Sinônimo de more scared shitless


Comparative for suffering from fear
fearfuller scarier jitterier jumpier mousier number shakier shiverier sissier uptighter yellower funkier windier tenser timider cowardlier nervier edgier antsier twitchier fidgetier unquieter queazier queasier toeier spookier hinkier squirrellier angstier shier flightier tauter sadder unhappier brittler intenser hotter under the collar hotter creepier friskier angrier stiffer weaker lower more frightened more afraid more scared more terrified more shocked more cowed more frozen more affrighted more dismayed more panicky more petrified more startled more abashed more flustered more aghast more horrified more horror-struck more hysteric more hysterical more spooked more anxious more chicken more chicken-hearted more lily-livered more rabbity more upset more worried more horror-stricken more nervous more panic-stricken more stunned more frantic more intimidated more frit more appalled more apprehensive more perturbed more overwrought more dazed more dumbfounded more awed more agitated more frenzied more awestruck more shell-shocked more timorous more concerned more uneasy more bullied more bothered more browbeaten more disturbed more unsettled more fretful more pusillanimous more troubled more worked up more faint-hearted more benumbed more transfixed more distressed more stressed more dithery more aflutter more insecure more wired more restless more het up more ill at ease more stressy more overstrung more discomposed more disconcerted more keyed up more strung out more distraught more strained more excited more annoyed more trepidatious more amazed more febrile more hesitant more uncomfortable more fearsome more unglued more hyper more skittish more vexed more astonished more irked more confused more excitable more plagued more anguished more muddled more hot and bothered more irritated more distracted more high-strung more tremulous more phobic more hurt more flabbergasted more careful more fevered more irrational more emotional more put off more astounded more oppressed more uncertain more surprised more unrelaxed more impressed more angstful more dumfounded more discombobulated more solicitous more thunderstruck more bugged more openmouthed more wonderstruck more disappointed more gutted more choked more discountenanced more open-mouthed more sensitive more angered more perplexed more blue more lost for words more stressed out more put out more cut up more threatened more squeamish more ascared more skittery more hectic more spasmodic more discouraged more disillusioned more desperate more flushed more fluttery more panicked more hunted more unconfident more diffident more fainthearted more downcast more dispirited more hyperexcited more overexcited more overactive more wrought-up more heated more fraught more afire more frazzled more agog more watchful more overanxious more overemotional more preoccupied more obsessed more bashful more spineless more unrestful more histrionic more afflicted more suspicious more foreboding more doubtful more mistrustful more displeased more miffed more mortified more puzzled more aggravated more pained more beleaguered more verklempt more angst-ridden more staggered more bewildered more nonplussed more bummed out more incredulous more confounded more broken more stumped more flummoxed more gobsmacked more bemused more agape more haunted more addled more reverential more goggle-eyed more wide-eyed more taken aback more irritable

Antonym de more scared shitless

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