Sinônimo de a clamp


A brace, band, or clasp for strengthening or holding things together


A parking enforcement device used to immobilize a car


The conditions under which land or buildings are held or occupied
tenure holding occupancy occupation tenancy possession proprietorship residence ownership title administration clasp clench clinch clutch contract dynasty freehold grasp grip hold lease regime reign security control dominion habitation use authority residency inhabitancy inhabitance claim deed possessorship rule command proprietary rights charge keeping hand custody power inhabitation sway slice piece incumbency habitancy domiciliation dwelling mastery influence guardianship dominance term settlement rights right rental property partnership cut takeover buying purchasing end purchase government having leasehold domination right of possession jurisdiction arm reins living in leadership direction ascendancy governance care sovereignty period of occupancy management period of occupation regimen clutches death grip retention mana hands enjoyment owndom presidency stay pull clout housing billeting quartering disposal leverage renting leasing authorities establishment spell supervision organization organisation system of government pecking order charter booking owner-occupancy multi-occupancy rent let agreement hire agreement rental agreement supremacy tyranny empire regnancy hegemony stranglehold raj sovranty ascendency regiment evil embrace time in power period of influence entitlement due privilege commission licence license dibs prerogative custody of keeping of charge of proprietary rights to control of guardianship of predominance might ascendance ascendence superiority upper hand force strength whip hand prepotency prepotence predomination prepollency regimentation primacy claws pre-eminence edge paramountcy imperium rulership overlordship subjection authorization authorisation say-so rein triumph victory choke monopoly monarchy jaws potency reach conquest stewardship suppression strong influence guidance omnipotence superintendence helm iron grip personal power generalship despotism coercion weight collaring commandeering strings impact effect say teeth drag jump ability muscle slavery servitude strong arm leg up bondage enslavement might and main subjugation yoke thraldom servility thralldom serfdom oppression vassalage preeminence thrall predominancy advantage lordship suzerainty regency seniority


A movable bar placed across the fingerboard of a guitar used to raise the pitch of all strings


To fasten or fix securely in place
fasten secure fix attach hitch anchor bolt moor set catch clip screw brace clinch close make fast tie bind join connect link bond couple chain stick affix lash pin yoke rivet glue append annex cement interconnect concatenate unite weld batten pair tether annexe interlink lock nail knit hook up pinion hook clasp hitch on tie up plant peg bring together fuse tack on add solder tack adhere splice bridge bracket catenate embed implant link up tag on hook on lodge strap slap on truss imbed rope settle subjoin tape conjugate compound cohere conjoin entwine tie in interface establish hold position wedge buckle fetter infix place install bend grip root tighten make firm freeze to button wed string deposit bed engrain leash unify entrench enroot instal nail down dovetail put together tag tie down network batten down lock up plug into tie in with meld with clap stay post dock berth make port staple meld adjust match associate combine mount team amalgamate click consociate ally span merge insert knot assemble juxtapose harness seal hold together fasten together cleave button down join up network with join up with paste mate sink thrust bury fix firmly picket cable incorporate band mortise match up tie together come together knit together draw together yoke together pin down peg down zero in jam fasten down board up fasten securely clamp down cover up situate consolidate emplace ingrain depose intrench put stabilize lay dispose locate solidify rigidify congeal stiffen station stabilise inculcate instil steady instill set up graft stay put make permanent prefix hitch up latch onto gum cling hew adjoin marry hang shackle blend stick together snag hold fast add on coalesce join together fit interfuse interlock put in put on hug stick on stick fast put up hold on include correlate affiliate Sellotape group display plaster league mesh braze embrace agglutinate slot in interlace clog hang on strap up hold on to intermesh pin up engage lace cleave to cinch stick like glue be fixed be glued be pasted tack up be stuck nail up fit together stick up cling like ivy lasso Velcro sellotape melt clump inject inspan freeze hasp grapple placard inset mortar gird fit in align repair piece together work in toe take on put down identify relate attach securely piggyback remain fit into place conglutinate epoxy stick to like glue hog-tie intertwine outfit throw in ingraft transplant bind up be bogged down stick like barnacle collar bridle rig engraft bar mix build on hold on like bulldog stick like a barnacle belt latch slip resolve reconcile plug draw a connection between lace up do up manacle implement confederate branch handcuff grasp propagate transfer belt up clutch deadbolt concord toenail gyve poise overcome straddle pull together twine restrain interweave intermingle trammel interdigitate enfetter rig out fit out enchain lump together group together deck confine kit out plumb hobble hang onto put on a hook hang up be fastened chain up


To impose or inflict something undesirable on someone


Forcibly put an end to
suppress subdue crush quell conquer quash stop overpower extinguish repress squash check defeat stamp out overthrow put down vanquish cow discontinue end inhibit quench silence squelch arrest clamp down on crack down on halt terminate triumph over abolish annihilate bottle bury destroy dominate interrupt kill overcome overturn overwhelm put out shush slap down snuff out spike stem trample drive underground trample on block out cut off hold down hold in keep in keep inside put an end to sit on beat down bring to naught put kibosh on put lid on put the lid on curb stifle thwart put a stop to control restrain nip in the bud block hold back put the kibosh on frustrate obstruct prevent stymie hinder wipe out demolish eliminate oppress restrict contain scotch get rid of subjugate close eradicate put paid to finish bar extirpate bring to an end ruin clog impede choke beat limit stop up constrain shut down clog up disrupt regulate wreck rout plug up clobber foil obliterate devastate stall upset stay plug undo curtail occlude do for slow barricade jam dam congest stuff close up put the stopper on blockade choke off block up stopper bung up blot out hold up withhold order smash bridle keep in check deaden hamper discipline bring to a stop break spoil bring to a halt remove nullify keep under control exterminate put a lid on expunge still queer decimate dash circumvent shatter scupper sabotage keep down bring to a standstill baulk throttle intercept catch counter rein in caulk crack down snow under interfere with balk clot bung close out fill up fill mess up control strictly regiment weed out close off shut off choke up screw up block off pull up retard gum up scrunch trash squish dismiss reject censure come down hard on torpedo dish confine leash settle censor dumb keep under clamp down clam abate dull brake run down call a halt conclude wrap up complete wind up bring to screeching halt banish throw a monkey wrench in the works of throw a spanner in the works bring to a close pour cold water on gain mastery over throw cold water on gain control over tread cripple cut short damage undermine suspend attack subvert tread on master govern obscure erase dispatch impair smother swamp whelm prostrate overmaster floor moderate incapacitate ravage detain retain constrict quelch ice reduce strangle mar disable threaten annul obturate lick soften neutralize forestall mellow damp deny keep back cease pulverize liquidate finish off vaporize wrack cream nuke desolate waste raze total lessen diminish stunt die squeeze dam up silt up gibbet drown gunge up noose wring harm bollix grind down contravene debar scuttle obviate snooker invalidate derail rub out abort staunch confound baffle discomfit repel deter tone down pull down tear down do in pulverise vaporise blow away break down break up repulse rattle parry nobble checkmate outwit force down bring someone to their knees bear down on refuse hold off on lay off keep the lid on intrude on muck up wipe off the map take out blank neutralise counterplot disappoint cross seal keep a lid on take away put a spoke in someone's wheel foul up cause setback get the better of upset the applecart put end to stand in the way of put the mockers on louse up take wind out of sails quieten down put on hold refuse to pay put on ice do away with hold in check pack jam up hold off stanch get under control wipe off the face of the earth shut out stonewall manage manipulate organize systematize muzzle gag methodize systematise bring into line rule with a rod of iron keep a tight rein on organise drop freeze can scrub fix brace draw up bring up fetch up knock off put a brake on

Antonym de a clamp

Music ♫

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