Sinônimo de a faithful


Remaining loyal and steadfast
constant devoted loyal true dedicated staunch steadfast true-blue committed trusty dependable reliable unswerving unwavering attached trustworthy devout down-the-line dutiful fast good obedient pious stanch steady true-hearted trusted truthful immovable affectionate allegiant ardent believable circumspect confiding conscientious correct dyed-in-the-wool enduring firm genuine hard-core honest honorable honourable incorruptible loving patriotic resolute scrupulous sincere straight sure tried unchanging upright behind one on the level string along with tried and tested tried and true true to life unfailing responsible stable solid tried-and-true stalwart trustable unfaltering calculable zealous safe sound fervent earnest passionate strong established secure fanatical deep-dyed wholehearted true blue persistent close confirmed card-carrying uncompromising reputable fervid supportive keen long-standing deep-rooted certain never-failing fixed unshakeable intent enthusiastic sensible stout stubborn hard-working vigorous compliant decent inveterate entrenched righteous unshakable sworn respectful liege infallible deep diligent driven diehard settled abiding attentive assiduous determined active unhesitating vehement inseparable intense sturdy through and through dear unyielding obdurate deferential obstinate die-hard intimate inexorable eager rigid credible bosom mad keen ethical reverent virtuous durable level-headed principled single-minded hardened veracious competent immutable adherent boon pledged complete unflinching persevering bound thorough regardful thoroughgoing long-established incorrigible absolute go-to high-principled out-and-out duteous proved reverential unbending tenacious unquestioning unapologetic unashamed intransigent studious dogged veridical indomitable unflagging orthodox incurable purposeful avid unrelenting decisive valued consistent balanced always there pure cherished special treasured bred-in-the-bone moral rational deep-seated keen as mustard submissive docile strict biddable adult unchangeable confidential mature impassioned close-knit familiar pliant capable utter long-lasting serious lasting predictable stand-up unqualified rooted adamant capable of being trusted inflexible impeccable venerating intrenched stiff chronic habitual concerned unrepentant full-bore set unimpeachable tough indefatigable pertinacious undying right-down arrant spirited fond adoring doting truehearted filial resolved effective to be counted on eternal tested persisting definite ingrained up front untiring fail-safe plucky gutsy gritty tried and trusted irrepressible well-behaved brave courageous well-established well disciplined red-hot well trained strong-willed strong-minded rock solid hard-line stout-hearted safe as houses straightforward redoubtable on one's side unflappable impervious motivated sane emphatic reasonable fundamentalist standup religious traditional conservative hopeless discreet prayerful engagé humble authentic truthlike truthsome admiring consecrated radical in good faith impartial unpretentious unfeigned fair uncontrived equitable perfervid unmovable changeless immobile unmistakable extreme right just nice profound right-minded beyond hope clutch respectable big exuberant worthy creditable all right undistorted estimable square revering positive careful incorrupt unequivocal as thick as thieves permanent no lie qualified able efficient self-reliant rabid equable endless boundless dyed-in-the wool quality inexhaustible through-and-through flawless bulletproof perdurable foolproof guaranteed resilient tireless sedulous industrious full-fledged instilled congenital infixed deep-down long-lived on the up and up ceaseless continuous saintly busy laborious well balanced well-built well-balanced uncorrupted compelling undamaged best normal convincing perfect familial single-hearted old faithful unlimited surefire unfading can't-miss unerring continual main favorite important principal proven attested likely to perform iron-willed fierce feisty high-powered bustling straight-up deeply ingrained true to the end fly right above suspicion boy scout as good as one's word to be trusted sure-fire worthy of trust down home full of integrity recognized approved certified classic demonstrated failsafe truthy bottomless to the core out and out operose rigorous recognised used aggressive hard-nosed as keen as mustard influential persuasive well judged fresh trenchant felicitous unimpaired favourable seasonable expedient unspoiled eatable timely potent whole well timed unhurt unspoilt honored tried out put to the test time-honoured given over to hardworking same delivering there come-through continuing invariable sagacious forceful self-confident seasoned honoured favourite eager beaver undecayed uncontaminated promising intact fit to eat unblemished sonly sororal family fraternal daughterly firm in spirit independent perceptive two-fisted hardy animated confident assertive heroic tough-minded ironclad pushy self-assertive resourceful take charge mean right-hand perennial lifelong counted on rocklike indelible favorable copper-bottomed fiery torrid irredeemable unreformable compulsive ineradicable impenitent obsessive longtime supreme carrying the load staid explicit accustomed inured habituated good as one's word befitting a son or daughter sicker chauvinistic tender bona fide jingoistic nationalist warm relentless well established deep-set hard-shell all-consuming firmly established mettlesome steely perseverant undaunted implacable unshaken intrepid valiant tractable nationalistic caring kind amenable acquiescent purposive indurate decided insistent bold manageable yielding benevolent gentle accommodating malleable unbendable deliberate strenuous manful spunky meek deferent isolationist nurturing friendly bulldog out peremptory pliable governable unresisting passive considerate cordial thoughtful sympathetic amatory complaisant tame obsequious loyalist xenophobic jingo sentimental demonstrative generous solicitous amiable resigned subservient controllable servile four-square intent on set on do-or-die determined to committed to the idea of tall in the saddle meaning business no-nonsense hell-bent on on one's mettle insistent on hell-bent upon bent on rock-ribbed bent upon hell bent on dead set on intent upon punctilious obliging warm-hearted tenderhearted willing conformable obeisant obligatory binding disciplined expressing adoration bound up spreadeagle flag-waving statesmanlike ingratiating bootlicking observant docious sheeplike hearsome honoring incumbent on honouring law-abiding well-trained at beck and call wrapped around finger in one's power in one's clutches under control in one's pocket on a string hard fearless lionhearted doughty daring willful headstrong dauntless undeviating valorous mulish stiff-necked gallant energetic bullheaded pigheaded intractable game audacious self-willed adamantine hardheaded unremitting wilful ballsy perverse dead set enterprising stouthearted bent focused opinionated adventurous ossified unafraid pat inconvincible gutty self-opinionated ruthless focussed nervy heroical full of determination greathearted undauntable unmalleable dashing grim lion-hearted ambitious stringent dynamic patient importunate obsessed stern powerful harsh venturous concentrated hell-bent unshrinking severe refractory rugged robust bound and determined bloody-minded assured set in stone demanding iron hardline venturesome daredevil unappeasable unadaptable intensive bull-headed go-getting exacting cast-iron have-a-go locked in high-spirited unwearied incessant draconian unpersuadable merciless weariless unvacillating adventuresome hard-driving self-starting fixated goal-oriented aspiring militant self-driven unsparing authoritarian unswayable hard and fast manly dour unsentimental unabashed pitiless grind hyper unwearying unforgiving domineering unfearful recalcitrant inspired hungry heavy-handed desirous unalterable striving thirsty unaccommodating invincible unalarmed sustained painstaking hanging tough unceasing unvarying iron-fisted all-out Herculean uncooperative concerted nerved lusty brick-wall emboldened temerarious austere engrossed free-swinging set in one's ways tough nut forcible unswervable unstoppable jumping perky contrary as game as Ned Kelly monomaniacal fire-eating resounding unfluctuating on the go ball of fire stubborn as a mule balky ferocious pressing hearty wild imperious oppressive cruel uncompliant full-blooded unassailable desperate resistant in earnest chivalrous reckless meticulous swashbuckling unconquerable hard-hitting unblenching undismayed spartan toughened rash brash foolhardy clamorous hard-bitten stand pat unsympathetic hard as nails noble in-your-face commanding aweless standing one's ground unsurpassable invulnerable detailed hang tough impregnable entreating searching violent muscular absorbed exigent stiffened consumed compelled well-founded methodical preoccupied possessed concentrating urgent bolshie undefeatable gung ho immersed undeterred overbearing occupied galvanized impelled unrestrained ornery blunt burning uncontrolled unbridled concrete picky formidable induced obsessional disciplinary stony cantankerous uptight entire punchy cussed dominant never-tiring red-blooded lively inexpugnable pushed steered guided impulsive besetting galvanised froward unpermissive clamant remorseless not giving an inch stony-hearted brisk progressive pioneering self-assured even uniform unabated brassbound can-do peppery gingery unfearing hopeful self-possessed dug in all out mean business regular incompliant drastic standing pat invariant wrapped up resolved to death-or-glory pig-headed hard-and-fast callous dogmatic sticking to one's guns single-minded about firm about ramrod cool dire impavid well-made urged on self-asserting rough pulling no punches go-ahead tyrannical self-seeking get up and go power-hungry high-reaching built to last obsessive about inflexible about stop at nothing fixated on serious-minded fanatical about hard-hearted strongly made power-loving puissant on task self-disciplined hardboiled buckled down repeated uncomplaining long-suffering realistic firmly-based direct restless unbeatable not joking bravehearted irremovable sporting unbudgeable restive cocksure unblinking immoveable unintimidated awkward hellbent vital uninfluenced unsinkable perseverative renitent mullish narrow-minded forbidding illiberal unending unretiring impassive great hidebound immalleable contumacious resolute about unstinting blinkered unimpressionable iron-jawed untameable insurmountable insuperable sticky cross-grained cohesive mighty possessive unmodifiable quiescent impassable puritanical telelogical calculated unmoved self-motivated undiscouraged pounding mortal hard-headed competitive bullish inalterable brassy frightless fit whole-hearted stuffy businesslike unflexible crisp doctrinaire cutthroat madcap imposing authoritative riveted in for long haul determinate unpliable locked tiger all exclusive enrapt undivided in place in position not afraid cynical bloodthirsty forward controlling flat-out insistent about prevailing thrusting set in concrete devil-may-care risky defiant warlike gladiatorial brutal scrappy going playing hard ball unquenchable bitter furious granite bossy orped going for broke engaged enthralled watchful alert thick-skinned heartfelt meaning what one says like bad penny set in your ways clear-sighted straight out grave unplacatable iron-handed unmollifiable inescapable unpacifiable flinty irreversible exact pushful frisky sprightly mettled overbold overconfident impressive be out for blood nose to the grindstone not put off not discouraged collected composed static never give up unconcerned unworried unapprehensive do or die hold the fort hold your ground hold the line bantam assuming cut-throat unmoving poised difficult to keep down death-defying impatient pleading imperative crying reiterative monotonous disciplinarian ascetical by the book hardhearted astringent uncharitable browbeating ascetic autocratic cold herolike cocky error-tolerant hard-wearing undisturbed icy carefree imperishable indestructible ineluctable rolling with punches quick to recover quick to bounce back daunting like a ball of fire on the make career-minded desiring success intensely competitive fiercely competitive having killer instinct dog-eat-dog hang-tough high-pressure go for broke feverish regimented tough nut to crack decided upon writ in stone cut-and-dried strait-laced ungoverned uncurbed tough as old boots uncaring unstinted like death and taxes no going back necessary compulsory beseeching begging substantial in the bag shoo-in conclusive sanguine nailed down locked on pugnacious go-go controlled superheated awesome as tough as old boots tremendous bombproof tight hard-shelled hard-boiled massed impermeable confining cool-headed elaborate explosive charged heated volatile emotional warm-blooded ungovernable hot-blooded solidified husky taut heavy-duty sealed blocked awe-inspiring minding extensive incandescent passional well-constructed sweeping compact dimensional consolidated made to last out to fixed upon anxious to committed to intending to fixed on obsessed with resolved on impatient to decisive about determined on compacted impliable minute categorical macho thick congealed widespread frozen dense implicit closely controlled strictly controlled rigidly enforced jellied impenetrable Ramboesque brick wall rock-solid rock-hard non-flexible remove procrustean like a rock really hard very hard swift forthright prompt rapid arduous taxing exhausting unreserved unreasonable unamenable hard to please fussy fastidious boorish argumentative finicky constructive undeclared taken for granted tacit accurate implied understood inarticulate full unquestioned latent contained unexpressed unspoken virtual undoubting practical total inevitable implicative unconditional inferential unuttered inferred unsaid irritable tiresome vexed testy unmanageable choosy captious snappy temperamental chippy quarrelsome disputative oafish hypercritical prickly querulous bearish thrawn huffy stroppy negative delicate overcritical wrong-headed irascible obstructive particular over-particular dictatorial critical ungracious grumbly disobliging trying finical unpredictable hard to handle invidious fiendish sensitive ill-natured crotchety uppity touchy troublesome difficult sour discontented dissatisfied rude crabby hard to satisfy irritating contrarious impolite opinionative disputatious perfectionist fractious obstreperous


True to the facts or the original
accurate exact precise strict true close authentic error-free errorless faultless unerring convincing just realistic right veracious verisimilar without error credible lifelike similar undistorted veridical bang on on the beam on the button on the mark on the nail spot on on the money correct factual literal genuine truthful proper valid veritable reliable unvarnished honest good real spot-on legit verbatim unembellished word for word sound kosher legitimate unadulterated perfect actual true to life detailed scrupulous trustworthy dead-on definite solid direct authoritative rigorous undeviating natural true-to-life regular meticulous dependable on-target explicit bona fide matter-of-fact concrete absolute certified dinkum naturalistic clear-cut thorough fair veristic specific straightforward unabridged believable graphic verifiable on the nose certain definitive hard fact-based pure on target well-founded sure-enough particular on the level right on judicious sharp distinct methodical scientific near flawless impeccable defined living speaking naturalist representative word-perfect conclusive original so telling it like it is clear photo-realistic undisputed authenticated infallible certifiable sure unquestionable unambiguous three-dimensional as it really happened complete straight righteous echt effective vivid pukka pucka true-blue official proven careful trusty punctilious plain unmistakable rigid discriminating deft systematic discriminative skilful skillful punctual photographic conscientious objective ultraprecise representational word-for-word immaculate simple unexaggerated letter-for-letter pinpoint attested letter-perfect unelaborated letter for letter cogent documentary nonfictional historical compelling unembroidered downright sensible irrefutable undeniable unimpeachable unrefuted narrow to the letter appropriate standard unequivocal legal supported circumstantiated validated verified reputable existent normal reasonable undoubted bonafide guileless ingenuous safe unmistaken amen outright rational indubitable satisfactory acceptable decisive canonical dead on inch-perfect de facto straight from horse's mouth honest-to-goodness for real on the up and up real McCoy like it is severe like alike learned vérité minute scholarly delicate bare gospel stark final fine line-for-line refined mathematical real-life utter in accordance with the facts documented respected confirmed out-and-out thoroughgoing identical creditable hairline literatim total line for line line by line kitchen-sink surgical determinate categorical individual frank candid sincere still life warts and all apparent ordinary written usual verbal critical unmitigated consummate unqualified sheer express well-defined from the horse's mouth untainted unspoiled full true blue unspoilt upfront admissible unalloyed arrant lawful straight from the horse's mouth the real McCoy based on facts forthright watertight inerrant solemn OK not figurative open plain-spoken cinematic filmic resembling blow-by-blow O.K. set determined established live sterling rightful stone okay equitable characteristic archetypal typical archetypical in every respect failsafe nailed down bull's-eye on the numbers unfaked persuasive artless unaffected free-spoken round visual retentive average unpretentious undesigning unpretending fitting on the right track for sure on track right stuff along the right lines cut-and-dried well defined genuine article real thing twenty-four carat clearly defined simon-pure your actual black-and-white astute plainspoken unfeigned truth-telling outspoken unreserved square telling intense acute justified right as rain on the ball on the right lines free of error cooking with gas according to Hoyle unadorned powerful dinky-di wise sagacious intelligent undeceptive strong forceful incontrovertible circumstantial meaning what one says fail-safe very likely logical unbiased unprejudiced percipient perceptive shrewd plausible probable potent justifiable reasoned defensible warrantable commonsensical firm levelheaded sober defendable warranted commonsense commonsensible informed high-principled incontestable unassailable irresistible unanswerable recognized fly tried-and-true sanctioned significant recognised orthodox true-life card-carrying painstaking vindicable as true as I'm sitting here on the line as true as I'm standing here assuasive impressive satisfying suasive nice balanced colourable moving influential possible carrying conviction swaying presumable believeable hopeful well grounded well-grounded unblemished irreproachable ideal indefectible seamless exemplary spotless stainless model intact exquisite copybook clean whole classic supreme foolproof textbook unflawed picture-perfect picture-book without blemish without fault just so positive tangible indisputable substantial innocent naive palpable evident physical unassuming accepted perceptible unfailing up front authorized accredited substantiated existing uncontrived modest deadly substantive corporeal material humble authorised aboveboard without airs intrinsic approved licensed unimaginary inescapable demonstrated homely unstudied uncounterfeited unpresumptuous licenced well-established naïve non-fictional spontaneous unsophisticated fair dinkum assured easy essential unmixed formal fair and square unprocessed coherent uncanny lethal manifest sustainable uncontaminated undiluted bodily endorsed permissible unimposing unostentatious unmannered supportable on the up-and-up demonstrable lucid congruent viable grounded dead ratified workable incarnate non-spiritual pragmatic childlike corporal allowed visible down-to-earth phenomenal appreciable measurable not copied practical easy-going laid-back self-effacing quantifiable cracker-barrel signed and sealed holding water sure enough all right real-world straight dinkum dinky-die nonfiction corroborated above board loyal conforming considerable royal informal heartfelt earnest known unpretended hearty straight-shooting fundamental tenable conventional all-out flat-out true story plenary unconditional provable implicit preferable transparent extemporary comprehensive customary permitted omniscient tacit telling the truth understandable biographical unswerving confirmable rightly so called virtual implied pretensionless prize unguarded prototypical acknowledged inevitable unacknowledged non-fictitious precision proved master current unimagined factualistic intensive sweeping licit inerrable sure-fire invariable honest-to-God present embodied legalized binding discernible fit well aimed unartful unartificial undisguised obvious overt straight from shoulder constitutional plain-speaking up-front no-nonsense no fooling unhypocritical worldly honest-to-god contractual usable striking observable patent intelligible real live according to law empirical everyday qualified expert professional legalised unexpired sure-thing for-sure no buts about it real stuff really-truly first generation detectable perceivable unobtrusive earthly honest to God twenty-four-carat signed sealed mundane temporal fleshly well documented folksy inelaborate down uncomplex unbeautified discreet prosaic unambitious homey free-spirited within the law legally acceptable in effect legally binding in force unfantastic unidealistic sublunary earthy unsentimental unromantic cleared ex cathedra unblended holding up holding up in wash standing up terrene terrestrial carnal earthborn earthbound down home distilled filtered clarified signed, sealed, and delivered chronicled straightaway nonspiritual lay purified ex officio archival hard-boiled uninhibited neat secular wholesome relaxed raw unclouded unmingled linear rectilinear especial unselfconscious recorded quiet 100% lowly rustic one hundred per cent pure and simple simplistic historic commemorated historial antique classical important unsuspicious unknowing simpleminded unwary unworldly unsuspecting gullible inexperienced in truth unforced green unstilted unconstrained prudent sane perspicuous deductive maintainable arguable weighty analytical germane determinative discerning analytic pertinent relevant stable consequent consistent efficacious uncorrupted intellectual tested well-reasoned well-advised well reasoned well thought out well advised able to hold water clear-headed


Having or showing high moral standards
virtuous honest upright righteous honorable ethical moral good just decent honourable principled respectable upstanding noble worthy trustworthy admirable reputable pure right laudable straight scrupulous true incorruptible meritorious praiseworthy exemplary nice blameless commendable irreproachable unimpeachable saintly lawful guiltless moralistic lofty elevated clean sinless impeccable immaculate unbribable angelic kosher irreprehensible godly saintlike inculpable legit untarnished right-minded high-minded law-abiding high-principled anti-corruption true-blue right-thinking morally correct all right on the level squeaky clean self-righteous clean-living up front whiter than white squeaky-clean pure as the driven snow without reproach in the clear on the up and up of excellent character conscientious fair stand-up creditable of good repute reliable dependable straightforward sincere proper respected truthful conscionable uncorrupted trusty chivalrous venerable equitable knightly unstained punctilious impartial forthright aboveboard full of integrity on the up-and-up estimable above board above-board above reproach fair-minded innocent faultless correct noble-minded God-fearing pious charitable devoted philanthropical reverent devout matchless philanthropic godlike deserving peerless dutiful holy spiritual of principle circumspect square guileless veracious loyal on up and up unerring honest-to-goodness responsible esteemed celebrated renowned distinguished recognized acclaimed prominent illustrious famous eminent prestigious notable famed reputed honored honoured name popular established trusted excellent redoubted legitimate sound constant favored favoured recognised well-known of good standing in high favor of good report of repute high-ranking well thought of highly regarded with a good reputation salt of the earth tried and trusted well known copper-bottomed well-thought-of well respected unblemished above suspicion clear lily-white unsullied incorrupt without fault beyond reproach beyond criticism untainted spotless flawless stainless crimeless uncorrupt guilt-free undefiled not to blame chaste cleanhanded perfect model not guilty wholesome uncensurable infallible uninvolved decorous modest unblamable virginal irreprovable dignified acquitted as pure as the driven snow demure unfailing inviolate fine unobjectionable impeccant elegant angelical highly respectable free reproachless seemly redoubtable celibate unoffending unspotted solid applaudable vestal G-rated rectitudinous unquestionable unassailable clean-handed sackless professional fleckless favoring obedient balanced incorrupted fitting cultivated tractable well-behaved sanctimonious not responsible humane beyond question beyond suspicion legal having clean hands favouring religious prim lenient sportsmanlike saving dinkum sportsmanly virgin Christian white free from guilt free from blame morally right morally acceptable licit crime-free unguilty sublime ideal proud snowy artless peaceful copybook outstanding true blue consummate exceptional unexceptionable seamless picture-book absolute picture-perfect letter-perfect indefectible absolved calm serene cleared exculpated untroubled tranquil at peace exonerated snow white pristine


Characterised by prayer, devout, reverent
prayerful devout religious supplicant supplicating pious godly pleading beseeching soliciting saintly spiritual entreating righteous imploring sainted suppliant supplicatory reverent devoted saintlike virtuous divine good pure moral believing dedicated devotional angelic blessed pietistic sanctified innocent spotless unworldly consecrated upright hallowed perfect chaste clean faultless glorified godlike humble immaculate just pietistical revered sacrosanct seraphic sublime uncorrupt undefiled untainted venerable venerated god-fearing holy God-fearing churchgoing dutiful orthodox practising committed beatified canonized deified ordained canonised practicing ecclesiastical sacred goody-goody born-again churchly theological clerical priestly reverential celestial deific charismatic worshiping venerating revering worshipping goody two-shoes heavenly supernatural blest numinous sacral unprofane consecrate beatific doctrinal scriptural exalted theistic sacramental canonical obedient deifying conformist bible blameless sinless sectarian ethical law-abiding conforming church uncorrupted stainless irreproachable worthy guiltless upstanding seraph messianic schismatic observant immortal deistic sacerdotal pontifical ministerial adored enshrined inviolable solemn reverenced apostolic biblical worshipped worshiped full of good works set apart among the angels eternal anointed devoted to God dedicated to God cherubic ethereal empyrean beneficent otherworldly entrancing self-sacrificing sweet angelly angelical kind radiant angellike archangelic rapturous caring appealing


Producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind
vivid clear graphic realistic detailed dramatic affecting arresting evocative lifelike picturesque powerful stirring lively lucid moving stimulating authentic haunting memorable rich striking strong telling unforgettable visual impressive scintillating sharp colorful colourful delineated distinct emotive pictorial eloquent expressive fascinating graphical interesting active definite fresh theatrical crystal clear highly coloured true to life true-to-life sharply-etched forceful effective bold bright meaningful suggestive revealing significant poignant imaginative descriptive brilliant pregnant passionate silver-tongued articulate meaning revelatory indicative warm forcible invigorating ardent pointed envigorating refreshing touching well expressed exciting racy explicit illustrative uninhibited fluent persuasive startling cogent shocking punchy lurid well-drawn photographic graceful convincing unequivocal well drawn well defined precise incisive perspicuous full concrete well delineated compelling comprehensible intelligible figurative potent dazzling well-spoken smooth-tongued glib well-expressed magniloquent grandiloquent rhetorical fervid sententious fervent impassioned facund smooth-spoken well spoken voluble outspoken vocal leaving nothing to the imagination breathtaking radiant blinding glaring notable hot noticeable heady electrifying gleaming high pronounced thrilling exhilarating rousing energizing spine-tingling titillating energising biting arousing gripping hair-raising marked emotional artistic intense charged sympathetic energetic indicating feeling allusive inspired visionary demonstrative indicating emotion deeply felt emphatic understanding sensitive pathetic animated full of emotion alive indicating tender thoughtful representing open masterly showy representative ingenious easy-to-read full of feeling spirited mobile communicative responsive signifying


Continous in nature
steady-going continuous consistent ceaseless eternal stable constant habitual persistent regular steadfast incessant nonstop rhythmic stabile equable even unbroken unfaltering unfluctuating uniform uninterrupted unremitting unvarying unwavering never-ending perpetual repeated relentless round-the-clock endless continual steady unceasing unending unchanging unchangeable reliable undying predictable undeviating invariable dependable invariant changeless periodic frequent nonrandom all-year-round periodical always-on sustained ongoing unabating no end of everlasting without surcease prolonged for ever and ever day and night without respite continuing on a treadmill with no let-up interminable unrelieved running unrelenting without end continued consecutive permanent non-stop no end to without a break fixed firm resolute staunch determined unswerving enduring unflagging dogged abiding tenacious unflinching lasting unyielding indefatigable unfailing committed persevering immovable immutable solid unshakeable dedicated set untiring perennial single-minded resolved unshakable inflexible stalwart rigid sure stubborn tireless unshaken true strong unbending purposeful persisting decided timeless uncompromising obdurate pertinacious unhesitating obstinate established undaunted durable fast bold strong-willed vigorous intent stationary long-lasting dateless chronic earnest inexorable spirited static diligent steely assiduous unabated implacable loyal recurring recurrent unalterable zealous perseverant straight imperishable stout settled ageless unqualified immortal secure gritty unchanged balanced monotonous never-failing strong-minded long-standing same successive adamant unvaried hard indomitable insistent smooth repetitive devoted deliberate long-term unflappable intransigent mettlesome level systematic long-lived certain trusty focused absolute confident metrical sedulous courageous emphatic bound remaining intense trustworthy surviving deep-rooted orderly stout-hearted around-the-clock symmetrical focussed inexhaustible forceful unwearied rock-ribbed undivided assertive driven methodical total unwaning hardened prevailing patient dead set on sound purposive bulldog staying on an even keel brave unstoppable grim wholehearted plucky genuine gutsy strenuous unmodifiable stiff oft-repeated unfading unequivocal indurate bent on round the clock decisive ardent homogeneous unquestioning measured set in stone sturdy hearty keen assured perdurable frozen industrious positive flat energetic irreversible lifelong unblinking sempiternal true-blue direct standardized boundless dynamic standardised monolithic unvacillating pigheaded manful numerous arranged cyclic never-changing precise connected aeonian enthusiastic aggressive headstrong definite cadenced full of determination hard-and-fast unmovable flowing progressive valiant well-balanced tried and true tried and tested bullheaded stiff-necked stabilized pat hard-nosed iterated reiterative serious calm bound and determined rhythmical lengthy spunky fearless meaning business in order self-willed fervent dead set four-square out unbendable iron-willed impassive do-or-die fanatical customary usual devout unshrinking hell-bent on bent upon hell-bent upon extended unswervable real counterbalanced undisturbed normal unerring impassioned routine safe cadent indissoluble homogenous standing complete good systematized weariless common passionate traditional metric full stabilised untroubled strict consonant unlimited matching responsible serial tried entire calculable neverending unreserved determinate unappeasable thorough old familiar harmonious undiversified unmoved trustable unwearying unmitigated regularised regularized expected mechanical mulish poised sincere without interruption active unalloyed unadulterated plumb inalterable incommutable exact ruthless without stopping many day-and-night systematised lusty ossified amaranthine importunate ambitious fierce enterprising long-established countless ordered pushy disciplined eager beaver motivated hanging tough hard-working long-running ferocious wilful willful inveterate time-honoured iron brick-wall tried-and-true never-tiring very many a great many cast-iron tough nut in the bag on one's mettle insistent on out-and-out intent on set on determined to committed to the idea of hell bent on fluent fluid frictionless protracted plain gridlocked robust irrevocable unavoidable inevitable inescapable unaltering long maintained closed indefinite living lingering unretiring intractable alike unafraid cool infallible extensive interminate nagging marathon firmly-based 24-hour drawn out drawn-out tough true to type never-ceasing uninfluenced through straightforward in succession without ceasing stretched out composed patriotic unaltered dutiful unemotional emotionless deathless fossilized hidebound honorable honourable bulletproof not changing infinite impervious well grounded compulsive telling indisputable incontestable valid indubitable incontrovertible doubtless free from doubt convincing unquestionable clear persuaded convinced satisfied undeniable for a fact unaffected in a straight line trusted solid as rock tranquil moderate temperate fail-safe surefire can't-miss sticky profound deep unruffled limitless well balanced well-built all day long like the Rock of Gibralter bottomless game diehard non-extreme fair supportive regulated unbothered untouched unmodified 24/7 unsinkable impregnable entrenched staying put solid as a rock lifetime perseverative close in for long haul like bad penny hardheaded perverse opinionated adamantine inconvincible self-opinionated telelogical playing hard ball mean business bent calculated be out for blood nose to the grindstone delivering there come-through dyed-in-the-wool similar conclusive sanguine able hopeful allegiant patterned daily cyclical in place in position fossilised livelong stony-hearted unimpressionable ancient identical equivalent whole lifetime's perfervid fervid indestructible ordinary unsparing throbbing pulsating alternating congruous accordant punctual dug in stand pat sticking to one's guns locked in set in concrete quiescent well-founded shoo-in unalleviated laborious equal reoccurring undoubting standard accustomed for all your life long-held all-time for life counted on rock solid true-hearted agreed intrepid pulsing lilting fated fateful well-proportioned incorrigible compatible nailed down locked on preset true to life age-old concentrated weighted rolling repeating well established time-honored time-hallowed predetermined allotted confirmed specified prearranged indelible succeeding exclusive musical beating wonted natural immoveable defined decreed prescribed unintimidated peremptory inexpugnable explicit planned final express unstinting unambiguous categorical typical oft repeated undistracted collective melodious paced fiery tall in the saddle intent upon no-nonsense of a piece unrestricted unconditional unshared engrossed ingrained general characteristic never give up burning unquenchable bitter stony furious granite forever definitive stipulated still stated successional symmetric inexpungible united absorbed consummate profuse reiterated manifold several longstanding utter Herculean grind hyper unanimous scrupulous attentive concerted unstinted undeterred hard and fast not subject to change writ in stone subsequent chronological heartfelt thoroughgoing unfeigned undiluted warm outright various thick intermittent hungry with a steady pulse circumspect all minute detailed vigilant lock stock and barrel perfectly weighted go-go repetitious practised automatic addicting perfunctory practiced rooted conventional iterative accepted seasoned millions of loads of a good many quite a few lots of heaps of occurring often hundreds of masses of quite a lot of dozens of thousands of in for the long haul till the cows come home eager competitive authentic fullhearted sequent following avid thirsty desirous aspiring cutthroat rigorous feisty proportionately weighted proportionally weighted inspired bloodthirsty pioneering militant stringent organized ensuing succedent plane defiant warlike gladiatorial brutal scrappy whole-hearted perfectly offset structured efficient flush self-asserting full-blooded intensely competitive in-your-face self-seeking goal-oriented fiercely competitive get up and go stop at nothing power-hungry having killer instinct self-assertive cut-throat self-starting dog-eat-dog self-driven hang-tough high-pressure go for broke self-assured can-do power-loving gung ho go-getting high-reaching self-possessed self-confident hard-driving hundred percent whole-souled bona fide neat subsequential sequential without reservations controlled tidy in sequence back-to-back businesslike unwrinkled featureless levelled undamaged regimented homaloidal parallel planar horizontal shipshape planate leveled organised peaceable law-abiding all together well-organized self-controlled well-behaved well-ordered well-arranged well thought-out in good shape as flat as a pancake flat as a pancake more … than one can shake a stick at


Being married to one person at a time


Done with or showing thought and attention
careful painstaking conscientious scrupulous meticulous attentive accurate fastidious particular punctilious thorough assiduous fussy precise deliberate diligent exhaustive heedful industrious judicious methodical orderly provident rigorous sedulous cautious circumspect dedicated exact finicky full intensive laborious strict thoughtful concerned elaborate exacting observant prim regardful religious searching solid thoroughgoing chary correct discreet loving nice perfectionist pernickety persnickety picky selfdisciplined strenuous in-depth going to great lengths by the book by the numbers close minute reliable hard-working unflagging ultra-careful studious persevering rigid dependable tough upright complete punctual detailed unswerving hanging in hanging tough playing safe blow-by-blow zealous walking on eggs circumstantial unfailing pedantic undeviating heart and soul into minding p's and q's itemized particularized unerring nitpicking finical loyal steadfast explicit selective topical intrinsic particularised actual appropriate itemised demanding busy active tireless persistent engaged occupied bustling working proper employed constant mathematical hopping conscionable overnice plugging hair-splitting determined keen unremitting delicate fine pinpoint refined hairline indefatigable right untiring spot-on earnest fussbudget steady stickler unwearied swotty grinding whiz tied-up eager beaver formal ceremonious decorous stiff conventional starchy stilted overscrupulous seemly civil courteous polite overconscientious formalistic stiff-necked right on good eye


Abstaining from extramarital, or from all, sexual intercourse
chaste pure virginal decent innocent modest virgin celibate immaculate moral uncontaminated unsullied virtuous incorrupt intact maidenly undefiled unwed vestal wholesome abstinent decorous maiden nunlike self-denying self-restrained uncorrupted unmarried guiltless proper sinless clean continent demure elegant good G-rated quiet refined simple upright austere restrained unaffected controlled free of sin impotent inexperienced intemerate monogamous neat prudish squeaky clean subdued unblemished pure as the driven snow righteous honourable honorable honest ethical noble blameless seemly upstanding just respectable exemplary single spouseless husbandless principled irreproachable true nice reputable squeaky-clean right moralistic incorruptible impeccable clean-living high-minded right-minded wifeless unattached worthy saintly holy bachelor unwedded pious angelic partnerless free unhitched available eligible widowed scrupulous spinster uncoupled sole separated divorced spotless footloose and fancy free young, free and single monklike monkish nunnish unprofaned monastic conscionable spiritual faultless unobjectionable straight distinguished clean-cut law-abiding on the shelf left on the shelf all right reserved gentle girlish untainted polite flawless dignified nonmarried retiring unimpeachable estimable redoubtable irreprehensible untarnished ascetic in good taste free from sin sober discreet whiter than white morally correct high-principled severe coy stainless delicate unspoiled guileless unspoilt unstained unblighted inculpable white inviolate unspotted lily white wide-eyed lily-white unmarred highly regarded self-righteous respected dapper admirable alright inoffensive goody-goody precious esteemed unerring above reproach anti-corruption wet behind ears babe in woods truthful pure as driven snow chivalrous conscientious meritorious laudable aboveboard praiseworthy correct dutiful gallant magnanimous commendable trustworthy square courteous kosher non-erotic non-violent true-blue stand-up salt of the earth noble-minded solo uninvolved uncommitted lone lonely solitary alone unengaged independent companionless unbetrothed unaccompanied footloose unloved unfettered marriageable unescorted by oneself living alone a bachelor a spinster not married on your tod not tied down without a husband on one's own fancy-free not going out with anyone not spoken for having missed the boat all alone going one's own way without a partner with no ties without a wife footloose and fancy-free by yourself on your own


Having or showing a sensible and practical idea of what can be achieved or expected
matter-of-fact down-to-earth unsentimental plain practical realistic sober dull flat pragmatic deadpan dry mundane prosaic rational sensible unemotional factual lifeless literal no-nonsense straightforward unembellished unimaginative unvarnished businesslike commonsensical hard-headed level-headed earthy hardheaded pragmatical unadorned uncreative emotionless humdrum pedestrian accurate apathetic calm cold cold-blooded exact feasible hard-boiled impassive impersonal naked phlegmatic prosy serious stoic stolid straight-thinking truthful unaffected undistorted unembroidered unidealistic unimpassioned with both feet on the ground reasonable sound sane logical shrewd levelheaded astute commonsense prudent hard grounded unromantic utilitarian balanced common-sense judicious reasoned wise hard-nosed well-founded solid sagacious discerning thoughtful unfantastic analytical analytic informed coherent valid sage good justified just intelligent firm discriminating commonsensible objective lucid tough-minded canny responsible circumspect well-reasoned serious-minded mature robust full of common sense functional together real well-advised well-grounded discreet well-thought-out farsighted sharp cool joined-up forceful viable workable cogent right all there clear-sighted perceptive consequent with one's feet on the ground deductive clear-headed well grounded intellectual well advised well reasoned stable boring colourless literal-minded tedious uninspired uninspiring tough colorless expedient hard-bitten clever enlightened florid uncompromising clear-eyed straight philosophic deliberate politic perspicacious soulless knowing clear-thinking cool-headed vigorous sharp-witted steady-going in one's right mind au courant having all one's marbles well-informed common-sensical dispassionate well considered plain-spoken easy earth-bound plainspoken common hardboiled simple unrefined rough unsophisticated natural have one's feet on the ground direct homely uninhibited unpretentious frank telling substantial convincing powerful easygoing lusty folksy down homey funky lowbred gross basic outdoorsy credible strong sustainable plausible justifiable compelling believable supportable uncorrupted able to hold water maintainable conclusive probable proven holding water weighty persuasive acceptable authoritative defendable perspicuous bona fide germane defensible attested tested irrefutable potent reliable vindicable pertinent legitimate confirmed determinative consistent well thought out trustworthy arguable congruent legit relevant efficacious true kosher effective compos mentis in possession of all your faculties well adjusted controlled unbothered poised unflustered steady normal of sound mind self-controlled collected self-possessed able to reason clearly sound of mind well balanced composed unagitated having all marbles clearheaded mentally sound cool, calm and collected possessed even-tempered unfazed able to think clearly well-balanced right in the head assured home folk down home doable useful practicable possible serviceable working useable applicative constructive usable actionable accomplishable efficient applicable utile handy real-world user friendly helpful user-friendly applied both feet on the ground ultrapractical orderly systematic within the bounds of possibility within the realms of possibility nuts and bolts convenient step-by-step smart insightful sapient acute savvy knowledgeable learned percipient keen calculating profound careful quick-witted moderate dependable heady erudite penetrating reflective educated scholarly argute cagey smooth deep aware considered advisable intuitive bright alert cunning foxy brainy serene worldly-wise imperturbable experienced equable on the ball pawky clear provident cerebral cautious quick brilliant methodical philosophical heads-up contemplative tactical long-headed streetwise foresighted unworried relaxed unflappable ingenious unruffled unmoved well judged confident thinking well-adjusted vigilant healthy observant strategic with great knowledge crafty artful far-seeing sly at ease whip-smart wily slick unperturbed cognitive full of insight astucious advised sophisticated suss cultured temperate coolheaded organized showing great knowledge sedate genius understanding thorough precocious gifted organised laid-back calculated well informed decent measured thought-out desirable subtle right-minded diplomatic satisfying cogitative satisfactory considerate ratiocinative reasoning judgmatical judgmatic tenable understandable slippery sober-minded deliberative meticulous well-judged conservative apt unexcessive unextreme skilful wary articulate cognizant thought through fly secure skillful incisive worldly reserved resourceful cultivated witty calmed cluey responsive undisturbed academic untroubled well organized peaceful unshaken recollected placid level limpid equal sentient media-savvy staid tranquil watchful able in the know well-argued open-eyed bookish on top of self-composed self-assured competent with it fast exceptional supersmart well-read alive clearly stated ultrasmart quick on the uptake ready hyperintelligent deliberated graceful tactful dinkum enterprising proportional symmetrical well-proportioned estimable adult prudential faultless infallible certain genuine substantiated harmonious mentally stable corroborated supported seemly seasonable judicial mild visionary forearmed decisive empirical empiric comprehensible intelligible sensitive equipped contemplated aforethought studied grown-up refined polished well-prepared sensical well whole lettered settled introspective benign sobersided investigated premeditated weighed examined determined downy meaningful in one's best interests down to earth forethoughtful forehanded unconfused studious computed prepense fair ruminative pensive equitable identified sussed sharp-sighted established orthodox accepted hep prepared genial egghead well-expressed well-presented urbane qualified expert unprovincial seasoned ruminating deliberating mentally healthy in good mental health unswerving calculable unexcitable well presented well-structured well expressed right-thinking regulated medium even constant curbed warm modest comfortable muted checked well chosen thought-through thought-about assertive conversant schooled literate scientific nimble-witted impartial chilled meditative street-smart street smart restrained unprejudiced equanimous soothed nonchalant repressed suppressed nonplussed quieted disimpassioned got it together as sharp as a tack having been around clued-up with-it tuned-in admissible making sense unbiased standing to reason tutored widely read well read well educated well-taught self-confident meditating keeping a stiff upper lip not turn a hair keeping one's shirt on at peace have one's act together cool as a cucumber sure of oneself keeping your cool having both feet on the ground evenhanded fair-minded clear-cut inventive open to reason talented self-restrained based on good sense with one's head together in possession of one's faculties with all one's marbles instructed imaginative having a good head on one's shoulders capable highbrow comprehending know how many beans make five having no flies on creative very smart nimble original whiz devious scheming guileful ordered tricky designing methodic cute structured beguiling agile wide awake tentie wide-awake tenty Argus-eyed underhand dodgy systematized coordinated cagy disingenuous probing shark inside gnostic disciplined precise regular awake active good hands with your wits about you on the stick spirited on your toes lively bright-eyed and bushy-tailed all ears clued-in on the lookout on the job on one's toes clued up vital heads up attentive on guard apprehensive quick off the mark hip sophic wised up on the inside up on systematised well ordered well regulated well run well thought-out straightened out

Antonym de a faithful

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