Sinônimo de a lone


Rare or without equal
matchless unequalled inimitable peerless unparalleled unrivaled incomparable rare unique unrivalled one special unequaled unmatched unsurpassed individual singular supreme without equal without parallel one and only one of a kind one-off sui generis unexampled nonpareil unsurpassable transcendent surpassing only beyond compare second to none consummate superlative perfect exquisite outstanding excellent superior unparagoned beyond comparison out of sight unapproached paramount ultimate towering unchallenged pre-eminent unusual aberrant freak single unprecedented unheard of best greatest super champion faultless tops aces all-time solid-gold world class gilt-edge exceptional top extraordinary unexcelled foremost leading preeminent distinguished unbeatable record fantastic phenomenal great finest eminent stellar unbeaten chief prominent par excellence choice star select remarkable ideal notable first-class in a class of its own prodigious top-notch extreme magnificent incredible premier illustrious striking absolute utmost superb premium amazing undefeated first-rate topmost unheard-of top-tier awesome sublime major number one prime predominant principal maximum dominant apex highest uttermost terrific max novel complete primary without peer best ever marvellous capital original exemplary without match new hors concours marvelous signal renowned important first number-one fresh best possible fine famous newfangled wonderful celebrated in a league of its own significant tremendous unmatchable stupendous invaluable unassailable splendid most awe-inspiring noteworthy model unequalable fabulous impressive total priceless victorious triumphant utter quintessential better categorical sheer winning arch- greater profound downright pure unqualified main outright optimum uncommon abnormal optimal flawless extraordinaire unvanquished irreplaceable freakish unknown anomalous unmitigated stark unbroken whole finished choicest boss nth one-in-a-million untypical strange groundbreaking atypical unaccustomed unfamiliar revolutionary unconquered head in a class of one's own outré momentous pioneering ace A-1 outre odd preternatural outlandish idiosyncratic eccentric miraculous bizarre exotic successful crack industry leading unrepeatable first-time top-ranking primo ground-breaking out-and-out a cut above the rest topflight all-out high-class top drawer flat-out out of the ordinary top-drawer out-of-the-way top-class elite marquee supereminent untouchable perpetual everlasting enduring key central admirable prevailing final culminating dainty elegant delicate exclusive grand last valuable cardinal uppermost astonishing distinctive maxi essential classic prototypical typical wondrous without an equal stand alone memorable marked irreproachable biggest the most all-time best precious particular out of this world exacting standout beyond description beyond words rich recherche refreshing senior larger higher bigger lead elder very fine mind-boggling mind-blowing prizewinning sovereign especial vanquishing conquering number 1 far-out unimaginable archetypal in a class by itself sensational good breathtaking dazzling invincible unbowed cracking mean invulnerable noted dominating exceeding ascendant unrepeated something else wicked cup-winning top-seeded award-winning unconquerable sterling eximious unsubdued indomitable of the highest quality out-of-sight top of the line top of the range utopian top-of-the-range crown vintage Grade A record-breaking big-time first class prize-winning blue-ribbon estimable superfine sans pareil transcendental impregnable tip-top unusually good unconventional purpose-built once-in-a-lifetime one-of-a-kind separate without precedent unordinary insurmountable world-class excelling of the first water of the first order insuperable extremely good very good in a league of their own one in a million unstoppable imperial moving infinite unlimited accomplished entire intellectual intuitive uplifting primordial inspiring obscure hypothetical inspirational transcending unconfined intact boundless innate abstract eternal theoretical bulletproof beyond one's grasp the best not beatable cherished of inestimable worth inestimably precious indispensable of incalculable value of immeasurable worth of incalculable worth of immeasurable value beyond price worth its weight in gold without price prized of inestimable value treasured categoric thoroughgoing thorough unadulterated unconditional definite fair plumb unalloyed arrant rank solid bodacious dead deadly dreadful flat conspicuous clean blooming errant blank positive perfected chronic impeccable cotton-picking straight-out deep-dyed most excellent most important


One and only
sole solitary lone single unique only individual one singular special particular exclusive solo onliest remaining unshared ace one-off one and only only possible sui generis only one unaccompanied lonely by oneself lonesome companionless isolated single-handed independent on one's own all alone distinct separate odd friendless forsaken by itself specific stag unattended unrepeatable unassisted unaided definite discrete unescorted deserted without companions me myself and I me and my shadow on its own certain respective deliberate original hermit especial one shot limited-edition never-to-be-repeated once-in-a-lifetime nonce forlorn detached specified fixed purposeful clear-cut once in a lifetime precise peculiar express single-handedly abandoned on my own uncommon by yourself one of a kind unchaperoned unmarried singlehanded unhelped without help in solitary in a solitary state spare surplus unpaired extra leftover unused unmatched unitary uneven separated left alone orra unsociable reclusive cloistered withdrawn antisocial retiring unsocial introverted hermitic hermitical distant reserved eremetic misanthropic offish out-of-the-way lorn retired standoffish self-sufficient uncompanionable aloof self-contained private disparate personal distinctive distinguished undivided standalone final autonomous particularised last selfstanding particularized select diacritic only remaining sole remaining unusual atypical full restricted abnormal random exceptional only surviving only one left different untypical freak anomalous exclusory restrictive segregated whole entire complete discriminative total individualized absolute dedicated exclusionary unrelated stray diverse dissimilar characteristic pure personalized unrepeated distinguishable unmixed uncompounded signature distinguishing simple unalloyed unblended unalike unlike nonidentical unconnected disconnected unassociated contrasting patented idiomatic subjective privy divergent unattached offbeat disunited other personalised individualised singled-out one only poles apart


Deserted or not regularly visited or used
secluded isolated cloistered sequestered hidden remote sheltered retired quiet private solitary unfrequented secret covert concealed reclusive withdrawn lonely segregated deserted removed undisturbed uninhabited seclusive blockaded quarantined personal insular screened reserved unsociable abandoned beleaguered close closet isolate secluse shy hermetic aloof confidential incommunicado lonesome singular unapproachable out-of-the-way tucked away cut off off the beaten track off the grid shut off distant faraway far-off outlying out of the way inaccessible far-flung cut-off unreachable far godforsaken obscure off the map in the middle of nowhere off the beaten path in the back of beyond unget-at-able backwoods hard to find off-lying in the sticks away deep jerkwater lone undiscovered in the booay beyond god-knows-where in a backwater in the tall timbers in the backblocks in the backwoods Barcoo in the backveld beyond the black stump in the platteland in the hinterlands foreign unknown apart middle of nowhere alien retreated detached desolate external impassable far-out boondocks hard-to-reach disconnected unsettled off beaten track out of reach back frontier wild separated outlandish separate inconspicuous far off far removed difficult to get to beyond reach ulterior in the depths of … shrouded hidden away set apart recluse departed in the distance in the boonies abroad outer taken out afar unexplored exotic peripheral outermost provincial nonnative far-removed well away strange outside


Pitifully sad and abandoned or lonely
forlorn miserable unhappy disconsolate wretched dejected despondent sad depressed pathetic pitiful sorrowful woebegone blue crestfallen down downcast downhearted heartbroken abject doleful gloomy glum melancholy morose mournful woeful broken-hearted cheerless despairing dispirited heavy-hearted helpless joyless lost pitiable regretful abandoned forgotten forsaken homeless lonely lonesome tearful bad bereft brokenhearted destitute droopy friendless hangdog heart-rending heartsick heartsore heavyhearted inconsolable long-faced low low-spirited melancholic piteous saddened sorry uncared-for comfortless lachrymose cast down cynical defenceless defenseless destroyed dragging fruitless oppressed pessimistic solitary tragic down in the mouth fed up out of sorts weighed down down and out in the dumps down in the dumps dismal desolate disheartened discouraged dolorous sombre somber grief-stricken distressed lugubrious hopeless sullen disappointed anguished bleak dreary rueful demoralized upset solemn funereal grieving in low spirits moody demoralised depressing troubled lamentable grim dark depressive dire distressing morbid chap-fallen grievous in pain hurting heartrending chapfallen harrowing choked dragged plaintive cheesed off in the doldrums elegiac black crushed saturnine heartbreaking spiritless deplorable unfortunate brassed off drear wistful afflicted in the pits poor bummed out mirthless devastated teary gray grey sepulchral defeatist sick as a parrot desperate tenebrous godforsaken weepy painful hurt hapless calamitous weeping elegiacal down-hearted dull in despair pained shot down grieved in a blue funk pensive dismayed awful dreich dour tristful tenebrific emotional agonized weary distressful Cimmerian cut up terrible moving cast-down cold unlucky ill-fated sulky agonised drab distraught ill-starred gut-wrenching resigned affecting as sick as a parrot bereaved singing the blues downbeat luckless subdued sorrowing plutonian plangent sunless negative doomed dreadful bitter appalling gutted ruthful aggrieved dolent all torn up bleeding crummy discouraging sick at heart in tears disheartening displeased nostalgic poignant taken down touching jinxed suicidal chill murky darkening disillusioned cursed cloudy discontented disastrous wailing dolesome funeral bewailing bemoaning deploring disturbing aching shattered mopish broody saddening upsetting stirring grumpy crabbed in grief in doldrums ruinous daunted surly ripped moping dysphoric snakebitten devastating uncomfortable mopey heavy star-crossed snakebit to be pitied sober horrendous sunk humourless humorless with a long face ugly on a downer unpleasant hard luck broken sunk in gloom bowed down let down torn up out of luck listless destructive tormented mourning perturbed bothered defeated disgruntled shamefaced sapped worthless catastrophic enervated unsuccessful disturbed abashed flat sorry for yourself atrocious cataclysmic reflective sheepish suffering unconsolable sour disenchanted lamenting bummed-out disquieting ruined down-in-the-mouth Eeyorish ticked off teed off browned off peed off agonizing squalid damp horrible unsatisfied stricken commiserable adust horrific sordid uninviting regrettable fatal shameful gruesome tear-jerking deadly execrable inferior lousy disagreeable shocking low-down foul agonising at the end of your tether long-suffering in the toilet in sorrow in mourning indigent scurvy scungy impoverished displeasing detestable unpropitious rotten down in dumps blue funk full of sorrow adverse colorless low in spirits lacklustre dim deep dispiriting languorous triste shadowy unexciting blah uninteresting uninspiring colourless boring monotonous dingy lackluster macabre sad sack languid lifeless humdrum worried shaken concerned apathetic prostrated undermined torn-up discontent discombobulated uptight bugged sore shook antsy burned contused dirgeful fraught afflicting without energy heart-sick lovesick overcome tragical dolorific afflictive churlish threnodic dirge-like angry annoyed cross taciturn shook up bearish ill-humoured huffy deflated tortured bummed powerless downtrodden traumatic frantic anxious troubling ill-humored wounded strained outcast stark down-and-out cringing browbeaten guilty cowed doubtful depressant intolerable brooding disconcerting disadvantaged racked ailing unmitigable emo ghastly griefstricken commiserative lorn guilty-looking furtive unnerving discomforting companionless sick prostrate with grief no-win strabilious down in mouth lowered bowed unable to be comforted unable to be consoled uneasy beside oneself with grief degrading very sad at wits' end tender melting mortifying off sluggish let-down not happy feel-bad have the blahs dissatisfied horrid ashamed intimidated embarrassed sneaking crying taken aback hideous can't win disconcerted in a funk frightful not a prayer in the soup frustrated discomfited cowering humiliated conscience-stricken languished having the blahs crabby having blue devils abominable without hope abhorrent sobbing chagrined miffed heart-breaking meagre meager at end of one's rope up the creek grisly whimpering snivelling aghast irked beaten monstrous nightmarish close to tears feeling down full of gloom looking as if one had lost a pound and found a penny galling worsted vanquished baulked objecting balked infelicitous heinous blubbering maudlin hexed voodooed loser inauspicious vexatious yearning jonah larmoyant longing despicable contemptible direful lethal mortal crushing dashed cataclysmal atrabilious clouded dampened drooping sagging sniveling on the verge of tears unpromising disgraceful vile trashy shoddy filthy deathly fateful behind the eightball down on luck poor fish unprosperous derisory grave in floods of tears easily moved with tears in your eyes dreamy poverty-stricken desirous wishful awkward burdened serious contemplative musing dreaming meditative thoughtful daydreaming weighty severe earnest forbidding sobering sedate urgent worrying strenuous dangerous unamusing acute critical far-reaching beseeching entreating imploring ill-omened homesick in a bad way in a reverie disappointing damning excruciating alarming harmful hurtful unfavourable troublesome unsettling difficult horrifying unfavorable tormenting unwelcome nasty stressful haunting frightening detrimental emotive catastrophal harsh devastative annihilatory sentimental egregious discomposing impressive shattering heart-wrenching cruel irksome agitating loathsome torturous impactful perturbing untoward soul-stirring nerve-racking abysmal crippling worrisome hard tough dejecting oppressive objectionable troublous daunting heart-warming brutal undesirable fearful ominous hairy sinister concerning offensive diabolical odious repugnant sickening distasteful unpalatable annoying uncongenial unpleasing injurious mawkish soppy inexcusable demoralizing demoralising ignominious nagging inopportune powerful confronting mean reprehensible uplifting hostile earth-shattering unacceptable impassioned pernicious god-awful heartwarming wicked unkind disgusting nail-biting nerve-wracking trying dramatic revolting unspeakable ridiculous unbearable savage chilling vexing dismaying unsavory emotionally moving murderous intense icky yukky yucky lurid parlous unlovely repellent irritating godawful unsatisfactory unsavoury repellant very bad expressive beastly off-putting desolating untimely unadvantageous disadvantageous ravaging deleterious ill-advised derisible inimical abortive annihilative climactic climacteric blameworthy wrong ill-boding dirty damaging blighting messy violent convulsionary exacting taxing unforgiving warming repulsive passionate terribly bad too bad terrifying stinking nauseating obnoxious unendurable gross scary evocative uncool grotty grody unappealing hellacious nauseous mediocre fearsome a pity predictive prophetic revealing oracular apocalyptic mephitical hellish irritable bewildering testing perplexing revulsive austere frustrating foreboding aggravating intimidating extremely bad formidable stunning compassionate mind-blowing sympathetic responsive inept telling perilous threatening menacing extreme precarious affective rubbish absurd ludicrous third-rate sucky inadequate shabby foolish-looking silly laughable second-rate redoubtable petrifying dread eerie creepy spooky scaring arousing affect life-threatening bloodcurdling unforgivable spine-chilling hair-raising blood-curdling spine-tingling scandalous senseless outrageous inglorious preposterous rousing fierce ruthless unpardonable unconscionable foolish indefensible sinful onerous unrelenting burdensome relentless stiff rough hardhanded merciless inhuman rugged searing ferocious spirited melodramatic saccharine sugary cloying syrupy over-sentimental remorseless great iniquitous insupportable ignoble immoral discreditable disreputable intemperate provoking rigorous inclement mushy exciting cornball gooey schmaltzy cutesy thrilling drippy sappy anthemic inspiriting unjustifiable dishonourable dishonorable base hokey hard-hearted insufferable cruddy criminal opprobrious tragicomic emotion-charged lovey-dovey three-hanky God-awful beyond contempt terminal final killing incurable malignant killer baneful untreatable fell pestilent baleful mortiferous noxious vital pestilential poisonous virulent malefic causing death death dealing


Empty or devoid of inhabitants
abandoned empty vacant deserted isolated uninhabited unused barren derelict desolate disused unoccupied vacated void bare idle neglected unpeopled forsaken forgotten unfrequented evacuated untenanted rejected depopulated lonely godforsaken unpopulated solitary tenantless unsettled free unvisited clear secluded unemployed vacuous blank stark clean devoid discarded wild desert waste toom remote lonesome discontinued depleted destitute moribund obsolete defunct superannuated exhausted unfurnished dead deflated despoiled forlorn fallen into disuse lifeless not occupied wanting lacking no longer in use unfriended bereft left lorn uncouth cast off left stranded available unfilled unengaged left in the lurch disengaged to let untaken for sale unlived in not in use on the market without contents up for grabs drained uncultivated emptied bankrupt dormant infertile impoverished sterile virgin used up unproductive spent unmanaged finished unfertile poor hardscrabble boney bony sapped arid denuded gone fallow without sans without life without living things stripped spartan cleared stagnant unfarmed rugged rough inhospitable trackless untouched uncivilized deprived weakened uncivilised reduced diminished enervated in need uncultivatable untilled undeveloped unplanted unploughed unplowed sucked dry deficient in unfruitful devastated dismal unequipped unfitted rid unseeded unsown resting worn out played out dreary untended relieved unmaintained expired freed from free from unaffected by no longer affected by consumed dissipated squandered expended kaput dry duff out flat dud run out all gone at an end


In an independent and unassisted manner
unaided independently only exclusively single-handedly unassisted autonomously just solo uniquely single-handed singly solely unaccompanied entirely individually unsupervised without help purely simply all alone nothing but without assistance and no one else and nothing else no one but under your own steam on your own to the exclusion of everyone else to the exclusion of everything else in solitary by oneself separately merely apart severally personally by yourself one by one wholly one at a time on one's own totally but plainly completely respectively distinctively particularly one after the other utterly in a solitary state by your own efforts no more than on one's own hook independent unattended unescorted seriatim unchaperoned companionless discretely restrictedly for nothing other than distinctly definitely clearly disjointly individualistically for no other reason left in the lurch specifically without companions by itself without exception directly privately absolutely singularly solitarily fully not together one and only for oneself at most altogether barely quite all exactly essentially at best without support sequentially by one's own bootstraps all by one's self of your own volition by one's lonesome on one's jack off your own bat on one's Jack Jones as one's own boss on your tod on one's own initiative on one's lonesome all in all in toto in person for your part consecutively successively serially sommer nobbut each in succession piece by piece gradually little by little step by step stage by stage


In a private way, manner, or capacity
privately confidentially secretly discreetly backstage intimately in confidence between ourselves clandestinely covertly in camera in private entre nous in secret between us behind closed doors with no one else present surreptitiously furtively stealthily sub rosa off the record privily quietly on the quiet behind the scenes on the sly unofficially personally slyly hushedly between you and me conspiratorially under cover under the counter under the rose on the side in strict confidence hush-hush by stealth on the QT in holes and corners unobserved undercover without anyone knowing hiddenly sneakily underground obscurely secretively in petto underhandedly don't breathe a word in secrecy veiledly esoterically under the table between you and me and the gatepost between you, me, and the bedpost between you and me and the bedpost under wraps between you, me, and the gatepost between you and me and the wall on the q.t. confidingly circumspectly for no other ears out of sight in hiding cautiously carefully between themselves between yourselves innermostly closely sub-rosa off the cuff à huis clos inwardly individually unspokenly guardedly well innerly reservedly in on the ground floor insidely very well unknownly restrictedly inconspicuously darkly underhandly between you and me and the doorpost just quietly insidiously behind someone's back slily blackly wilily cunningly indirectly shiftily craftily cloakedly artfully deviously shadily schemingly trickily secludedly fraudulently isolatedly slipperily enigmatically foxily unscrupulously guilefully remotely duplicitously calculatingly evasively dishonestly cryptically deceitfully designingly mysteriously connivingly underlyingly dishonourably silently subtly deeply unethically crookedly dirtily dodgily illegally unfairly shonkily felinely slimly ulteriorly dishonorably dubiously cleverly disreputably unrecognizably treacherously unlawfully cheatingly two-facedly deceptively unapparently illicitly meanly invisibly illegitimately snidely slickly cutely beguilingly cagily shrewdly cattily noiselessly murkily cloudedly elusively intriguingly mystically obliquely nefariously huggermugger secondarily reclusively anonymously contemptibly slinkily reticently quickly uncommunicatively taciturnly unforthcomingly without someone's knowledge distantly detachedly creepily unauthorizedly unauthorisedly namelessly introvertedly falsely assumedly with stealth unprincipledly immorally shadowily facelessly disingenuously astutely introvertly unsportingly manipulatively untrustworthily fakely sideways subversively artificially shorthandedly occultly ambiguously strangely unintelligibly unnoticeably impliedly skillfully delusively smoothly sharply cannily illusorily captiously niftily traitorously skilfully ingeniously smartly fishily feignedly counterfeitly insincerely reconditely errantly gimmickily phonily unsuspectedly indistinctly vaguely unclearly roundaboutly against regulations against the law cowardlily yellowly


Used to intensify the subject


Nothing but

Antonym de a lone

Music ♫

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