Antonym de extremely anxious


Opposite of feeling or showing worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome
calm collected cool easy happy-go-lucky nerveless relaxed unconcerned assured carefree certain composed confident nonchalant unfazed unperturbed bold brave content courageous happy inattentive unafraid unfearful unwilling unworried laid-back untroubled unruffled easy-going at ease peaceful tranquil together undisturbed poised fearless serene sure self-possessed unflappable levelheaded unflustered unshaken self-composed daring audacious gutsy imperturbable cool-headed comfortable equable self-assured restful steady quiet sound coolheaded placid undaunted pleased dauntless venturesome intrepid settled stable firm unbothered comforted self-controlled unshakable unwavering cool as a cucumber at peace chilled adventurous venturous casual hardy sane unmoved balanced secure valiant civil definite level-headed gallant contented stouthearted encouraged easygoing halcyon unagitated calmed sedate adventuresome dashing unexcitable strong unexcited reposeful unaffected clear patient moderate optimistic still stress-free stalwart valorous controlled unstressed lionhearted stout joyous cheerful uninterested undismayed doughty indifferent impassive unrestricted mellow blithe stolid unanxious normal unhysterical recollected self-collected predictable unchanging stationary immutable unchangeable constant unvarying invariable changeless plucky insouciant joyful self-confident satisfied fixed safe cool, calm and collected neutral mild balmy in control mild-mannered even-tempered calm and collected hushed temperate unemotional reposing smooth greathearted heroical heroic hopeful cheered resolute unequivocal docile undoubting dispassionate emotionless self-contained categorical gay decisive positive assertive unquestionable level untormented implicit unbound reassured lackadaisical consummate unconstrained congenial uninhibited glad rested unsuspicious organized jumpy nervous agitated restive convincing unceremonious unrestrained unafflicted unburdened expectant rational well-adjusted well-balanced gratified soothed unfussy pacific defiant sanguine doubtless unfaltering inapprehensive ordered free undoubted indubious nice loose adjusted leisurely unhurried unself-conscious natural unshy graceful unashamed unencumbered unstirred organised ballsy game hassle-free laid back at home reasonable gladdened disencumbered without a care unfearing eager unflinching unhampered uninterrupted unhindered unbroken trouble-free unfettered unabashed unbeleaguered uncaring limpid limp mettlesome unshrinking sober straight unscared gritty unfrightened supple durable not scared stout-hearted amenable unnervous idyllic


Opposite of feeling nervous or anxious

Sinônimo de extremely anxious

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