Antonym de more fancy pants


Opposite of comparative for having an especially high opinion of oneself, usually with contempt for others
humbler gentler quieter simpler lowlier politer shier meeker timider unsurer milder mousier coyer colder cooler unfriendlier frostier awkwarder fearfuller smarmier abjecter patienter tamer oilier silenter plainer edgier slimier soapier tenser easier greasier softer suckier drier stiffer warier haughtier chaster lower baser charier mellower friendlier seemlier meaner courtlier kinder pleasanter neighborlier nicer lazier primmer smaller milkier snootier more modest more overmodest more demure more docile more obsequious more self-effacing more unobtrusive more unostentatious more unarrogant more unassuming more unpretentious more apprehensive more hesitant more introverted more passive more reserved more self-conscious more self-critical more subdued more unambitious more unassertive more withdrawn more acquiescent more biddable more compliant more obliging more servile more submissive more subservient more tractable more yielding more bashful more deferential more diffident more supplicatory more unconceited more courteous more respectful more reverential more sheepish more sedate more soft-spoken more standoffish more tentative more timorous more unaggressive more obedient more amenable more accommodating more reticent more manageable more malleable more pliant more pliable more cooperative more aloof more persuadable more sycophantic more distant more governable more ingratiating more embarrassed more uneasy more nervous more unctuous more dutiful more duteous more backward more adaptable more unsociable more unaffected more insecure more unconfident more ductile more remote more detached more recessive more natural more uncomfortable more controllable more antisocial more agreeable more offish more anxious more restrained more manipulable more unapproachable more slavish more unforthcoming more inhibited more oleaginous more forbearing more unassured more unclubbable more uncertain more willing more asocial more toadyish more shamefaced more reluctant more unbending more spiritless more strained more conformable more ingenuous more constrained more unpresuming more ordinary more indifferent more genuine more artless more blushing more discreet more sycophantish more persuasible more consenting more unboastful more self-abasing more temperate more reclusive more supplicant more unpretending more spineless more orderly more pleading more abashed more suspicious more easygoing more unnatural more misanthropic more obeisant more regardful more proper more muffled more inconspicuous more stilted more civil more mannerly more gracious more uncompanionable more gauche more subordinate more considerate more amiable more teachable more eremitic more supine more complaisant more helpful more unselfish more unresistant more hushed more docious more refined more accommodative more self-deprecating more menial more polished more attentive more gentlemanly more affable more ladylike more supercilious more reverent more solicitous more genteel more indulgent more gallant more urbane more conforming more accepting more approving more thoughtful more flexible more rabbity more inelaborate more awed more snobbish more hospitable more generous more benevolent more tolerant more unpoised more genial more neighbourly more cordial more artificial more self-contained more parasitical more unprotesting more hushful more tactful more decorous more civilised more civilized more cultivated more formal more resistless more chivalrous more admiring more unadorned more convincible more mannered more ashamed more unaspiring more apathetic more self-interested more self-absorbed more introvert more pensive more contemplative more self-centered more self-centred more longanimous more Uriah Heepish more ruminative more diplomatic more meditative more susceptive more inner-directed more suasible more reflective more decent more uncomplaining more domesticated more placable more disciplinable more trainable more faint-hearted more good-humored more good-humoured more well behaved more ill at ease more mealy-mouthed

Sinônimo de more fancy pants

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