Sinônimo de co equal


Someone or something that is the same as another in status or quality
compeer coordinate counterpart equal equivalent fellow like match parallel peer rival associate colleague contemporary twin complement double analogue correspondent likeness duplicate mate analog copy brother opposite number spitting image obverse alter ego carbon copy dead ringer coeval confrère mirror co-equal homologue corollary homolog essence alternative answer opposite reciprocal substitute ditto replica supplement lookalike correlate correlative same difference ringer spit sister facsimile clone doppelganger duplication pair image one and the same two peas in pod approximation look-alike mirror image spit and image dead spit picture carbon fetch exact likeness imitation reproduction living image simulacrum reflection model Doppelganger chip off the old block replication simulation impersonator counterfeit stand-in perfect likeness very spit representation similarity companion dummy mock dupe reduplication portrait echo shadow fake close likeness Doppelgänger sham evil twin semblance mirroring eidetic image living picture exact duplicate very image paralleling mock-up mirror-image partner reiteration cognate illustration referent second self counterfoil pendant relative congenator similitude dead ringer for look alike tally appearance form two of a kind peas in a pod cogener simulacre photocopy chip off old block carved figure exact counterpart image of picture of forgery congener recreation echoing copying virtual reality resemblance counterfeiting mimicry aping personification embodiment epitome transcription mime sendup paraphrasing mimesis matching ersatz apery takeoff representing patterning Xerox skit substitution phoney phony repetition recurrence archetype exemplification copycat repro knockoff pirate spare second replacement quintessence incarnation symbol manifestation paragon exemplar icon instantiation ideal ikon paradigm avatar characterization actualization soul textbook example objectification re-creation portrayal living example mold perfect example mould


Having identical attributes, characteristics, amounts, or qualities
identical equal same indistinguishable duplicate even equivalent like corresponding alike tantamount similar comparable parallel interchangeable matching correspondent twin synonymous commensurate identic uniform proportionate ditto the same analogous related matched look-alike homologous undifferentiated homogeneous same difference cut from the same cloth double correlative selfsame akin congruent close cognate near consonant very same of a piece like two peas in a pod much of a muchness on par much the same of a kind compatible likewise equalized resembling very clone equalised coordinate congruous carbon-copy exact Xerox amounting carbon consistent connate resemblant conforming kindred carbon copy twinlike complementary reminiscent analogical undifferenced suchlike such substitutable homogenous unvaried undiverse conformable like peas in a pod to the same degree like Tweedledum and Tweedledee counterpart dupe aforesaid similarly aforementioned approximate in the same manner very similar almost identical same as substitute copy synonymous with commensurate with reciprocal convertible agnate symmetrical like as two peas in a pod two of a kind difficult to tell apart as like as two peas in a pod unvarying of a piece with much the same as according regular invariable paired replica coupled even-steven proportional on a plane on a par break even on level pegging stack up with self-same even-stevens exactly the same harmonious coterminous in agreement impossible to tell apart Tweedledum and Tweedledee spitting image dead ringer a dead ringer the dead spit evenly matched tallying agreeing concordant all of a piece commensurable relative associated allied correlated affiliated coextensive connected dependent contingent comparative exchangeable in proportion incident connatural one and the same mated mutual linked equitable reciprocative obverse joint coincident interconnected no different partnered standardised standardized tied changeable companion associate on the order of kin harmonized approaching fellow harmonised balanced conterminous coordinating toning coinciding partner directly proportional blending complementing harmonizing the same as as good as autologous homologized interrelated answering selflike harmonising approximative identified concurrent facsimile transposable commutable relatable jibing treadmill connected with allied with cognated synonymic workalike converse swappable interconvertible verging on bordering on as good a match apposite equaling equalling appropriate fitting coordinated generic consanguine general universal reciprocatory exchanged give-and-take of the same kind in the same category of that ilk congeneric congenerous allying relating fit adequate sufficient due not a million miles away from shared common symphonious not unlike congenial invariant approximating fungible sister co- supplemental alternate supplementary evened equated closely related interdependent commutual relational drawn two-way communal joined in accord closely linked closely connected united qualified level combined bound married with nothing to choose between them nip and tuck on a level side by side close together level pegging neck and neck all square in a position of equality amalgamated leagued confederate unified integrated syndicated cooperating aligned wed friendly in league in cahoots by comparison modified hand in glove allusive metaphorical not absolute conditional reasonable vying contrastive restricted fair rivalling provisional not positive rivaling in comparison with reservation more or less the same

Antonym de co equal

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