Sinônimo de highly conscious


Conscious or aware of something, such as facts or feelings
aware alive sentient apprehensive mindful sensible witting awake to cognizant acquainted apperceptive apprised attentive awake conversant discerning percipient understanding assured informed noticing noting observing perceiving recognising recognizing vigilant ware watchful certain keen remarking sure wide-awake au courant alert to alive to aware of sensitive to mindful of responsive to wise to cognizant of hip to percipient of recognizant of on to regardful of with it able to recognize clued-up on in the know about seized of sensible of ware of in on hep to alert knowing knowledgeable perceptive savvy versed abreast observant familiar animate sensitive in the know quick living tuned in live breathing plugged in wary judicious versant intelligent acquainted with no stranger to wise sharp up thoughtful grounded heedful au fait careful up on genned up on cautious cagey kept posted at home with privy canny self-aware experienced sapient organic penetrating acute responsive astute shrewd perspicacious insightful penetrative intuitive knowledgeable about well-informed introduced familiar with sharp-witted profound deep up-to-date incisive well informed about brainy well versed in well up on au fait with au courant with clued in on on the beam clued up on well up in versed in apprised of ear to the ground knows what's what down with enlightened appraised cluey clued recognizant sophisticated receptive circumspect sentient to on guard leery concerned skilled across competent seasoned functioning at ease with used to discriminating piercing clever quick-witted subtle delicate fine ready clear rational gnostic discreet insighted sophic moving privy to sussed in the loop partaking of informed of switched-on to party to advised of sharing in sussed of mortal viable comprehending hep hip switched-on clued-up flesh and blood alive and kicking respectful at home existent abreast of up to date regardful practised in skilled in proficient in up to speed on informed about plugged into experienced in up to date on perfect in existing extant biological up with chary conscientious solicitous observative sensible to up to date with conversant with in the picture sensate feeling lively having life sagacious among the living conscious of flesh-and-blood visionary imaginative prudent sage in the land of the living chary of wary of careful of watchful of heedful of appreciative cute argute prescient smart on the ball on the job on one's toes be up on with eyes peeled know ins and outs know all the answers capable of feeling whip-smart razor-sharp farsighted


Done or performed with a conscious purpose or intent
deliberate knowing intentional calculated intended purposeful studied wilful premeditated purposive voluntary willed willful considered witting planned preconceived rational reasoning reflective responsible set strategic aforethought determined prepense volitional on purpose pre-planned self-conscious done on purpose designed prearranged advised measured unforced thought out in advance thought-out willing thoughtful wanton reasoned purposed predetermined weighed designful contrived contemplated autonomous free-willed mannered deliberately planned artificial meant studious prepared uncompelled express aimed schemed gratuitous unbidden cold-blooded thought out with forethought meditated preconcerted predestined proposed cognizant contracted anticipated mindful wary meditative aware accidentally on purpose rigged fixed cut-and-dried predesigned predeterminate sewn-up tactical laid-out set-up framed up politic organized organised judicious unprompted free diplomatic shrewd scheduled projected prudent optional freewill discretionary cunning computed outlined prospective estimated open volunteered unsolicited well-planned well thought out ungrudging volunteer elective discretional uncoerced unenforced unconstrained non-compulsory non-mandatory readily given permissive spontaneous independent unprescribed self-imposed controlled freely wished unasked not required chosen elected opted self-induced gladly given willingly given self-inflicted of your own free will careful with intent at your discretion up to the individual open to choice investigated examined feigned strained forced labored affected laboured guarded overworked reviewed plotted overdone well-considered thought-through thought-about gone into well-thought-out thought through destined programmed expected envisioned slated promised due targeted pinned required arranged set up hoped-for asked for counted on wished-for in the making on the docket according to a plan informed circumspect cogent lucid methodical scrupulous justified commonsense sensible intelligent contemplative pondered provident well advised well-founded well chosen well thought-out sober planful cogitative contemplating meditating thinking excogitative probing carefully chosen deliberative selected with care directed steered marked settled agreed preset pre-agreed pre-decided preplanned pre-established inevitable established in advance forethought decided beforehand bound doomed cut and dried encoded inexorable foredestined arranged in advance precogitated


Very knowledgeable or skillful
hot knowledgeable expert skilled acquainted brainy bright brilliant clever competent educated experienced familiar intelligent proficient savvy sharp smart great slick stellar dynamite keen au courant au fait well informed well versed clued up genned up top-notch top-shelf conversant aware versed understanding knowing abreast seasoned cognizant informed prescient sussed omniscient apprised across alert practised privy down at home no stranger to tuned-in appreciative up on switched-on with a knowledge of in the know plugged in sophisticated well-informed clued-up in the loop know one's stuff posted on the ball with-it leet well versed up-to-date up to date switched on well-rounded with an understanding of practiced skilful masterly adept skillful talented capable accomplished masterful gifted ace crack able adroit virtuoso dexterous deft polished dextrous good consummate elite master mean top-hole trained efficient apt wizard hotshot handy crackerjack peerless first-rate top-drawer qualified effectual exceptional genius phenomenal extraordinary artful up to speed ingenious outstanding fine remarkable nifty schooled class tasty unrivaled marvellous veteran A1 marvelous unrivalled world-class shining at first-class class act learned perceptive quick forward mature precocious agile strong balanced effortless serviceable decent got it advanced for one's age out of the ordinary have smarts old beyond one's years ahead of one's peers have the goods with it up to snuff kosher up to it well-versed happy pitch-perfect fit sure-handed all-round refined workmanlike all-around demon fitted taught first class a hand at superb tutored best effective multiskilled practical multitalented splendid excellent formidable impressive fab smashing complete magic habile deadly compleat brill whiz smooth clean there a dab hand at nimble-fingered very good on the beam very able no dummy no slouch tip-top sharp as a tack specialist facile magnificent artistic professional endowed wicked cut out for having a knack for extraordinarily skilled highly trained very skilled highly skilled exceptionally skilled immensely skilled big league highly qualified out of this world


Having or displaying an appreciation of the feelings of others
sensitive perceptive sympathetic thoughtful feeling understanding receptive tactful comforting commiserating commiserative compassionate condoling considerate consoling empathetic empathic supportive sympathising sympathizing tender tenderhearted tender-hearted warm attentive aware careful intuitive caring cognizant concerned diplomatic discerning kind patient impressionable reactive responsive sensitised sensitized emotionable impressible insightful kindly knowing perceiving unselfish finely tuned supersensitive touchy feely tuned in turned on to benevolent humane gentle softhearted kindhearted warmhearted soft charitable affectionate beneficent pitying benignant warm-hearted loving good-hearted kind-hearted merciful soft-hearted generous helpful good-natured altruistic big-hearted gracious solicitous indulgent all heart mild tolerant lenient goodhearted doting encouraging benign large-hearted sweet giving selfless sentimental humanitarian maternal forgiving philanthropic forbearing great-hearted magnanimous genial soothing human reassuring bighearted bleeding-heart motherly fatherly fatherlike friendly open-hearted clement moved emotional obliging approachable consolatory uplifting inspiring nurturing inspiriting sorry philanthropical piteous protective fond appreciative boosting gratifying stimulating touchy-feely cheering cheerful fulfilling comprehending decent having heart in right place neighborly neighbourly mushy ruthful nice amiable amicable bleeding heart open-minded well-disposed accommodating full of pity condolatory socially conscious accepting fiery high-strung sensible demonstrative fragile passionate in harmony with affirmative good paternal enthusiastic hospitable civilized approving positive gladdening heartening calming heartwarming accessible righteous liberal conciliatory pleasing sparing broad-minded civilised alert attuned to old softie touched welcome observing well disposed do-good well meaning loving and giving well-intentioned interested stirred agreeable pleasant lovable personable impressed congenial affable lovely cordial likeable mellow melted stimulated affected influenced easygoing prepossessing winsome delightful unpresumptuous charming unassuming engaging simpatico reasonable sweet-natured companionable barley-sugar as nice as pie likable sociable winning appealing taking mild-mannered enchanting good-tempered captivating good-humoured sweet-tempered good-humored even-tempered harmless deeply moved devoted maternalistic courteous civil gallant polite chivalrous comradely paternalistic brotherly mindful welcoming chummy respectful regardful mannerly mother well-bred parental well mannered well-mannered woke socially concerned socially aware soft-boiled soft-centred patriarchal munificent culturally sensitive public-spirited sisterly greathearted loyal fraternal avuncular angelic benefic familial vigilant conscientious pally guiding dutiful personal intimate reverential responsible well intentioned heedful observant hearty thoughty cooperative social relieving assuaging heartfelt cheery sincere earnest happy wholehearted genuine easing rewarding satisfying inviting eager watchful deferential sheltering palsy convivial matey amorous deep bonhomous buddy-buddy heart-warming supporting protecting caretaking palsy-walsy urbane ladylike gentlemanly mitigating analeptic revitalizing curing warming bolstering softening revitalising invigorating lightening succouring revivifying health-giving sustaining allaying succoring upholding solacing abating envigorating remedying alleviating restoring freeing refreshing cultivated genteel decorous well behaved complaisant well-behaved discreet debonair well bred well brought up amenable obsequious well spoken poised bland politic punctilious well brought-up well-spoken condescending polished good-mannered smooth


(of behaviour, art, or a literary style) Marked by idiosyncratic or exaggerated mannerisms
mannered affected artificial posed put-on pretentious pseudo stilted contrived actorly arty-farty elaborate forced insincere precious stiff theatrical unnatural airish apish artsy camp campy chichi false genteel highfaluting self-conscious simpering stagy gone Hollywood stuck up strained feigned fake laboured pretended simulated phoney labored mechanical phony assumed hollow pretend mock spurious unconvincing plastic put on sham bogus awkward wooden overdone factitious overworked studied fakey exaggerated faked uneasy constrained grudging overripe pseud counterfeit superficial ham hammy binding conscripted rigid inflexible begrudging stringent coercive forcible bound determined manufactured rehearsed improvised overblown imitation uncomfortable posey playacting melodramatic affectated counterfeited fraud conceited imitated hypocritical backhanded unctuous mealy mealymouthed jive double lip Pecksniffian unspontaneous reserved embarrassed guarded reticent distant two-faced double-faced phoney-baloney double-dealing phony-baloney left-handed Janus-faced cool controlled cold aloof nonnatural meretricious stand-offish ersatz fraudulent deceptive forged fictitious faux cod synthetic misleading make-believe quasi- not genuine ostensible so-called snide not kosher professed purported fabricated pirate wrong specious substitute dummy lying virtual seeming apparent avowed framed Hollywood plant brummagem fishy queer bent copied delusory crock delusive deceitful hokey alleged supposed imitative mimic quasi supposititious won't fly soft shell unauthentic bluffing shammed falsified impostrous charlatan cheating concealed dissimulated imposturous untrue inauthentic self-styled suppositious would-be not real not legit pseudonymous made-up man-made surface pseudo- planned manipulated fixed recherche voulu staged invented concocted chemical cast far-fetched adopted overly planned wannabe as it were nominal ostensive semi- glib deceiving to all intents and purposes near reported dishonest duplicitous treacherous faithless untruthful dissembling perfidious shifty imaginary underhand devious disloyal slippery mendacious sly disingenuous unfaithful dissimulating slick cynical evasive masked in name only quack covered ambidextrous not candid lacking sincerity with tongue in cheek not frank replica reproduction facsimile made makeshift constructed

Antonym de highly conscious

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