebral thinking right cool having all one's marbles convincing consequent compelling cognitive sustainable proven confirmed probable relevant defensible perspicuous well grounded full of common sense supportable maintainable defendable pertinent clear-cut in one's right mind kosher holding water diplomatic cautious well informed responsible acute no-nonsense serious-minded mature pawky skilful graceful attentive conversant skillful sophisticated seemly considerate wary calculating judicial keen seasonable provident vigilant steady showing great knowledge with great knowledge clear-sighted well-judged au courant quick-witted healthy clear steady-going proportional well-proportioned symmetrical well-adjusted heads-up long-headed mentally stable harmonious aware cognizant straight unemotional dispassionate telling substantial powerful well-balanced philosophic infallible trustable veridical reasoning collected faultless unquestionable certain synthetic veracious strong bona fide errorless sure sincere impeccable secure inerrant corroborated colorable meticulous rigorous validated substantiated verified truthful persuasive irrefutable arguable true effective workable conclusive weighty authoritative germane determinative empirical certified open definite calculable explicit exact precise stringent empiric forceful vindicable equitable uncorrupted able to hold water clear-headed attested tested potent trustworthy dead-on spot-on on-target letter-perfect decent understandable impartial moderate restrained conservative controlled temperate unprejudiced feasible unexcessive admissible making sense unbiased standing to reason unextreme thought-out fair-minded evenhanded open to reason based on good sense articulate inferential inductive deducible likely syllogistic holding together brainy penetrating quick bright ingenious sharp-witted brilliant alert on the ball observant genius subtle cagey cunning streetwise whip-smart incisive sensitive foxy deep crafty heady clear-eyed philosophical artful sly cultured cultivated wily quick on the uptake suss precocious resourceful slick understanding piercing studious exceptional nimble smooth razor-sharp gifted fast quick off the mark supersmart hardheaded ultrasmart academic refined hyperintelligent ready nimble-witted critical bookish watchful worldly hip far-seeing deft hard-boiled dexterous witty adroit open-eyed dextrous lettered well read well-read literate in the know apt esoteric fine cute awake able street smart highbrow whiz fly media-savvy gnostic well educated rapier-like widely read dependable astucious on guard sharp as a tack slippery frugal civilized cluey heedful inventive seasoned recondite skilled responsive polished sharp-sighted illuminated street-smart donnish penetrative agile tentie tenty capable civilised scientific hard-headed devious well-organized not born yesterday deep-thinking Argus-eyed wired with it active scheming tuned in guileful on the lookout thrifty all ears on the job on one's toes economical tricky designing selective dodgy conscious beguiling downy tasteful sharpened literary significant leery abstruse cagy delicate pedantic been around apprehensive tutored mean visionary probing urbane parsimonious prepared suave hardened instructed unwasteful penny-pinching razor-like imaginative wised up quick-thinking keen-witted accomplished well versed on top of wide-awake deliberate safe well-educated wide awake egghead genial competent alive solemn grave studied spirited quick on the draw psyched up good hands on your toes on the alert switched on with both feet on the ground heads up on the qui vive fast on the draw quick on the trigger advised enterprising adult exquisite theoretical sentient Machiavellian mindful einstein extensional juridicious obvious necessary shady sneaky underhanded shifty handy prudential businesslike schooled sussed grown-up razor sharp serious hard-nosed concerned proficient metaphysical abstract in one's best interests arcane hep plotting well-taught hermetic hermetical pragmatical trained unbelieving battle-scarred thinking twice playing safe complex intriguing exacting detailed receptive acroamatic occult orphic secret as sharp as a tack having fancy footwork forearmed hedging your bets thoughty talented appreciative prescient searching expert versed equipped acuminous comprehending creative original with one's feet on the ground finely honed effectual adept posted polymath professorial well-rounded omniscient pansophic insighted well-prepared smart as a tack knowing how many beans make five nobody's fool not missing a trick having smarts with all one's wits about one vigorous mercurial curt with your wits about you on the stick lively bright-eyed and bushy-tailed clued-in clued up vital very smart smart as a whip guarded forethoughtful forehanded detail oriented having a good head on one's shoulders know how many beans make five having no flies on chary sophic knows what's what ear to the ground gingerly polite saving tight keeping a weather eye on keeping a weather eye open paying attention keeping one's eyes open keeping one's eyes peeled on the watch introspective earnest musing museful ruminative meditative reflecting pondering measured pensive initiated sparing gentle courteous respectful miserly economic systematic worldly wise civil sympathetic unidealistic regulated orderly organized methodical abstemious scrimping economizing old unprovincial with experience matured cordial decorous underhand scholastic intellectualistic intellectualist ordered organised straight-thinking well organized mathematical advanced poised mannerly kind particular highbrowed eggheaded geeky clerkly intellective bluestocking stingy normal having been around been there old hand well travelled treating with kid gloves disingenuous meaningful suggestive nerdish longhair blue nerdy obscure liberal shark calculated inside into recognized faithful cheap canonical penny-wise reputable sanctioned recognised economising clearheaded orthodox fastidious long-haired developed apprised progressive discriminative on the inside wakeful unimpaired up on legal tried-and-true wise up open-minded expressive discriminational discriminatory differential broad-minded hip to in the picture able to reason clearly well balanced able to think clearly compos mentis in possession of all your faculties of sound mind free-thinking artistic aesthetic nice enigmatic plugged in knowing what's what jazzed finical choosy with good taste select picky individualising eclectic opinionated persnickety individualizing fussy choicy finicky esthetic eloquent impish arch teasing speaking mischievous playful on tiptoe consequential most likely


Capable of working successfully
viable feasible practicable workable achievable attainable operational realistic realisable realizable suitable applicable doable likely manageable operable possible practical serviceable usable accomplishable logical sensible useful effective expedient reasonable sound tenable valid within reach within reason judicious level-headed of use sustainable wise worthwhile well advised well grounded within possibility within the bounds of possibility within the realms of possibility obtainable functional reachable working useable actionable applicative acquirable accessible gettable pragmatic applied utile ultrapractical operative available convenient handy conceivable efficient procurable winnable graspable securable probable utilizable helpful at hand fit exploitable employable utilisable on constructive sane performable pragmatical within your grasp utilitarian solid real-world functioning open profitable able to be done beneficial get-at-able unused advantageous ready for use valuable in working order in the cards on the cards expendable consumable makable rational implementable appropriate commonsensical promising adequate sufficient odds-on offered on hand good enough practiced getatable on deck to hand on tap prepared open to relevant untaken around derivable from exercised empirical utilized used within the realm of possibility durable vacant in hand derivable forthcoming existing tested adapted correlated related experiential empiric disposable dependable hard-wearing current running practised utilised spendable sturdy aiding invaluable stout assistive enforced available for use instrumental wieldy operating subservient good exhaustible adaptable ready hands-on brought to bear up and running fit for use at one's disposal in running order in order at your disposal non-theoretical potential imaginable easy up for grabs no problem duck soup no sweat cherry pie piece of cake orderly systematic plain unromantic factual unidealistic user friendly down-to-earth matter-of-fact user-friendly nuts and bolts step-by-step both feet on the ground unsentimental businesslike earthy real hardheaded sober hard straightforward hard-boiled commonsense prudent astute unfantastic shrewd levelheaded intuitive actual intelligible easy to use uncomplicated untroublesome simple real-life tough-minded neat robust comprehensible hard-nosed easily operated easy to understand hard-headed user-oriented foolproof no-nonsense ergonomic everyday utility prosaic nifty well-designed easy-to-use objective common-sense genuine substantive manipulable true with both feet on the ground enforceable productive comfortable made well uncompromising forceful approachable vigorous positive natural lifelike naturalistic truthful formative encouraging common-sensical organizational procedural fruitful lasting non-decorative tough long-lasting unadorned multipurpose central versatile natty gainful true-life workaday unemotional grounded easily understood easily grasped wearable strong wear-resistant to the purpose cinch breeze snap clear-sighted suited to the purpose nontheoretical with one's feet on the ground methodological organisational simple as ABC easy as pie popular readily available in easy reach near at hand near-at-hand close-at-hand honest non-fictional corporeal palpable hassle-free tangible time-saving labour-saving corporal legitimate at your fingertips trouble-free concrete physical authentic


Carried out using a planned, ordered procedure
well organized systematic methodical orderly organised organized systematised systematized businesslike efficient regular standardised standardized planned routine structured careful coherent consistent formal logical methodic neat practical precise standard analytical arranged controlled coordinated fastidious methodized meticulous ordered thoroughgoing complete exact well ordered well-ordered joined-up out-and-out disciplined well planned well regulated scrupulous fixed tidy deliberate systematical well-regulated nonrandom streamlined regulated smooth-running punctilious well-thought-out tight designed by the numbers painstaking by the book together conventional established set well-organized customary regimented prescribed recognized accepted thorough in order recognised orthodox usual strict rigid workaday common ordinary steady official normal traditional accustomed typical mechanical periodic effective wonted habitual correct natural general cut-and-dried scientific slick well run institutional uniform ritualistic ritual shipshape legal authorized practised formalistic approved certified stock documented harmonious authoritative valid formulaic lawful practiced everyday sanctioned familiar repeated periodical constant settled explicit well thought-out legitimate all together in good shape average commonplace self-controlled authorised frequent cyclic expected unremarkable unexceptional quotidian bona fide cut-and-dry day-to-day prosaic analytic sensible mainstream reasonable diagnostic procedural bureaucratic professional straightened out integrated school establishment cohesive matter-of-fact ready correlated cataloged classified tabulated restrained trim sorted out daily acknowledged competent productive societal well-kept economic grouped formed catalogued prearranged prepared formulated economical prevailing popular typic prevalent resourceful consolidated collective unified in sync laborsaving timesaving influential framed alike spick-and-span rangé set-up clean saving cooperative assimilated combined united endorsed no-nonsense pragmatic in apple-pie order in shape to rights organic validated sedulous skillful diligent expeditious earnest accomplished serious enterprising direct industrious concentrated purposeful skilful intent hardworking neat as button neat as pin licensed confirmed accredited verified even authenticated proper ratified authentic licenced kosher cost-effective well-planned labour-saving fuel-efficient energy-efficient energy-saving peaceable rhythmic pro forma unchanging symmetrical unvarying express scheduled well-arranged recurring household plain ubiquitous ceremonious seasonal run-of-the-mill common or garden chronic garden-variety standard-issue patterned measured dependable invariable law-abiding well-behaved ceremonialistic ceremonial characteristic balanced congruous alternating punctual reliable consonant successive accordant serial time-honoured ongoing addicting repetitious iterative reiterative perfunctory iterated permanent seasoned rooted automatic long-term

의 반의어 to be well thought out

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