Sinônimo de extra advantage


An extra, and sometimes unexpected, advantage
bonus benefit advantage asset boon blessing perk godsend gain plus perquisite attraction pro extra beauty additional benefit fringe benefit added extra stroke of luck added attraction icing on the cake unexpected extra help value privilege aid merit profit upside good windfall plus point virtue good thing good point service gift advantageousness benison reward favor favour convenience gratuity treasure benediction bonanza felicity manna resource amenity break strength utility strong point prize helpfulness piece of good fortune good fortune luxury expediency expedience use usefulness luck worth positive impact feather in cap manna from heaven saving grace reason edge bounty kindness premium miracle dividend indulgence mileage lure draw pull availment lucky thing lucky break good luck piece of luck beneficial effect useful effect positive effect beneficial impact positive influence cream gravy selling point excellent feature excellence importance inspiration egg in one's beer added advantage attractive feature acquisition deal venture buy acquirement addition steal start bargain purchase profitability assistance investment possession procuration accretion holding avail leeway leg-up leverage preference advisability eminence desirability return influence gratification support pre-eminence improvement foredeal jackpot good deal good buy boom ace in the hole ace up your sleeve wealth honour honor present largess run of luck winning streak treasure trove cash cow pennies from heaven crock of gold pot of gold gold mine fortune fluke fortuity kismet accident fortunateness serendipity prosperity weal chance happenstance luckiness lucky strike welfare interest relief well-being strike fortuitousness sake stroke of good luck piece of good luck happy chance streak of luck good break success lifesaver coincidence opportunity happiness fate stroke providence satisfaction karma mercy chance occurrence solution Lady Luck betterment refuge lucky chance big break stroke of good fortune protection facility delicacy lucky occasion destiny favorable circumstance vantage occasion Midas touch one in a million coup triumph win appeal achievement feat masterstroke accidentalness accidentality lucky find attainment accomplishment strengthening nutritional health nutritious happy accident stumbling upon dumb luck happy coincidence recommendation result discovery guide favorable aspect favourable aspect good feature behalf health-giving freak commonwealth nourishing quirk ascendancy gift from on high loaves and fishes greater good appealing aspect thing in its favour winner hand facilitation accessory power decider fortunate contingency incident odds crutch fitness prosperousness wellness robustness wholeness soundness healthiness wholesomeness successfulness joyfulness goodness pleasure melioration grace solace anodyne enjoyment delight consolation comfort ease joy growth secret weapon mastery upper hand trump trump card whip hand dominance leg up resort pointer recourse assist abetment encouragement backup pick-me-up odd chance lucky stroke luck of the Irish luck of the draw mere luck a twist of fate quirk of fate unfair advantage God smiling down on one

Antonym de extra advantage

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